chaoticbore · 5 years
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chaoticbore · 5 years
I am no longer working on single blogs but will be on this multi muse blog!
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Where to find Nessie!!! Each corner of the page!
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@allurebore​ - Aphrodite - Greek Mythology
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@sacredbore​ - Blue - Jurassic World
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@chaoticbore​ - Harley Quinn - DC Comics
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@valorbore​ - Janet Fraiser - Stargate SG1
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@hopesbore​ - Kara Danvers - Supergirl / DC Comics
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@keeperbore​ - Kassandra of Sparta - Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
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@raritybore​ - Sara Demetriou - Tribrid Demigoddess - Fandomless OC
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chaoticbore · 5 years
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Harley chuckled as she twisted around in her Supergirl suit. “Wha, does it make ma ass look big?” She questioned, as she twisted around, her cape flying around behind her. But she made a few changed. Instead of the Supergirl symbol of Hope, there was a diamond hole in the center showing off her cleavage. And her cape was black and red instead of red. And she had fishnet stockings instead of the black sheer leggings KAra would wear.
“I d’ought it was perdy! Maybe I can fly!”
@chaoticbore wanted a short mobile starter.
"In the words of my mother all throughout my childhood..."
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"I'm not drunk enough for this."
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chaoticbore · 5 years
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Harley had been sitting out in the rain, hair soaking wet, make-up smearing her face as she still stared at the pregnancy test. Nothing quite seemed real, and she felt sick. Her fingers hovered over the buttons, wondering what to text Ivy again. She said I love you. She said come home. But did she really deserve that? “Imma evil, I shoultn’t have a home,” She whispered to herself. She was also thinking of getting into a car accident, or maybe poison herself. Using her bat she pushed herself to her feet and walked to Ivy’s house, even though it was a few hours of a walk.
After that time, she finally stood in front of the house. Make-up ran down her cheeks, black stains on her face and a bloody busted lip. She had thought to tell Joker, but then she decided against it, which Joker took it out on her for wasting his time. The bat still dragged against the ground, as she opened up the door to Ivy’s home. She stepped inside, a trail of water as she stood in the center of the hallway near the door and the bat dropped. And Harley collapsed onto the ground, staring into nothingness. Not even sure if Ivy was home.
Her fingers reached up, unclasping the collar on her neck and letting it drop out of her hand, the collar with the word PUDDIN on it dropping to the ground. She felt like nothing, and the child a curse.
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@chaoticbore​ asked: [ 📱 — sms ] i’m pregnant…… - Ivy
She stared at her phone for the longest time.  Two words.  That’s all it was.  But it felt like the world had suddenly stopped.  This was why Harley was feeling so off lately?  Ivy was going to kill him.  She knew who it was.  That night he had found Harley and taken her.  He had forced himself on her.  She should have been there faster.  She should have…
Shaking her head, she texted her back.
[Text: Baby Girl]: I’m here for you, Harley [Text: Baby Girl]: Whatever you want to do. [Text: Baby Girl]: I love you, and I am here.  Come home.
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Harley enjoyed the lazy cuddly day as it turned into night. But Harley always wanted to treat her queen. The one woman who stays by her side at all times. Its something Harley never took for granted even if she played off like she did. Ivy could desert her at any time, and yer she didn’t. Harley looked up at Ivy because asking permission felt....crucial sometimes. What if she didn’t want it? what if Harley did something and it was too joker-like? What if... Paranoia flooded her thoughts briefly and then looked toward Ivy.
A smile crossed her lips as she leaned up, kissing Ivy’s lips. “I should know dis by now,” She chuckled, as she wiggled down between Ivy’s legs, and slipped under the blanket. She then wrapped her arms around Ivy’s legs, pushing them apart as her finger ran down her core, the smell of lilac and rose fresh on her nose. She pushed her pointer against her clit, rubbing it in circles.
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@chaoticbore​ asked: “shall i eat you out?” - Ivy
100  WAYS  TO  SAY  ‘ I  LOVE  YOU ’  SENTENCE  STARTERS {Accepting}
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They were laying on the couch, cuddling in the silence.  It was just a sweet, lazy day.  The two of them, enjoying the quiet.  An unusual day, where there was nothing keeping them apart.  Days like this she cherished.  When the two of them could just be together, and enjoy each other.  When there was nothing interrupting them.  No one pulling them apart.  No worries of Joker or his men, coming to hurt Harley.  
Her fingers ran through Harley’s hair, as her clown queen rested her head on her stomach.  Harley’s question broke the silence, and she looked down at her, seeing her smile.  There is a small tilt to her head as she smiles at her.  “Baby, you know that you never have to ask for permission to surprise me, right?”  She took in a breath, brushing her fingers over her cheek.  “My answer to that, is always yes.  You are always welcome to eat me out.”
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chaoticbore · 5 years
AU where Harley doesn’t give up Lucy, but instead keeps her and Lucy is raised by both Harley and Ivy. Her two moms!!!
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chaoticbore · 5 years
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So, figured I jump here and tell you. I’m not dead. I haven’t left. I’m not on hiatus. The holidays take up a lot of my time. I’m both a single mother and three kids. They LOOOVE Christmas, and they are enjoying this time before going back to school.
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chaoticbore · 5 years
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And when it comes to the heart, everyone for themselves, right?
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Our muses arguing.  
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Harleen found it amusing, that Kilgrave thought he could convince her to come in there like other psychiatrists and guards. No, she was trained and taught to know that no one she helped was incapable of harm. She worked with the worse of the worse, because she wanted to know how their brain works, and see if she could even help them. She read his file and everything he had done. 
“Sir, this is as close as I’m getting to you right now. I saw the reports, I saw what you have done. We can argue all day long, but you’re not getting anyone else. They are all terrified of you. You thrive on that kind of power,”
@purplesuitedmisery​​​━━ Meme answered ***━━━━ ⌈  harleen & kilgrave  ⌋
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chaoticbore · 5 years
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Margot Robbie is a literal God
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Steampunk AU
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Harley sat down on the chair, her feet propped up on the table. black stockings shaped her legs with knee-high boots, as she flipped through the coins. She was keeping an eye on her girls, no one messed with them and if they didn’t want to do something, then they didn’t have to. Things were a bit different at her brothel, the girls had choices, they weren’t required to do anything they weren’t comfortable with.
And they had the best brothel in this entire city of Gothamhollow. And she was the queen when it came down to it. Her section was hers alone, and she wouldn’t let anyone take it from her. Looking up toward the door, her eyes brightened up, pigtails bouncing around with little ribbons tied around them. “KITTY!” She squealed, as she jumped up, pulling out a chair and waving her hand toward the barkeeper. “Ya know her favorite!” Harley said and patted it.
“Come on in, its cleaner den dat dusty redlight street outside,” She grinned, the black and red corset was tight around her body, and then in the process of hugging the woman who came in. “Whatcha doin’ ‘ere?”
@pulitzerpanther​​​━━ Meme answered ***━━━━ ⌈  harley & cat ⌋
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chaoticbore · 5 years
✏️ - Do you prefer writing canon characters or original characters? Why?
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I like my canon characters, but I will always be more partial to my original characters. I have over 25 of them that were once on my multi-muse. But there seems to be that stigma about original characters, and then on top of that about multi-muses and yeah…
Short story, I put that blog on hiatus cause it wasn’t getting any attention.
I love my original characters cause I put a lot of time and effort into them. I create their design, their personalities, and complex designs. I write histories and give them an appearance and more. They are crafted from my own mind and I want to write them as bad as anyone else does with their own canon/OC characters.
The fact is, canon characters are also original characters. They were created in someone’s head and their personality and histories are thrown together. So they are ultimately just original characters as well. There’s no such thing as canon characters. But yeah, I will always be more partial to original characters.
@awinetintedmuse━━ Meme Ask - ***━━━━ ⌈  for mun  ⌋
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chaoticbore · 5 years
💕 - Are there any specific ships that you want to write with this muse?
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I love any and all ships; OCs and Canon alike. It doesn’t really matter to me, as long as there is chemistry between them while accepting certain things about Harley. She has a lot of disorders and certain personality traits such as being very opening sexual in her talks; like innuendos and being quite frank and blunt. And there’s also the fact that she is clingy because of her attachment disorder. If they can handle that, along with her voices and more, then a ship can work!
But I won’t change Harley to fit someone else’s want, they have to accept Harley as she is.
@awinetintedmuse━━ Meme Ask - ***━━━━ ⌈  for mun  ⌋
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chaoticbore · 5 years
🍂 - What verse are you dying to write with your muse?
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Hmmm, I don’t think there really is. I love all of Harley’s verses, but I’m always keen on her primary main one, which is where she is more of an anti-hero, away from the Joker and able to create her own life and journey. She’s not good, she’s not bad, she’s just chaotic and taking justice into her hands the way she sees fit, even if it might not be the right way XD
@awinetintedmuse━━ Meme Ask - ***━━━━ ⌈  for mun  ⌋
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Send one of the emoji below! Some questions may require specifying a muse if the mun runs a multimuse blog.
✏️ - Do you prefer writing canon characters or original characters? Why? 📚 - If your muse appears in multiple sources (book, show, movie, etc.), which version of them do you like better and/or prefer to write? ⏳ - Is there anything in your muse’s canon history that you wish to change? 💫 - If your muse were a Pokémon trainer, which six Pokémon would be on their team? 🗝️ - If your muse was suddenly transported into an RPG, would they be a warrior, rogue, mage, or some kind of cross-class? You can name a specific class from a series. 🍒 - What color do you think best describes your muse’s personality and why? 🍂 - What verse are you dying to write with your muse? 💕 - Are there any specific ships that you want to write with this muse? ⛺ - Do you like to write AUs and crossovers or do you prefer to strictly stick to your muse’s canon source material? 📸 - Do you make Pinterest boards for your muse(s) and/or ships? 💿 - Do you make playlists for your muse(s) and/or ships? 🎀 - Which thread has been your favorite to write so far? 🌟 - If your muse was a demon and needed five items to be summoned, what items would they be? 🔮 - If your muse was a witch, which animal would be their familiar? 🔪 - Marry, fuck, kill! Who would your muse choose between these three muses/characters? [NOTE: you muse provide three names when sending this question!] 🌈 - If your muse were a deity, what would they be the deity of? 🍞 - Your muse is suddenly in a food fight to the death. What food do they pick? 🎮 - Who does your muse pick in Mario Kart? Super Smash Bros.? Tekken? Mortal Kombat? [NOTE: feel free to send in other games where a player must choose a character!] 💭 - Which muse of yours do you wish to write more with? 🔗 - Do you think you would be friends with your muse in real life? ⭕ - SEND ANY QUESTION FOR THE MUN NOT LISTED ABOVE!
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chaoticbore · 5 years
Who doesn’t love soul-crushing angst? Send me a 💔 and I’ll generate a number, 1-75, and post a starter based on what scenario I get. 
Please note that some of these scenarios may be triggering.
Keep reading
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