chaotichotmess · 6 years
Here is a day in the life of Bree-
On Thursday- I asked my awesome husband if I could borrow his car- so I can go down to MCRD for work (since my van was low on gas- that is an entirely different story).  Being the awesome hubby that he is- he says “Sure”.
He leaves with a smooch and heads off to work at about 530am on Friday morning.
Around 6am my mom texts me and asks me to buy something for her online using her card- I agree and trudge downstairs to get to work on my mom's request. (Don’t ask why I’m doing her shopping- another story for another day)
I find the item- head to the cart- and begin to search for my wallet.
After searching high and low.... I remember...
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It is in my glovebox- in the van- that my husband has taken to work.
Queue sirens and utter panic!  OMG- I need my wallet- I need my military ID to get on MCRD for work.  I need my Starbucks.... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!
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Call husband frantically- no answer.
Text frantically- no answer.
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Wake daughter- beg for mercy- PLEASE take me.
Buy daughter Starbucks for the win.
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Sit in traffic trying to get in the gate- pray for my life while my teen drives me. Get the final prize- the WALLET- oh and my AirPods that I also forgot in my car....
The point of this honestly pointless blog post??
I was later told by my husband that he spent 10 minutes before leaving the house- looking for the spare set of keys.
We have a key rack... but I don’t use it.  When I come home- I’m like a raging tornado.  I leave a trail of destruction and mess in my path. Much like PigPen from Charlie Brown- but not dirty- just a trail of disaster.
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