chaotictheythembard · 11 months
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an old unfinished kaz study i never posted
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
Nina, realizing that Jesper is in love with Wylan: oh, thank Saints, I am really happy that you are recovering from your disease
Jesper, terrified: disease? What disease?
Nina: yes, a common bisexual disease widely known as "terrible taste in men" I thought it reached a terminal stage when I learned that you had a crush on Kaz
Jesper: I really don't think it is a real disease...
Nina: I will tell Matthias that his prayers are finally working! He was praying for your health every day!
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
"the fjerdan, is fjerdan" killed me
Every friend group has...
the saint
everyone else would die for her or kill for her, either way what bliss
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the secret weapon
that one friend that seems totally confident but still doesn't really value themselves enough
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the scary one
totally unapproachable, secretly has a big heart, but seriously do not mess with them and theirs
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the pretty best friend
good for moral support and looking hotter than you
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the brains
is casually a genius, doesn't make a big deal about it
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the wife guy
he really does just love his wife, god damn it
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the strongest person alive
has been through an insane amount of shit and still somehow manages to be a lovely human
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the king and queen
there's just no one doing it like them
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the fjerdan
is fjerdan
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
the shadow and bone netflix series is like what if everyone was older and the crows were in it more and i’m like yes thank you exactly
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
I've never watched a single episode of spn but I've been thinking about the implications of being stuck inside a meme
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
wylan is the definition of the duality of man. he is adorable and cute and seemingly so innocent with his curls and his big eyes and his flute and everything, but he’s actually this badass motherfucker who makes bombs and threatens to push people in canals and im not surprised jesper is head over heels for him bc i would be too.
we stan wylan van eck in this household. reblog if you also stan our king our savior our musical madman wylan van fucking eck
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chaotictheythembard · 11 months
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone of any nationality and ethnicity.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone with a disability or disorder.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing trauma.
Reblog if your page is a safe space.
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I have a sleepover with my best friend/crush and he saw on my status that I got eyeliner but I’m shit at applying it so he said “oh yeah and bring ur eyeliner to the sleepover I’ll teach you how to put it on” and I am sobbing no one has ever said anything like that to me before I love him so much
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despite staff's recent changes, we're... winning??????
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Nina: so, how would you describe your type? “Little bit crazy but deadly”? “Traumatised in their childhood”?
Jesper: once again, Nina, I don’t have a type. All the people I am attracted to are very different.
Kaz, in the background: …and we will destroy them, brick by brick….
Wylan, talking to Kaz: or we can blow them up, it will be more efficient
Jesper: ok, just forget that I just said
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Kuwei: YOU SON OF A BITCH! Wylan, bomb in hand: HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT! Kuwei: I WAS REFERRING TO YOUR FATHER! Wylan, slowly putting the bomb in one of his many pockets: AH, CONTINUE!
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kaz says “ja” in the second chapter of six of crows #neverforget
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Update: I’m still fucking crying I wanna die
I had two exams today and I cried in the middle of the hallway. My friends hugged me and stuff but my Italian teacher called me pathetic and told me that it wasn’t her fault, and it sounded like it implied that it was my fault for being stupid. I fucking hate her so much
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I had two exams today and I cried in the middle of the hallway. My friends hugged me and stuff but my Italian teacher called me pathetic and told me that it wasn’t her fault, and it sounded like it implied that it was my fault for being stupid. I fucking hate her so much
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Some little details you might have missed in Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom
(Part 2)
The group do shots before entering the Ice Court - at the unpleasant ‘paradise inn’ they order “little glasses of clear brumvin that burned on the way down but helped to warm them” (or something to that effect, sorry i don’t have my book to hand right now so that’s just the quote to my best recollection) - and I find this absolutely hilarious (to be fair, based on the time frame the alcohol is probably mostly out of their system but the time they begin the heist, but still)
The Ice Court having been built around a spring rather than the sacred ash, which is how Kaz, Kuwei, Matthias, and Nina unexpectedly escape the Court, is foreshadowed when the crew are first on the boat to Fjerda and Wylan says to Jesper that he’s really intrigued as to where the water for the ice moat comes from because the Court is on top of a hill but there’s no aqueduct. At the time, Jesper says he simply couldn’t care less, but I like to think Wylan was pretty pleased to learn the answer when the others explained how they’d got out
Kaz swallowed a mad variety of things before going into the Ice Court, including an emergency set of lock-picks and the salt concentrate Wylan used to fell a tree to stop the prison wagon, and to stop from digesting then he had to force himself to throw them up every couple of hours. Honestly, if that’s not commitment then I don’t know what is. But also ew.
When Kaz and Wylan leave the Van Eck mansion after having left a hole in the ceiling, Rotty laughs and quotes Kaz’s earlier words “In and out without him ever knowing”. Kaz replies “Well, I was half right”. This is a great moment for me, and it never fails to amuse me because I love the banter amongst the dregs, but I also think it’s a fun nod to the Ice Court Heist having the exact same issue: in without anyone knowing, out with an unexpected amount of showbiz
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