chaotictvguru · 4 years
CHAPTER TITLES 3 (extra long edition to celebrate 10k)
I Don’t Like This
I’m Trying But They’re Hot
The Circle Of Idiots
Thanks, I Hate It
My Icy Heart! It’s Melting!
It May Be Stupid But At Least Nobody Can Call Me A Wuss
That Was A Lot Easier Than Expected
How Was My Innocent Mind Supposed To Know That
Funny Story (Ben Drowned)
I’ll Go Down In History As The Worlds Biggest Idiot
The Fellowship of the Thing
At Least There’s A Dog
I Came, I Saw, I Left
A Paycheck’s A Paycheck
And Then I Didn’t
It’s Unnecessary But It Establishes Power
Boy, That Sure Was Weird
Interesting Concept But Poor Execution
You Should’ve Seen Their Face
I Defied Death For This
There’s Something Hilarious About Being Both A Perfectionist and A Procrastinator
Pasta La Vista
Its me. I am the April Fool.
Pure Unbridled Rage
Third Base Is Calming My Panic Attack
I Need Validation But Also Nobody To Know Me
Terrifying. I Love It.
Killed For Sport
Ironically Alive
[Character Name] and the Fortress of Trust Issues
Previously On: Chaotic Stupid
Scully, You’re Not Gonna Believe This
Capri Sun Captain
Cool, Im Outta Here
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool
All I Do Is Wear Cool Outfits, Tell Jokes and Hide My Depression
Is That A Coping Mechanism?
Who Invited The Flock Of Seagulls
Power Move: No Skill Needed, Just Be Amused By Confusion
Is This A Cutscene
Welcome To The Trash House
Item: Doubt
Confrontation Scares Me
I Live For Destruction
Chapter 1: Yes, I’m Rewriting Everything
I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood
*The Pink Panther Theme Song*
I Regret Everything
The Dark Side Of Ambition
Patting My Own Shoulder
I’m Going To Make This Weird
Ability Acquired: Existential Crisis
Level Up
This Is The Sad Part
Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Begrudgingly Saving The World
Why What How
This Is Everything I Never Wanted
Why Did I Do That
This Is Too Intense
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chaotictvguru · 4 years
Dialogue Prompts
“Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.”
“In the least creepy way possible, I know where you live.”
“A onesie is not an appropriate gift for my mothers birthday!”
“Why would you even suggest that?”
“Emotions are a luxury I don’t have time for.”
“Can I borrow your pencil, and your homework.”
“I just want to start over.”
“I’m sorry, can we just pretend I never said that.”
“You hurt her, I stab you, okay?”
“I would kill for a slice of cake right now…literally”
“Well this got incredibly awkward incredibly quickly.”
“Woah, hold the fuck up, you did what now?”
“I love you, I always have.”
“Take a deep breath and please calm the fuck down.”
“I miss you, but then i remember what an asshole you are and the feeling fades.”
“Tell me everything.”
“What happened to you?”
“Hey honey…did you seriously adopt another kitten?”
“How many times do I have to tell you, we are not getting a bouncy castle for my dad’s 60th.”
“I know it’s hard, but get over it.”
“I am not dramatic, it was a very big spider.”
“How to kill the mood 101.”
“You left me with no one, sorry doesn’t change that.
“This is a joke right?”
“Clearly I did not drink enough for this.”
“I’m not quite sure how it happened, but it did.”
“You only want to go because there’s free food.”
“This song is so us.”
“It’s too early for this, just go back to sleep.”
“If I tell you I love you will you make me pancakes?”
“If you sing that song one more time I will kill you.”
“Honestly, I don’t want to know.”
“Hold up, she said what?”
“You are so sweet, and I am so sorry.”
“You don’t deserve this.”
“Poke me once more and see what happens.”
“Ghosts aren’t real for God’s sake.”
“I need to punch something, preferably their face.”
“You are so extra.”
“Why did you think that was okay?”
“When did you become my mother?”
“New drinking game, drink overtime you’re a dickhead. Oh wait I already have alcohol poisoning.”
“I trusted you.”
“Don’t talk to me, I need my coffee first.”
“Remember that time I thought you were stalking me?”
“I hate that I still love you.”
“Of course it’s not your fault, it never is.”
“I am this close to calling my ex.”
“Maybe this really was a bad idea.”
“Jesus Christ I forgot how much I hate exercise.”
“Baby, please tell me you can explain why there is a hole through the window.”
“Wow I can’t believe he said you were ugly, hun he is clearly blind.”
“Sorry I’m late.”
“I don’t know why I bother.”
“I’d rather do a lot of things than eat my vegetables but you gotta do it.”
“That was so romantic.”
“Out of all the things you could have said, and you went with that.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“I don’t want you, I need you.”
“Stop laughing this isn’t funny!”
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
Not to be controversial but...
You know what's shocking right now? Not the story, no. What's shocking is me finding out that people have been using crossword puzzle and word search interchangeably.
Like... No? Am I the one that was raised wrong lol?
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
Holy shit this is random but I just realised that if Robbe is 16/17 right now... That means he's a 2002-2003 kid wtf. And if Sander is 18/19... He would be a 2001 kid :( wow that's so young 😭💕💕
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
I've seen so many posts of people saying theyve wanted to watch Anne with an E but never really got around to do it. This is your chance: PLEASE DO IT.
Anne with an E season 3 will be released on Netflix on January 3. Until then you can binge-watch seasons 1 and 2. It is such a heart-warming, positive show that sheds so much light on so many issues that have been constantly ignored whenever a show is placed on the 19th century: feminism, racism, sexual diversity, freedom of expression... To name a few.
It heals your soul and i promise you it will make you feel better about the world. Especially if you feel sad or lonely atm, this show is for you.
Plus it's beautifully shot. Perfect cinematography, complex characters, lots of female representation, LGBT friendly, and wonderful poc characters.
If you were waiting for a chance, this is it. Please help us save a show that means so much to us, while understanding why it does.
Help us renew Anne with an E. Please watch it on Netflix.
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
I found this on Twitter.
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
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i’m gonna cry 🥺 my baby we love u so much
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
me @cbc
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
Another way to @ Netflix is through their website
Copy and paste this url:
The page should look like this:
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In the 3 boxes, you can request for renewal for Anne with an E season 4.
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This method was also used last time to help renew Awae for season 3 last year.
Please help! You dont need a netflix account to submit suggestions and it's done anonymously. Anne with an E is a beautiful, wonderful educational show and it deserves to have the 5 seasons that Moira envisioned. Let Netflix know they are making a big mistake by cancelling Anne with an E. Whether through twitter, instagram or their website. Every voice counts!
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
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- Benjamin Alire Sáenz
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
It's not about Anne With An E just being cancelled. It's about the fact that every Anne of Green Gables installation is about Anne and Gilbert and their story and for once, it was about more than that, it was about the consequences of racism and physical/sexual assault, indigenous history and residential schools, slavery and bullying and knowing your past and exploring it, it was about understanding your own beauty and living it and it was about friendships and it was wholly, completely about a girl way a head of her time. But they still managed to make the finale about Anne and Gilbert and now there are storylines, important storylines, in this show that'll never be addressed, that are just hanging there waiting to be completed and I just can't seem to understand why they cancelled a show that still had so much to talk about.
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
imagine cancelling a show with a strong, loving fandom that tackles important issues including racism, sexism, sexuality, identity and much, much more
anne with an e is one of the best shows on netflix. someone explain to me how riverdale is getting a season 5 and awae is being cancelled before season 3 was even released onto netflix?????
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
An Open Letter to the Anne with an E Fandom: DO NOT GIVE UP YET
For those yet to hear, AWAE got canceled this morning. However, Hope is not yet lost. We can save it. We did it with B99, we did it with ODAAT, we can do it with AWAE.
May 2018: Fox cancelled its hit show Brooklyn Nine-Nine after its fifth season. 31 hours later, NBC picked it up.
February 2018: Netflix cancelled its hit show One Day At A Time after its third season. Four months later, it was saved by PopTV.
November 2019: Netflix cancels Anne With an E. Now we have to save it.
First, let’s take a look at Why This Happened.
Netflix has a habit of cancelling some of its bestsellers after their second or third season. It boils down to a couple things: new subscribers and the revenue they bring. Statistically, the first season of a new show will bring in more new subscribers than the third or fourth installment of another show. Plus, after 2-3 years, actors and crew tend to try and negotiate a pay raise. It doesn’t matter how popular the show is, if they think they can make more money by starting a new series, the old one dies. Of course they have their cash cows, like Stranger Things or Thirteen Reasons Why, and will continue those shows as long as they can squeeze money out of it. But that’s not important right now.
Here’s what we do. B99 was saved in 31 hours, but they were owned by Fox. Netflix is a little different. Doesn’t matter that they cut the show and don’t care anymore, it’s going to be tough to get them to release the rights. But as long as we keep fighting, we can do this. It took four months to save ODAAT, so don’t stop fighting if it takes just as long or longer.
ODAAT gained support for telling an important story (what it’s like living in America as a Latino family, the story of a single mother struggling with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and another story of struggling with addiction) and was saved via those storylines. Namely: the unfinished business regarding Schneider’s addiction.
We have an important and unfinished storyline too: Ka’kwet and that school. Netflix is going to get a lot of bad press for cancelling without at least wrapping up her story. Use that.
I’m American. I haven’t seen the third season yet. But I did see you all cling to hope via a pen, a shell, and a gossipy little girl. I felt you cry over a little Mi'kmaq girl and he pain and injustice she and her family faced. I watched your edits, your theories, your fire, your passion.
So get out there, get the tags trending, get loud, and get angry. See you on the other side of the war.
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
awae, cancelled:
me @ CBC: please sir this is my emotional, coming-of-age comfort show
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
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We are at risk of losing this wonderful show forever. Please reblog this so people can sign this petition:
Also make sure you tag everything with #renewannewithane or #renewawae
If you have Twitter, we are currently trending 1st worldwide and we have over 350K tweets so come and join the fight!
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chaotictvguru · 5 years
anne with an e is a period drama with characters of color and LGBT+ characters. it tackles storylines involving abuse, class, sexual assault, racism, homophobia, and more with a very compassionate view. the most recent season had a storyline about indigenous people and the brutality of residential schools. do not let awae be cancelled.
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