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Today is the 4th of July they fought for our freedom and independence ITS ABOUT TIME THAT WE START FIGHTING FOR THEIRS
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John 3:16
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God Bless You from Chaplain Paul 2A7193 John 14:27  
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A CROSS to BEAR By Chaplain Paul 2A7193 
John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life…Amen 
One faithful day our Father in heaven reached down to earth to plant the seed of a very special tree, And with the passing of time, sunshine and rain the little tree began to grow in the midst of so much sorrow and pain.
Then the tree and the Son began to grow as one, the Son with wisdom and strength, so too the tree with strength and majesty, you see the Father planted this special tree on His only  begotten Son's very first birthday.
The tree provided shade and rest for the Son, it's branches became home for nesting birds and shelter for the animal's young. Father and Son spent many hours sitting under their tree, for they knew it's true purpose in healing all humanity. 
And then in the Son's 33rd year our Father in heaven looked down and shed a tear. For with a lightning bolt and a violent storm, the mighty tree fell back to the earth from which it was born. Now this was not something bad from the sky up above, you see this was done because of our Father's infinite love. 
Then men came and proclaimed what they had found, they brought back some of Pilate's soldiers and cut the tree down. The soldiers of iron cut the tree and hauled it away, they made it into crosses to be saved for yet another day. On Crucifixion Day the tree and the Son now hung as one, the true purpose of their existence on earth had now only just begun...
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FREE on my website as a PDF file at the bottom of the 15 Books Page, and FREE to Amazon Prime members as an e-book and FREE 5 day e-book promotion starting on the 14 of April. God Bless You from Chaplain Paul 2A7193  John 14:27  www.miraclesofkingman.com  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZJNLGFT
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FREE on my website as a PDF file at the bottom of the 15 Books Page, and FREE to Amazon Prime members as an e-book and FREE 5 day e-book promotion starting on the 14 of April. God Bless You from Chaplain Paul 2A7193  John 14:27  www.miraclesofkingman.com  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZJNLGFT
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FREE on my website as a PDF file and FREE to Amazon Prime members as an e-book and FREE 5 day e-book promotion starting on the 14 of April. 
God Bless You from Chaplain Paul 2A7193  John 14:27  
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There are a variety of FREE books on my website as PDF files and many of my books FREE as e-books to Amazon Prime members. 
God Bless You from Chaplain Paul 193 John 14:27 
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When people choose to curse the Lord and defend the actions an evil man something is truly wrong. When people fail to recognize the good that true followers of Christ are doing around the world in reaching out in helping those who are hurting and suffering something is truly wrong. When people place more faith in corrupt politicians than they do in our living God then something is very wrong. When people reject the teachings of Christ Yeshua in favor of the teachings of want, selfishness and greed something is truly wrong.       
When people choose unforgiveness and hate instead of forgiveness and love something is truly wrong. When the love of money means more than the love of Christ then we are enslaved. When sin and darkness are more appealing than righteousness and the light of Christ then we are truly lost.When personal happiness is more important than salvation then we are doomed. When our own safety and comfort comes before helping those in need then we have truly messed the point.
Love holds the answer to every question and the solution to every problem... John 3:16 is the key to life
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By 193
There once lived a man who could not see very well, this man walked by sight and not by faith. Each day people would approach this man with the different things that they wanted to share with him but if the man couldn't see these things very clearly he would simply say,
 "I'm sorry I just don't see it." 
Then a very kind Pastor came up with a really good idea, he made glasses for the man so he could see the world in a whole new light. The man was very grateful and reached out his hand to receive the gift of glasses.  
"O you don't understand." Said the Pastor. "You see friend the glasses I am offering you are spiritual in nature, they are not something you wear on your head, these very special glasses are something we place on our heart. "The man was perplexed as he looked at the Pastor and said, 
"Placed on my heart, how am I going to be able to see through my heart?"   
"Ah, the spiritual glasses that I am offering to you will open the eyes of your heart and you will be able to walk by faith and not by sight for the glory of God." The man looked at the Pastor and said, 
"What do I have to do in order to begin seeing things through the eyes of my heart?" 
"Well, the first thing you need to do is invite Christ Yeshua to come in to your heart through genuine repentance and love and He will open the eyes of your heart so you can begin to see the world in a whole new light for the glory of God. Once the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will become a new creation in Christ Jesus and in time our Lord will help you to see things through His eyes in order to give you a heart for all those who are suffering. He will set you into meaningful service in leading others to Christ and in doing so your life will be greatly enriched for God's glory. Christ Yeshua will set you on a path of righteousness so you can begin walking by faith and not by sight."  
Then the man got on his knees and gave his life to Christ and afterward the Pastor handed the man a Bible and the man opened it and said, "I was blind but now I see, I was lost but now I'm found, I was dead but now PRAISE GOD I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!" John 3:16 
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you, let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid...Amen
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The argument supporting the lawfulness of vaccine mandates is based on a 1905 court decision where a man objected to getting the smallpox vaccine because of religious objections. 
Massachusetts was one of only 11 states that had compulsory vaccination laws.[1] Massachusetts law empowered the board of health of individual cities and towns to enforce mandatory, free vaccinations for adults over the age of 21 if the municipality determined it was necessary for the public health or safety of the community.[2] Adults who refused were subject to a $5 monetary fine.[2] In 1902, faced with an outbreak of smallpox, the Board of Health of the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts adopted a regulation ordering the vaccination or revaccination of all its inhabitants.[2]Cambridge pastor Henning Jacobson had lived through an era of mandatory vaccinations back in his original home of Sweden.[3] Although the efforts to eradicate smallpox were successful in Sweden, Jacobson's childhood vaccination had gone badly, leaving him with a "lifelong horror of the practice".[3] Jacobson refused vaccination saying that "he and his son had had bad reactions to earlier vaccinations" as children and that Jacobson himself "had been caused great and extreme suffering for a long period by a disease produced by vaccination".[2] Jacobson believed that his family may have some sort of hereditary condition that made the smallpox vaccine particularly dangerous.[3] Because of his refusal to get vaccinated, Jacobson was prosecuted and fined $5 (about $150 in 2020 dollars).[4][5] Over the next three years until his case reached the Supreme Court of the United States, Jacobson argued that subjecting him to a fine or imprisonment for neglecting or refusing vaccination was an invasion of his liberty, the law was "unreasonable, arbitrary and oppressive", and that one should not be subjected to the law if he or she objects to vaccination, no matter the reason.[2]
The Judge ruled in favor of the state and this case is now being used as a precedence for allowing vaccine mandates in America today, Well not so fast hotshot....  You see this ruling came before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which made the law more clear and defined concerning vaccine mandates. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gives us the right to opt out because of religious objections and for health reasons and for a few other reasons as well. This provision was added just for this reason. People of color were forced to take vaccines against their wishes, the government conducted experiments on people of color that resulted in injury and death. MLK had his hand in writing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for reasons just like this so the government or private businesses would not be able to force experimental unsafe drugs onto their citizens or employees without providing exemptions. 
Using the smallpox vaccine decision of 1905 as a valid reason to enforce vaccine mandates today with total disregard of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is like a corporation sighting the Dred Scott decision in claiming that the employees are property of the corporation and its lawful in treating their employees like slaves with having no rights and by paying their employees slave wages and keeping them in poverty... Google the Dred Scott decision and realize the Emancipation Proclamation trumped Dred Scott just like The Civil Rights Act of 1964 trumps the smallpox vaccine decision of 1905...   
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                                                    By 193
There once was a man who was shipwrecked all alone on a desert island. Each day he would sit on the beach and pray to God to be rescued, over time he got very tired of the foods he was eating. This man ate a constant diet of coconuts, bananas, crabs and shell creatures and small fish. The man longed for some good homemade style foods.
The man began asking God for better food, each morning the man would sit by the sea and pray, “O Lord thank You for Your blessings and love, please send me some really good food to eat.”
The man prayed this prayer each day for about a month, then to his surprise he spotted a crate floating in the water offshore. The crate said US GRADE A FOODS. The man began jumping up and down praising God, then he sat on the beach waiting for the crate to come floating ashore, but the longer he waited the further away the crate seemed to float out to sea. Finally the man jumped in the water and swam with all his might out to the crate and pulled it to shore.
The man opened the box and was blessed with some very good foods, he thanked God and he learned a very valuable lesson that day, The man learned that in life God will sometimes meet us halfway, if we truly want something in this life then we have to be willing to go out and fight for it, we have to be willing to go and get it. The good news is God helps us along the way for His glory and for His good purpose.
When God gave the Children of Israel the Land of Canaan God met them halfway, He knows that in order for us to appreciate things more in life we have to go out and fight for the things we want through real sacrifice and hard work.  John 14:27  
Joshua 12:7-24 The kings that were conquered by Joshua.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  
Joshua 10:25 Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid nor be dismayed, be strong and good courage for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.    Aug 12 PDV
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                                                    By 193
There once was a man who was shipwrecked all alone on a desert island. Each day he would sit on the beach and pray to God to be rescued, over time he got very tired of the foods he was eating. This man ate a constant diet of coconuts, bananas, crabs and shell creatures and small fish. The man longed for some good homemade style foods.
The man began asking God for better food, each morning the man would sit by the sea and pray, “O Lord thank You for Your blessings and love, please send me some really good food to eat.”
The man prayed this prayer each day for about a month, then to his surprise he spotted a crate floating in the water offshore. The crate said US GRADE A FOODS. The man began jumping up and down praising God, then he sat on the beach waiting for the crate to come floating ashore, but the longer he waited the further away the crate seemed to float out to sea. Finally the man jumped in the water and swam with all his might out to the crate and pulled it to shore.
The man opened the box and was blessed with some very good foods, he thanked God and he learned a very valuable lesson that day, The man learned that in life God will sometimes meet us halfway, if we truly want something in this life then we have to be willing to go out and fight for it, we have to be willing to go and get it. The good news is God helps us along the way for His glory and for His good purpose.
When God gave the Children of Israel the Land of Canaan God met them halfway, He knows that in order for us to appreciate things more in life we have to go out and fight for the things we want through real sacrifice and hard work.  John 14:27  
Joshua 12:7-24 The kings that were conquered by Joshua.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  
Joshua 10:25 Then Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid nor be dismayed, be strong and good courage for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.    Aug 12 PDV
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Sam Am I Ok?A fictional story before the virus with real truths. Sam was a guy in his 70s who was suffering with upper pulmonary disease, his family finally talked him into going out to a nice place for dinner for his birthday.  When they arrived at the restaurant they asked for a private booth in the back. About 20 min later a very nice couple came in and sat at the table next to Sam and his family. As they were eating the man at the other table began to sneeze and cough, not too bad just every once in a while. 
Sam and his family had a really good time for his last birthday. Why was it his last? Because the man at the other table had the flu but because he gets the flu shot each year he did not get too sick, even though he had the flu and was contagious he still went out, he never gave it a single thought about being a danger to others he only thought of himself and how he was feeling.  Poor Sam got the flu and died. Some would say, "Well then Sam should have never went out in the first place."Well some people who are suffering with illnesses refuse to became a prisoner of their own fears, they still want to enjoy life the best as they can. 
Right now there are vaccinated people who will still get covid19 and yet will not show systems or if they do their systems might be mild and for others they might die. So basically the attitude by most Vax people is, "I got the shot Im not going to die I got what seems like a slight cold and screw the world I'm going out tonight."
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When the focus is only on saving the planet the solution is population reduction and controle which can open the door for pure evil and crimes against humanity all one has to do is look at the way the Chinese Communist Party treats its people but when the focus is on saving humanity while being good stewards of God's gift to humanity planet earth then the sanctity of life becomes protected and we benefit by following the teachings of God in living a more meaningful life through Christ our Lord. Saving souls should always come first, salvation over trying to save God's creation planet earth should always be our first choice... John 3:16
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  Albert Pinhead
                               By Chaplain Paul 193
 There once lived a man by the name of Albert Pinhead. Albert Pinhead was as sharp as a tac, he was as bright as a dim bulb, Ole Albert was so sure of himself that being wrong wasn’t even an after thought in his life.
Ole Albert Pinhead was on his way to work one fine sunny day when a man dressed in a plaid suit approached him with a proposition and said,
“Good day my good fellow, my name is Crinkle, Larry M Crinkle and I am a seller of dreams come true.”
“WOW!!!!!! Really? Dreams come true? What do I have to do?”
The man looked at Albert Pinhead and said,
“Well my good friend all you have to do is take this little yellow pill and all of your dreams will come true.”
“How much do I own you kind Sir?”
“Not a single penny my good friend, it’s on the house because you are such a good person I can’t help but to offer it to you for free.”
Then Albert Pinhead took the little yellow pill from the man’s hand and swallowed it right there on the spot and nothing happened. The man told Albert Pinhead to come back in three days and he would see real results in having all of his dreams come true.
Albert Pinhead returned in exactly 3 days and upon seeing the man poor Albert Pinhead immediately turned into a sheep and was led to a huge pen where all of the other suckers who feel for this scam were being housed. Then within a few weeks there were thousands of sheep on sight. Soon after big trucks arrived and hauled all the poor sheeple far, far away to be slaughtered.
 Sometimes we want to believe something so bad that we place commonsense and reason aside. We become blinded by our own wants and fears even to the point of believing that a little yellow pill has the power in making all our dreams come true… Food for thought, think before you act, do real in-depth research before making important critical decisions about life and death issues, in other words,
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths…Amen  John 14:27  
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                             HELP ME I’M DROWNING
                    By Does Anyone Really Care Anymore?
 There once was a very fancy cruise ship sailing the high seas of the South Pacific. Now all of the passengers who were on board were very high class and how to do, they were very well off if you know what I mean. These people were the upper crust of society, the movers and the shakers of it all.
Now as this ship was sailing along a storm arose and the ship began rocking back and forth, up and down and then giant waves begin crashing on the deck, Well one of the maids was on deck and a big wave hit and swept her right off the deck plunging her head first into the swirling seas.
The women began screaming for help, “HELP!!! HELP!!!! PLEASE HELP ME I’M DROWING!!!!! WONT SOMEBODY, ANYBODY PLEASE HELP ME?!!!!!!!!!”
Upon hearing all of this commotion the passengers began gathering on deck so they could see what was happening but no one was stepping up to help this poor woman. Then one by one the excuses began like,
“O my, my, my, my, my, I can’t help that poor woman I might get hurt.”
“Well my dear I can’t help that poor soul you see this suit I’m wearing cost me over $1000 and I just can’t run the risk of ruining it. No, no, no, we mustn’t allow that to happen.”
“My good man, I can’t just jump off of this ship and plunge myself into the deep, my goodness there might be sharks out there.”
And the excuses went on and on and on and on all the way around the ship three times. Even the crew didn’t want to risk it. It seemed that no one had the courage or the decency to help that poor woman.
Then two young boys came running from right out of no where and dived right into the water without thinking twice risking their own lives in order to save that poor woman and within a few minutes the woman was saved and safely back on board the ship.
The other passengers were all shocked and amazed because of the heroic actions of the two boys. Then the passengers all gathered around and asked,
“My, my, my, you two lads are very brave, why did you do that, we all can’t understand it.”
The two boys who were in their late teens looked at everyone and said,
“This woman is our mother and we live in a family where we would lay down our lives in protecting each other.”
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