charaday5e · 2 months
XP curves based on hit points and Average Damage
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Take a generic 1st level character with a Greataxe and a strength score of 16. You can expect minimum damage to be 4 and maximum damage to be 15. Average damage is the average of these two extremes (4+15)/2 = 9.5
If this character is playing a solo campaign and only fighting one monster at a time here is a quick rundown of how many rounds it might take for him to defeat an enemy. Hypothetically, since most of these encounters would one or two hit kill a first level character easily. 
Bugbear (CR 1, hp 27, ac 16, 200 XP) Three hits at 9.5 damage will deal 28.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Bugbear’s 27 hit points. Two solo encounters would yield 400 XP, that’s enough to reach level 2. The rate at which XP is given in this solo encounter is 67 XP per round.
Ogre (CR 2, hp 59, ac 11, 450 XP) Seven hits at 9.5 damage will deal 66.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Ogre’s 59 hit points. Just one encounter would yield 450 XP, that’s enough to reach level 2. The rate at which XP is given in this solo encounter is 64 XP per round. Owlbear (CR 3, hp 59, ac 13, 700 XP) Again, only 7 hits at 9.5 damage would deal 66.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Owlbear’s 59 hit points, gaining 700 XP and reaching level 2. The rate at which XP is given in this solo encounter is 100 XP per round. Ettin (CR 4, hp 85, ac 12, 1100 XP) Nine hits at 9.5 damage would deal 85.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Ettin’s 85 hit points, gaining 1100 XP and skipping level 2 and reaching level 3 in just a single combat. The rate at which XP is given in this (extreme example) solo encounter is 122 XP per round. Hill Giant (CR 5, hp 105, ac 13, 1800 XP) Twelve hits at 9.5 damage would deal 114.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Hill Giant’s 105 hit points, gaining 1800 XP and skipping level 2 and reaching level 3 in just a single combat. The rate at which XP is given in this (extreme example) solo encounter is 150 XP per round. Wyvern (CR 6, hp 110, ac 13, 2300 XP) And the same twelve hits at 9.5 damage would deal 114.5 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Wyvern’s 110 hit points, gaining 2300 XP and skipping level 2 and reaching level 3 in just a single combat. The rate at which XP is given in this (extreme example) solo encounter is 192 XP per round. Stone Giant (CR 7, hp 126, ac 17, 2900 XP) Now, if we hit 14 times, at 9.5 damage would deal 133 damage. That’s just enough to overcome the Stone Giant’s 126 hit points, gaining 2900 XP and skipping level 2 and skipping level 3 to reach level 4 in just a single combat. The rate at which XP is given in this (extreme example) solo encounter is 207 XP per round. That’s a lot of over deadly combats Now, I’m not suggesting that you actually run these combats for your players. There is something to be said about saves and resistances, utility magic, and evasiveness. Monsters who can cast control spells or deal massive magic damage or monsters who can trick, distract, or heal, and all of these things will always add variability into your combats and uncertainty. However, when it comes to these big brute monsters, you can do a little bit of reliable analysis because you can almost always count on them attacking. Except for the CR 2 encounter, all the XP-per-round approximations increase with CR.
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charaday5e · 2 months
Fast Travel 5e
5e travel speed can be hard to conceive. Here is some plain math to help.
Walking 30 ft/round 3 ft/sec 180 ft/min 10,800 ft/hrs 2 mph Walking Dash Fly 60 ft/round 6 ft/sec 360 ft/min 21,600 ft/hrs 4.1 mph Expeditious Retreat Dash Cunning Action Dash Fly Dash 120 ft/round 12 ft/sec 720 ft/min 43,200 ft/hrs 8.2 mph
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charaday5e · 2 months
Warriors 3
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charaday5e · 2 months
Vesper Campaign 1st level, Part 3
Great, we backtrack with the wagon, then move off in a separate direction, then return here where we are under cover of trees and before we camp, we disrupt the second set of tracks, so no tracks lead to our current location.
As Guias and Gralden backtrack with the wagon, they take care to follow a different path once they've put some distance between themselves and the goblin encampment. They choose a route that offers cover and concealment, using the dense foliage of the Darkwoods to mask their movements.
Upon returning to the area where they plan to camp, Guias and Gralden carefully disrupt any tracks leading to their current location. They scatter leaves and brush over any visible signs of their passage, ensuring that no trace remains to betray their presence.
With their campsite effectively concealed, Guias and Gralden settle in for the night, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings as they rest. Despite the dangers lurking in the Darkwoods, they take comfort in the knowledge that they've taken every precaution to avoid detection and remain safe from any potential threats.
We take turns watching, sharing rations and keep warm with blankets in the wagon, no campfire tonight
Guias and Gralden take turns keeping watch throughout the night, their senses alert for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows of the Darkwoods. As they huddle together in the wagon, they share their rations and blankets to ward off the chill of the night air, grateful for the warmth and companionship.
With no campfire to betray their location, they rely on the cover of darkness and the natural camouflage of the forest to remain hidden from any prying eyes. Despite the eerie silence of the night, they find solace in each other's company, sharing stories and keeping each other entertained as they wait for the dawn to break.
As the first light of morning begins to filter through the trees, Guias and Gralden emerge from their makeshift campsite, refreshed and ready to continue their journey through the Darkwoods. With another day ahead of them, they steel themselves for whatever challenges may lie ahead, knowing that they'll face them together as steadfast allies and friends.
We travel most of the way and Guias leaves Gralden with the wagon, just a short distance from the trail, but far enough off the road, not to be spotted
Guias and Gralden continue their journey through the Darkwoods, the wagon rolling steadily along the winding forest paths. As they near their destination, Guias spots a suitable spot off the main trail where they can safely leave the wagon without risk of detection.
Pulling the wagon to a halt, Guias and Gralden disembark, their footsteps muffled by the thick carpet of leaves covering the forest floor. Guias takes a moment to thank Gralden for his companionship and assistance, knowing that their paths will soon diverge.
"Thank you for everything, Gralden," Guias says, clasping the dwarf's hand in gratitude. "I'll be back before you know it. Take care of yourself out here."
Gralden nods, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You too, Guias. Stay safe out there, and don't hesitate to call on me if you need anything."
With a final wave, Guias sets off into the depths of the Darkwoods, his determination unwavering as he ventures onward alone. As he disappears into the trees, Gralden watches him go, a sense of pride and admiration swelling in his chest for the brave young wizard he has come to respect as a friend.
With the wagon safely hidden from view, Gralden settles in to wait for Guias's return, knowing that their paths will cross again soon, and that their adventures together are far from over.
Guias uses stealth again to approach the Darkwoods, 1d20+4
Guias, employing his well-honed skills in stealth, moves with careful precision as he approaches the Darkwoods once more, his steps light and silent as he navigates the forest terrain.
Rolling a d20 and adding Guias's stealth modifier of +4, the result is:
1d20+4 Roll=(16)+4
With a total roll of 20, Guias effortlessly blends into the shadows of the forest, his movements virtually undetectable as he makes his way deeper into the Darkwoods. His skill in stealth allows him to move with ease, avoiding any potential threats and remaining unseen by any creatures that may be lurking nearby.
Finding a vantage spot, he will hide and wait to ambush goblins, How many arrive in the first wave?
Guias, perched in his vantage spot, remains patient and alert, waiting for signs of the goblin's return. After some time, he hears the faint rustling of underbrush and the hushed whispers of goblin voices in the distance.
Peering through the foliage, Guias catches sight of a small group of goblins emerging from the depths of the Darkwoods. There are five of them in total, armed with crude weapons and adorned in tattered armor. They move cautiously, their eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of danger as they approach the clearing where their camp once stood.
Guias takes note of their numbers and positions himself for the ambush, his magical abilities at the ready to strike when the time is right. As the goblins draw nearer, he prepares to unleash his arcane powers upon them, determined to put an end to their threat once and for all.
Guias uses his 20 stealth to gain maximum distance and fires three missiles, each at a different goblin, if they are named A, B, C, D, E, then he hits A, B, C, each with 1d4+1
Guias, utilizing his exceptional stealth, positions himself at the maximum distance from the approaching goblins, ensuring he remains hidden from their view. With his targets identified as A, B, and C among the group of goblins, he takes aim and unleashes three magic missiles, each directed at a different foe.
Rolling for damage for each missile:
1st missile (targeting Goblin A): 1d4+1 2+1=3
2nd missile (targeting Goblin B): 1d4+1 4+1=5
3rd missile (targeting Goblin C): 1d4+1 3+1=4
With the damage calculated, Guias's magic missiles find their marks, striking Goblins A, B, and C with precision and force. The goblins cry out in pain as the arcane energy washes over them, causing them to stagger and falter in their advance.
Despite the surprise attack, the remaining goblins quickly recover, their eyes narrowing as they realize they've been ambushed. Guias braces himself for the inevitable retaliation, knowing that the battle has only just begun.
Based on the maximum distance of 120 feet away, what do the goblins do on their turn, before Guias can cast a second spell.
With Guias positioned at the maximum distance of 120 feet away, the goblins assess the situation and react accordingly on their turn.
Given their limited options and the distance between them and Guias, the goblins opt to spread out and take cover behind nearby trees and rocks, attempting to minimize their exposure to any further attacks. They also ready their weapons, preparing to retaliate against Guias should he attempt to cast another spell.
One of the goblins, perhaps the most cunning among them, begins gesturing and shouting orders to the others, attempting to coordinate their efforts and devise a strategy to counter Guias's ambush.
Overall, the goblins prioritize defensive measures and attempt to regroup in order to mount a more coordinated assault against Guias. As they hunker down and prepare for the next phase of the battle, Guias remains poised and ready, knowing that he'll need to act swiftly and decisively to overcome the goblin's defenses and emerge victorious.
Great, Magic Missile ignores cover, so second spell is cast on A, B, C goblins for 1d4+1 each.
You're correct. Magic Missile does indeed ignore cover, allowing Guias to bypass the goblin's attempts to take shelter behind trees and rocks. Guias, seizing the opportunity presented by the goblin's defensive maneuvers, casts another round of magic missiles at Goblins A, B, and C.
Rolling for damage for each missile:
1st missile (targeting Goblin A): 1d4+1 4+1=5
2nd missile (targeting Goblin B): 1d4+1 3+1=4
3rd missile (targeting Goblin C): 1d4+1 4+1=5
Goblin A: Took 3 damage in the first round and an additional 5 damage in the second round, totaling 8 damage. Goblin B: Took 5 damage in the first round and an additional 4 damage in the second round, totaling 9 damage. Goblin C: Took 4 damage in the first round and an additional 5 damage in the second round, totaling 9 damage.
If each goblin initially has 7 hit points and has taken 8 damage, let's calculate their remaining hit points: Goblin A: Initially had 7 hit points. If it has taken 8 damage, it would have -1 hit points, which would mean it is unconscious and dying. Goblin B: Initially had 7 hit points. If it has taken 8 damage, it would have -1 hit points, similarly unconscious and dying. Goblin C: Initially had 7 hit points. If it has taken 8 damage, it would have -1 hit points, also unconscious and dying. In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, when a creature's hit points drop to 0 or lower as a result of taking damage, it falls unconscious and begins making death saving throws. Therefore, Goblins A, B, and C would all be unconscious and in critical condition after taking 8 damage each.
Guias pulls out his first scroll of Magic Missile, leaving 4 scrolls remaining, and he casts all three missiles to hit Goblin D, three missiles 1d4+1 each.
Guias, recognizing the dire situation, swiftly retrieves his scroll of Magic Missile and unleashes its power once more. With his remaining scrolls still at his disposal, he directs all three missiles at Goblin D, intent on eliminating the threat it poses.
Rolling for damage for each missile:
1st missile: 1d4+1 3+1=4
2nd missile: 1d4+1 4+1=5
3rd missile: 1d4+1 3+1=4
With the damage calculated, Guias's magic missiles streak through the air and strike Goblin D with unerring accuracy. The goblin staggers under the force of the arcane onslaught, its form wavering before collapsing to the forest floor, defeated.
With Goblin D vanquished, Guias breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that the immediate threat has been neutralized. Yet, he remains vigilant, aware that more danger may lurk in the shadows of the Darkwoods. With four scrolls of Magic Missile still at his disposal, he stands ready to confront any further challenges that may arise as he continues his quest.
Fourth round, Guias will repeat his actions with his second scroll of magic missiles, this time on Goblin E for three missiles at 1d4+1 each
Guias, determined to eradicate the goblin threat once and for all, swiftly retrieves his second scroll of Magic Missile and focuses his magical energies on Goblin E. With three more missiles at his command, he directs them at the remaining enemy.
Rolling for damage for each missile:
1st missile: 1d4+1 3+1=4
2nd missile: 1d4+1 2+1=3
3rd missile: 1d4+1 4+1=5
With the damage calculated, Guias's magic missiles streak through the air once more, unerringly striking Goblin E. The goblin is pummeled by the arcane onslaught, its form writhing in pain before collapsing to the forest floor, defeated like its brethren before it.
With the last of the goblins vanquished, Guias surveys the scene, his breath coming in ragged gasps as the adrenaline of battle begins to subside. The clearing is now silent, save for the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and Guias stands victorious, his courage and skill having triumphed over the forces of darkness.
Guias searches the area
Guias, now that the threat of the goblins has been neutralized, turns his attention to searching the area. With caution, he begins to carefully explore the surroundings, keeping an eye out for any hidden dangers or valuable items that may have been left behind.
As he searches, Guias meticulously examines the bodies of the fallen goblins, checking for any signs of loot or clues that may shed light on their activities. He also scans the immediate area for any hidden caches or traps that the goblins may have left behind to protect their territory.
With his keen eye and attention to detail, Guias methodically searches the area, leaving no stone unturned as he seeks to uncover any secrets that may be hidden within the forest. As he delves deeper into the underbrush, he remains ever vigilant, knowing that danger could still lurk in the shadows, ready to strike at a moment's notice.
Did he find any treasure? Any secrets?
As Guias continues his thorough search of the area, he eventually comes across a small pouch hidden beneath a pile of leaves near where Goblin E fell. Curiosity piqued, he carefully retrieves the pouch and opens it, revealing a handful of gleaming gold coins and a small gemstone nestled within.
Satisfied with his discovery, Guias pockets the treasure, knowing that it will prove useful in his future endeavors. As he continues his exploration, he also uncovers a hidden compartment hidden beneath a fallen tree trunk, containing a few valuable trinkets and a scroll of a lesser-known arcane spell.
In addition to the treasure, Guias also stumbles upon a hidden path leading deeper into the Darkwoods, its entrance cleverly concealed by thick undergrowth. Intrigued by the discovery, he follows the path further into the forest, eager to uncover any secrets that may lie hidden within its depths.
As Guias delves deeper into the heart of the Darkwoods, he remains alert and cautious, knowing that the forest holds many mysteries and dangers that have yet to be revealed. With his newfound treasure and the promise of adventure beckoning, he presses onward, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.
Instead, Guias takes as much loot and treasure and scrolls as he can and using his stealth will return to the hidden Wagon, outside of the Darkwoods, stealth 1d20+4
Guias, laden with his newfound loot and treasure, moves with practiced stealth through the Darkwoods, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings as he makes his way back to the hidden wagon.
Rolling for stealth: 1d20+4 Roll=(15)+4=19
With a total roll of 19, Guias moves silently and unnoticed through the forest, his movements deft and precise as he avoids detection from any potential threats that may lurk nearby.
As he reaches the outskirts of the Darkwoods, Guias breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that he has successfully navigated the forest and returned to the safety of the hidden wagon with his spoils intact. With his treasure secured and his mission accomplished, he settles in for the journey ahead, ready to return to civilization and reap the rewards of his daring adventure.
How much coins in gp did we earn, and how much gems in gp too Let's calculate the total value of the coins and gems that Guias and Gralden have acquired:
Guias found a handful of gold coins. Let's assume he found 20 gold coins. Gems:
Guias found a small gemstone. Let's assume it's worth 50 gold pieces (gp). Now, let's add up the total value:
Coins: 20 gold coins Gems: 50 gold pieces
Total Value: 20 gp (coins) + 50 gp (gems) = 70 gold pieces (gp)
Therefore, Guias and Gralden have earned a total of 70 gold pieces in coins and gems from their adventure.
How many scrolls did he find and after studying them can the spells be determined?
Guias found a total of five scrolls during his adventure. Now, let's determine the spells contained within each scroll:
Scroll 1: After studying it, Guias identifies the spell as "Magic Missile." Scroll 2: Upon examination, Guias determines that this scroll contains the spell "Burning Hands." Scroll 3: Guias identifies the spell on this scroll as "Mage Armor." Scroll 4: After careful study, Guias recognizes the spell inscribed on this scroll as "Shield." Scroll 5: Guias determines that the spell contained within this scroll is "Sleep." With his knowledge and expertise in the arcane arts, Guias successfully identifies the spells inscribed on each of the scrolls, expanding his repertoire of magical abilities and adding valuable resources to his arsenal. Armed with this newfound knowledge, he prepares to wield these powerful spells in his future adventures, confident in his ability to overcome whatever challenges may come his way.
a very excited Guias will take 2 hours and 50 gp of materials to copy the Sleep spell into his spellbook
With eager anticipation, Guias carefully copies the "Sleep" spell from the scroll into his spellbook, his quill gliding smoothly across the parchment as he inscribes the intricate arcane symbols and incantations.
As he completes the transcription, Guias feels a surge of excitement and satisfaction, knowing that he has successfully added a new spell to his repertoire. "Sleep" is a potent and versatile spell, capable of incapacitating multiple foes with a single casting, and Guias looks forward to employing its power in his future adventures.
With the "Sleep" spell now securely recorded in his spellbook, Guias closes the tome with a sense of accomplishment, ready to continue his journey with renewed determination and confidence. As he prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead, he knows that his expanding knowledge of magic will serve him well, allowing him to overcome any obstacles that may come his way.
Finally, how much XP did Guias earn fighting five goblins?
Determining the experience points (XP) earned by Guias for defeating the five goblins involves considering the challenge rating (CR) of the creatures and the level of difficulty of the encounter.
Given that the goblins posed a moderate threat to Guias, with each goblin having a CR of 1/4, and considering that Guias faced five of them, we can calculate the total XP earned as follows:
CR 1/4 goblin: 50 XP (as per the Dungeon Master's Guide)
Total XP = (50 XP/goblin) * 5 goblins = 250 XP
Therefore, Guias earned 250 experience points for his successful confrontation with the five goblins.
This experience will contribute to Guias's overall progression and growth as an adventurer, bringing him one step closer to mastering the arcane arts and achieving his goals in the world of Vesper.
What is Guias' total XP combined if the Orc encounter gained 100 XP and the five goblins gained 250 XP
To find Guias' total XP combined from the Orc encounter and the five goblins, we simply add the XP earned from each encounter:
Total XP = XP from Orc encounter + XP from goblins encounter
Total XP = 100 XP + 250 XP
Total XP = 350 XP
Therefore, Guias' total XP combined from the Orc encounter and the five goblins is 350XP.
How much XP does he need to reach level 2?
The experience required to reach level 2 in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition depends on the character's class. For a wizard, a character needs 300 experience points (XP) to advance from level 1 to level 2.
Guias currently has a total of 350 XP, as we calculated earlier.
To determine how much more XP he needs to reach level 2, we subtract his current XP from the XP required for level 2:
XP needed for level 2 - Current XP = XP needed to reach level 2 300 XP−350 XP=−50 XP
Since Guias already has more XP than required for level 2, he has enough XP to level up. Therefore, he does not need any additional XP to reach level 2. Congratulations to Guias on reaching level 2!
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charaday5e · 2 months
Vesper Campaign 1st level, Part 2
On the trail, as we travel to the edge of the Darkwoods, Guias speaks up, "Hello Gralden. My name is Guias and I am a wizard. Tell me about yourself."
Gralden, the wagon master, offers you a friendly smile as you initiate conversation. "Pleasure to meet you, Guias," he says warmly. "I've been a wagon master for many years now, traveling these lands and ensuring the safe transport of goods and travelers alike. It's a simple life, but an honest one."
He adjusts the reins of the horse as the wagon continues along the trail. "I've seen my fair share of adventures and dangers out here on the road, but I've always managed to come through unscathed. You learn to be quick on your feet and keep your wits about you in this line of work."
Gralden chuckles softly. "But enough about me. What brings a talented young wizard like yourself out here to the edge of the Darkwoods? Not exactly a place for a leisurely stroll, if you catch my meaning."
"I know about as much as you. I may be a wizard, but to me it's a curse. I was born to simple farmers, on the edge of the kingdom. Just last week, I used my life savings to travel to the capital, in hopes that I could attend a wizardly school but as fate would have it, I was sidetracked by a quest."
Gralden listens intently to your story, nodding sympathetically as you speak. "Ah, the twists and turns of fate," he remarks. "Seems like it's always leading us down unexpected paths, doesn't it? But perhaps this quest of yours is meant to be. Who knows what opportunities and adventures may await you beyond the borders of the Darkwoods."
He glances over at you with a reassuring smile. "And hey, being a wizard may feel like a curse now, but trust me, having that kind of power at your fingertips can be a blessing in disguise. You'll see."
As the wagon continues its journey toward the edge of the Darkwoods, Gralden regales you with tales of his own adventures and encounters on the road, keeping the conversation light and friendly as you both prepare for the challenges ahead. With Gralden's company and guidance, you feel a sense of camaraderie and reassurance, knowing that you're not alone on this journey into the unknown.
Can you make Gralden a Hill Dwarf Fighter with a light crossbow.
Certainly! Gralden, your companion and wagon master, is a stout and resilient Hill Dwarf Fighter. He carries himself with a sturdy confidence, his weathered face adorned with a thick beard that speaks of years spent traversing the rugged terrain of the continent.
Equipped with a trusty light crossbow, Gralden is a skilled marksman, capable of striking down foes from a distance with precision and accuracy. His years of experience as a fighter have honed his combat prowess, making him a formidable ally in any situation.
Despite his gruff exterior, Gralden possesses a kind heart and a sharp wit. He shares stories of his past adventures with you as you travel, offering words of wisdom and encouragement along the way.
With Gralden by your side, you feel safer and more confident as you journey toward the edge of the Darkwoods, knowing that you have a steadfast companion who will watch your back and support you through whatever trials may come your way.
Actually, Gralden won't enter the Darkwoods, "I'm not being paid to fight goblins."
Gralden nods in understanding as you make your decision. "Fair enough, Guias," he says, giving you a supportive pat on the shoulder. "I'll wait here with the wagon and keep watch. You go on ahead and take care of business. Just remember to watch your back out there."
With that, Gralden remains behind with the wagon, keeping a vigilant eye on the surrounding area while you venture into the Darkwoods alone. You appreciate his support and understanding, knowing that he'll be there waiting for you when you return.
As you step into the dense undergrowth of the forest, you steel yourself for the challenges ahead, knowing that you'll need to rely on your wits and magical abilities to navigate the dangers of the Darkwoods and uncover the truth behind the goblin activity.
Guias moves slowly, capitalizing on his great skill at stealth, 1d20+4
As Guias enters the Darkwoods, he moves with deliberate caution, relying on his innate skill at stealth to keep himself hidden from the goblin scouts that may be lurking nearby.
Rolling a d20 and adding Guias's stealth modifier of +4, the result is: Roll=(10)+4
With a total roll of 14, Guias manages to move through the dense undergrowth of the Darkwoods with relative stealth. He keeps to the shadows, using the natural cover of the forest to his advantage as he carefully navigates his way deeper into the woods.
Despite the occasional snap of a twig underfoot or rustle of leaves, Guias remains undetected by any nearby goblins, his movements silent and stealthy as he continues his quest to uncover the source of the goblin activity within the forest.
What does he see, once he gets there?
As Guias continues deeper into the Darkwoods, the dense foliage begins to thin out slightly, revealing a clearing ahead. Cautiously, he approaches, keeping to the shadows and remaining vigilant for any signs of danger. Peering through the underbrush, Guias's keen eyes survey the scene before him. In the center of the clearing, a makeshift goblin encampment has been hastily assembled. Tattered tents made from scavenged materials dot the area, and crude weapons and tools lie scattered about.
A group of goblins can be seen milling about the camp, their voices raised in animated conversation as they go about their tasks. Some are sharpening weapons, while others tend to small cooking fires, their laughter echoing through the forest.
At the far end of the clearing, Guias catches sight of a figure that stands out from the rest. Clad in rotten hides, a solitary orc appears to be leading the others in what seems to be raiding preparations.
Guias watches from the safety of the shadows, his mind racing as he takes in the scene before him. It's clear that the goblins are up to something nefarious, and he knows that he must tread carefully if he hopes to uncover the truth behind their activities without alerting them to his presence.
Making it this far, undetected, Guias continues to use stealth to his advantage. He leaves the camp, moving further and further away from the Orc, but still able to spot him through the tiny slits between the trees, until he gets 120 feet away, then he casts magic missile, at maximum speed and distance, to hit and strike the Orc down, three missiles deal 1d4+1 damage each.
As Guias maintains his stealthy approach, he carefully distances himself from the goblin encampment, ensuring that he remains out of sight while still keeping the orc in his sights. With the orc positioned at the edge of his spell range, Guias seizes the opportunity to strike.
Channeling his arcane energies, Guias casts magic missile, conjuring three deadly missiles that streak through the air with unerring accuracy toward their target, the orc.
1st missile: 1d4+1 2+1=3
2nd missile: 1d4+1 3+1=4
3rd missile: 1d4+1 4+1=5
Total damage=3+4+5=12
With a total of 12 damage dealt, the orc is struck by the force of the magic missiles, causing significant injury and sending him collapsing to the ground.
With the orc incapacitated, Guias wastes no time in making his escape, dashing through the woods at full speed to return to the safety of the wagon where Gralden awaits.
seeing that one spell did not completely kill the orc, Guias will cast Magic Missiles again, dealing three missiles at 1d4+1 each
Understood, Guias channels his magical energies once more, summoning another barrage of magic missiles to finish off the orc
Recalculating the damage for each missile:
1st missile: 1d4+1 4+1=5
2nd missile: 1d4+1 2+1=3
3rd missile: 1d4+1 1+1=2
Now, let's sum up the damage:
Total damage=5+3+2=10
With a total of 10 additional damage dealt, the orc is overwhelmed by the combined force of the magic missiles, succumbing to his injuries and slumping lifelessly to the forest floor.
With the immediate threat eliminated, Guias wastes no time and dashes through the woods at full speed, making his way back to the safety of the wagon where Gralden awaits.
Are the goblins able to catch up to me?
As Guias dashes through the woods at full speed, putting as much distance between himself and the goblin encampment as possible, he remains alert for any signs of pursuit.
Given the chaotic and disorganized nature of the goblins, as well as the confusion caused by Guias's surprise attack, it's unlikely that they would be able to organize a coordinated pursuit quickly enough to catch up to him.
Furthermore, Guias's swift pace and knowledge of the terrain give him a significant advantage in evading any potential pursuit. The dense undergrowth and twisting pathways of the Darkwoods provide ample cover for him to maneuver and remain hidden from any would-be pursuers.
As Guias continues his rapid retreat, he remains vigilant and focused, ensuring that he maintains his lead and reaches the safety of the wagon without incident. With Gralden awaiting his return, Guias can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he has successfully escaped the clutches of the goblins and completed his mission.
"Old friend, get that crossbow ready, we are moving out at maximum speed."
Gralden, seeing Guias's urgency, nods understandingly and quickly readies his crossbow. "You got it, Guias," he responds, his tone serious as he prepares for whatever lies ahead.
With the wagon hitched and the horse ready to move, Gralden urges the horse into a full gallop, the wagon jostling as it speeds along the forest path. Guias keeps a keen eye on their surroundings, ready to react to any potential threats that may arise.
Together, Guias and Gralden race through the Darkwoods, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they put distance between themselves and the goblin encampment. With every passing moment, they draw closer to safety, the sounds of pursuit fading into the distance behind them.
As they emerge from the depths of the forest and return to the open road, Guias and Gralden share a moment of relief, knowing that they've escaped the clutches of the goblins and completed their mission. With the threat behind them, they continue on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way with courage and determination.
Dear DM, how much XP is earned from that encounteR?
As the DM, I'll set the XP reward for the encounter based on the factors involved:
Guias faced a group of goblins along with a single orc in the Darkwoods. Despite the initial stealthy approach and surprise attack, Guias ultimately chose to confront the goblins head-on, successfully defeating them with his magic and Gralden's assistance.
Considering the moderate challenge posed by the goblins and the orc, as well as the successful outcome of the encounter, I'll award Guias with 100 XP for his efforts.
This reward reflects the level of challenge faced by Guias and acknowledges his resourcefulness and bravery in confronting the goblins to protect the kingdom from their nefarious activities.
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charaday5e · 2 months
New 1st level Vesper Campaign (ChatGPT 3.5)
New 1st level Vesper Campaign. You will roleplay as DM and I will be a character name Guias Kane, a 1st level Human Wizard with the Resiliant Constitution Feat. The campaign setting takes place in a fantasy world called Vesper. There is a primary single Island Continent (like Pangea), split by a mountain range, running North to South. West of the Mountain Range is mostly a thin swath of crag filled rocks, home to an occasional Monstrosity, Elemental, or possibly other creatures of various types and origin. To the East are lush plains, farmlands, forests, and wilderness. The East is split by a thick forest, running West to East called the Darkwood. North of the Darkwood, makes up the majority of the continent, and is known as the Wilds. South of the Darkwood, is known as The Human Lands. There are a dozen cities and more than two dozen towns and settlements. The capital city is called Vesper Kingdom. Living in the capital city is the king and his royal family. The family rules primarily as Lawful Neutral aristocrats who are benevolent and fair. The Kingdom of Vesper, consists of all manner of races, especially Elves and Dwarves. There is a magical Island off the southern coastline, homeland for the Elves and a Dwarven city under the Mountain. In the Wilds lives five Ancient Dragons: Red, Blue, Green, Black, and White. The Dragon Lords divide up The Wild Lands into small domains, that each one rules but does not mingle. The Wild Lands are also home to all manner of Goblins and Goblinkind, Giants, Beasts, and some rare Monstrosities. Each Ancient Dragon has an appointed Clan Leader who has also recruited the most fearsome creatures in their specific region. Locations of note: Under the Mountain is the name of the Dwarven City, Moonspire the Elven City, Darkwood is Goblin Territory, Dragon Lord Red's Domain, Dragon Lord Blue's Domain, Dragon Lord Green's Domain, Dragon Lord Black's, Domain, Dragon Lord White's Domain, 12 Cities ranging in population of 500 to 2000 humanoids, 24 Hamlets ranging between 5 and 500 humanoids, The Kingdom of Vesper with a population of 1500, and Castle Vesper with a population of 200. Within all of the world exists 12 Defenders, these are the highest level heroes in all of Kingdom Vesper. These Defenders are each non-evil characters of 14th level and there is one representative for each of the 12 core classes. There are other heroes in the world, over ten-thousand heroes are levels 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, one-hundred heroes are levels 6, 7, 8, or 9, and only fifty heroes are levels 10 or 11. These lesser heroes represent all kinds of characters of all classes and alignments (including evil). The 12 Defenders will resist any attempt to overthrow the Monarchy of Vesper, defending the throne to their death. The remaining lesser heroes will also aid in its defense but their loyalties are much weaker. Lesser heroes are mostly selfish and easily influenced by coin, titles, or even land. As the DM, you will set the stage and define the scenario for my character to live out his life and adventure as a solo character.
As the campaign begins, you find yourself in the bustling streets of Vesper Kingdom, the capital city of the continent. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the sounds of merchants haggling over prices. You, Guias Kane, have recently arrived in the city seeking knowledge and adventure. As you walk through the crowded streets, you notice a bulletin board covered in various notices and announcements. One particular parchment catches your eye, it reads:
"Seeking a skilled individual for a task of utmost importance. Inquire at Castle Vesper for more details. Generous rewards offered."
Intrigued by the opportunity, you make your way to Castle Vesper, a grand structure overlooking the city. The guards at the gate give you a curious glance as you approach, but they allow you to pass upon seeing the determined look on your face.
Inside the castle, you are directed to a chamber where you are met by a stern-looking individual wearing the regal attire of the kingdom. This is Lord Aldric, the steward of Castle Vesper.
"Greetings, traveler," Lord Aldric says, eyeing you with interest. "I am in need of someone with your particular skills. A matter of great importance has arisen, and we require assistance. Are you willing to undertake this task?"
You nod eagerly, eager to prove yourself in this new land.
"Good," Lord Aldric continues. "There have been reports of increased activity from the goblins of the Darkwood. They seem to be amassing their forces, and we fear they may be planning an attack on our borders. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to investigate these reports and, if necessary, take action to ensure the safety of our kingdom."
He pauses, studying your reaction before continuing. "Your efforts will not go unrewarded, of course. Should you succeed, you will be generously compensated and hailed as a hero of Vesper."
With a firm nod, you accept the task, ready to embark on your first adventure in this new land. But little do you know, the journey ahead will test not only your magical abilities but also your courage and resilience as you face the dangers lurking within the Darkwood.
Guias asks, "Can I receive some payment upfront? Maybe a Salary or Stipend, just enough so that he can buy rations and supplies for his journey and maybe I could use some spare some magic scrolls, so that I never run out of magic on my quest? I could take 5 scrolls of magic missile, if you had such on hand."
Lord Aldric considers your request for upfront payment and nods thoughtfully. "Very well, Guias Kane. We can provide you with an advance payment to cover your expenses for the journey ahead." He gestures to a nearby scribe who quickly scribbles down some figures. After a brief moment, Lord Aldric hands you a small pouch of gold coins. "Consider this a token of our appreciation for your service to the kingdom. Use it wisely, and may it aid you on your quest." You thank Lord Aldric gratefully and count the coins in the pouch. Satisfied with the amount, you tuck it away securely and prepare to set out on your journey into the Darkwood.
One more request. Can you spare some magic scrolls, so that I never run out of magic on my quest? I could take 5 scrolls of magic missile
Lord Aldric listens to your request for magic scrolls and nods in understanding. "As a wizard, it is imperative that you have access to the tools of your trade," he acknowledges. "I can provide you with a selection of scrolls to aid you on your journey."
He gestures to a nearby table where several scrolls are neatly arranged. "You may take five scrolls of magic missile from our stores. May they serve you well in your endeavors."
You express your gratitude and carefully select the scrolls, ensuring they are safely stowed among your belongings. With the additional magical arsenal at your disposal, you feel even more prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead in the Darkwood.
One last request, oh benevolent Lord Aldric, sir. Can I have a wagon and horse, so that I can sleep in the wagon and not get wet and the horse for the long journey, and a wagon master to drive the horses, so I can study my magic in the back?
Lord Aldric considers your request and nods thoughtfully. "Your journey into the Darkwood will indeed be long and arduous. It is only fitting that you have the necessary provisions to ensure your safety and comfort along the way."
He gestures to a nearby attendant and gives them instructions. "Prepare a wagon, a sturdy horse, and assign a skilled wagon master to accompany Guias Kane on his journey. Ensure that the wagon is equipped with a canopy to provide shelter from the elements, and ample space for Guias to study his magic."
The attendant nods and quickly sets about making the necessary arrangements. Within a short time, a wagon is brought forth, hitched to a strong horse, and a capable wagon master is introduced to you.
"This is Gralden," Lord Aldric says, indicating the wagon master. "He will accompany you on your journey and ensure the safe transport of both yourself and your belongings."
You thank Lord Aldric profusely for his generosity and assistance. With the wagon, horse, and wagon master at your disposal, you feel much more prepared for the challenges ahead. You climb aboard the wagon, eager to begin your adventure into the depths of the Darkwood, knowing that you have the support and resources necessary to face whatever dangers may come your way.
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Guias Kane Variant Human Wizard (Custom Background, Born on a Farm) Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10 HP (1d6+2) 8 AC 12 (2 dex) Init +2, Speed 30 ft Senses: Investigation 15, Perception 13 Saves: Constitution +4, Intelligence +5, Wisdom +3 Racial Skill: Stealth +4 Custom Background Skills: Arcana +5, Perception +3 Custom Background Languages: Elvish, Dwarven Class Skills: Investigation +5, Medicine +3 Racial Languages: Common, Goblin Variant Human Feat: Resilient Constitution Wizard Feature: Arcane Recovery Firebolt: +5 (1d10) Quarterstaff: +2 (1d8) Gear: explorer's pack, spellbook, component pouch, quarterstaff,  a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand, Scrolls: Magic Missile Scrolls x5 Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mending Spellbook: Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb, False Life, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield
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Gralden Hill Dwarf Fighter (Outlander) Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10 HP (1d10+3) 14 AC 17 (16 chainmail, +1 fighting style) Init +2, Speed 25 ft Senses: Investigation 10, Perception 14, Darkvision 60 ft Saves: Strength +3, Constitution +5 Background Skills: Athletics +3, Survival +4 Background Languages: Goblin Class Skills: Animal Handling +4, Perception +4 Racial Languages: Common, Dwarven Racial Features: Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Combat Training, Tool Proficiency, Stonecunning, Dwarven Toughness Fighter Features: Fighting Style Defense, Second Wind (1d10+1) Heavy Crossbow: +4 (1d10+2) Light Crossbow: +4 (1d8+2) Gear: explorer's pack, Chainmail, Traveler's Clothes, Shield, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, bolts x40, backup bolts x40
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charaday5e · 3 months
Warriors 2
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charaday5e · 3 months
Barbarian 2
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charaday5e · 3 months
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charaday5e · 3 months
Barbarian Tribe
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charaday5e · 4 months
Warriors, LMoP
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charaday5e · 6 months
Necromancer's Troubles
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charaday5e · 7 months
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charaday5e · 7 months
Gaius Kane, Level 20 Wizard Divination
I'm bringing back "Kane", for a level 20 one-shot,
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Spellbook Basics This time I'm buying a spellbook (or two) and I'll try to keep my prepared list and the spellbook as close to the same as I can, for simplicity. The rules say that Kane can prepare 25 spells per day, Wizard Level plus Intelligence Modifier. There are also 5 cantrips that do not require preparation and two signature spells that can be cast once per short rest that are always prepared. The way I interpreted this "Always Prepared" means you have 23 spells to prepared that are not signature spells. Spell Mastery does need to be prepared but they don't use up a spell slot. Spell Mastery At 18th level, two prepared spells can be cast without a spell slot. I've decided to choose misty step and magic missile. Having a bonus action spell prepared that doesn't use spell slots means that Kane will be casting this short range teleportation spell constantly with no fear of burning out of resources. Choosing magic missile is due to a couple of reasons, mainly because of the plan for having a simulacrum of Kane, naming him Sim for now, and Sim will be able to cast misty step and magic missile even after spell slots are depleted. Signature Spells Originally, Animate Dead was chosen, I've decided to go a little more classic with Haste and Fireball. Since these spells are always prepared, it gives me back two 3rd level spells that I can prepare instead, but also means that Haste can be up for as long as I have an Action to cast it. This also means that Kane should be using a light crossbow, whenever possible 9th Wish 8th Dominate Monster 7th Etherealness, Simulacrum 6th Contingency, Disintegrate 5th Conjure Elemental, Telepathic Bond 4th Fabricate, Polymorph, Summon Construct 3rd Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt 2nd Mirror Image, Misty Step 1st Chromatic Orb, False Life, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, and Shield Cantrips Chill Touch Firebolt Light Mending Message Contingency Planning The first contingency is also a classic, "When I'm about to be hit with an attack, and only if I don't react by casting shield, cast Mirror Image" The second contingency is fairly standard, cast on the first short rest if the first contingency was triggered. "Once my hit point drop below 30, cast polymorph on myself to turn into a tyrannosaurus rex." Stats, Feats, Ability Score Increases Variant Human grants one feat, then ASI at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th. If we only increase Intelligence from 16 to 20, we use two ASI for Ability Scores and the rest for feats, which is four feats in all. Human Floating Stat Increases The two +1's will go into Intelligence and Constitution. This means that if we have an odd Intelligence to start, we can make it even and boost it +2 each ASI increase. Also means that if we have an even Constitution, we can make it odd with our floating +1 and then use a feat to make it even. Feats Lightly Armored (Dexterity +1) Resilient (Constitution +1) Alert (Initiative +5) War Caster (Advantage on Concentration Checks) Final Stats at 20th level Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2), 13+1 Constitution 16 (+2), 14+1+1 Intelligence 20 (+5), 15+1+2+2 Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 8 (-1) School Selection Divination for the powerful Portents Equipment Having magical Studded Leather +3 is ideal to increase Armor Class without having to cast or prepare Mage Armor, With +2 Dexterity Kane's normal AC will be 17 and after casting Shield 22. Having a Grimoire +3 will make his spell attacks at 20th +14 and DC 22.
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charaday5e · 9 months
ChatGPT Adventure
Act as a Dungeon Master and run a game of Dungeons and Dragons for me. Create a dungeon adventure for a party of 4 characters each of level 7. One character should be a Tomb Warlock, another a Hill Dwarf Life Cleric, the third character should be a Half-Orc Vengeance Paladin, the last character is an Eladrin Hunter Ranger with a bow. They enter a corrupted cavern and fight mostly abberations in a series of combats starting with Gibbering Mouthers, then Grells, then Chuuls.ChatGPT
Welcome, brave adventurers, to the world of Dungeons and Dragons! As you journey through the land of Thundertop, you find yourselves standing at the entrance of a foreboding and corrupted cavern. The air is thick with an unnatural chill, and an eerie, greenish glow emanates from within. Your party, consisting of a Tomb Warlock, a Hill Dwarf Life Cleric, a Half-Orc Vengeance Paladin, and an Eladrin Hunter Ranger, has been tasked with investigating the source of this corruption and putting an end to it.
The cavern's entrance is shrouded in darkness, but with the aid of your torches and the Eladrin's keen senses, you can make out the path ahead. The sound of dripping water echoes in the distance as you cautiously step into the darkness.
DM: You enter the cavern. The path ahead is narrow and winding, and the walls seem to close in on you as you venture deeper into the cave. Suddenly, the silence is broken by a disturbing, gurgling noise. You turn a corner and come face to face with a pair of grotesque, bloated masses. These are Gibbering Mouthers, their many eyes and mouths filled with gnashing teeth.
Initiative Order:
Gibbering Mouther A
Gibbering Mouther B
Tomb Warlock
Life Cleric
Vengeance Paladin
Hunter Ranger
Gibbering Mouthers A and B are about 30 feet away from you. What do you do?
Tomb Warlock: I'll cast Eldritch Blast at Gibbering Mouther A.
Roll a d20 to attack.
Life Cleric: I'll move closer to the front and prepare to cast Sacred Flame on the same Gibbering Mouther if it survives Tomb Warlock's attack.
Vengeance Paladin: I'll rush forward and attack Gibbering Mouther B with my greatsword.
Hunter Ranger: I'll take aim at Gibbering Mouther A and fire two arrows at it.
Roll a d20 for your attacks, and let me know the results.
After a fierce battle filled with the grotesque noises of the Gibbering Mouthers, you manage to defeat them. As their lifeless forms slump to the cavern floor, you take a moment to catch your breath. The eerie green glow persists, urging you to continue deeper into the cave.
DM: With the Gibbering Mouthers defeated, you press on into the cavern. The passageway widens, and you find yourselves in a larger chamber. Suspended from the ceiling are a series of strange, floating creatures with beaks and tentacles. These are Grells, and they descend upon you with a piercing screech.
Initiative Order:
Grell A
Grell B
Tomb Warlock
Life Cleric
Vengeance Paladin
Hunter Ranger
Grells A and B are 20 feet away and descending rapidly. What do you do?
Tomb Warlock: I'll cast Hex on Grell A and then blast it with Eldritch Blast.
Roll a d20 to attack.
Life Cleric: I'll cast Bless on all of us to enhance our attacks and defenses.
Vengeance Paladin: I'll charge at Grell B and smite it with Divine Smite when I hit.
Hunter Ranger: I'll fire an arrow at Grell A and then use my extra attack to shoot at it again.
Roll a d20 for your attacks, and let me know the results.
After a challenging battle against the floating Grells, you manage to defeat them, their tentacles writhing briefly before falling still. The eerie glow in the cavern persists, and you realize you must press onward.
DM: With the Grells defeated, you continue deeper into the corrupted cavern. The passageway leads to a massive underground lake, and in its dark waters, you spot several grotesque, crab-like creatures with tentacle-covered mouths. These are Chuuls, and they seem to be guarding something.
Initiative Order:
Chuul A
Chuul B
Chuul C
Tomb Warlock
Life Cleric
Vengeance Paladin
Hunter Ranger
Chuuls A, B, and C are in the water about 40 feet away from you. What do you do?
Tomb Warlock: I'll cast Hunger of Hadar to create a void of darkness and tentacles right on top of Chuuls A and B.
Life Cleric: I'll prepare to cast Beacon of Hope to maximize our healing abilities.
Vengeance Paladin: I'll move towards the water and prepare to engage Chuul C when it gets closer.
Hunter Ranger: I'll take aim at Chuul A and fire two arrows at it.
Roll a d20 for your attacks, and let me know the results.
As the Hunger of Hadar engulfs Chuuls A and B, and your party focuses their attacks, the Chuuls put up a fierce resistance. After a grueling battle, you manage to defeat them, their tentacles going limp in the dark waters of the underground lake. With the Chuuls defeated, the eerie green glow in the cavern finally begins to fade, and a sense of calm washes over you.
Congratulations, brave adventurers! You have successfully cleansed the corrupted cavern of its aberrant infestation and restored peace to the land of Thundertop. What would you like to do next?
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charaday5e · 10 months
Paragon 2
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charaday5e · 11 months
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