charismaticrogue · 1 year
Every single thing he learns he FORGETS. If someone is not immediately useful to him he cast them aside. I'm an Otis HATER TILL THE DAY I DIE FR. I HAVE NEVER HATED A PROTAGONIST LIKE THIS.
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charismaticrogue · 5 years
Um update:
Alvidas clan were actually protectors of the mortal plane and they have all disappeared over the last few years.
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charismaticrogue · 5 years
find rest for your souls
A/N: If anybody has prompts for these two idiots especially please let me know. I fell in love with Undeadwood by accident and Friday suddenly feels a very long way away so I’d love to write more.
Read on AO3 for notes.
Summary: Clayton takes watch while the others sleep. The Reverend joins him.
(Initially started as a Whumptober fic, evolved into gay pining. Enjoy.)
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charismaticrogue · 5 years
I just want to say, I miss my old character so fucking much. She was a yuan-ti, half snake person named Lamia. One of the other party members was her half-elven half brother and we suspended the campaign before they actually found out they were related. I was so excited to face the dynamic between those two characters, but my new character is super cute too.
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charismaticrogue · 5 years
I need somewhere to dump lore on my new character:
No legitimate last name, was once named Alvida Ventuium before being thrown from her clan.
Her clan is called Ventuium, she was kicked out of it some 4 years before the current campaign.
She has trouble with the common language, sometimes using broken English and having trouble with gender specific words. She is known to refer to herself as 'king' or 'god' because she thinks they sound cooler.
She cannot read common language, but can read celestial. She cannot write in common and struggles to write celestial.
Her accent is comparable to heavy Russian.
She is as of this far, aromantic. She has never experienced romantic attraction to anyone and almost sees relationships as a hindrance.
Alvida is not a very sexual person, but does experience physical attraction. She does not care about gender, attracted to other things such a strength. As a gauge, Zahra from Critical role is someone she would be attracted to.
She feels like she has to protect the vulnerable, but will always feel a superiority over them. For example, one of our party members is an incredibly old elf. She carries him when he can't walk properly and would protect him, but will always assert her dominance.
She uses over confidence in her own ability to hide how self conscious she is, incredibly insecure by her old clan's rejection of her.
Alvida has no discernable parents as in her clan, everyone is seen as one family. The older member are referred to as elders, the younger are brothers and sisters.
Her memories of her clan are distorted. Although Alvida believes they were a sort of vigilante clan, this may be incorrect. Her naive nature means there are many inconsistencies in her life.
She has mentioned she likes to eat rats, this is something she convinced herself after she was left alone by her clan. She had no food, weapons, protection, or coin, and survived by foraging until she found the small town that took her in.
Her loyalty lies in the town she comes from, her intention is to go back when she is more powerful to continue to lead the town.
She is not beautiful, but she is a handsome woman. She looks like brienne of tarth from game of thrones, just with shoulder length hair instead of a pixie cut.
She has two blue lines tattooed on her face, one over her left eyebrow and one underneath her right eye. These are a mark of the Ventuium clan. She uses a gold paint to make two golden marks beside the tattoos to symbolise her own power.
Her disdain for her clan is not hatred. Her oath of vengeance is against the evils of the world, not her clan. She views the clan more like estranged family than betrayers.
At this point in the campaign, if her clan wanted her back she would go. This will most likely change as she grows more powerful.
She truly, wholeheartedly believes she is on the path to godliness. She believes she is a God, there is no doubt in her mind at this point. Once again this will change as the campaign progresses.
She is around 60 years old, middle aged for a assimar.
Unlike most paladins, she follows her own grey moral code. She believes all power comes from her, so she isn't nervous about breaking her oath.
She prays over innocent lives lost, praying not to a God but to their peace.
She uses tarot cards, almost as a way to try and predict her future as to not be caught off guard. She pulls a card every morning, and sometimes pulls a card as a form of respect to a dead innocent.
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charismaticrogue · 5 years
Well that was a pile of shit.
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charismaticrogue · 6 years
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charismaticrogue · 6 years
Lawful evil
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charismaticrogue · 6 years
Chaotic neautral
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