charklenee · 1 month
about trying to academically excel
I always thought of myself as somebody who was academically gifted and could easily absorb materials and sources from various subjects. But now during highschool, it feels a lot different. I had to actually put effort into maintaining my scores and keep track of the tasks. My school has a no-homework-policy type of thing, but they really just mean that if you don't complete by the school hours, you have to do it on your own in your home. This isn't fair!!!
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charklenee · 2 months
Hi everyone on tumblr!!
I thought I would share my experience with friends going through relationships since I think kids nowadays focus sooo much on relationships and I would like to just give you a piece of it.
So I have a lot of friends who are already in relationships and they can be very tempting. I personally feel very ahem.. fomo but.. I have a hold of myself and I focus on my studies. Alottt of my friends are so hooked on to their partners and they don't seem to focus on their studies. Keep in mind we are not old seniors or sophomores, we're not even of age, so it is kind of weird, but a lot of people are doing it so....
So I have a lot of friends who are in relationships, so what? The thing about them being in relationships is not that I'm simply jealous of them but because my heart is in pain when they are in pain during break-up season. I mean, you being in a relationship will guarantee you for a break-up ! You are NOT going to be endgame, sweetiee!!
I am kind of tired when I see my friends are crying about some douchebag that looks like a dumbfounded idiot. But they are my friends and I try to comfort them.. by telling them the harsh truth. I hate when people expect the best of somebody when the best is only like they can play basketball. Like he isn't even good in it how is that suppose to he the positive side of things?? And I suggest you guys to comfort your pals when they are going through very very idiotic dumb dumb high school break-ups but do NOT and I repeat DO NOT say that it is okay to just date at a young age.
I am so sick and tired of people chasing the idea of loving people in such a young age. Because I have felt this too, I had such big dreams and aspirations higher than the Empire, but as soon as I think of that one person my mind just shifts to just loving that one. The one that will never stay, so why should I bother chasing? Find something that will be with you forever, love at school is just a piece of crap you find in the public toilet. So be aware!!! Love is a drug we can never quit but we can take small doses, just don't overdose, lol.
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