charleskelleypegg · 3 years
Things I have come to peace with over quarantine (7.7.21)
I am a cat person in a family of dog lovers
This is not intended to be a metaphor on my queerness, but I guess it is that too
What can I say, I like pussy.
After three strikes against it
I can admit that long distance relationships are not my thing,
That I like to hold people and see them in-person
It makes them tangible.
At home I sit on my shower floor when I bathe
And it’s not one of those bath/shower combo deals-
I just can’t muster the idea of standing in a box for ten minutes and
When your brain tells you the alternative to this compromise is not bathing at all, you shut up and sit on the goddamn shower floor.
If I close my eyes, I can pretend I’m in a thunderstorm in a rainforest.
I don’t like white chocolate.
I can fool myself with a golden foil-wrapped 50¢ Lindt truffle in the supermarket check-out line on a biannual basis and that is the sole exception.
I like cold weather more than warm.
It will never not trigger an identity crisis when the seasons change-
Yes, I am from land that praises tropical humidity
No, I have spent my whole life learning to speed walk on black ice
I’m spiritual but not dedicated to anything
My mind is pliable to the people around me-
I like the idea of being connected to my Abuela through her old animal tarot deck
And I’m also attached to the wooden cross I found on the ground three years ago.
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charleskelleypegg · 3 years
if We Called it What it is
My pronouns would be he/him
I would be 5’2”
I could be Colombian
If we called it what it is
You would be an unsupportive brother
You, a distant father
You, an overbearing mother
If we called it what it is
You could be the love of my life
You could be my future
Written in the stars
Or maybe ‘boyfriend’ could suffice
If we called it what it is
You had abandoned me
You left when I needed you most
If we had called it what it was
Then it was not consensual
Nor was it pleasant
Nor would I repeat it to anyone else
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charleskelleypegg · 3 years
Doctor Day (2018), a short film made in collaboration with Lucy Clifford, is LIVE on New Plains Review’s site! I am so excited and honored to be able to share this piece with the world <3
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Tasty Top (5.22.18)
The hot July air is making us sweat
On the screen porch you were so proud of
Used to write to me about it
We sit and read
In the stiff chairs
At your wire table:
You, a book of poetry
And me, the Best of Calvin and Hobbes.
You are straight out of an L.L. Bean catalogue
The velcro sandals
Khaki shorts to your knees
And a plain blue t-shirt
Pima cotton, of course.
Cookie lies at your feet
Her pointy nose on the warm wooden floor
Mouth wide open
She pants rhythmically.
It is quiet and peaceful
Just how you like it
I am scared to say a thing
For fear of ruining the beauty
Of nothing being said
You sigh and break the silence
Look at me
“Ice cream?” We load into your subaru
Loyal since 2003
Drive five minutes
To your favourite spot:
The Tasty Top Ice Cream Shop
Like a locally owned Dairy Queen
The little shack stands on the side of the road
Accompanied by a handful of picnic tables
We get cups over cones
Not wanting to risk a spill
We already know our ice cream preferences:
I get chocolate
You get coffee.
We sit on the green wooden picnic table
Quietly eating our ice cream
With our plastic spoons,
You look at me
And I look at you
I wish I knew then
It would be the last time we’d spend
Together, just us two.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Shitty Eyesight (7.16.18)
I get tan in the summer
Pale in sickly in winter
I don’t look like I’m
“From” anywhere
Calling myself white
Doesn’t feel quite right
Yet neither does P.O.C.
Like they’re not mine to claim
In my medical records
They want family history
But they list it under
“problems list”
So my records say
“Problems list: adopted.”
I don’t have great-grandma Ellen’s nose
I don’t have Dad’s bad eyes
I have my own shitty eyesight,
thank you very much.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Please (4.2.19)
My chest protests
Between aches
and suffocation
This chest binder
Hugs my ribs
For twelve hour stints
Understanding and
Supporting are
Two different things
work to make them combine
before they drift further apart
To the doctor with tools
fix me
Make me whole
Take this part of me I never wanted
No take-backs.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Open Book (7.24.20)
My life is an open book,
I say on our first date
shrugging to say “what of it?”
What do you want to know?
To clarify
When I say my life is an open book
I don’t mean I’lll tell you everything
I mean you’ll have to read to find out more
You will need to know which pages to look for
How to look up the answers to the questions you’re curious about
See the index in the back and refer to the appropriate passage
I am an open book
Waiting to be picked up
Have my spine broken
And feel you leaf through me
Until you grow tired of the plot.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Siblings (7.8.20)
When we were kids
It didn’t matter that we don’t share blood.
It was 2006
Your red boombox blared Chris Brown’s newest album,
Wall to Wall playing
as we sat across from each other
Cross-legged on your wooden bedroom floor
Holding up their plastic figurines one at a time,
You quizzed me on Star Wars characters:
Mace Windu has the purple lightsaber.
Maybe that’s why
Eight years later
I watched all of the Star Wars movies back to back
Even though I hated sci-fi
And still don’t understand the plots
or enjoy the franchise
Despite my time investment.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
The Unglamorousness of Self Care (6.22.20)
Self care is
Willing yourself to brush your teeth for the first time in two weeks
After growing accustomed to the fuzz growing on your canines
From late night snacks and longtime neglect.
Self care is
Taking a shower for the first time in four days
Even though you can’t muster the energy to stand
So you sit in the faux bath, watching
Your fingers prune and feeling the hot water exhaust.
Self care is
Washing three-week old laundry
Folding it immediately
Putting it in its correct spot in wooden drawers and
Smiling at such an accomplishment
Self care is
Going to bed at 11pm instead of 1am
Resisting the urge to nap at 3pm while clutching your Intro to Econ textbook
Taking sleep meds as prescribed, no longer missing doses
Self care is
Force-feeding yourself vegetables
Even though no amount of fatty dressing
Will mask the stale taste of leaves
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Apple (4.5.19)
Once upon a time
There was an apple that
Did not fall far from the tree
It wasn’t until the fruit had rotted
That it became aware
It wasn’t an apple
To begin with.
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
I: From the Doctor’s Office
Turn on camera
And sneak in excited selfies
Hi future me
Here I am
In hospital gown
Bare chest underneath
Prime Double incision candidate
Prevent dog ears
Get it done by the end of July
No more sensation
After “nippie grafts”
But contour is left promising
WPATH Standards of Care
Requires a note from a licenced Psychologist who
Can attest to your sound state of mind
In order to proceed
Rule out cancerous cells
Then the legal battle
With insurance
To the parents left twiddling thumbs
Prescribed family therapy
Get in my lane or
Let me speed past.
II: From the Therapist’s Office
Or, alternatively
The one where the therapist has a eureka moment
Like the ones you see in the movies
In summary,
It’s because you were adopted.
She begins
Maybe this is why you
Crave intimacy
The act of having a voice
I have skewed visions
She continues
Of realistic expectations
Of individuals Which is why people disappoint you so often.
On top of everything,
There’s an otherness. You have no fallback
No default,“Well, they’re blood and I’m stuck with them.”
There is no looking at Mom and Dad
That’s going to be me one day.
There is no more safety net
In the humans that raised me
You are your own safety net now.
They care
But they are in mourning
Of their little girl
Youngest of two.
You could run away
You could leave and never return
But you won’t
Because it’s all too important to you: The concept of family
The sense of belonging
The familiarity Of white picket fences and blue skies.
Doctor Day (Pts. I & II) Short Film
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
Doctor Day (Pts. I & II) Short Film
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
About / Contact:
Charlie Kelley-Pegg (they/them) is a poet, artist, and educator based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As a nonbinary, queer, transracial transnational adoptee, most of their work is centered around navigating the depths and intersections of these identities.
Find me on Instagram: @charliekelleypegg
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charleskelleypegg · 4 years
It's ok.
It’s ok to be alone
For a long tome
For a short time
It’s ok.
Someone will come.
Until then, live for yourself.
It’s ok to be alone.
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