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Charlie in Raleigh NC turned 13 today!
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When Silly Pigs Fly
Flying monkeys, Valkyriesa war of words, a war of we’sA thief thinks everyone is a crook So Woke Folk see evil where e’er they look Circling Seuss, are long-wing-ed vulturesravenous vengeful mad Cancel CulturesCat in the Hat never thought about thatnor all the little children who around him satWho are no longer simply called boys and girlsbut with 64 genders, even a WHO’s head whirls.And as for Herman, who once heard a WHO,Farewell, Au revoir, we bid thee Adieu. Christopher Columbus! and Abraham Lincoln! We beg your pardon, what were we thinking?Mad Hatters and Haters, from the Mad House set looseGuess, next Canceled-Aborted, will be old Mother Goose.  -Ingimar Deridder
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12 years
Tumblr reminded me I have been on here for 12 years!
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Reopen now vs too soon
I've been thinking about the "reopen now" vs the "too soon" debate. Here's my take:
As part of my job, I am a trainer for new employees. I am to prepare them to work full time with our company and to make sure than when they are out of training they are reasonably able to perform the job responsibilities.
For them to start earning more than training pay and for them to start producing income for the company, the goal is for me to have them trained in as short a time as possible.
However, if I rush them through training with a bare-bones understanding of the job and their responsibilities, they will fail. They will most likely not meet job expectations, and as such not earn an income that meets their needs and will ultimately quit, which puts me and the company back to square one in hiring and training another new employee. This is the type thinking of the reopen now bunch. If we aren't reasonably ready via a bare-bones "things are better, let's open" mindset, we do stand a good chance of going back to square one and having to do this mandate again and for a longer time.
If I take too long in the training - not letting them do all the aspects of the job - they will be frustrated that they are still on training pay and not allowed to do the job, and will most likely quit. This is the danger of taking to long to reopen the economy. If we take to long to let folks "out on their own", there might not be anything to go to - businesses both local and nationals, small or large, may close their doors permanently because we waited too long.
The ideal situation with one of my trainees is to guide them through all of the new job responsibilities at a reasonable pace. We progress in the skills and as they master a particular skill, we go to the next level of training so when we are done with the training, I, the trainee, and the company can be confident that the new employee can successfully perform their duties. In short, the trainee has to show they can do step one before we go to step two and all the other steps to succeed. That's the ideal solution for the current opening things up situation. Yes, we do need to take steps to get back to normalcy, but we do have to make sure that some things have improved so we can go to the next step. Once step one is successful, we can go to step two, and so on.
Leaders do need to understand that the public needs to see steps towards normalcy. Christians, let's pray for their guidance in making the right decisions.
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Charlie in Raleigh NC turned 9 today!
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Charlie in Raleigh NC turned 8 today!
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A message to musicians and other entertainers.
Perhaps you need a reminder of how things work in your industry. For you to make a career in your industry, it requires us common folk that wish to be entertained to financially support you efforts. You depend upon us to purchase your music and to attend your concerts and performances.
Us common folk like to be entertained. We will fork out a lot of our hard earned income to have a night out to attend your event. Ticket prices to attend your events aren't cheap. When we invest into tickets to see your performance, we usually have to also pay for event parking, refreshments, merchandise, dinner afterwards, and possibly child care and lodging. Some of us might even lose income because we have to take unpaid time off to be entertained by you. For quite a few of us fans, it is a significant financial investment to plan to be entertained by you for a few hours at your event.
There is a problem when you lose sight of how things work in your industry. You lose sight that it is the fans that allow you to be able to live in a very nice house, You take vacations wherever you like on planet earth, your family has a most comfortable lifestyle, all because there are fans willing to financially support you with their purchase of your music or performance.
So when you announce that you have committed to a performance and tickets have been sold to the event, there is a problem when you make a decision to cancel the performance because of your political stance. It is a slap in the face to every fan that was excited to attend your live performance when all you can say to them in a press statement is "sorry to our fans."
If you want to be able to continue your craft and be able to enjoy a certain lifestyle - respect your fans. Fans don't want to attend your performance because you have a particular political view - they want to be entertained. DO WHAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO or get out of the business.
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No matter what side of the SC flag situation you support, let's all lift up tomorrow's removal "ceremony" in prayer tonight/tomorrow. So far everything that's happened in Charleston & Columbia has occurred without riots, looting, etc. At 10am Friday morning the flag will be lowered in a ceremony that will be seen live I'm assuming across our country. I hope this goes well, and hope that we all pray that it does.
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Charleston SC
Let's pray for all those dealing with the tragedy in Charleston SC.  The liberal media will try to make this a white/black hate crime.  It is a hate crime - hate against Christians and the right to assemble for worship.  This ought to concern every Christian.
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
My photos from the 2014 NC State Fair
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
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Charlie in Raleigh NC turned 6 today!
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
I rarely get on here and give my viewpoint. The arrest of a local photographer with child pornography on his computer burdens me to do so.
It does not matter your profession. All of us should have respect for all children and their ability to grow up free of any sexual perversions.
I am especially troubled when we hear of teachers, coaches, clergy, photographers, etc that are guilty of possession of child pornography, sexual actions with minors, etc. These are the persons that are supposed to be trusted around minors. When they violate that trust not only is their harm to the victim(s) and their families, they cast a shadow across others in their profession.
To photographers, professional or hobbyist, no one should ever have to question your interactions with minors. Photo sessions with minors should never be a one on one event. Save the sexier, glamour style photos for those of legal age to make a decision to do so if they choose. Conversations with minors should never contain language that could be interpreted as flirtatious or sexually suggestive. Any type of touch, even an innocent assist to move someone into a position for a photo, could be considered illegal contact with a minor.
Let's all do what we can to allow minors to enjoy that portion of their life without the damage of sexual perversion.
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
Dozens arrested in Durham during protest to raise fast-food pay Read more at http://www.wral.com/dozens-arrested-in-durham-during-protest-to-raise-fast-food-pay/
"George Hargrove, who works at a McDonalds in Durham and was arrested during the protest, said he makes $7.75 an hour after working at the restaurant for 12 years.
"I'm participating in the nonviolent civil disobedience for higher wages so I can afford to take care of my family," he said in a statement."
Hey George - Really? You have worked at McD for TWELVE years and you are complaining that you don't earn enough to take of your family? Are you an IDIOT? YES YOU ARE GEORGE!
In TWELVE years has it not crossed your mind that maybe you ought to consider some other career path? I'm guessing you aren't much of a quality worker or in TWELVE years McD would have considered you for some type of management. In TWELVE years if you wanted to take care of your family did you consider some type of school so that you qualified for a higher paying job? I'm going to guess NO. Did you check out some labor jobs that pay better than your McD hourly rate? I'm going to guess NO to that one as well.
And yet George you have the nerve to walk off your precious McD job and sit your lazy rear end in a street to whine that you "deserve" $15/hour so you can take care of your family? George, again I say YOU ARE AN IDIOT.
George, I was going to give a little economics lesson on why the $15/ hr minimum wage would be an economic disaster for all of us, but I know you aren't one of my social media friends and I've already made too long of a post, so I'm going to stop here.
Oh and George I hope you enjoy paying those court costs associated with your arrest. Guess you didn't think about that expense when you plopped yourself down on the road in that protest did you?
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
My Charlies-Images page at EVE Talent
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
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New photo series with Featured Model Kristin now up at http://charlies-images.com
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
“People are like sticks of dynamite…the power is on the inside, but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.”
Mac Anderson
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charlie-in-raleigh-nc · 10 years
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Our new Featured Model is redheaded Lara.  New photo series taken at a rustic barn now available for your viewing pleasure at http://charlies-images.com
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