&&. would you please kindly reblog this if you don’t mind being sent questions for you/your muse ? and if you want to specify in the tags what kind of questions are your favorites ( to be answered by the writer or by the muse, for example ), that’d also be lovely ?
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This account is run by a very nervous mun who is more scared of you than you are of me.
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         "You’re quite welcome,“ he responded. "So, if the pain gets worse or this brace isn’t comfortable, come on back and we’ll take another look at it. But you should be okay.” He went on to feeling for any anamolies. “But do try to keep the brace on as much as you can. I know it can be a bit cumbersome and unrealistic, but … it will heal faster if you do,” he said, putting it on, looking at her with a smile. “Is this comfortable? Or as comfortable as something like this can get?”
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          "I'll try," she told him quietly. She had never had a problem following a doctor's orders, but "cumbersome and unrealistic" sounded like a nuisance; that is, a nuisance on top of it being her dominant hand in the first place. Charlotte watched him put the brace on, holding her breath against any pain, and let it out in a sigh when he was finished. "As comfortable as something like this can get, I'd say. How long do I have to wear it?"
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❝Llamas with Hats❞ Sentence Meme
“There’s a dead human in our house.”
“[name], what did you do?”
“Me? I, uh, I didn’t do this!”
“Why did you kill this person, [name]?”
“I do not kill people, that is - That is my least favorite thing to do.”
“Well, this guy walked in. So I went up to him. And I, uh, I stabbed him 37 times in the chest.”
“That kills people!”
“Yeah, I’m in the wrong here. I suck.”
“What happened to his hands? Why are they missing?”
“I kind of, uh, cooked them up. And ate them.”
“I was hungry, and well, y’know, when you crave hands, that’s - “
“I was hungry for hands! Give me a break.”
“My stomach was making the rumblies. That only hands would satisfy.”
“What is wrong with you, [name]?”
“Well, I kill people and I eat hands, that’s two things.”
“You sunk an entire cruise ship!”
“I watched you fire a harpoon into the captain’s face!”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“You were headbutting children off the side of the ship!”
“That, uh, that must’ve been horrifying to watch.”
“And then you started making out with the ice sculptures!”
“Why is the lifeboat all red and sticky?”
“Well, they were, uh, taking all the crescent rolls.”
“I will not apologize for art.”
“Whoa, you won the prize. I didn’t even notice that.”
“I have a problem. I have a serious problem.”
“You are just terrible today!”
“Shhh. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of forgiveness.”
“That’s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.”
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mists of avalon → sentence meme
This is part two of a many part series of lines and dialogue taken from The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else to better suit your needs.
I have had dreams and sorceries enough, I want no more of them in my life.
I cannot meddle with what the fates have decreed.
I wish you were a foolish woman I could despise, damn you!
If your priests are right, I am already thoroughly damned and you may save your breath.
Believe that I love you, for a time will come when you will hate me as much as you love me now
Do you not hate and fear me?
I fear you, but I could never hate you.
I would rather have a loving mother than a stern Goddess whose every breath bids men live and die at her will.
With beasts you always know precisely what they think, for they cannot lie, nor pretend to be other than they are.
I have lived in a world where men do not wait for a woman’s bidding to go and come.
Oh yes, I am real, as real as the ground under your feet or the birds in that tree.
Most women I know would think themselves too modest to show their bare legs.
And you, you have the Sight? You can see beyond the veil that separates the worlds?
But it seems to me no work for a man, to skulk here in safety when others outside must suffer.
The world outside is filled with strife, and I came here for a day or two of peace; will you not give it to me?
You are a child of the Goddess, do you know nothing of her Mysteries?
You are like the Goddess of this place.
I feel as if I had been ravished into one of the old fairy forts where, they say, a hundred years can pass in a night.
And will you weep because there is no longer any reason for your life?
Have you, then, gone to the Beltane fires to serve the Goddess?
All the Gods together forbid I should trespass where the Goddess has marked you for her own.
I wish this day could last forever!
I would you were not pledged to the Goddess.
Come here, come here – let me hold you, like this – I have sworn I will not trespass.
That is the matter, child? Are you lost?
Be careful to keep to the path, or you may lose yourself in the mists again.
Be sure I have never found any man who meant more to me than necessity, or duty, or a night’s pleasure.
Last night you were the Goddess, but I wake and find you are a woman.
And you are not the God, but a man?
I think I have had enough of being a God, and besides, it seems to me that it is presumptuous for a man of flesh and blood.
Perhaps there is a time to be Goddess and God, and a time to be no more than flesh and blood.
I was afraid of you last night. I thought you the Goddess, all larger than life…and you are such a tiny little thing!
Do you think the Goddess will be angry with me if I like the woman better?
The Goddess is wise in the ways of men.
Since the God and Goddess have known pleasure, should not the man and the woman know it also?
I want to say this to you – you were the very first. No matter how many women I may have, for all my life I will always remember you and love you and bless you.
No wonder it seemed to me that I have known you since before the world was made, I have always loved you.
Few men can boast of so loyal a mistress.
Oh, like all women, she will respond to whatever hand caresses her, but I think she knows that I can best make her thrill to my touch.
It sounds to me as if you have no good opinion of women who are flesh and blood.
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this blog does not support pineapple on pizza
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Send me an AU and I'll write about what my character would be like in that AU
Could be anything from a mirror universe or another fandom all together
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“Well.. You haven’t met my family… Please, you’re fine… I think I’d rather talk to a stranger…” He rubbed the back of his neck.
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"That bad, huh? I don't spend much time around my family, but I have a brother like that, so I understand."
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        Joel grinned at her and nodded. “Joel. And yes,” he responded tapping it against his leg. He looked at the nurse, pointing at her. He handed her the prescriptions and the chart and took the brace. “Okay, so we’re going to put this on, then we’re going to discharge you. We won’t keep you too much longer than necessary.”
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        "Great, thank you. I would hate to have to sit around here without a book," she said, glancing at the nurse. She finally relinquished her hand back to him, so that he could do what needed to be done and she could possibly stop feeling like an idiot for how she got there in the first place.
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Job AUs
‘Hey bastard this store is already closed oh wait you’re hot never mind please do come in’ AU
‘I’m on the verge of tears because of a rude customer and you step in and stand up for me’ AU
‘I can feel you silently judging me as you ring up my purchases I swear I’m not using these for their intended purpose’ au
Hairdresser AU
‘You’re my regular customer and I’m in love with the feel of your hair’ AU
“Rumor has it that you’re a hairdresser with magic fingers and you can fix any bad hair day so that’s why I’m here’ AU
Gift store AU
‘Why the fuck are you choosing that for a gift to your crush’ AU
‘You walk in and offer to pay me to wrap your gifts’ AU
Florist AU
‘I work as a florist and every day you walk in, buy one flower and give it to me’ AU
‘I work part-time in a flower shop and you keep asking me about what this flower means in flower language and I honestly don’t know so you end up giving me a lesson’ AU
Jewellery shop AU
‘You walk in and ask for the most expensive piece are you loaded to the gills what the fuck man’ AU
‘I’m the employee and this is the first time ever I’ve met you but you buy me a necklace saying the gem compliments my eyes’ AU
Coffee Shop AU
I write a bad pick up line on your cup every time I’m your barista’ AU
‘You’re the customer and you get back at me for all the times I’ve spelt your name wrong by mispronouncing my name in increasingly horrible ways’ AU
‘You’re really short and cute and you buy a cup of black coffee every morning but you make weird faces as you sip it and you never finish your drink are you trying to look mature or something’ AU
‘Should I be concerned about how much caffeine you’re taking in’ AU
Bakery AU
‘Your love of strawberry shortcake really doesn’t match your appearance but i still think that’s really cute’ AU
'Every morning you walk in and inhale deeply then walk back out seriously just buy something already’ AU 
Drug Store/Chemist AU
'You embarrassedly place your items into the counter so I call a price check just to make you feel more awkward, but it turns out one of your items were actually overpriced’ AU
Bartender AU
'You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink’ AU
‘I ask you to concoct something from all the ingredients on the list i gave you and it ends up tasting so horrible and wrong that i can’t stop laughing’ AU
Teacher AU
We’re both teachers and at the end of the year we compare how many gifts we’ve received from students and you’ve won for the past three years’ AU
'Romeo and Juliet of the math and english dept. in school’ AU
Writer AU
I’m a writer and when it gets close to my deadlines I neglect taking care of myself so you’ll pop in my house every so often to make sure I’m doing okay’ AU
Fast food Chain AU
‘You just ordered a smile and I look at you like you’re batshit insane before bursting out into laughter’ AU
‘You’re an employee and I have a crush on you so when you hand me the soft serve I accidentally grab it by the ice cream instead of the cone’ AU
‘We have a free refill policy for soft drink and you’ve prepared several empty bottles what the fuck’ AU
Corner Shop AU
‘I see you come in here every day to buy the same drink and one day I leave a message on the bottle’ AU
‘You run in looking really panicked and you ask for 6 gallons of milk why’ AU
  Restaurant AU
‘You’re a famous critique and I’m a server and I get so nervous that I trip and spill the dish all over you’ AU
‘You’ve always been a good cook so I encouraged your start your own restaurant and seven years down the track you own one of the most successful businesses’ AU
Idol/Manger AU
‘I’m your manager and holy shit you have crazy fans’ AU
‘You’re an idol and you got the lead role in a romance drama and you practice at my expense’ AU
‘Can you please act appropriately do you know just how many of your fuck ups I’ve had to cover up last week’ AU 
Firefighter AU
‘You’ve just been saved from a burning building and you’re begging to go back in to save your pet cat’ AU
“No that’s impossible how the fuck did you manage to get it to catch fire?!” AU
Sex Line Operator AU
‘I called you because I was curious and wow you have a very soothing voice can you please sing me to sleep’ AU
‘I have a very cute neighbour and very thin walls and one day I call you and err your moans are very synchronised with my neighbour’s’ AU
And Finally:
You’re a drug lord and I think I’ve just walked into your drug den’ AU
sorry not sorry
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More theatre AUs
im the lead in our production and have to make a lot of costume changes and you’re the stage crew member who helps me, im sorry im such a bitch during show week but i think i just kissed you in gratitude before my scene? AU
we have been together for four years actually and have to play the lead rivals this production and my love interest has been trying to get between us for years AU
who. needs. sleep. or. water. or. anything. its. show. week. youre the cast member who noticed i wasn’t doing too great and have been trying to help me calm down and oops i just broke down and confessed a lot of heavy stuff to you high school AU
Chorus Line trope and we’re both trying to get the same part but ‘God, I hope I get it’ but apparently you ‘really need this job’ AU
 you took me on a backstage tour when i came stage dooring because this is my favorite musical and wow you were the best actor ive seen in that role (and far too hot to be fair) but somehow we ended up in your dressing room and now we’re kissing AU
we’re doing the Wizard of Oz and the crew is using your dog for Todo and I’m the scarecrow and really afraid of dogs, please get him off of me i don’t care if he’s the size of a squirrel AU
Broadway Backwards ——-> a whole show where gender doesn’t matter and anybody can get anything AU
im helping you practice your lines and suddenly you decided we’re going to practice the kissing scenes as well i dont think this was part of the plan AU
I work lights and sound up in the booth and you work the curtain on stage and we always have little conversations to each other through our headsets AU
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Find your code name for the skeleton war.
1st: Birth month
May: Rib
July: Tooth
August: Fibula
September: Tibia
October: Sternum
November: Skull
December: Humerus
2nd: First letter of last name
A-E: Sucker
F-I: Nutz
J-M: Bong
N-Q: Slapper
R-U: Fucker
V-Y: Humper
Z: Douche
3rd: Birthday:
1-5: the fuckboi destroyer
6-10: master of the bone zone
11-15: player of xylobones
16-20: maker of dank memes
21-25: devourer of candy corn
26-31:crypt keeper of puns
Put your result in the tags
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If I have followed you, whether I followed first or I am following back, I clearly want to roleplay with you at some point. So please don't ever feel like I don't want to interact with you or your muse(s).
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me 11:59 September 30th
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me 12:00 October 1st
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Warm Bodies Starter Sentences
"Now you're supposed to say that I'm pretty too"
"Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy."
"Who the hell do we shoot?"
"I actually miss him/her."
"Like... he could be your boyfriend/girlfriend? Your zombie... zombie boyfriend/girlfriend?"
"Oh, you're a purist, huh?"
"Chill out, _______. He/She can dream if he wants to."
"They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat."
"All I'll ever be is a slow, pale, hunched-over, dead-eyed zombie."
"We're seeing corpses fighting skeletons, sir/ma'am."
"Say something human."
"Nice watch."
"Are you actually dreaming right now?"
"I don't even know what I am."
"It's not gonna happen, lover boy/girl. Not after you told her you ate her ex."
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