Video PDF Portfolio 
I have attached a video of the PDF i created. The PDF is my portfolio, i have decided to just use imagery for the portfolio as when i was on my placement, we had a small portfolio session with some of the staff there and they explained that you should allow the imagery to speak for it self. 
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Interactive Website Portfolio Final
Above is a video of the interactive website portfolio i have created. I am happy with the overall outcome as all of the links work, it is easy to navigate and looks visually consistent. 
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Wireframe 3
Still carrying on with the grid layout i have explored how i could display long web images that i have created. Using a fixed section on the left hand side i can display text while the user can scroll through the imagery.
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Wireframe 2
Exploring layout and how a grid system would work well to display the work produced. I have taken the bold green colour to accent some parts of the site.
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Wireframe 1
Above are the wireframes for the interactive portfolio I am creating. I have created a basic navigation as i found when researching into other website portfolios it was frustrating when i could not navigate the site.
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Business Card 
I have kept a very simple design for the business cards. Keeping the same colour way though out my whole self branding allows it to be consistent. I have added a simple and show amount of information on the back of the card that allows potential clients or employers to contact me.
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Above is the CV i have designed for myself. I have included one colour to be a bold design that allows the CV to be eye-catching but not too over-powering.
I have added Skills in a list, i decided against having a point system showing my strongest skills as i believe this could be seen as a negative if i did not score myself high.  
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Exploring different ways of designing a CV also looking are how you can present information in different layouts. I like how both CV’s have just one bold colour as this design is simple yet effective. I will take this as inspiration when designing my CV. 
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Website Portfolio Inspiration
1. I really liked the experimental design of this website portfolio. It is eye-catching and allows potential clients or employers to be interested in the work. I will take inspiration from this design when designing my own website portfolio. 
2. This portfolio website is simple to navigate for the user which can be a pro when the user is trying to find the work on the portfolio quickly. Although i am not keen on the colours i still like the layout and design. 
3. I love how unusual this portfolio is. When a portfolio is unusual it stands out from the crowd. I like how all the images full the page without space, it allows all the bold images to stand out.
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Guest Speaker
Christine Charnock works at the BBC as a UX Designer. Christine has been in previously and explained her journey, therefore this time she carried out a session based around Job Roles and Job Responsibilities. It was interesting to hear the difference between a Job Role and a Job Responsibility. Christine also gave as a small task to carry out in groups, This allowed us to learn more about different job roles in the area of UX. All of this is very interesting at the moment as we are coming to the end of our degree. 
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We were lucky enough to get a very large Football Table for our show. We tested the figures against the table and they looked great so far. I am excited to paint the figures and see further development. 
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Guest Speaker
Cherie Bellingham, an SEO Executive was our guest speaker this week. I learnt a lot this session, as I wasnt aware at all what SEO was. It was interesting to hear from someone with a completely different career. Cherie gave us some great advice while also teaching us a lot about SEO, i was interesting in how many different job roles there are within it and learnt about what each one did. 
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One of my jobs on the Making team was to paint the figures. I started of by carefully painting each figures face and legs. 
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3D Printing
Another idea that we had as a class was to have our own football table, the football table would consist of Football figures that are personalised to look like each of us. We started off by 3D printing a Football Table Figure. As they take a while, Tim created a Cast to create a mould. This allowed a quicker method to create the figures to give us a quicker turn around as we are making 11 of these figures. 
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Subuteo Moodboard
One idea that we had as a team was to create a small subuteo table on at the Show case. We thought that following the football theme and bringing gamification into it would allow our course to stand out from the rest. We started out as a class by carrying out some research into this and the history of Subuteo. 
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3D scanning 
As a class we wanted to personalise our show as much as possible. Using the facilities at New Adelphi we were able to 3D scan our own heads. We teamed up ad using the portable 3D scanner tried our best to create a digital 3D scan of the head and shoulders of one another. Once we completed this, we sent the 3D scan to the 3D printer and above is the outcome of my 3D scan. 
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Final Logo
Above is the final design of the Football Crest i have been working on. I merged both the colour ways together to create the design attached above. I am happy with the final outcome. 
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