"You think they'd miss us? Bet we could pay some cadets to take our place." Charlotte flashed a smile her way before she sat up, aware that she would actually have to move soon. Stupid drills, she thought. "We could steal some snacks then run for it. I know a few spots that no one would ever look in."
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Liyuan laughed. “Oh, god, I wish.” It was easy to skirt away from duties when the threat was not imminent, and Liyuan knew that. Sometimes one could even forget what was going on. “Hide and never be seen again. Take all somewhat decent snacks…”
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"It's okay to have a little bit of pride. It's kind of how we get by around here," She stated with a small smile. "Definitely! How are you liking it? I was like, really freaked out when I first started training. I thought I wouldn't make it far."
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"Yes, yes I am. Oh, I don’t think I would put it like that, I just try as much as the rest of them, really. But thank you, I’m glad to see that all this training is actually having some affect. 
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They do look a little funky. Those scientists can be a little...much. How did the game go, did you get any neat information out of 'em?
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Thanks.  That’s just what they’ve always looked like to me - bugs some mad scientist type got a hold of and played ‘what if’ with them.
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That sounds delightful. Imagine a life where we can't see our own toes, we'll definitely be living the dream. I'm not certain how we ended up on a prairie but that would be such a nice place to retire. Very quiet, I'd imagine. Not like here.
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Oh god, that is it.  You and I will both end up morbidly obese on a farm in the middle of nowhere somewhere.  Max and I can fly crop dusters, you can tend the fields.  We will have a beautiful little kaiju free home on the prairie.
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"I don't think it would be a gift if someone sent me body parts of any kind. Please don't ever send someone body parts, sweetheart." Charlotte added the last sentence quickly and then added a smile. "Very creative, though. Most people were just tellin' me to can it."
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Sally gave a light shrug of her a shoulders, a smile placed on her lips. “I was just curious to be honest. Didn’t know if some of the merchandise could’ve been actual body parts.” 
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"I think we should just hide instead. And sleep, you with me?"
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"Drills. Awesome. Cool. Grrreat. Time to get our asses up, then.”
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Cool stuff. You can take whatever you want. It doesn't bother me. I'd rather give my things to someone who can really use them like you could. I don't want gifts to go to waste!
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I’ll take the clothes because I usually sleep with T-Shirts. Mugs, too… I’m not interested in anything else, though. Does it bother you, though? That I’m asking for them?
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Oh, sugar. I'm not going to rile up the little cadets, the last thing we need is them liking the Kaiju! I'm giving most of it to the cute girl you're always with. What's her name?
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Just a little reminder, LeClair. You could always give all that merch to some of the cadets… bet they’ll go at it like children under a piñata.
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Becs! That's the perfect way to describe them, icky oversized bugs.
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Oh, yeah - without question.  I do not get the attraction for over-sized bugs.  Ick.  
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It really would be. Gorging yourself during retirement, though, that sounds just heavenly, don't you think?
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Food would be so much better.  Ugh, I am so afraid that when I retire I am just going to spend the first year gorging myself.  
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"Oh my god, look at you with your muscles. Are you a cadet? If you are, you must like, give your partners a run for their money."
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 I never thought I would actually love the feeling of how sore my muscles feel after a training session… 
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"There won't be if you give me the name of who sings this. Totally going to play it, too."
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"Yes I’m listening to that while I piloting, a problem"
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Alright school of hard knocks, I get it.
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If only you’d remember how good at the job you all were when you first walked in here… 
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Ew. Like made from a Kaiju?
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Apparently, Kaiju shoes are a thing now.
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All kinds of stuff. You can like, have some. If you want. I mean, I don't want any of it.
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What kind of merch are we talking about? Cute T-Shirt with witty messages or Kaiju shoes?
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I will warn you though, they taste terrible so unless you can just knock one back, you might want to mix it in with something else. Some people actually mix it into their coffee but that might be a little much, I think.
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That is true, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that. Caffeine is meant to work best in more concentrated dosages. If there’s an extra lying around I might try to nab it.
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Perplexed, Charlotte glanced over at the woman who spoke to her. "I'd probably be a little more threatened if someone sent me a live Kaiju. Why do you ask?"
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Sally quirked an eyebrow her eyes holding a glitter of curiosity by that statement as she turned around to see the woman who had spoken. “Kaiju merchandise? Really? …Was the merchandise alive?” 
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