charmedhypno · 6 days
Charmed!2025 is Coming!
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Have you registered for Charmed!2025? It might be a life-changing experience!
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charmedhypno · 6 days
What's Your Special Interest?
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Share your knowledge and enthusiasm at Charmed!2025 by presenting a class... or two...
Apply today here: https://pretalx.com/charmed2025/cfp!
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charmedhypno · 6 days
Come Be Our Backbone!
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Charmed!2025 needs volunteers!
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charmedhypno · 6 days
TechCrew Needs You!
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Applications for TechCrew close on September 30, 2024! If you'd like to be on the TechCrew, please apply today!
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charmedhypno · 10 days
Charmed! 2025 Covid Policy Update
Charmed! 2025 Covid-19 Policy
Charmed! is committed to hosting the safest event we possibly can as the world continues to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this, the Convention Committee (“ConCom”) will continue to require up to date Covid vaccinations as well as masking for our attendees, staff, and volunteers at Charmed! 2025.
In addition, hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout Convention Space (“Con Space”) and our Dungeon Monitors (“DMs”) will be extremely proactive in reminding people to clean their equipment - if you need help please ask and it will be provided!
Please read the following policies carefully! They contain several important dates and deadlines – ignorance of these policies will not result in any exemptions.
Vaccination Policy
The newest Covid-19 vaccine update has been evaluated and released for use in the United States to people aged 6 months and older for Fall 2024. People can get the vaccination if it has been at least 2 months since their last vaccination for Covid-19. People who have not previously been vaccinated for Covid-19 are considered “up to date” with their vaccinations after receiving this single dose.
This vaccine update is free under most insurance plans in the United States (including Medicaid and Medicare), but is no longer offered for free by the United States government.
Free vaccinations may be available on a state-by-state basis; so check whether or not your state has a free adult vaccination program if you require a free option. People based in the United States can search for their local Health Department here: https://www.naccho.org/membership/lhd-directory
People who have been diagnosed with Covid-19 may wait 3 months before getting the updated vaccine.
In order to attend Charmed! 2025 in-person you must be up to date with your Covid vaccination: a person who is “up to date” with their vaccinations beginning September, 2024 is a person who has received the latest updated vaccine, released in September, 2024.
Vaccinations typically take around two weeks to reach full efficacy; therefore for the purposes of Charmed! 2025 vaccinations will be considered valid if they are received by or before Monday, January 6th, 2025.
In-person attendees of Charmed! 2025 will be required to show proof of “up to date” vaccination received in good time – that is, they must show proof that they have received the Fall 2024 vaccine update by or before January 6th, 2025. Proof may be in the form of one of the following: official paper vaccine card, electronic vaccine card, photocopy or digital representation of official vaccine card, website listing your name/vaccination date, dated email for an applicable vaccination appointment, a photograph of some part of the vaccination process (eg. the vial of serum), or other applicable media. If you are unsure that your form of proof will be valid, please contact us before arriving at the event. Proof of vaccination will be verified at badge pick-up.
You can contact us using one of the following ways: Email us at: [email protected] Contact us through Charmed! social media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharmedHypno Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/121240?sp=1 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/charmedhypno Bluesky: https://charmedhypnocon.bsky.social/ Discord: DM @Noelle - I have answers!
People who are unable to get the updated Covid-19 vaccine for a three month period ending with the final day of Charmed! 2025 (January 26th, 2025) due to a previous Covid-19 infection will be considered “up to date” for the purposes of in-person attendance. Please contact ConCom if you become Covid-positive within this window.
IMPORTANT: if you have a Covid-19 infection that results in you being able to get the updated vaccine within the two week time period before Charmed! 2025 begins – that is, January 8th through January 22nd – you will not be considered “up to date” with your vaccination and will be ineligible to attend Charmed! 2025 in person.
PLEASE NOTE: the three month waiting period is a CDC recommendation and it may be possible for people to get the updated vaccine within that time period.
In-person attendees at Charmed! 2025 will be required to show proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken within 48 hours of badge pick-up, (over-the-counter test is okay), in picture form in order to pick up their badge. Please do not bring a physical test with you to badge pick up - a picture on your phone is sufficient.
Mask Policy
In-person attendees at Charmed! 2025 will be required to wear well-fitting, high quality masks, such as N95s, KN95s, and FFP2s (or equivalent) at all times while in official convention space. This includes both the private convention area and Con Suite, as well as semi-public areas such as registration and the hallway outside of the upstairs classrooms.
If you are unable to acquire an N95 or similar mask, then pleated surgical masks are acceptable as a last resort.
Examples of unacceptable masks include: bandanas, gaiters, and scarfs.
Presenters and demo-bottoms may choose to remain unmasked only while actively presenting.
There are no mask exceptions for evening social events and dungeon play.
Masks may be raised, but not removed, in order to sip water and/or eat small snacks in Convention Space as needed.
A small number of masks may be available via Convention Operations for people who need them; however, we cannot guarantee this so please do your best to procure your own.
Testing Policy
In 2024, we did not require that attendees test daily but did highly recommend that they do so. For 2025, we are again highly recommending that people test daily before entering convention space. Over the counter tests are excellent at detecting a viral load in someone who is contagious, and are currently the best way for people to determine if they need to isolate themselves.
Convention Operations may have a small number of tests available for people who need them; please do not count on this and do your best to procure your own.
Policy Exemptions
Residents of countries that do not offer updated Covid-19 vaccines to the general population may be considered exempt from the requirement to be up-to-date by United States standards as long as they have received and can show confirmation that they received the primary course of vaccinations; that is, the original shot plus the two follow up shots.
We ask that people in non-U.S. countries who are eligible to receive updated vaccines continue to do so.
Attendees who are offered exemptions to the 2025 Covid-19 policy will be required to test daily while in attendance in person at Charmed! 2025 and to send verification of their negative test result to a member of ConCom before they are allowed entrance into official con space.
Failure to follow this policy may result in that person’s badge being pulled and them no longer being able to attend Charmed! 2025 in person.
We will continue to assess the status of attendees with possible medical exemptions on a case by case basis. If you are affected by this policy, please contact us as soon as you can via email at [email protected] or dm Noelle_8033 on Discord.
There are no exemptions to the masking policy.
Covid Infections & Isolation Policy
Attendees, including all staff members, volunteers, presenters, etc, will be required to report and self-isolate if they test positive for Covid-19 while attending Charmed! 2025.
For the purposes of Charmed! 2025, an attendee who is “self-isolating” will remain in their private room as much as possible and will not enter any shared hotel spaces with convention members, including but not limited to: official Convention Spaces (areas past our security check points), shared convention spaces (eg. the badge pick up area, the hallway outside of upstairs classrooms), and the Charmed! 2025 Consuite (the enclosed room outside of regular Con space that is across from the public fireplace seating area.)
ConCom reserves the right to expand this list during the Convention in order to accommodate the number of in-person attendees present at Charmed! 2025.
Out of an abundance of caution, an initial positive test result will be taken as confirmation of infection, regardless of subsequent testing.
**The identity of anyone that contracts Covid-19 while at Charmed! 2025 will be kept anonymous unless otherwise unavoidable, unless that person wishes to share their identity.
Failure to report and self-isolate will result in the infected attendee’s badge being pulled and potentially a ban from Charmed! in the future.**
Reporting & Contact Tracing Policy
Anyone becoming positive for Covid-19 while attending Charmed! 2025 will be required to report and self-isolate. They will need to identify to ConCom classes/areas where they have been, including private spaces, and ConCom will inform the attendee population that they may have been exposed to Covid-19.
**The identity of anyone that contracts Covid-19 while at Charmed! 2025 will be kept anonymous unless otherwise unavoidable, unless that person wishes to share their identity.
Failure to report and self-isolate will result in the infected attendee’s badge being pulled and potentially a ban from Charmed! in the future.**
Charmed! 2025 is committed to providing as safe an environment as possible for our attendees. This may mean that our vaccination/mask requirements are stronger/stricter than those of other events or organizations. We understand that this can be frustrating, and we appreciate your adherence to these policies that are for the benefit of every attendee at Charmed! 2025.
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charmedhypno · 2 months
95 of you have already registered for Charmed!2025!
Can we get that total over 100 this week? You can do your part
Early Bird Registration for the in-person (hybrid) convention is $95 Early Bird Registration for the online-only convention is $30
Celebrate our 10th Anniversary year with us!
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charmedhypno · 2 months
We're having a logo design contest for our 10th Anniversary! Please read all about it HERE
All viewing and judging of potential logos will be done in Discord.
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charmedhypno · 2 months
The Call for Presenters for Charmed!2025 is OPEN!
Apply HERE to present a class at our 10th Anniversary Convention!
Anyone can apply to present at Charmed!2025. We are always looking for new voices - voices with new takes on familiar topics and voices bringing something we’ve never seen before are equally welcome! The application period for regular classes runs from July 10th through October 31st, and we encourage you to submit your proposal(s) sooner rather than later, as that will help expedite the selection process. The CFP also includes Evening Events, and the last day to submit those will be December 13th.
Types of Classes
The Charmed!2025 schedule will include a mix of educational, recreational, and erotic classes in the following formats:
Lectures - Informative classes with little to no group participation or demonstrations.
Demonstrations - Classes that combine information with practical demonstrations of the subject matter. Most of our classes are usually in this format.
Discussions - Forum classes in which attendees participate in a discussion of the class topic. Discussions will be moderated by the presenters who submit them.
Group Experiences - Classes where attendees participate in a group activity, these are often trances that offer attendees an hypnosis-fueled experience.
Seminars/Workshops - We reserve the Thursday of the convention for classes that are longer than the rest of our schedule. In the past these have started at 4 hours long, and are usually a combination of the class types listed above.
Evening Events - These are attendee-driven social experiences like parties, ice breakers, or speed trancing. They are hosted by the person who submits them. As the name implies, these classes happen in the evening after regular classes have ended, and usually begin at 8pm.
For Charmed!2025 we will be accepting class lengths of 4 hours+ for Thursday and classes of 60 to 90 minutes (and a select number at 2 hours) for classes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Evening events should start at 60 minutes and be no longer than 2 hours, except in special cases.
What are the special cases?
As in previous years, Charmed!2025 will be hosting a well-equipped dungeon space from 8pm to midnight on Friday and Saturday night. On Saturday night we will have our vending room open from 8pm to midnight as well.
Individual presenters who have 2 or more classes accepted for Charmed!2025 will receive full compensation to attend the event. Compensation is offered based on number of classes, not number of presenters, so people who have co-presenters will need to decide amongst themselves how to allocate any compensation received. For example, two people who co-present two accepted classes together can choose to each take half-price compensation, or one of the two can have complete compensation.
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charmedhypno · 2 months
Register HERE for our 10th Anniversary Convention!
Prices for Charmed!2025 remain the same as for the 2024 event.
For the Hybrid Convention (in-person and online) Early Bird: $95 (July 10th through October 31st) Regular: $105 (November 1st through December 20th) Late: $115 (December 21st through January 17th)
For the Online Only Convention Early Bird: $30 (July 10th through December 20th) Regular: $35 (December 21st through January 17th)
What is a “Hybrid” Convention? Starting in 2021, Charmed! has offered an online version of our convention. That year, due to the national lockdown for Covid-19, we were online only, which allowed people who had never before been able to attend, the opportunity to experience Charmed!. When in-person events resumed in 2022, the decision was made to continue making Charmed! accessible to everyone by offering an online version of the event, and for 2023 and onwards we have officially been a hybrid convention, with many of the in-person classes being broadcast in real time as they happen for online attendees, as well as there being online-only classes and social events. When you register to attend Charmed!2025 in person, you will be registering for the Hybrid Convention by default.
In addition to some classes being broadcast, we will also offer recordings of some classes for a limited time during the Convention.
All online content will be available for any attendee of Charmed!2025, regardless of registration type.
Volunteers and Presenters for Charmed!2025 will receive discounted registration, and for some volunteers, free room space.
If you are a volunteer, please wait to register until you have received your promo code! Kitty Sylvie, your volunteer coordinator, will be getting your codes out to you very soon so you should be able to register by the end of the summer (at the latest.) If you are a volunteer getting free room space, you do not need to make a hotel reservation - Kitty Sylvie will be coordinating that for you.
If you are a presenter (or think you will be a presenter), we highly recommend paying the early bird rate and registering as soon as you can, in order to make sure that you secure your hotel reservation. Registered attendees who end up receiving complementary registration will be able to have their registration costs refunded. The application period for class proposals ends very close to the time when we sold out of rooms last year, so be prepared for something similar to happen this year!
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charmedhypno · 3 months
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The Charmed! TechCrew information meeting that was originally scheduled for 7/20/24 has been moved up to SATURDAY, JULY 13TH. Still at 7pm Eastern! Here's the updated link: https://discord.com/events/382683482129825799/1255176451783921744
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charmedhypno · 3 months
Just a Reminder...
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At 1pm Eastern we are having a second Volunteer Information chat in the Charmed! discord, if you are interested in volunteering, being a team lead, being a community liaison, or just want to know how things work, please do swing by! https://discord.com/events/382683482129825799/1247349751502995507
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charmedhypno · 3 months
Announcements for Tuesday, June 26th!
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Please join us this coming Saturday (6/29) at 1pm Eastern in the Charmed! Discord, for our next Volunteer Information Meeting! Please show your interest here: https://discord.com/events/382683482129825799/1247349751502995507 2. Applications are still open for Volunteer positions for Charmed!2025 - this includes Team Leads and Community Liaisons! Apply Here: https://forms.gle/MMCAyroVTGCD4P1n7 3. TechCrew apps are open and available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hv0gPf00bgo9QRoM4tHVtCwrmw2ebGXVElOftYTCBxk/edit?usp=sharing 4. There will be an information meeting specifically for TechCrew on Saturday, July 20th in the Charmed! Discord, please RSVP here: https://discord.gg/BQmqEHrw?event=1255176451783921744 5. REGISTRATION IS COMING SOON! ARE YOU READY?
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charmedhypno · 3 months
(also, I think I'm going with Good Omens gifs for most posts from now on...)
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We're having a second Volunteer Information meeting on Saturday, June 29th, at 1pm Eastern! Please RSVP HERE if you're interested in attending!
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charmedhypno · 4 months
What's New in June for Charmed!2025?
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First, please enjoy this delightful gif.
We are gearing up for the official opening next month of both our CFP (call for presenters) and registration for the 2025 event! Look for that to happen on July 10th.
For the rest of June we are focusing on our Volunteer applications! Open now are the apps for:
Regular Volunteers Lead Volunteers Community Liaisons (APPLY HERE) and TechCrew (APPLY HERE)
We're adding a new Team Lead - let's call it an "Evening Event Anniversary Coordinator" to help us put together our official 10th Anniversary events and activities for Charmed!2025! If you are interested in this position, please write it in when you fill out the team lead application!
We are looking for Community Liaisons to ConCom for the Disability Community and the BIPOC Community - if you are interested please apply!
There will be an information meeting about volunteering (other than TechCrew) on Saturday, June 29th, at 1pm Eastern. Please do consider swinging by if you are interested in volunteering! (EVENT HERE)
There will be an information meeting about volunteering for TechCrew on July 20th - more information will be announced closer to the meeting date.
Volunteers may be compensated in accordance with their hours worked in a variety of ways, including registration compensation, room space, food aid, and swag! They are also 100% the backbone that keeps the convention strong, and we could not put on the event without them. Please join us for our 10th Anniversary Convention!
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charmedhypno · 4 months
Well Hello There
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Are you interested in being a volunteer team lead, community liaison, regular volunteer, or member of tech crew for Charmed!2025 but need more info before you apply?
Join us this Saturday, May 18th at 6pm Eastern in the Charmed! Discord to find out more! https://discord.com/events/382683482129825799/1239731971744071693
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charmedhypno · 5 months
What Are You Doing in January?
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It's never too early to make plans for 2025 - Charmed!2025 that is! I case you missed it, we are accepting volunteer applications!
Volunteers may receive benefits such as financial help & room space depending on how many hours they to work! And we have some new positions this year - for 2025 we are looking for people interested in taking on a little extra responsibility to the other available roles.
The new positions are:
1. Community Liaisons - we are looking for two committed people to act as Liaisons for the BIPOC community and the disability community. People interested in these positions can expect to work with the entire ConCom on behalf of their communities.
2. Volunteer Team Leads - as Charmed! has grown, so has the number of volunteers we need! Some responsibilities unique to our Team Leads will be team training & communicating team needs to Kitty Sylvie, our Volunteer Coordinator.
If you have any questions about these new positions, please feel free to dm this account, or you can dm either Noelle#8033 or Kittysylvie on Discord.
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charmedhypno · 6 months
It Seemed Only Right...
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Since we're already calling for volunteers, here is the official (and just little bit earlier than usual) event listing on Fetlife! If you use Fetlife, please rsvp!
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