charsdes99 · 1 year
Do you ever go out into public padded, and if so how do you prepare for like long outings?
I do all the time! Because I’m 24/7 and have been for a while I’m always padded in public! But to prepare for long journeys we will either pack lots of changes or I’ll put on a big abdl nappy which will hold all the wees I could ever imagine doing!
It all just depends on the journey and mine and daddy’s mood! Especially as some journeys don’t have time or places for lots of nappy changes! ☺️
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charsdes99 · 1 year
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true fact for all of us…
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charsdes99 · 1 year
Her new baby.
3 months ago, you met a girl at work who you immediately hit it off with. You both loved being together, going on dates, spending weeks at a time together, it was paradise. She loved you for you, in all your awkward not-good-at-socializing shyness. Contrary to you, she was the outgoing, partying, extremely social type who knew someone at every city corner you turned with her. It was the first time you'd felt connected at the heart with another person in as long as you could remember.
One night out at dinner, the two of you got into the conversation of sex, kinks and all the things that surround it. In great detail, she told you of her sexual experience, the things she'd been through, and the things she's into. "I like full control over my partners. Like, full." She said confidently.
"I can get on board with that..." you said, seemingly shrinking in your seat. The idea of such a wonderful person having full control over you is something you had dreamed of for as long as you can remember.
"What do you mean full?"
"I mean everything. Your most basic bodily functions, your wardrobe, day to day activities, I just really like to be hands-on, I guess." Her face started to turn red as she leaned closer to you across the table, ducking her head down to borderline whisper to you.
"I've always wanted to lock my partner in chastity. The idea of my partner having to beg me for permission to even touch part of their body gets me going so badly." You gasped quietly, your face now matching hers in color. You had a chastity fetish yourself, and you had fantasized before of locking yourself up for her. You thought that when you brought chastity up to her she'd be scared away, so it was something you enjoyed in solitude.
"It's that and..." she trailed off. "And..?" You asked gently, wanting her to feel comfortable in talking about such a seemingly sensitive topic.
"Please don't think I'm weird for this, I know it's taboo and not a usual kink, but.."
Your mind racked. You'd heard of some extreme kinks you weren't hugely into. Stuff like blood, knives, guns, and peril. You mentally braced yourself for the worst... and...
You mentally breathed a sigh of relief.
"Tell me about it? I'm not sure I understand." You said gently. Diapers weren't something you ever considered, but now thinking about it, you could probably get on board.
"Oh my God I'm so weird." She said, cradling her face in her arms. You knew exactly what to do. Switching booth seats quickly, you put your arm around her and pecked her cheek with kisses repeatedly. She's always loved this, and you've always used it as a secret weapon to ease her mind when her anxiety got too high.
"You aren't weird at all, baby. Would you tell me more about it?" You said gently as she turned to your chest for comfort.
"Well.. I like..." She mumbled something incoherent into your shirt.
"One more time lovely?" You asked.
She sat up and cupped her hands around your ear. She whispered into your ear. "I like the idea of putting my partner in diapers, making them my baby, and taking away their bathroom privileges."
Your face got even redder as you imagined being completely helpless to such a perfect person. You zoned out for a second, just imagining straining in your cage and feeling the soft comfort of a diaper over top.
"Babe, say something? Don't just leave me hanging after making me say that!" She said, hitting your shoulder playfully and snapping you back into the world.
"Well? I've done my part! It's time for yours! What are your kinks?"
Ah shit. You were so busy thinking about being her denied baby that you lost your train of thought. "Well.. I'm kind of the opposite of you in the way of.." you gulped. Please, for the love of God don't let this be some sick joke among your coworkers. "I'm a pretty huge sub...." you said, borderline mumbling from embarrassment.
She chuckled. "Well obviously."
WHAT?! "What do you mean? I thought I did a pretty good job at hiding it."
"Baby, think about who it is at work who will obey anything a coworker asks of them, willingly does extra work for the sake of other people's convenience, and doesn't dare question authority despite how stupid they are. Ring a bell?" She dragged a finger in hearts across your chest, tickling you lightly while she spoke.
Your face was now beet red. "Well, go on baby, tell me what all you're into. Is the shy coworker secretly a sexual deviant?" She giggled.
"Please don't judge me.." you said shyly, physically retreating into the seat and subtly curling up on yourself.
"Sweetheart, I don't think there is much you can say that I have room to judge you for. If your kinks are extreme, chances are that makes mine extreme too." She put an arm around you, gently coaxing you back out. "Cmon lovely, tell me about it."
"Oh God, okay. Well, there's chastity.. We definitely have that one in common. I love denial, being told no or given some silly excuse as to why I'm not allowed to. I love being literally owned by my partner. I love being tied up, dressed to my owner's liking, and made to do their chores or something. I'm a service sub, I guess." I finally admitted.
You watched as the concerned face looking up at you turned into a devious smile. You could practically see the ideas forming in her head of all the kinky fun we- well, she is going to have here soon.
"Aww, that's precious. Do you like collars? Leashes and stuff?" She giggled.
"I- I really really do. Being collared is one of my biggest fantasies." You mumbled out. She was practically sitting in your lap at this point. "Why don't we go on the internet and stock up a little for our new.." She put a hand on your burning red cheek, pulling you into a kiss on the other. "..adventures."
Fast forward 2 weeks. It was the last day of the week for the both of you. She left at the end of lunch like usual, and you stayed until after close. She had told you the day before she had something to do, so you expected to come home to an empty apartment. Your first steps into the door were greeted by her, standing confidently in just her favorite lingerie, holding a piece of leather with fuzz on the other side. "Hi baby, remember the conversation we had a few weeks ago at the restaurant?" She said confidently. Her voice was like velvet to your ears. You started shaking immediately, physically feeling your face turn red. "Yyes.." She squished your blushing face with her hand. "Yes mommy or yes ma'am. Those are the only titles you're to call me by. Is that understood?"
"Yes ma'am.." you mustered through squished lips.
With one finger she beckoned you into the bathroom.
"I've already got a bath running, sweetie. We're gonna get nice and clean together! But first.."
She unbuttoned your pants and slid your underwear around your knees. "Lets get you ready.." She pulled a metal ring from her pocket, slipping it over your now rock-hard member.
"Aww, is my baby excited to see me?" She teased. "Stay right there. Do not move a muscle, do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am." You said sheepishly. She stood up to face you. "You're doing so good so far, baby." She said, leaving a big loving kiss on your cheek.
Your soul jumped for joy at her kiss. You missed her at work today, and were mentally prepared to miss her for the rest of the day. It's only been 3 months and the vice grip she has on your heart is impeccable.
She came back with a washcloth around her hand.
"Darling, this will be uncomfortable. I'm sorry, but it's necessary to get you ready." You nodded, preparing your body for discomfort.
Frigid. Horribly frigid on your most vulnerable part. Your body wanted to scream and jump away, but your mind wanted to be a good sub for her. She was using ice to kill your boner.
"We won't have to have that issue for a little while now!" She teased as she slid the stainless steel cage onto you, locking it in place. You strained to test, no space, no mercy. She giggled at the twitch that came from your attempt. "Cmon cutie, bath time."
She sat you in a warm bath with bath toys, sweet smells and bubbles. She helped you with your usual bodily shaving until it was time to shave your face. She instructed you to give her your face, resting your head in her hands. She kissed your face after every part of the shave, tightening her grip when you tried to lean up to kiss her back. "Still, cutie. Stay. Be a good puppy for me, hm?"
That was the straw to break the camel's back. You melted into her hands. "Aww, I think I found someone's pet name."
After the bath was finished, she wrapped you in a towel and coaxed you to the living room of the house, laying you gently down on a silk blanket. "Now baby, I'm going to need you to trust me, do you trust me puppy?"
"Yes m-ma'am." You stammered. You laid as still as you could to allow her to buckle a collar around your neck. "Thank you so much. I- I-" She stopped you with a finger on your lips.
"You're very welcome cutie. Thank you for letting me experiment so much." You went tried to hide behind your hands, only to feel her grab your wrists.
"Ah ah ah cutie. We don't get to hide. Mommy wants to see your face. Now you stay right here, no hiding."
She stood up and went into the bedroom, returning with a pair of cuffs and a chain. She buckled the cuffs around your wrists, clipping them to the D-ring on your collar.
"Now, those paws will stay there until we're sure you'll stay out of trouble. Sweetie, before I go any farther, what's our safeword?"
"Purple.." you said shyly.
"Good puppy."
You feel her hands on your ankles, pulling them together and lifting your butt off the couch. When she let go, your bottom landed on something soft and crinkly.
"Now baby, I want you to waddle because I think it's cute. Is that okay?"
You nodded shyly.
"Thank you cutie, don't worry, I promise to be a very sweet owner. You won't be waddling around in a wet diaper for long under my watch."
You felt a cold powder sprinkled over your cage, and then a diaper being pulled up over you. After taping, she kissed your tummy. "Now sweetie, mommy is going to cut holes I'm this diaper and put a second one on top of it. Lay still and let me finish." You were as obedient as you could and refused to move a muscle until she allowed you to.
"Now, for one last detail, I have this cute pink onesie for you. Sit up!" She took your (still bound) hands, gently pulling you up to sitting. She unbuckled your hands, letting them by your side.
"Arms up!" She said, sliding the onesie on. "Aaand, lay back!" She said, buttoning the onesie over your diapers when you obeyed.
"Now baby, how about we lay down and watch a movie? I want to have quality time with my baby."
She left to the bedroom and came back holding a pair of thick mittens, a bunch of blankets, and a large pacifier. She laid down on the couch and took to buckling the mittens on over your hands. She wrapped the blankets around the two of you as you cuddled up to her, kissing her cheek over and over the way she likes so much.
"You're so sweet, puppy." She giggled, clipping the leash on the pacifier to your onesie.
She put on her favorite horror movie, the one she knows freaks you out more than you're proud of, and idlly rubbed her hand up and down your diapered locked up crotch for the next few hours, only stopping when you needed to hide behind her from the scary movie.
When the movie was over, she sat you in front of her and looked you deep in the eyes while she laid down the new rules.
"Now puppy, this isn't a weekend thing. This is permanent. You're to be diapered for the rest of your life if we can afford it. We'll order you a new case of diapers every other week. As for your chastity, you're starting with a week. We'll unlock you at the end of the week and, depending on my mood, we'll either have sex, you'll take a strap on for me, or we'll just vibrate the front of your diaper until you make a sticky mess. Does that sound okay? Are you willing to be locked and padded for the week for me?" You nodded shyly, wanting to hide your face but knowing it's against the rules. "Good puppy." She said, taking her phone out and taking a picture of your crotch, showing the pink onesie that did little to nothing to hide your massive diaper.
"This is for extra motivation. You're allowed to safeword, but if you unlock yourself or refuse to wear diapers, this picture gets posted. We're going to have so much fun this week."
She kissed your -now blood red cheeks and coaxed you back to laying down with her.
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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charsdes99 · 2 years
Omg!! I think it’s time to change my name to lilmissleakypants 😞
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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I am in love with these diapers from @crinklycreations on Instagram 💜🍼✨ such perfect baby vibes
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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Now this was a LOT of fun to make. Hope you enjoy!
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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All dressed up with Snow-where to go! It’s snowing heavily here so I wanted to dress for a cute indoor snow day, and I couldn’t resist brightening up the place with this colourful diaper crop combo! 🌈
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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Hey sweetie, I made dinner reservations for us tonight at 6. I KNOW you’re a big girl, but let’s get you changed so you don’t have to worry about using that yucky big girl potty while we are out! Now drop those undies and step in with your left leg... now your right... and daddy’s just going to pull this up and poof! All done! I’ve already laid your outfit out on the bed, so let’s go finish getting you ready 😘
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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Happy Thursday Tumblr! 😘
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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I think he likes me!
Hoot Hoot!!
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charsdes99 · 2 years
Colorado Crybaby
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16:
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charsdes99 · 2 years
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