charstock-blog · 12 years
No one cares.
Hey. Hi. How is everyone?
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charstock-blog · 12 years
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jamesserious replied to your post: You lot sure are quiet today.
yeah but ur legs’ll feel like jelly after I jam my cock in ur ass
You know what else will feel like jelly?
The consistency of the vomit I spew all over my legs and feet due to pain and emotional trauma. 
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charstock-blog · 12 years
You lot sure are quiet today.
Here's a little something to lighten the mood!
What's the difference between jelly and jam?
I can't jelly my cock in your ass. 
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charstock-blog · 12 years
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Attack of the sneezes. 
Hey, is any other Quidditch captain frustrated at their players lately? Slytherin just drags their feet around everywhere, nobody seems to have the drive to be better, or to win, and I don’t know if we can pull this off.
Any way, that’s probably good news for you guys who aren’t in Slytherin.
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Kiss kiss. Miss you, bella.
I’ve decided learn a new language.
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Learn troll. It's not too far out of your league.
I’ve decided learn a new language.
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Shut up James
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Shut up James
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charstock-blog · 12 years
No he didn't
Shut up James
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charstock-blog · 12 years
If anyone really needs sleep here, it's definitely me. Like, really. I was up all night doing very important things* and now I'm required to get up for class. This is just no.
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Shut up James
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charstock-blog · 12 years
I could seriously
go for some
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charstock-blog · 12 years
    Some inexplicable force was brewing its almighty power in her very abdomen. It toyed with the reigns of her composition and messed with her emotional controls. It was a deep, dark, powerful yet unnamed force… or maybe it was just butterflies. It was a weird occurrence; she rarely found herself overcome with such a silly feeling. That alone was almost enough to embarrass her even further. 
    “I suppose I can keep you out of trouble, however, I make no promises.” She winked, laughing. “I don’t think ‘dead’ would be a very good look on you. It wouldn’t go nicely with your hair. But in all seriousness, yeah. We should definitely get together sometime. Like, and do friend things.” She added in, just to cover all her bases. 
    Taking advantage of the fact his eyes were closed, she stole a moment to admire his facial features and structure. Creepy, she thought, and quickly looked away.
“No, I suppose not,” Albus tugged at his fringe, “besides, being dead would put rather the damper on my plans to become a double agent. However, I’m being serious, you don’t grow up in my family without learning to deal with minor rule breaking at least, but anything like skipping classes or setting up one of Roxanne’s pranks and I’ll quite probably have a premature heart attack…Although…they do say baby steps, I suppose.”
Albus had decided long ago that he liked Ingrid. He had admired her ever since she and James had hexed a fourth year for calling him ‘Snivellus’ (he’d been in second year), and he guessed that that admiration had just developed over the years. He loved that her earlier comment of ’Gryffindor till death’ summed her up entirely. Ingrid was tough, she was brave, she had a wicked sense of humor and she wasn’t afraid to be herself. 
She was also attractive, Albus thought, like fire almost. Ingrid was bright and entrancing in a way…like the way one could just watch a fire crackle away for as long as they pleased. The idea that their relationship would ever pass the point of friendship never crossed his mind. He liked her like that, sure, but he was almost a hundred percent certain that it wasn’t reciprocated. And Albus wasn’t depressed at all by that thought, he was okay with just being Ingrid’s friend.
However…”Are you getting hot?” he loosened his tie and let out a heaving breath, “Or is it just me? No? Okay…I’m just gonna go stand in the lake again…” Not entirely sure whether it was just the sun or the fact that he was being affected by Ingrid’s presence, Albus jumped to his feet and waded back into the lake; this time, to the middle of his calves.
    "No, no," she said as he walked over to the lake. She pushed herself up and went over to join him, slipping her tie off and unbuttoning the first few buttons on her blouse. "It's sweltering out here, haha. Who knew September heat could be so brutal?" She slipped off her socks and walked out to join him, but she went up to her knees. The tips of her skirt were darkened with water; she took this as a hint to roll it up a bit. She could always dry it, but she'd rather save herself the time. 
    "I burn like you'd never believe," said Ingrid nonchalantly, examining her freckled, pasty arms. "Hopefully I don't today; I didn't put on any lotion." The water was chilly. Like tiny little icicles pricking her legs and toes. "However, this is really nice." 
Snap || OPEN || REPLY ORDER: Albus - Ingrid
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charstock-blog · 12 years
If I ever find the Room of Requirement, I'm making it into a McDonalds. You're welcome.
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charstock-blog · 12 years
    Some inexplicable force was brewing its almighty power in her very abdomen. It toyed with the reigns of her composition and messed with her emotional controls. It was a deep, dark, powerful yet unnamed force... or maybe it was just butterflies. It was a weird occurrence; she rarely found herself overcome with such a silly feeling. That alone was almost enough to embarrass her even further. 
    "I suppose I can keep you out of trouble, however, I make no promises." She winked, laughing. "I don't think 'dead' would be a very good look on you. It wouldn't go nicely with your hair. But in all seriousness, yeah. We should definitely get together sometime. Like, and do friend things." She added in, just to cover all her bases. 
    Taking advantage of the fact his eyes were closed, she stole a moment to admire his facial features and structure. Creepy, she thought, and quickly looked away.
Snap || OPEN || REPLY ORDER: Albus - Ingrid
Albus gave a grim smile, “Yeah well, it’s like with anything, you never learn until it’s too late. And quite the contrary, I think we’re being rather realistic. And if that’s the case - what with everything being up in the air - just imagine that I’m basically regurgitating your earlier inspiring speech right back at you,” he cringed, “For want of a better analogy and considering that I wouldn’t be able to recite it word for word.”
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charstock-blog · 12 years
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charstock-blog · 12 years
Why a hug I need a one thank you appreciate I you also am Yoda. 
why is it right now and I’m tired, this is ridiculous.
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