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This bitch and his huge mouth
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For awkward people who don’t know how to respond to “wyd?” texts from either their crush or boyfriend/girlfriend
Don’t think about the bad reaction that could happen (most likely won’t). You just need to focus on the good reaction such as saying that you’re laying in bed at 2 in the afternoon you rock that laziness because it could either be really cute in their eyes because they think about how you look without makeup or fixed hair and it could make them so happy that you know you can take a whole day without that stuff and just be free to be yourself. Who cares if they don’t like that! If they don’t appreciate your happy lazy days then they are a fucking alien! You’re welcome and hail Satan *backflips off cliff and back into hell*
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Running From The Sun
Part 2 Part 1
“It was a pretty great idea to get a car like your dads” I told Sofia. She nods then pulls out a few weapons, but of course she kept her ak-47, axe, and chainsaw. I chose a katana, miniknives, and a sniper rifle. Alex chose two hammers, a rubber mallet, and a handgun along with its holster. “We are never going to survive without proper supplies” Sofia told us “amen to that” Alex replied. We start driving on the main road talking about how Sofia’s family most likely went to a store with good supplies. “Ella thought of this idea over six years ago...” she then grabbed a granola bar out of the glove compartment. Sofia was treated like any little sister would be by Ella. Older sisters tend to be rude and unaffectionate towards their younger sisters but Sofia always knew that Ella still loved her. We stayed silent for about 5 hours of the ride until we encountered a bridge. “Brace yourself I do t wanna get out of the car yet” just then Sofia started to plow through everything in her path. Alex started to complain about the cans hitting her. “Sorry Alex but you could’ve sat up here, it would be less painful” Sofia explained “WAIT! We forgot Nyla!” Alex exclaimed. “No I’m right here, Sofia got me before you two” Nyla said sitting up from a pile of clothes and blankets that Sofia brought “WHAT THE HELL DUDE?! You brought clothes for yourself but not us?!” “Alex, chill where are we going you can get as many clothes as you desire” Nyla and I just listened to Alex and Sofia joke about how this happens when we are just 19-20 years old.
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Running From The Sun
(I named this randomly so it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story but it’s a story about a zombie apocalypse)
Part 1
*beep beep beep* “This is an emergency message to the world, an immediate curfew has been set for everyone to stay indoors. An unknown source has been spreading across all continents so please stay inside and stay calm” *beep beep beep* Oh great...it’s actually happening good thing now that I’m 20. I finally learned all the survival skills for this type of situation. Me and Katie learned everything we needed to know 2 years ago after we turned 18. We packed our bags and cars for any moment that this could happen.
As I hang out with Alex outside, I hear my phone go off. First an emergency curfew, then Sofia asking if Alex and I are at my house...
Katie: yeah, why?
Sofia:Ok I’m almost there.
Sofia:it’s happening!
Katie:the zombie apocalypse?
Just then a van pulls up. “Get in!” Sofia yells so I go in with Alex. Sofia has packed a work van with all the supplies we would need such as water bottles, food cans, and clothes? Ok so she packed her clothes, smart on her end...
I’m gonna stop here for now I have most of the story written on paper but I don’t like to type for a very long time so I will update soon (sorry it’s short)
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I decided to draw Hikarus face when Kirimi decided to call him and Kaoru out on their “twincest”
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A random sketch of Kaoru Hitachiin
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Something that I’m actually proud of that I drew a few months ago. (I almost tripped when I finished it)
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I finally decided to finish this
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Sometimes I actually paint
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