cheapwcne · 4 years
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with her sketchbook tucked beneath one arm and j.j strapped to her chest , b.j had braved the outside world to go and visit sebastian and try and get back into the swing of things with her work . even thought she’d be on maternity leave for quite some time yet the girl was dedicated to finishing the design for his tattoo , and in the last few stages of her pregnancy a few concepts had been sketched up that she was desperate to share . there was , of course , the important task of introducing the two boys too – jett was snoozing away ( rather obediently for an anderson ) when the girl decided to text seb and announce her arrival , reluctant to knock on his door and rouse the sleeping baby .
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hearing the knock on his door, caused sebastian to turn his head around and look in the direction of where the sound had come from. cracking his neck, sebastian let his tongue swipe quickly across his lips as he heard another knock. jumping up from the seat, he made his way over to the front door, placing his hand on the door handle. pulling it open quickly, sebastian knew who it was waiting outside as she had texted him earlier. the grin on his lips widened as he saw barbara stand in front of him. “ hey, ” he said and grinned, the smile on his lips widened slowly. “ congratulations on the baby, barbara! ” he said and looked at the baby she was holding onto. “ come in, ” he said and stepped aside so she could get into the hallway and out of the cold. 
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cheapwcne · 4 years
sebastian looked at lily, the look in his eye was telling – it was pretty obvious what she was doing to him. his body was covered in bruises and dark spots. he knew it couldn’t exactly be a turn on, but he hoped lily was able to look past that. sure, this hadn’t been the way he thought that their first time together would be, but then again, neither of the stuff they had done together, had been very normal or typical. that’s what he liked about them, they were never going to be boring together. soon, his jeans were pushed down and discarded to the floor. he licked his lips absentmindedly as she reached her hand out, their eyes were locked with each other as she started to palm him through his boxers. both of his eyelids fluttered shut and his mouth fell open a little, his breathing had increased. “ shit, ” he moaned and a chuckle followed soon after. when she tugged down the remaining fabric, sebastian opened his eyes and looked at her as she wrapped her hand around his hardened length. leaning forward, he pressed his lips harshly against hers. “ i want you... ”
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cheapwcne · 4 years
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it was almost as if woody went looking for trouble , and he must’ve been pretty good at finding it . it was more of an achievement for him to come home after a night out unscathed , but he already knew it wasn’t going to be one of those miracles this time around . he bundled his way throughout the masked individuals in his way , pushing unfamiliar figures from his and sebastian’s shared path, like two boxers making approaching the ring-side . cold air hit his skin the second they’d left the ballroom floor but he knew things were about to get a lot worse for one of the men , whoever emerged with the more broken face and busted appearance . “ go on , we’re out here !! man on man , let’s do this – tell me the whole fuckin’ story start to finish , and i’ll try not to knock all your goddamn teeth out , “  they were too far gone now . whatever sebastian came out with , even if it was a strong argument or painted him in a better light , wouldn’t be enough to stop a fist flying through the air in his direction . it was like an addiction – along with his constant aching need for heroin , alcohol and sex he experienced withdrawals from scrapping with other men , tattooed fingers switching as he physically restrained himself back . “ i’m jus’ trying to protect my friend , man . you know you’d be the same if it were you . “
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sebastian really hadn’t been looking for trouble that night. in fact, he hadn’t expected to get into this predicament at all. walking outside with woody, sebastian hoped he would be able to calm him down somehow, because he had no idea where the hell woody had found out about nate and how he had been involved in his best friend’s death. or, been there when it had happened. he limped through the crowd, following woody through the crowd of people who mostly didn’t seem to really notice that something was going to happen. he took a deep breath as they got outside of the building, standing in front of each other.
shaking his head, he couldn’t believe he had to tell someone he didn’t know, his story. hell, he hadn’t told people he cared about, about what had happened that night and here he was being pushed into telling this asshole stuff that had haunted him for a long time. he also knew that whatever he told woody, he wouldn’t believe him. “ whatever i tell you, i don’t think you’re going to believe me, ” he said and swallowed, crossing his arms over his chest. he nodded his head as he did understand where woody was coming from. “ i get it. i really do, but i’m not going to hurt lily. i... i care about her, a lot, and – ” he narrowed his eyes a little, shaking his head as he swayed from one foot to the other. 
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cheapwcne · 4 years
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“ you don’t need to say sorry . he’s a real brave , brave man .. and i know he’d kick my ass if he knew i was hung up on losing him for a second . things hurt , of course they do , but they also get better .. i hope you manage to get to that point one day , “ her father had always been her best friend , her rock , and losing him so early felt like having a limb so brutally ripped off . a part of her was missing and yet it was the kick up the butt she needed to do whatever the hell she wanted , to live for herself and only herself – sure , b.j got herself in some pretty questionable situations ( being pregnant with a drug-dealer’s baby was one of them ) , but her motto of live fast die young certainly seemed to be holding up . turning her attention back to the page her own inked hand began loosely sketching , wanting to get ideas down to paper before her baby brain wiped the slate entirely clean . “ we can do a map , sure – what kind of places have you two gone to ?? we can have one over here , another here .. kinda wrapping around the compass , artistic licence , “ humming in time to the pencil swirls , the tip skidded slightly and a hiss escaped her lips at a pang of pain from her stomach . “ hey , “ a giggle followed to show sebastian that she was okay , and wasn’t about to have the little anderson bust out her gut like the scene from ‘ alien ‘ . “ they’re playing football with my bladder again . that’s the worst , means you gotta pee every five seconds . that’s not for them to play with !! “
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nodding his head, sebastian pressed his lips together as she said that she hoped he would manage to get to that point one day too. “ yeah, i hope so too, ” he said and nodded, taking a deep breath before letting his gaze drop towards his feet. sebastian hoped he would be able to handle the loss of his best friend one day. of course he knew it was never going to go away completely, and he didn’t want that, but he did want the pain to feel less... harsh. it was always going to make him feel like he was missing a piece. nate had been like his best friend and brother at the same time. never in a million years did he expect to lose him so early. the two of them had felt invincible. as if nothing could ever take them down. 
“ well, we loved going to the mountains during the winter months? it was kind of our... our thing ,you know? ” he said and swallowed, shaking his head lightly. “ i’ll give you a list of places we’ve gone, ” he said and nodded, mentally making it already. they had been a lot of places together. watching barbara as the pencil swirled and he really liked the idea she had come up with already. “ oh, ” he said and chuckled when she explained it was the baby who was playing with her bladder again. “ god, i can’t even begin to imagine. you guys definitely should get, i don’t know, a prize for what you go through the months you’re pregnant, ” he said and chuckled softly. “ women are truly the strongest creature out there. men have got nothing on you guys, ” he continued and snickered softly.  
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cheapwcne · 4 years
sebastian watched as the dress slipped down from her shoulder, and he watched her push the remaining piece of material off the other while her hands were brought back up to her shoulders. he had leaned in and pressed his lips against the lower part of her back and he watched as she tilted her head backwards a little. the only lighting in the room, came from a lamp located on her desk, otherwise it was pitch black in there. the light from the lamp set the mood though, and illuminated everything in a very subtle way. when she turned around, and pushed him backwards and onto the bed, a chuckle fell from his lips as the back of his head pressed against the mattress. sebastian didn’t even think of the pain anymore. a soft chuckle fell from his lips when she said that it was his turn to take a few things off because it was unfair that she was the only one showing a lot of skin. he parted his lips to speak as she kneeled next to him and began to unbuckle his belt. swallowing against the lump in his throat, sebastian let a soft laugh escape his lips as he pushed himself up into a half-sitting position and he leaned forward, pressing his lips against her arm as she continued to work on his pants. once the belt was open and the zipper was down, he lifted his hips a little so he could push them down and off, letting the item pool around his feet on the floor.  
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cheapwcne · 4 years
lily was like a dream. honestly though, sebastian couldn’t believe how lucky he had been since he arrived in atlanta, especially with how the two of them had bumped into each other randomly one afternoon. it was like a romantic comedy — where you bump into someone who you are just meant to meet and then things develop slowly. sebastian was glad that the two of them had developed a friendship first, and then they had let that friendship develop into something more. she was making him feel so many things at the same time, it was kind of getting difficult for him to focus for too long. not that it was a bad thing, though.  
sebastian wanted to make lily feel special. he wanted her to feel like she was on the top of the world, because that was exactly what she deserved. she deserved to feel like a queen. he knew that this was more than just sex. sebastian had feelings for her. he cared about her a lot and could see the two of them having a future together. he continued to keep his dark eyes on her as she removed her bra and her cheeks painted in a soft pink, which only made her look that much more sexy to him. looking at lily, sebastian thought it was like looking at a masterpiece. like a piece of art that should be in a museum. it was impossible to pull his eyes away from her and he knew she could see that.  
keeping his eyes on her, she nodded and slid off his lap and he instantly missed the pressure of their bodies together and he swallowed against the lump in his throat as she stood by the side of the bed that he was on. he turned his head and looked at her, before pushing himself off of the mattress and he was now sitting on the edge of it as she moved to stand in front of him, with her back facing him. sebastian tilted his head backward as she looked at him over his shoulder. once you’ve got it down, it should just... slip off. the grin on his lips widened and he nodded, as he continued to keep his dark-eyes locked with hers. lifting his hand, sebastian reached forward and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down the curve of her back and over her backside, slowly, fully aware of how agonizingly slow he’s being. once the zipper reaches the end, and the two sides separate and shows skin, sebastian leaned in and pressed his lips against the small of her back. 
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cheapwcne · 4 years
the two of them had known each other for a month or so and honestly, sebastian couldn’t even begin to imagine a life without her in it. hell, he didn’t want to. the two of them hit it off instantly and he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since that day. they had started off as friends but it didn’t take long before he started to see lily as something more than just friends. he started liking lily pretty early on, after-all, she was gorgeous to look at, funny and really sweet. she seemed like the type of person who would never be able to hurt a fly. how could one not enjoy her company, right? as their lips moved against one another, the grin on his lips widened and he let a soft chuckle escape his mouth and into hers. 
the clasp came undone and when she pulled away, momentarily, sebastian looked at her with glossy-looking eyes and admiration. god, she was truly a beautiful girl; he thought and took a deep breath as lily shimmied the straps further down her arms so that she could take it off underneath the dress. tilting his head a little to the side, he took in everything about her and licked his lips absentmindedly as she tossed the bra to the floor before she moved her hands to drag the loosened bow-tie from his collar and discarding it quickly. he chuckled a little softly as she collided her lips with his, while her hands reached up and under his shirt in a means to tell him to take it off. do you wanna take off my dress or do you want me? it has a zipper, at the back... i’ll need help with it. the grin on his lips widened and he nodded. ❛ i’ll help you, ❜ he spoke, his voice laced with excitement. 
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cheapwcne · 5 years
honestly, sebastian felt like it was his first time all over again. he was nervous and he had knots in his stomach. it was good knots, though. the two could sit and talk for hours about everything and nothing at the same time. he really cared about her a lot and it was getting difficult to keep his hands off of her. it had been a long time since sebastian had felt like this with anyone. in fact, he couldn’t even remember the last time. ever since the first time they had kissed, lily had been on sebastian’s mind, pretty much twenty-four seven.
when her legs rested on either side of his waist, sebastian swallowed and looked at her as she straddled him by his waist. he felt her body hover above his and he knew that she was obviously doing it because she didn’t want to hurt him. god, that’s the last thing i want you to do. his grin widened and he leaned in, pressing his lips against hers once more. once the clasp was undone, sebastian moved both of his hands up to the straps of the bra, pushing them down her shoulders. ❛ good, because it’s the last thing i want to do as well, ❜ he said, while his white teeth started to nibble on the girl’s bottom lip, pulling at it lightly. never had sebastian thought that they would come to this, especially after everything that happened between him and woody. ❛ god, you’re so beautiful... ❜
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily adored the private time she got to spend with Sebastian. She knew she would love being in public with him; he seemed like the type to show off the fact that he was with someone. It was just that in public, she could just be herself around him. He was yet to judge her for anything, and had gone along with everything she said the last time they dressed up this nice and fancy. This time all she wanted to do was rip the rest of his shirt off and just.. have a great time. It was just unfortunate that they would have to be so careful.
So she would believe him, about his pain and about how much he was in, hoping that he would tell her if he wasn’t. Lily couldn’t wait until she had her hands all over him, and his her. God, the thoughts racing through her mind just being able to run ice all over him, it would be ten times better when she didn’t have to be so gentle. Her lips on his, she moved the bowl so that she wouldn’t knock it over, and shuffled closer towards him so that he could lie back down if it was hurting him. He’d dragged her closer, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly as she deepened the kiss even further.
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sebastian could feel himself getting lost in lily, the more time they spent together. and right now, it was getting more difficult to focus on anything else. and if he was in too much pain, then he would let he know as he didn’t want to jepordise anything. but he also wanted to spend more time with lily; in every sense of the word. their lips moved against one another slowly and he saw her move the bowl a little, so she wouldn’t knock it over. 
feeling lily shuffle a little on the mattress, it gave him more space to lay down if he needed to. he moved his hand from the back of her neck and down to the lower part of her back, pulling her body as close to himself as humanly possible. he felt her place her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly a the kiss deepened. parting his lips, sebastian let his tongue slide in-between her lips and clash against hers desperately while his hand continued to press her body into his. laying down on the mattress, he used his hand to pull her body on top of his, so that she sat on his lower stomach area. lifting his body up a little, he moved both of his hands up towards where the clasp of her bra was and he opened his eyes to look at lily. ❛ tell me to stop if you want me to, okay? ❜
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily would believe Seb, of course she would. They were his injuries, after all, and she didn’t know how much pain he was in. Besides, she was sure that the ice would help numb the bruising that had appeared across his ribs, and the painkillers would kick in soon enough. They were strong, anyway, and mixed with the alcohol in his system, surely that exaggerated their effect. So she nodded, instead focusing on the ice cube, slowly melting against his soft skin.
It was oddly satisfying, watching it melt, the small trail of water it left behind travelling downwards towards a level part of his stomach. Then he answered and her eyes shot up to his, biting down her lip in embarrassment at the fact that she hadn’t thought before she spoke. It was rare that Lily did that. Perhaps she was too distracted to even think. “If you’re not in too much pain.” She muttered quietly, raising an eyebrow as a challenge. His hand reached over hers and she stopped her movements, eyes flickering to his own before smirking. “Someone’s a little needy tonight.” Lils commented, before leaning the rest of the way to kiss him, just a little more passionately than he had previously done to her in the bathroom.
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honestly, sebastian didn’t feel like he had broken ribs. they hurt, like hell, but they didn’t feel broken. besides, the ice cubes that lily had brought would definitely help numb the pain and the painkillers that he had taken should be kicking in soon too. sebastian bit his bottom lip & looked at lily the whole time as she had entered the bedroom earlier. blinking, he watched as as she focused on the ice cube that was pressed against his skin. licking his lips slowly, sebastian tilted his head a little to the side as he kept his eyes on her the whole time.
when he had answered what she had said, sebastian watched as she looked up at him and biting down on her lip. if you’re not in too much pain. he swallowed and shook his head and continued to keep his gaze locked with hers. ❛ i’m okay, ❜ he whispered softly as she raised an eyebrow at him while the male reached forward and placed his hand over hers. when she stopped her movements, her eyes flickered towards his. parting his lips a little, he chuckled softly at the words coming from lily’s mouth about how he was being needy. before he was able to say anything, she leaned the rest of the way in to kiss him, a lot more passionately than he had previously done. moving the hand from her cheek and to the back of her neck, sebastian leaned in and turned a little of his body towards hers, deepening the kiss. 
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Though admittedly, Lily was a little turned on and giddy still from all of the alcohol she can consumed during the night, she was more concerned about the state of his injuries. He may have said he was happy to have her hands all over him (usually she would be ecstatic to), but if it caused him more harm than good, she would make sure he was just.. okay for the night. As much as she really, really wanted to do all sorts with him, Lils simply couldn’t bring herself to.
So when she waited in the doorway for him to notice her, she took in the amount that he winced, stopped laughing due to the pain it was causing him. Now that his shirt was undone, she could tell how much he was tending to ensure that he was upright for her as she walked closer towards the bed. A concerned expression crossed her face for a flicker of two seconds, before she ended up placing the bowl on the side-table next to her bed. “Seb, you’re.. really hurt, are you sure you don’t need to go to a hospital?” She questioned, taking off her heels and placing them together on the floor.
Lily took the bowl and hopped up onto the free side of the bed, her fingers tentatively opening his shirt even wider. She bit down on her lip to try and shake the thoughts that came into her mind. Lily took an ice cube and placed it gently at the top of his chest. “It’s really cold.” She told him with a giggle, drawing it downwards until it got to his ribs. Lils outlined his bruise softly, ensuring that the whole of it was covered before she removed it altogether. “You can do me, later.” She told him, referring to the ice cubes, but flushing a bright red when she realised what she’d said.
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he swallowed and turned to look at lily who walked over towards the bed. smiling softly at the girl, he tilted his head to the side and watched as she placed the bowl with ice cubes in, on the side-table next to the bed. seb, you’re... really hurt, are you sure you don’t need to go to to a hospital? he sank his teeth into his bottom lip and nodded. ❛ hey, it’s okay. i’m good. i promise, ❜ sebastian answered as he watched her take off her heels, placing them together on the floor. he continued to lean back against the bed, while his eyes were locked with hers as she took the bowl and hopped up onto the free side of the bed, while her fingers opened his shirt even wide. he swallowed against the lump in his throat, watching her as she placed an ice cube at the top of his chest, before drawing it downwards until it got to his ribs. 
biting his bottom lip, sebastian watched as she outlined the bruise and weirdly enough, it felt really good. it was helping. the numbness to the skin helped get the pain away. you can do me later. his smirk widened and both of his eyebrows raised as he turned to look at the girl sitting next to him. ❛ can i do you later? ❜ sebastian answered and chuckled softly while keeping his dark brown eyes locked with hers as he was obviously teasing her about what she had said. ❛ hmm, good to know, ❜ he replied and laughed softly, while nibbling on his bottom lip. keeping his eyes locked with lily, sebastian moved his hand and placed it on top of hers. his dark eyes dropped to her lips and he licked his own absentmindedly before he leaned in towards lily, closing in the distance between the two of them slowly. looking up in her eyes, sebastian smiled softly, ❛ are you gonna kiss me or not? ❜
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily was sure she’d read somewhere that rib bruises took around three or more weeks to heal. This would be a pretty big one, but hopefully his road to recovery would be fairly smooth. She’d be there for him if he needed her to be, anyway. Of course she would, when she wasn’t at work, and he wasn’t either. The girl hated seeing his otherwise perfect skin being blocked by the bruising and redness to his body. He hadn’t deserved this.
There was something about the boy, though, that meant that Lily was constantly on edge. In a good way, of course. She didn’t know what was going to happen next in a way. One minute, they were talking about something incredibly deep and upsetting, and the next he was indicating that he wanted nothing more but her hands all over him. The smirk, God, that little smirk drove her crazy, and she couldn’t help the cheeky smile that crossed her lips when he agreed to it. “Okay.” She repeated, her hand coming to cover his on her face and placing a kiss to the palm of his hand once she turned her head slightly. “You go and lie down, and I’ll be back in a minute.”
Lily turned promptly on her heels, and wandered out of the bathroom feeling an odd deja vu from walking away from him earlier that night with the hope that he was watching her as she left. Grabbing a bowl from one of her cupboards, she got the ice cubes from the freezer and filled it with a few, though not many. Her heart was racing at the thought of being able to ’take care’ of him. Before she wandered back into the bedroom, she took a glance in the mirror. Her mascara was a little smudged, but other than that, she looked perfectly fine. She wiped it off, and made her way back into the bedroom where he was waiting for her. “Hope you’re ready, these things are ice cold.” She jested, throwing him a teasing smile.
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sebastian had experienced getting his ribs hurt before. he had survived a car accident, after-all, one where his whole body had been covered in bruises. so, sebastian knew that the bruises and wounds on his body, was going to take a long time to heal. at least a couple of weeks. it was sweet though, how lily continued to show him that she would be there for him through it all. it was one of the things that sebastian adored about the female. tilting his head a little to the side, sebastian blinked and swallowed against the lump in his throat as she said okay and covered his hand that was on her face, placing a kiss to the palm of it before she turned her head. you go and lie down, and i’ll be back in a minute. 
❛ okay, ❜ he whispered and laughed softly, nodding his head when she told him to lay down on the bed. moving over to the edge of the mattress, sebastian sat down and pressed both of his hands against it, while staring at the wall opposite of him. closing both of his eyes for a split second, sebastian took a long and deep breath of air before opening them & glancing down towards the bruised skin. it didn’t take long until he laid back on the bed, like lily had told him to, and he felt the back of his head press against the pillow. 
as she entered the bedroom again, and he heard her voice, sebastian turned his head around while laying on the bed and smiled towards the girl. hope you’re ready, these are ice cold. he chuckled softly and hummed, keeping his dark-brown eyes locked with hers the whole time. ❛ i think i’m ready, ❜ he said and wiggled his eyebrows at her, though the laugh that followed, hurt so he quickly stopped with that. pushing himself onto his elbows, slowly, he turned and focused on getting up in a half-sitting position. the muscles in his arms tensed as he used all of the strength in his body to keep himself up. 
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily took her time in looking at the new bruise, the reds and pinks a start contrast from his skin. She wondered how much it hurt, and if the painkillers were starting to work. Hopefully they would soon, if they weren’t already. The girl traced her fingers over the outerline, barely touching him from the risk of making the pain worse. She sighed softly again, shaking her head ever so slightly at the mere thought of someone doing this to him. Her head moved back up to see his face as she spoke, her eyes dragging themselves from his toned chest to his eyes. A blush covered her cheeks at his words, and her stomach felt as though it was doing somersaults - she adored how he could make her feel with just a simple sentence. His lips covered hers with the softest of kisses and Lily returned it holding onto the counter right behind her for balance instead of his waist like she usually did. She pulled back, hesitantly, and rest her forehead against his. Thank goodness for heels, now they were a similar height. “Seb, you’re.. I don’t want to end up causing you more pain, so.. why don’t we take this to the bedroom so that I can look after you a little more properly?” She questioned, with a raise of her eyebrows. “I was thinking ice cubes might help the pain a little better.” They would be a lot sexier than frozen vegetables, anyway.
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the skin was already bruising — the red and pink was starting to show and he knew that it was going to probably grow and become pretty big. the painkillers were definitely starting to work now and he was extremely grateful about that. he swallowed and blinked, keeping his eyes on her the whole time as she traced her fingers over the outerline. he kept his eyes on lily the whole time and he noticed how she moved her head up when he spoke. sebastian bit his bottom lip and blinked as he noticed a blush covering her cheeks.
as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, he let his eyelids flutter shut as soon as their lips met one another. opening his eyes slowly, he looked at her as she returned to hold onto the counter right behind her and when she pulled back, he let his forehead lean down a little and press against hers. thankfully she was wearing heels, which made it easier for them to touch as they were quite similar heights because of it. he swallowed and looked at her as she said she didn’t want to end up causing him more pain. so... why don’t we take this to the bedroom so i that i can look after you a little more properly? the smirk on his lips widened and he chuckled as she thought ice cubes would help the pain. ❛ okay, ❜ he said and laughed, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip before he moved his hand to her face. 
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily couldn’t help but let the giggle escape through her lips this time, the amount that she’d been keeping it all in. Sebastian was in a mess right now, but she was sure when they cleaned him up a little, and he’d started to recover, he’d take on that bad boy look that every girl thought was just ever so hot. “Oh, God yeah.” Lily replied, undoing the last of his buttons and opening his shirt to get a fuller view of his.. ribs. That was the excuse, anyway. The main reason she was opening his shirt. Lily placed her palm to his chest, before running it softly and slowly down his body until she got to where the bruising had started showing through already. She removed her hand, realising what she was doing was weird, and she cleared her throat, eyes looking back up to his once he’d spoken. “Well, Mr. Moore, if you keep that up I really won’t be able to take my hands off you.” She chuckled softly, biting the inside of her cheek. “Unfortunately I don’t think that would exactly be in line with the doctor’s orders.” It wouldn’t help his recovery, that was for sure.
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laughing softly, sebastian looked at lily who undid the last of his buttons and opening his shirt to get a fuller view of the bruised skin. he swallowed against the lump in his throat and took a deep breath, feeling his lungs hurt a little as his eyes dropped to look at the female’s hands. he held his breath and looked at lily, as she placed her palm to his chest before she slowly ran her hand down his body and until where the bruised skin was located. letting out the air he was holding in, sebastian blinked and looked at her when she removed her hand and cleared her throat. well, mr. moore, if you keep that up, i really won’t be able to take my hands off you. a chuckle fell from his lips and he tilted his head a little to the side when she chuckled and looked at him. unfortunately i don’t think that would exactly be in line with the doctor’s orders. taking a step forward, sebastian lifted his hand and gently touched her face though the arm dropped soon after. ❛ actually, i think that’s exactly what the doctor would have prescribed for me, ❜ he said and smirked mischiviously while keeping his eyes on her the whole time. leaning down, sebastian pressed his lips against hers softly. 
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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His admission to one of the reasons he liked her so much made her blush, not being able to vocalise an appropriate response before he’d walked off towards the bathroom. The same silly smile lay across her lips when Lily realised just how much she did like him. It was all good and well saying it outloud, but when she had time to think about it– she was already fairly infautated with Sebastian. Only she hoped that it wasn’t short-lived.
Lily had hoped that the first time she got to undress him was under very different circumstances, but it appeared that she was doing it because he quite literally was unable to do it himself. “Oh, I don’t know.. this look’s certainly doin’ somethin’ to me.” She teased as her accent came out a little, looking up at his newly bruised cheek and his tousled hair. There was meant to be something hot about a guy that had just been in a fight, right? Lily could see it. “That’s.. real sweet of you.” She bit down on her bottom lip to stop the large grin from spreading too far across her face, before looking back down to focus on the last few buttons.
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tilting his head a little to the side, the young male chuckled softly at what she said about the look he was currently supporting was doing something to her. ❛ yeah? ❜ sebastian said and chuckled, while his teeth pressed into his bottom lip. ❛ do you think i can pull off the look? ❜ he asked her teasingly and chuckled softly as she looked up at him. he knew looked like a full on mess. that’s... real sweet of you. taking a deep breath, sebastian felt his chest tighten a little bit as she bit down on her bottom lip before she looked down to focus on the last few buttons of the shirt. as he stood there, he kept his head tilted forward and he watched as her fingers finished with the last few buttons. taking a deep breath, he licked his lips and swayed back and forth on the back of his heel, while not being one hundred percent sure what to say or do next. ❛ well, it’s the truth and — i could barely take my eyes off you the whole night, ❜ he spoke softly, while keeping his eyes on hers.
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cheapwcne · 5 years
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Lily rolled her eyes when he asked her how the pair knew each other. It was a question she was asked a fair amount, when people realised they were friends. It was mostly because Woody Anderson and Lily McCoy seemed like polar opposites. The truth was that he showed her a care once Mason had left town, that she didn’t otherwise have in her life at that time. Whether it was because he’d felt sorry for her, seen her on her own everywhere she went, or otherwise, she was still very happy that she had Woody in her life. “We just got talking one day, I guess. Figured out he wasn’t the big bad wolf like everyone thinks he is, and it just went from there. –and no, there are no secret, jealous boyfriends for you to worry about.” She shrugged, before laughing when he mentioned him not being the type to talk first. “That’s Woody in a sentence.”
His touch made her smile a gentle smile, and she leant into it a little. God, did Lily adore just how caring he was, even when it was him that was the injured one. Her mind raced a little after he walked away, thinking about what state she’d left her bedroom in. Lilswasn’t messy, she never had been, but her slight rush to finish getting ready for the ball had meant she hadn’t given it a proper tidy. There were probably a few clothes here and there, and she couldn’t bare to think it. Though she didn’t have too much time to think much about it before her name was called out. Wandering over to where he was, Lily looked at the buttoned up shirt he still had on, and gave him a small smile. “Guessing you need help with these?” She smirked a little before standing in front of him and tugged on the material of his bowtie to take it off, leaving it to hang down so that she could deal with him buttons. “You looked really good in this suit tonight.” Lily looked up to his eyes, fingers fiddling with the few button before she slowly continued onto the next.
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nodding his head, sebastian smiled softly towards lily. ❛ of course you would give him a chance, ❜ she said and smiled brightly at the female. ❛ you have a good heart, lily. and you would always give people a second chance and that’s — that’s one of the reasons why i like you so much, ❜ sebastian said, while keeping his dark-brown eyes locked with hers. he took a deep breath as he walked down the corridor, where she said her bedroom was. ever since sebastian had first arrived in atlanta, things had definitely been a bit of a rollercoaster, to say the least. looking at the pictures on the walls, sebastian smiled softly. 
he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and when he heard someone approach him, he lifted his head and looked at lily through the mirror. taking a deep breath, he gave her a gentle smile as she gave him a small smile. guessing you need help with these? sebastian turned around so that he stood with his face towards hers as she moved until she stood in front of him, tugging on the material of his bowtie. he stood in front of her and swallowed against the lump in his throat, looking down at her as she left the bowtie to hang down. you looked really good in this suit tonight. sebastian chuckled softly. ❛ yeah? before or after the whole getting my ass handed to me? ❜ he asked playfully, his smile growing into a wide smirk as she lifted her head and looked up at him.
❛ you looked beautiful yourself’. ❜ 
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