cheatingonaloser · 7 years
For those who were curious about where I’ve been, I don’t have a particularly interesting answer for you. I didn’t get caught cheating, or blackmailed, like many of you are suggesting. It’s just that my life will always takes priority over this blog, and my life has been extremely busy for the last year or so. It still is, by the way, but I feel that I owe my fans an apology and an explanation for why I haven’t been around. I do plan to post occasionally from now on, but please understand that I have my own priorities outside of this blog and that can’t always be the case.
Either way, don’t worry. Even if I’m not posting every day or two like I used to, you should have no doubt that I’ve been getting as much cock as possible behind my tiny dick boyfriend’s back in the time I’ve been away. That has not and will not ever change ;) I have a few hot stories to share from my time away from the blog, and so look forward to those in the future!
Stay nasty,
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
definitely my favorite cheating blog on tumblr. you're so evil and nasty, i love it! I've been lurking and browsing cheating/cuckold blogs for ages now, but i finally got inspired to start making content and putting it on my own blog, and your blog had a part in that. it would mean a lot if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think. thanks!
Glad i helped in inspiring you to make a blog :) i love the concept of your blog, what an awesome idea. def followed!
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
I'd like to donate to you, is there any amount or anything else specific you would like? Sincerely, A small cock
As much money as you have. I deserve it way more than a tiny dick loser like you does
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
I love how incredibly cruel you are. How do I donate to your gorgeously evil ass?? I love the idea of you having your stud cum in your boyfriends mouthwash and on his dinner you make him. It's also incredibly hot that you really fantasize about your boyfriend getting hospitalized by the cocks you worship, and you would consider planning it. I actually believe you'd like to watch him deteriorate as you flourish with the cocks that do it to him. Hot!!
Thank you for your kind words! And yes that’s exactly what I want to have happen. I want his life to collapse around him as I get fucked by better, more deserving men behind his back. That’s just how the world works when your cock is too tiny :)
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Not a huge fan of the cuckold themes, but I love that this girl is so cruel. This is hot as fuck.
Watch this all the way through.  You will LOVE it!
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Aahmaaahgahd, thaanks for following my blog!!:o You've got one of the most constant and awesome blogs ON tumblr! Been a nr. 1 fan since before I even started mine. Inspiratioon. heroine;)
Of course, your blog is amazing and an inspiration as well! Keep up the good work :)) Drop this girl a follow!
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Thanks, I am now paranoid of committing to any girl.
If your dick isn’t tiny as fuck you have no reason to be paranoid.
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Wow, blog of the century. If you had to choose between your boyfriend suffering a slow, painful death or not being able to have sex with a hot, big cocked man ever again, which one would you choose?
Easy. I’d choose big cock over my boyfriend, every time.
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
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Quit being so jealous babe… we’re just friends ;)
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Does the guy have to be a loser to be cheated on? A girl might just have a higher sex drive.
Of course not! I’m all for cheating just for the fuck of it, that can be hot too. I just personally derive more pleasure by cheating on guys I’m too good for :)
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Married 12 years and cheating off and on for the last 10. Hubby was in the navy so it was so easy when he was deployed. Had a girlfriend who was just like me. The last time our men deployed together we went right from dropping them off on the pier to a bar and brought 2 guys back to her place the first night!! He always suspected that I cheated when he was away but I always told him that I believed in don't ask don't tell :) The cheating slut Cindy
Nice! Glad to see you got busy as soon as possible :) Please share more stories, I’m sure you have plenty!
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Holy fuck i came so hard reading the post with all the pics and the cum cookies. I love it. I want to punch your bf soooo bad ;) Why did you decide, after all this time, to reveal your gorgeous body? Don't ever stop sr
Glad to hear it! I guess I just realized it was possible to show my followers something without endangering myself or anyone who I get with behind my boyfriend’s back (which was always the worry). I’ve taken a lot of precautions to this end, including making my hair look different than usual and editing/cropping the photos in photoshop to hide anything that could tip off my boyfriend or anyone he knows.
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
If size matters so much then why do girls get so pissed when a guy said he don't like fat chicks, if a girl can turn a guy down and be considered strong and courageous then why can't a guy turn a girl down because of her size without being hated on for his decision.
I think people who hate on guys for turning down an ugly girl are stupid. Hot guys deserve hot girls, and vice versa. If attractiveness is a criteria for you when you date people, then power to you! It is for most people, and no one should be vilified for it. There should definitely be no double standard here. As for cheating, if you’re too hot to be dating your girlfriend or if she can’t please you, she deserves to be cheated on too. It’s exactly the same!
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Obviously cock size matters. What's your take on balls -- Bigger is better, or do you not really care? Seems like some girls are apathetic about them and some even dislike them altogether.
I personally think it just looks weird when a guy’s balls are too small, but it’s not really a factor me or most women care about. As you said, cock size is what actually matters.
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cheatingonaloser · 9 years
Thank you for being such a fucking inspiration!! Last night I fucked this big-dicked, ripped, bouncer while my bf was home alone probably jerking himself to sleep. It felt so good to cheat! This guy was so rough and his dick game was on point. Your blog inspired me to hop on that dick since he had been flirting with me for weeks. So worth it! Now on to more hot dick.
Glad to be an inspiration, keep cheating on that loser of a bf with hotter guys and keep us updated :) Send in pics if you can!
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