cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
Vent off my shoulders
I get so irratted with idiots that post porn on my sites. you can go through all the settings but at the end of the day dumb idiots still find away to post stuff. So to the losers out there things about posting porn pics on my page this is for you. GET A FREAKIN LYFE YOU LOSER!!!!!
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
Uniforms and things
So I have to say this is the first team that actually did the uniforms fittings early. With the last team they wait until the last-minute to like around December to do uniform fittings. Our uniforms did not come in until 2 days before the first competition. I mean you pay all this money ( yup the uniform was a separate fee) to have a uniform on time it comes at the last minute.....literay!. I can appreciate the fact that this team is already on the move with uniforms and shoes!
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
Friends or Nah
So this week there where no practice for the girls. So all our time went into Football. While watching my son practice this week, I asked myself “Should I make some friends on this team?” With the last team my diva was on, I had one friend with me, but she quickly became an someone that I didn’t know. (so did her daughters) Now I’m a cool person to be around but I not freindly when it comes to my kids or for anyone in my family. There was a parent on the team that I personally think that she was jealous of my daughter. After months of putting up with this chicks smart remarks I removed myself and my child from the team. Which in cheerleading is a BIG NO NO!!!! With this being said I’m at the fork in the road of Side 1 Make friends or Side 2 No new friends no no no (in my Drake voice). Only time will tell....Next week post The First Parent Meeting
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
So this week, my girls found out what team they will be on for the season. Now usually I would get nervous, but for some strange reason, this girls right here was biting nails. So for the summer practices, they grouped the girls based on their skill level. My girls are level 1 and level 2.
So, I’m talking with my oldest girl and she says to my “Nonny they put me with girls that are level 2 but I’m the only one that is older. I told here don’t worry , you will get put with your right team. 
Fast forward to Wednesday, my little one was put on her right team a Senior Level 1, but my oldest girl wasn’t to happy. Her name was called and she looked more disappointed then a child opening up underwear on christmas morning. Come to find out the coaching staff thought that she was turning 10 instead of 11. Now everything is fine, Both girls are on the right team and now we can get ready for the next challenge....Choreography!
Until next week
Cougar Mom Out!!! 
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
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cheerlfyeornah-blog · 8 years
Kimmie’s Weekly Digest CheerLyfe! The World of Cheer According to Me!
I’ve been a cheer mom going on 4 years now. I say that my god sister Crys, was the mastermind on getting me to join her team. Once I joined the team, there was no way for me to quit.  So, there are the typical cheer movies like “Bring It On” and others that show preppy teens battling it out to be the best there is. But as parents, I think we need our own movie. Us parents are like the parents on Bring It. Yeah, we're go team go, but honestly were more of “I take my child to do private tumbling, so she/he should be doing this” To say at least the parents are more cutthroat than the actual teams your kid is competing with. We have been with 3 teams, Tigers, Static, and now Cougars.
So this journey begins with season 19…..
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