chefboyardee11-blog · 9 years
Happy New Year Charlie Brown!
2015. It seems surreal that we are this far into the 2000s. Remember those old Disney Channel shows of 2005? Or how we thought the world would end in 2012? These are all things we as millennials have been apart of. But as this new year rolls out and resolutions are made, there is one thing imperative to remember. We at Johnson & Wales must remember our youth. Now I am a prime example of wanting growing up and take on responsibility. Heck, with so many student loans how can anyone afford leisure, right? But if there is one thing I have learned by being a student here is to live a little. Don't let excuses hinder making a memory. Go to that student planned activity. Stand in line for hours with ur friends in the freezing cold waiting for a cheesy raffle. I know that sounds miserable but it's moments like that you will remember for the rest of your life. And when you take advantage of those wholesome moments of pure bliss, where nothing matters but what's in that instant, that is when your college experience is made. So for this new year, I have one resolution (working out doesn't count). I vow to do at least 15 things that remind me of my youth, one for each of the years since 2000. And I challenge you, oh JWU, to that and to remember your youth. Sincerely, Chefboyardee_11
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chefboyardee11-blog · 9 years
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#jwupvd #snow
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chefboyardee11-blog · 10 years
Comment allez-vous?
With the first week of winter tri behind us and winter break close enough to taste, I want to take this time to catch you all up on my last few weeks through prose. (Please note that I am no Shakespeare or Dr. Seuss. I am lucky these even rhyme).
1.                                     Thanksgiving is gone,
                                         It's back to our lives.
                                        Such food we consumed,
                                         no need of forks and knives. 
2.                                      Winter Tri starts, oh what a joy.
                                Some fresh study habits, I hope to employ
                                Psychology, French, and statistics to boot
                             I hope this whole year doesn't leave me kaputt
3.                           Tannenbaum, tannenbaum, how you shine
                              your glittering lights are something divine.
                               Soon home I'll be, comfortable beneath the tree,
                               not a care in the world, just me and my family.
Until next best beloved,
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chefboyardee11-blog · 10 years
Just around the river bend..
Hello JWU and tumblr!
Since this is the first post among many, I'd like to start out by introducing myself. My name is Ayo, which means joy in Nigerian. I am currently finishing my associates in Culinary Arts and plan on starting Culinary Nutrition come this winter trimester. I love food and I love people, so if you see me around campus don't hesitate to say hi!
So in a nutshell, this is a blog will focus on the beauty of the growing food scene in Providence, RI and the plethora of ingredients that can be found here. Every week I will focus on an Ingredient of the Week, explain a little about it's origins, and give some pointers of how you as students can use this ingredient in your dorms! Once a month I will highlight a local restaurant, with everything from where it is to best selling items on the menu, and of course lots of pictures. Every post will be written in the form of a love letter to you, the readers. Keep an eye out for interactive posts, I want to hear from you all as well! I hope you are as excited as I am to fuel your passion for food and discover RI in all its glory. 
                                                    until next time,
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chefboyardee11-blog · 10 years
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