chelfierambles · 4 years
this changed me as a person
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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Guide to Figuring out the Age of an Undated World Map.
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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classics series:
Iconic Anime of The 90s 
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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Carrie Fisher reciting the “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi” speech through the years
“What’s interesting, is that when you get Carrie going she still remembers all the lines from the old films” - Oscar Isaac, in the video tribute to Carrie Fisher from SWCO [x]
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chelfierambles · 5 years
If I could have your attention for one minute I want to talk about an upcoming game I’m REALLY excited about
It’s called Draconia and it’s an open-world survival sandbox RPG game where you play as a dragon.
If you’re like me you probably love video games and such that feature dragons BUT get frustrated that often the focus is on slaying dragons, or on human political intrigue, or some other non-dragon nonsense.  Have no fear.  Draconia is going to give us everything we crave.
It looks SUPER pretty 
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Choose one of several dragons, hunt to feed yourself, find water sources to drink from and develop your character through various tasks and events.
Draconia features: 
Character Customization: Give your character a custom name, change its pattern, colors and body parts, such as horns or tail tips or choose from pre-made textures.
Character Leveling: Complete tasks, quests and events to level your character and make it stronger. Spend talent points to increase your dragon’s traits.​
Optional PvP: Play on servers without being afraid of being attacked by other players. Simply disable PvP in your character profile and enable it if you want to have a battle with someone else. 
Group and Clan System: Go on your journey and bring your friends with you by inviting them to your group or creating your own clan, which allows you to announce events and keep track of your members progress. 
Create useful items:  Build a hoard to hide all your treasures in, create objects which improve your dragons stats or add temporary buffs.
Nesting: Build and defend a nest and raise your own dragon hatchling.
Questing: Find and complete several one-time and repeatable quests.
​Interactive Environment:  Interact with several objects in your environment to gain useful buffs or uncover more parts of the story.
Dragon Dens: Earn yourself a place you can call home. Unlock and upgrade your own den to live a more comfortable dragon life.
It will have a single-player offline mode and an online mode where you can interact with others, either with or without PVP.
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Your character is customizeable and if they meet their stretch goals, new players could even start out as hatchlings.  If you pledge enough money on their crowdfunding campaign, you can get custom decorations, items, even another species!
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You will be able to play as many different species, 6 species of dragon and various smaller wildlife.  Another stretch goal is to build a humanoid species that has mechanics for farming and dragon breeding and riding.
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Draconia is currently trying to fund its project through Indiegogo. (Link)   They are not offering exclusive content as a play-to-win system and nothing will be behind a paywall.
This game looks extremely beautiful, well thought out, and fun to play.  The creators clearly care a lot about this and have put their heart and souls into it.  I want to see this happen.  It will be released on Steam.  If this seems like something you would like to play or exist, please consider contributing to their Indiegogo or Patreon, or reblogging this to get the word out!  Thanks :)
Link to Indiegogo (the main campaign)
Link to their Patreon
Link to their website
Link to their Discord Server
Link to their Reddit page
Link to their Twitter
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chelfierambles · 5 years
The problem with the idea of 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours of recreation as a structure for a day is that it simply can’t work that way. If I’m expected to be at work at 9, then my work day must begin at 7. Allowing myself a rushed experience to wake up and get to work. And I live close to work. So either my recreation or my sleep needs to take a hit, but for some people it could be more. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as a basis for full time work is honestly unreasonable at that point. Because it isn’t actually 40 hours a week, it’s 50 hours a week lost to a job, of which 10 is unpaid.
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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chelfierambles · 5 years
When you roll a nat 20 dexterity save against an attack:
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Gif by @gifsme
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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The more you look at this picture, the more anxious it becomes.
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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hufflepuff more like hufflePREP amirite
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chelfierambles · 5 years
“Kitty practicing the lion dance for the Chinese New Year”
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chelfierambles · 5 years
I was gonna write this in the tags but ya know what, maybe this might help someone out there.   This is such a heavy and sad reality for the younger generation and although I am fortunate to not have mental illness to add on to this burden, I am also of the millenial gen and have to face this reality too.   And yes there are other advice and articles to remind you that this rapid and widespread news sharing that’s made possible thru the internet really has a damaging side effect because no single individual is made to handle such vast onslaught of suffering we now see constantly happening throughout the world. So yes, if you need to step away from the news, you do so.  And while I’m doing ok for myself at the moment, it’s both believing in the semi-delusional possibility of a personal bright future, and the very real possibility that the end of the world will be within my lifetime. Granted, being in the older range of millenial, maybe I still had a childhood where I could dream and have kept some of that. I cannot imagine how it is for those who were born post 9/11 and only have this hellish landscape to reference. 
There’s an odd thing happening where the younger generation seems forced to mature by being faced with their own mortality so early on in life.  So on one hand, this can manifest in a form of hopelessness: “Why should I bother when I am helpless to do anything about what’s going on? Why should I try when the world is going to die, and I’m going to die anyway?” Being forced to constantly see what we are losing keeps you focused externally and lose touch with yourself. 
However there is another side to what acknowledging mortality can do: “If I am going to die anyway, then what is it that is truly important to me?”   I mean there’s nothing like coming face to face with death to rearrange your priorities.
 Here I’m just gonna add a disclaimer, I’m not trying to give any sort of advice or answer.  I’m just choosing to share how I’ve decided to look at this for myself and maybe if someone out there can relate and find some comfort in it, then there’s that hope they can find some comfort.
But yeah  So, what IS important to you? This then turns the focus from outwards in the world, to inwards inside yourself. It grounds you from getting lost in the onslaught of tragedies. 
And the thing is, what I thought was important to me has changed over the years (as what happens when you go through life experiences and mature). When I was younger, I wanted to be known for my aspirations, be famous for being a great comic artist or whatnot.  Now, while that is still something I am striving for, I can’t really say is the most important thing to me.  Not in this sense that I’m talking about right now.
Right now, I think the most important thing to me is actually really simple.  Being my most genuine and authentic self, and to be loving and compassionate to myself and all I come across in my life.  That’s it. I want to know, that if I die at any given moment, that I will die without regrets, and that at every moment I have breathed on this earth, I have always tried my best to be the best person I could be.  It’s a simple directive that can allow room for change and growth, whatever it needs to be at that time. But it is also something I think, that starts with you yourself, and expands to those around you, to those whom you touch and affect.  People feel helpless because it seems what we wish for, our voice and say, doesn’t matter in the face of those in power.  And while you hear this in the context of voting and such (and PLEASE do go out to vote), I’m talking more at it’s basic personal level.  It starts with who you are as a person.  Who you are uniquely.  Learning to truly love yourself opens that door to discovering who you are as an individual.  And it’s in this self-discovery, that begins a chain reaction to your outward expression, your outward expression affects others around you. And then those around you add on to it.  What starts off small can grow to become something very powerful.  
And sometimes, it takes facing impending mortality to do away with distractions for learning who you really are and what’s really important to you.  I mean, we’re all gonna die anyway.  And a whole chunk of us are predicting sooner rather than later.  So accept it and move through the fear that paralyzes you.  Remember, there’s nothing more dangerous than an animal cornered and fighting for their life.  So too, would be an entire generation that chooses to no longer fear being genuine in the face of the given society and have their voice heard.  Because when you no longer fear death, you will be at your most powerful, and collectively, we can give those in power something to really fear.  
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chelfierambles · 5 years
two can play at that game
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chelfierambles · 5 years
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incorrect witcher quotes 2/? (insp)
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