chenxiuan · 8 days
I wanna make a discord where lonely college ppl could hangout from around the world cuz bro
its so hard to make friends, especially if u have social anxiety lmao
so.... who's interested?
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chenxiuan · 2 months
this panel has to be there
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chenxiuan · 2 months
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chenxiuan · 2 months
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chenxiuan · 2 months
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chenxiuan · 2 months
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chenxiuan · 2 months
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chenxiuan · 3 months
She Needs a Kiss
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Alejandro Vargas x f!reader
warning: swearing, mentions of a married couple fighting, unhealthy relationship-like dynamics, traditional views, f!reader
Dividers by: @cafekitsune
A/N: This was gonna be a song fic but I changed my mind halfway through. The song it's inspired by is called "Le se hace falta un beso". I want to do a Rudy one as well, but let me know what you guys think.
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You sat on the porch, the night in Las Almas. Despite feeling calm already, you worry that the peaceful night will morph into a stressful one if you think too much about your ruined plans.
People pass and wish you a good night before the numbers dwindle down. It's getting late, your kids were already sent to bed a little while ago.
Now you sit in your own silence, listening to the crickets and the animals in the back occasionally make noises. Your dog, Chatan, lay at your feet as you waited.
You didn't know if you should be feeling angry or upset. You were a little sad that you were used to your husband not showing up on time. Of course, that's something you didn't want to despise. Alejandro takes care of you, your children, his parents, YOUR parents. He takes care of the house, the cars, the bills.
He takes care of you. But you miss him. It's not like you didn't know what you were getting into.
Honestly, when he first started dating you it was like he just needed to be near you.
Every day he would try to see you. The days Alejandro Vargas was out being the commander, you tried your best to not let it bother you.
But today was supposed to be different. It wasn't a wedding anniversary or a birthday, but you were promised a night to yourselves. And everything was just going so horribly wrong.
Your sister couldn't watch the kids anymore, your parents were visiting family elsewhere, and your in-laws had their own handful with the other grandchildren. You felt terrible to even ask for their help so you just thought you could spend the night with your kids and your husband.
That didn't sound too bad anyway. But then he called.
"Perdon mi amor, it looks like I won't be home until tomorrow."
You couldn't tell obviously, but he winced at your broken tone.
"I know, mi vida, I promise I'll make this up to you."
You nodded your head before breathing out an 'okay' and hanging up before he could say anything.
You felt terrible for your reaction but you couldn't help yourself. It wasn't like you weren't used to this but you wish you could go back in time and feel the romance you felt when the two of you were dating.
How he would dance with you, kiss you, hold you...love you. God you miss the nights he would show you just how much he loved you, those nights you didn't have to worry about responsibilities and could just go at it until the sun came up.
Damn it all.
You tried to keep your composure making dinner that night, explaining to your eldest that his father would be home in the morning.
You smiled when he wrapped his arms around your torso as you plated his food for him.
"I know you get sad when he's not home, mama. I do too."
You're thoughts get cut off when Chatan's head perks up. You still to hear if anything in the area changed, but then you pick it up.
A truck.
His truck, maybe.
You refrain from jumping up in excitement, not wanting to get your hopes up as a set of headlights pop from the left side of the field.
No. If he tries to woo you, you won't let him slide so easily.
'Turn.' you think. 'Please turn.'
Just when the truck passes you feel your heart sink and something brewing inside of you before the truck slows to a stop and a figure walks out. The familiar whistle you heard every morning, and every night, from Alejandro to call for your animals reaches your ears.
You see the silhouettes of the horses trot over to him, hearing him cooing and talking to them.
He's probably checking if they're fed.
As if he's satisfied with what he sees, he hops back into his truck and drives into the entryway of your house. You step to the pillar of the stairs, watching him intently as Chatan gets up and lets out a bark.
Alejandro shushes him with a quick, "Cállate." [shut up]
The dog obeys as he sits with his tail wagging, waiting for him to come and greet the two of you. The big pup receives a pat on the head before Ale's eyes reach yours.
"Ay, mi vida." [my life] He sighs sadly. "I'm sorry for not coming home I-"
Like a band that snaps in two, you feel the calmness and relaxation wash away and get replaced with pure sadness and resentment.
"'I'm sorry'?!" You hiss. "You think 'I'm sorry' is going to cut it?"
The commander expected this. Actually, he expected it a long time ago. Maybe around the second time he couldn't come home to fulfill his promise of taking you out, of dancing, of treating you like he promised he would.
This was maybe the fourth.
Yeah. He expected this.
"I know...I-"
"'I know' he says." You turn and march to the front door, stomping inside and ripping a plate out of the fridge.
"Here's your fucking dinner-"
"Ay (Y/n) the kids are asleep-"
"yes!" You agree, a tone of sarcasm dripping from your fiend excitement. "Yes. They are asleep. They've been asleep since nine o'clock."
You turn your head to the microwave with the time in glowing green numbers. "It's now midnight. You're three hours late to wishing them a good night."
Rolling your eyes you tear off the plastic cling wrap on the top of his plate, crumbling it up and throwing it in the garbage next to the sink.
"Honestly, I don't know why you make these stupid promises if you're not going to keep them-"
"I thought I wasn't going to make it so I didn't want to waste your time!"
Alejandro is following you everywhere you walk, a hurt in voice.
"Mi amor, please believe me." [my love] He reaches out to stop you from walking but when you turn to respond, his hand grips your side and he takes the chance to yank you to him. "Please, I'm sorry. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it-"
You scoff, forcfully pushing back. "I know you're sorry." You snap. "I know. You're always so sorry for not coming home. For not being here. That isn't..."
Finally, you stop and think about what your yelling about. "That isn't why I’m mad.”
There’s a solid minute of silence as Alejandro stares. It makes you flush with embarrassment.
“Entonces?” [well then?] He asks. “What have I done to make you this way, amor?” [love]
You feel the tears well, and he huffs out, “ven.” [come]
He wraps you in his arms, pulling your head to his chest. “I’m so sorry, (y/n). I know…” he closes his eyes in frustration. “I know this isn’t the first time I let my work take over my life like this pero it’s for your protection.” [pero - but]
Alejandro cups your face, lifting your face to his own. “Your protection. And theirs too.” He nods his head to the side, where the boys’ room are.
“Ale.” You sniff. “That’s not why I’m upset.”
He frowns. “Then what is it? Tell me.”
You wipe at your cheeks and pull away, walking to your room with your husband in tow. “I just…I just want thinks to go back to how they used to be.”
Seeing Alejandro’s frown has you frustrated with yourself. “God why is it so hard to describe these things!"
You sit on the bed, brushing your hair to the side. "I just...I miss you."
Alejandro sits next to you as he pulls you into an embrace. Your sigh of relief doesn't go unnoticed by him, and his guilt only builds.
"I miss you. When we were younger. Before the boys and before you married me..." You almost sob at the last few words. "If I had known that if we gotten married things would die so easily-"
"You can't tell me I'm wrong!" You cry. Pushing away, you open a floodgate of emotion and borderline hysterics. "I know this seems like nothing to you. You take care of us, you pay everything for us, you help the boys with whatever- my parents with whatever. I will forever be grateful for that, Alejandro.
But I just want you to hold me again. I want you to come home, be my husband, to be the same Alejandro I met in the plaza all those years ago. You're never here, for good reason yes, but...am I really not allowed to feel so alone?"
Alejandro sighs through his nose, taking your hand and kissing your ring finger. Your wedding ring still sparkling in the light of your bedroom, despite the situation.
"What I do, is for the better of this-"
"No." He snaps. You're taken aback at his tone, and he immediately shows his remorse in his eyes. "I'm sorry. Just...let me speak. Por favor." [please]
The commander kneels before you while you stay on the side of the bed and he presses kisses to the back of your hands, your palms, your fingertips. "What I do is for the better of this city. Yes. I say it so often I'm sure you're annoyed."
It wasn't a lie. When he first started working, he would miss birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations. You knew he didn't have an ordinary job, especially with the state Las Almas is in.
Your disappointment quickly swindled into annoyance and sometimes even anger.
So much so that you two would argue about it in the last of the night.
"I do all of this for you!"
"I've never asked you to!"
"Dios (y/n), you don't have to! This is how a husband- a father takes care of his family-"
"Oh yes, by not being here-"
"By protecting the ones I love!"
it was never a proud moment for either of you.
"Pero. Mira. Mirame por favor, mi vida." [But...look. Please look at me, my life.]
You didn't even notice your eyes were traveling down to your lap.
"I will forever, protect you. I will forever take care of you. I want to make Las Almas a safe place, and it's not just for you anymore. Pero los chiquios." [but the little ones] He nods his head towards the doorway, motioning towards the boys' room.
"I know things aren't the way things used to be. That's...truly my fault. Lo siento. But please don't be upset." [I'm sorry] Alejandro pleads. "Besame, mi corazon." [kiss me, my heart]
He begins to rise and presses his lips to yours. You were silently telling yourself if he tried that you wouldn't fall for it. But oh...he knew his way to your heart. His kisses were addicting. You could never get enough.
"This is the last time."
You blink at him in confusion.
"I promise. This is the last time."
Well, that's not something you expected out of him.
"Rodolfo is more than capable of taking over without me some days. I'll make it work, mi amor. Si?"
You sigh, sliding your hands to the sides of his face before pulling him to another kiss. And another. And another.
He growls into your mouth as he mutters, "Get comfortable, amor. I'll make up the lost time."
You're panting, lips hovering over his before he dives into your neck. You giggle at the tingling his mouth leaves behind before finally pulling back.
"I still made you your plate." You smile against his neck, being lifted bridal style.
"You ate already too then?"
You hum, shaking your head. "I wanted to wait for you..."
Alejandro huffs, shaking his head. "Pues, let's eat then."
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heh...thanks for reading <3
um, Spanish is my second language but I think I got all the ones that need accent marks with my phone? I can't effin do it on my keyboard cause the command keys hate me. Let me know if I missed anything!
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chenxiuan · 3 months
how i think the cod men would treat and show ppl they have a wife/gf (you 😜)
i’m just deranged and lonely
Price - old man price. just old fashioned, which i know is sooo repetitive but i believe he’s a mix of either being downright cheeky or extremely formal and gentlemanly. sends you flowers wrapped in ribbons, attaching notes to the beautiful bow (has his own flower girl in the town you live in.) his night out with you is either tucking into a good hearty meal with an action or romcom playing in front, the soft light spilling onto both of you, wine glasses on the table, or fancy dinners out. i can just IMAGINE him playfully smacking your ass as you pile the plates into the sink, chuckling with a cigar hanging from his lips. your family LOOOOVE him and he makes innuendos at the table that only YOU notice, his hand on your thigh.
As for introducing you to the task force, i think it’s clear to say he would show you off. whenever the chance is given. he’s not boastful, maybe just a bit cocky if the boys are complaining about being single or something, would just cross his arms behind his head and sink into his chair smirking, knowing damn well he has the loveliest girl he could ask for. takes you out for dinners, teaches you how to shoot a gun- it’s ENDLESS but i do think he can get overstimulated easily and get into a grumpy mood. ALSO he deffo has that dad side of him where he knows you like a certain food and will just keep buying it until you become sick of it. <3
Gaz - gaz is so overlooked it’s ridiculous. he is 100% the type of guy to only give princess treatment, period. pays for your nails. helps you take pictures for your social media. sends your cooking videos to the groupchat so his mates will send likes and comment under it. i feel like at first he’s tentative, a little cautious, because why would a cute thing like you be attracted to some rugged soldier? but when he does realise you like him for him, it’s date night everyday. sushi dates. going on picnics, spending the night at his family’s place. just a genuine golden retriever, does the whole lara jean thing where his large hand will tuck into your back pocket firmly. when he introduces you to the task force, Price is the one to notice he seems almost to eager to grab his phone when it rings, a slow smirk on his face. he’s almost a little too quiet, but not in a bad way - he looks content. glowing. i do think that gaz would upload his profile pic to be you and him and the lads would catch on. again he’s not showing off, because he knows a part of him is either too possessive or a little scared seeing as the job is dangerous. wouldn’t want to risk anything.
soap - geniunely struggled writing this one because i was confused as to whether he would be EXTREMELY loud and boastful about you, or sly and secretive. i think with soap it depends. he would make a comment on a mission with simon and the skull faced man would get the hint that there’s a special someone behind Soap that’s making his eyes twinkle a little more. wears bracelets you give him, will proudly crane his neck purposely during training so people can take a look at his hickies. but i do feel like he would keep your name a secret, one of those things where it’s private but not secret. as for dates, it’s either Scotland or something fun and engaging. hiking, bike rides, fun fairs, or sunbathing in Scotland in the countryside, laughing alongside his mum. he loves family and i ADORE that headcanon where it’s like he has 5 sisters. he’s jus that sassy yk? would propose to you within the year. he’s impulsive like that but it’s not a bad thing - when he likes something, he likes it, simple as. this is a random note but i picture him with a mercurial, big eyed and wiry girl that’s either loud and proud or demure and quiet. black cat and golden retriever vibes yk? same with Price actually, feel like they’d love to have partners they can tease
simon - girl put this man in therapy first. he would be, obviously, quite reserved and unaffectionate to begin with, but seeing as you’re his girl, his special person, his touches are more sincere. less fleeting. stares at you, cranes his neck lower so you can speak to him - he just understands you. understands and respects you, even if he doesn’t show it at first. his first date would not be extravagant at all, but he would put effort in. drives you in his car, fumbling with the cd player, explaining to you gruffly what his favourite one is. values your opinion, i think, definitely picks up on your favourite food, favourite type of music, what colour you look good in. sarcastic and dry, but sometimes finds himself speechless near you. slowly and slowly you peel him down to his core and you trust him, take care of him, and he does his best for you too. starts to bring you around to his apartment, acts annoyed when things like your makeup brushes and wipes and lashes are being scattered in his bathroom, but grows to love it. becomes almost worried when you don’t leave a piece of yourself wherever you are. he’s a gentle giant when in love, i hate this idea that he’s sex-fuelled and calloused and would man handle you, the poor guy has been through that shit himself, and he’s confident enough to know what a woman wants and needs. lets you dress him, maybe even teased the idea of matching outfits. COOKING FOR HIM would be the key to his heart, but even if you pass him a pot noodle, he would mumble a ‘cheers lovie’ and moves closer to you. security and trust, that’s all he needs.
i do think the team would have no idea you existed. read a fic here where it was like the task force find out simon has a whole wife and kids when helping him move and it’s so true honestly, but can you blame him? bro had his whole family exposed and hunted, no wonder he’s so so so protective over you. (i could rant about si for days.) i have this feeling that introducing him to your family almost panics him internally, so he distances himself for a couple of days. not to upset or offend you, just to collect himself, because maybe for once, he could have his family back. on your first year mark, he takes you Joseph’s grave and breaks down. i think that’s when you realise this man is in love with you and there’s no way you couldn’t love him back.
DEFINITELY spoils tf out of you, helps takes your heels off, kisses you affectionately, like he pours his soul into it. new nails, new clothes, new everything, how could he NOT spoil his love?
alejandro - i wanted to add him because recently i’ve just been obsessed. yeah you guys deffo met at a bar and had a one night stand, and you’re the cynical book reader with no filter and he grows to fckin love it. the whole team knows about you before you know about them 😭 gives you a lift home in the jeep, wearing the same dress from the night before, mascara smudged, on edge because some wide mf with a skull mask is glaring at you and this scotsman is making your hangover worse. GOD he’s whipped from the first night, has your number written on a napkin, messages you after a couple of days. when you slowly let your guard down, you realise his flair and his attitude is sexy as hell, and he then takes you out on a proper date, at a family based restaurant with good asf food. tells you about his life, his friends, his missions. definitely likes buying you lingerie, dimples popping out whenever he opens his phone and sees a pic of you clad in a dusty pink set. probably the more petty one 😭 he’s not really a date guy imo, you can quite literally have the best time of your life sat in the car with him, laughing and admiring the way his hand holds your thigh. prideful but not egotistical, makes sure your family likes him, definitely has a soft spot for your niece or younger sister. I NEED THJS MAN
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chenxiuan · 3 months
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the new scout... they want me dead
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chenxiuan · 3 months
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Yuzuru Feature Scout 2 -Yuzuru Fushimi - Morning Mist's Surface Outfit
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chenxiuan · 3 months
Valeria Garza x Reader Vargas
You, Alejandro's sister, are in a party, hoping to stay out of your brother's sight. Because gods above know if you get caught in a party, you won't hear the last of it.
You usually don't prefer involving in such social events, you are more of a loner than a social butterfly. You are a nervous wreck inside that reserved exterior. Your brother has always been the party guy.
Alejandro was more social, easier to get along with despite his temper. You were more of the silent sibling. An introvert who just wanted to try something new!!
When you first set foot in the loud club, you were a bit hesitant. The sight of confident people who had a few drinks in already made you nauseous. Maybe this wasn't the brightest idea you had... But you were positive you needed to socialize a little. And what better way to do it other than attending a party? You squeezed yourself through the doors and finally landed yourself by the barstools. You sat down, and started to look around. So this was what Alejandro has been so enthusiastic about. Honestly, you did see the appeal. Pretty people despite the loud itchy music, you could see yourself coming here again.
In thirty minutes, you finally managed to buy yourself a cocktail. It wasn't anything fancy, it was a virgin cocktail. Helping yourself to alcohol in a new environment wouldn't be very wise of you, so you just took generous sips of your sweet drink. Watching the confident dancing figures in the middle of the dance floor, you were jealous of that amount of confidence and skill. Your eyes wandered on various figures, trying to take in the environment and get used to the feeling.
"Can I sit with you, pretty thing?"
You downright jumped in your seat, eyes meeting the source of the velvety voice who just spoke. You blinked once, twice. You didn't expect anyone else to approach you.
"Oh, uhm. Of course. Not waiting on anyone." You smiled awkwardly, was it necessary that you mentioned you weren't waiting for anyone? Well... It was late to change that now.
"Drinking by yourself? Would you mind if I join?"
The woman was boosting with confidence, and you liked that. You nodded, offering her your most genuine smile despite the embarrassment crawling on your face. Bright red cheeks making their appearance.
"No, not at all. I'd be delighted."
The woman orders herself a glass of tequila after settling down next to you, eyeing you up and down and sizing you up. Suddenly you feel more like a prey than anything. Was it smart to just accept an invitation from a stranger for a drink? It was too late for that as well!!
"Names Valeria." The woman smiles, leaning down on the bar counter and taking a sip from her drink.
You can't help but find the sight very alluring. Valeria is beautiful.
"Oh," you chuckle, and then introduce yourself as well. You tell your name, not sharing your surname for the balance.
"Like your dress, chiquita. You sure you aren't here with anyone?"
"Thank you." You take a breath. This woman doesn't have any friendly intentions, you can notice. You should probably cut this interaction short. You are not even a lesbian. "I just wanted to enjoy the environment." You add after, taking bigger sips from your sweet drink and seeing the end of it.
"Let me help with it? That's a virgin cocktail, yeah?"
"yeah." You blink. What is happening.
Valeria turns to the bartender and orders you a drink. The drink you got in thirty minutes comes in front of her within a minute or two. Seems you wouldn't be going home very soon.
Laughter erupts from your seat, you can't help but engage in more conversations with Valeria. Valeria is a smart woman, and she is so charming with her words as well. She knows exactly what to tell you.
"You are such a darling," You keep on laughing, in your fourth drink. "But that's really enough for me. Thank you for your company, Valeria."
Valeria is all about smiles, she's been getting closer to you during the night. Each drink, she would come closer to you and offer her arm around your back.
"Thank you too, I would be bored out of my head without you," Seems Valeria was having a good time too. "Even so, I really want to have a repeat to this. Can I get your number?"
You stop. Everything freezes. Shit. You shouldn't have stayed this long, how are you supposed to get out of this situation? This beautiful woman is just so smart, thoughtful, and charming. How can you let her down. You are not even a lesbian. You shouldn't have let yourself engage with Valeria. Now you have to let her down. But how could you?
All you can do is nod.
Valeria gets her phone out, and then slides it on the table in front of you.
You look down at the digits and dial your number in her phone.
"Would it be okay if I called you same time next week?" Valeria's confident words carry you out of your damn mind. You should probably give her the wrong number. But no, that's so rude. Does it even matter if you are rude to a stranger, you can't decide that either. You are too nervous to make a quick decision. It is best you get out of here quickly without further steps into... whatever this is.
You eventually add yourself into Valeria's contacts with your name and surname. She did say she was a busy woman during your second drink, so she surely knows more people with your name. You don't want to confuse her.... Why don't you want her to confuse you with someone else, you'll think about it later.
"Sounds lovely." You say instead, making Valeria smirk wider. Gods, you wish you were at least drunk because there is no justifying your thoughts about Valeria.
When Valeria glances down at her phone, she sees your name.
"Vargas." Valeria stops, then starts to laugh. That laugh doesn't sound like the previous sweeter ones. This one is more of a joyful, amused, and maybe even mocking laugh. "See you next week." She says instead.
While you walk home, all you can think about is her. Valeria is such a beautiful and charming woman. Her confident and naturally leading personality makes you want to kick a wall. You exhale, hoping to hear from Valeria... Why? It brings you only more anxiety to think about what should come after. You should probably let her down in your next meeting... That if you will ever have one.
Well, you can definitely think about the attractive woman later... For now you should sneak into your house without letting your military trained brother notice. You don't give even the slight chance that Alejandro won't notice, but you'll try your chances.
"Where were you." Comes the loud voice of Alejandro, while you sit in your phyjamas on the kitchen counter. At least he fed you before starting the questioning.
"In a party."
To your answer, Alejandro grins. After a moment of silence, he notices you were not joking.
"Wait, seriously?"
You nod in response, stuffing your mouth with the leftover dinner.
Alejandro takes a moment longer to register what you just said, then his annoying smirk gets wider. Teasing, even. You know what is coming next. You hope he doesn't voice it out loud.
"Met anyone? At least text me if you want to spend the night in a hotel."
You roll your eyes, but then your mind wanders somewhere else despite the empty teasing of your brother. You... And Valeria could have ended up in a hotel. You quickly scratch that idea, cheeks flushing red with humiliation. You really wish you were drunk, at least you'd have a reason to think such obscene things then.
"Yes actually."
"You keep surprising me," Alejandro calls your name, nudging you to spill. "What's the name."
You have nothing to hide. And besides, if you give the woman's name he will stop teasing you and understand you just made a female friend. No male danger in sight. So you shrug.
You did expect your brother's smile to fade, but you didn't expect it to fade this fast.
"Excuse me?!" Comes the loud voice of the guy in front of you, his eyes spoke louder somehow... He was pissed.
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chenxiuan · 3 months
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chenxiuan · 3 months
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chenxiuan · 4 months
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please never go away
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chenxiuan · 1 year
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Ensemble Stars! On Stage ~Take your marks!~ finally I decided to share my bluray rip of ansute tym because some friend requested for it. The thing is, I need to re-convert them to smaller size so it gonna be easier to me to upload. At least I can make sure that the quality is still quiet good.
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