tumblr tuesday: raccoons, baby
We're in the throes of June! ‘Tis the season to make super queer and super tired raccoon art! Enjoy your local artists <3
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You'd gone exactly seven hours, thirteen minutes, and seven seconds with barely a moment of time with your wife. She'd been especially busy, and you understood as such, but you were her spouse. So, technically, you had just as much right to her attention as the kids did. Which is why when you went without your morning kiss as Alma was out of bed by the time you woke, and little more than some quick words of appreciation between meals, you were rightfully frustrated. You weren't even willing to admit how long it had been since she had touched you properly.
So you watched, waited, for the perfect opportunity. And suddenly--there! There it was. A slipup on Alma's part, going down the wrong hallway. Without so much as a warning you had stepped from the shadows and in an instant pinned the woman to the wall, mouth already on hers. The ravenette let out a little noise of surprise, one hand still in the air and the other flat against the wall beside her. She tried to pull away for a moment, but you knew you had her just where you wanted, knew just where on her hips to press your thumbs. Although she did get out a little "Y/n, the children-" you immediately shut her down, digging your nails in and murmuring "Mine," against her neck where you'd started pressing frantic kisses and hungry bites at random.
Finally Alma gave in and let her head tip back to the wall, breathing already labored and right hand coming up to tangle loosely in your hair when you hungrily returned to the woman's lips, practically devouring her as if she were your last meal. And then you heard it; a small sound, almost imperceptible. But it was there--footsteps--and it was getting closer. You knew that it would be only moments until whoever it was stumbled upon your impromptu make-out sesh, and you couldn't have that. So in an instant you had reached behind Alma to the door of a conveniently located closet, pushing the door open with your lips still very much attached to Alma's. You slipped inside with her and closed the door behind you--and not a moment too soon, as seconds later Bronwyn called out "Miss Peregrine?" Finally Alma pulled away, ready to admonish you before her mouth snapped shut at the sound of Bronwyn's voice.
Her sharp gaze eyed the door warily, considering whether she should leave or not. If she did, Bronwyn would have too many questions than she had answers. If she didn't, she could be missing something important. It didn't help that you had returned to her neck, sucking on Alma's pulse point as your fingers ran across her thighs boldly. It made it hard to think, extremely hard, and it nearly startled Alma as Bronwyn once again called out her name--she must have been directly outside the door--fearing that they were about to be caught in quite the compromising position. The ymbryne held her breath--an impressive feat given that you'd now begun to slip further and further down her body, covering her exposed collar with kisses that quickly migrated even further south.
As quiet as she could, Alma hissed "Y/n! Stop this non--ohhh-" She couldn't even finish her sentence before you had slipped under her skirt, increasing your pace like a woman starved and making Alma fall back against the wall. Her right hand automatically pressed you harder against her, your tongue working wonders between her legs and making it increasingly difficult to stay silent. Bronwyn had left, however before you could even think that you were in the clear, Olive was soon heard nearby, telling Bronwyn--or so you assumed--that she would find you and Alma. Yeah, you weren't going to have that, so without Alma noticing you subtly pressed the lock on the door handle down before continuing your work. You were thoroughly enjoying yourself, as was Alma if the way her legs were shaking and her left hand was pressed as tight as possible to her mouth, muffling the little gasps of pleasure she couldn't bite back. She could feel you smirk against her before doubling your efforts--this time she couldn't hold in a groan--til she was dizzy and sure she was about to die. Olive could still be heard calling out for her, getting increasingly closer to your hiding spot, until she was right there and--oh lord. She was trying to get in.
You could hear the doorknob rattling as Olive attempted to turn it, calling out "Miss Peregrine? Are you in there?" Just as she did so--and Alma decided that she really should quell their worries by risking dropping her hand and opening her mouth to speak--you pressed your tongue inside of her and curled it upwards. The action sent a shockwave of back-arching pleasure through her body and effectively pushed her over the edge--and as luck would have it, ripping a sharp cry past her already parted lips. In an instant she had clapped her trembling hand over her mouth and looked down at you with wide, panicked eyes--even as waves of pleasure made her neck muscles tense and knees nearly buckle--as Olive's worried voice called out her name, asking if she was alright. As steadily as she could, which was not very, Alma replied "Ye-Yes I'm alright de-dear. You just start--startled me and I hit my elbow. I'll b-be right out." Olive hesitated, you could tell, but finally she hummed warily and you could hear her footsteps receding, leaving you alone.
Alma finally relaxed, allowing herself to consciously enjoy the last remaining moments of her high as you smoothly stood back up, dropping her skirt to her legs as you licked your lips. Your thumb collected the remaining liquid on your chin and you licked that clean too before smirking smugly as Alma continued to catch her breath. "You are irrevocably, certifiably insane, y/n," your wife hissed once she could stand solidly and breath evenly. You just laughed, shrugging as you unlocked the door and stating "Take it as a lesson not to ignore me, sweetheart," before leaving as fast as you had appeared.
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I gave my everything to you, and in return you gave me the pieces of my soul. But those pieces that I gave you they were no longer beautiful. They are shattered and torn, as I watched you rip them to shreds as you laughed in my face.
I will never forgive you.
But I will always love you. Even though you no longer love me, even though you never loved me.
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