cherrywixe · 4 years
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“That’s like- I imagine that’s how people feel when they’re asked to pick a favourite child. The stakes aren’t quite as high, but similar to that.” Brayden felt his face flush yet again, and suddenly stared down at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. “Just wait until you see the stars.” 
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“Okay, well maybe your top three favorite books then?” she asked him. Venus thought it was so cute how flushed he was getting and let out a small giggle. “I might be too busy staring at you, B.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“I hope she will be surprised in a good way.” He offered, blushing once again from the kiss. “Sorry. You were talking to me about kids and I got flustered.” 
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“I’m sure she will be, she loves making new friends and is very friendly,” Matthew pressed his lips together. “Is this an okay conversation to talk about?”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“A lot of different ones. That’s not specific enough.” He slowed down to allow her to take her time, squeezing her hand encouragingly. “That’s sweet of you to say.” He turned to smile happily at her, walking backwards into the clearing. “Tada.” He managed, his free arm swinging out widely. “A lake. Surprising, I know.” 
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“Well what is your favorite book?” she tilted her head at him. Venus took a moment to look out at the view smiling before going back to squeezing his hand. “He thought the view was pretty and I thought he was prettier,” she teased.
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Yes,” Archer responded easily, although he was still looking down to hide his blush. “I would love to go to the shelter later. A cat and a dog. We are really going to be thriving.” 
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Matthew’s smile widened as he leaned over and kissed Archer’s cheek one more time. “Scout will be very surprised that she gets a new friend.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“It’s just a lot of overthinking generally. Also a lot of fan theories about books.” He nodded again, “That could be fun. I wouldn’t consider myself creative, but I’ll try my best for you.” 
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“What books?” she asked, looking down at her feet to watch where she was stepping, still gripping onto his hand. “You’re so cute, thanks B. It’ll be fun no matter what.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Yes. Yes, of course. To both.” He looked up from their hands to give the other a smile, but had to look away again quickly. “I don’t know if we are old enough for kids, but we’re certainly old enough to have a puppy as a child test run.” 
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“Really?” Matthew’s face began to heat up as if they hadn’t talked about kids or marriage before. “Well then... maybe we can go to the shelter later.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Would I take you to my favourite place on earth just because you asked me on a date one time? Probably not.” He shook his head, “I don’t know that many, but luckily there is still cellphone reception. If you see me googling things to impress you simply don’t worry about it.” 
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“Maybe, I don’t know what goes on in your head,” she smiled at him. “Or we could just make up our own stories and constellations for them, that could be fun too.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“As long as it works for Scout, I’m sure we can make it work for us.” Archer wasted no time entwining his fingers with the others, “I’m not sure if those two things are exactly the same. babies cry more and puppies destroy more, but if this is the test that you want to have.” 
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Matthew gave the other boy a small smile before looking down at their hands. “Is it a test you want? Would you even want to have kids? With me? Or do you even want to get a puppy with me?”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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Archer smiled brightly as the other’s lips met his cheek. “Awww….” He trailed off for a moment, looking down to hide his blush. “You want to get a puppy with me? I would love that. Will Scout get along with them?”
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“I would love to! Scout gets along with most animals, she’s really friendly like that,” Matt shrugged as he reached down to grab the others hand. “Besides... we gotta get a puppy to see if we can take care of a baby...”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“That would be something to look forward to, yeah. That would be nice.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly, “I don’t know what your criteria for going on dates is. Personally if I got asked by anyone I would probably say yes. Just ‘cause that doesn’t really happen that often.” He laughed too, “I hope that it will be. If you’re into looking at the stars and listening to water than it will be everything you could hope for.” 
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“So do you like me too or are you just going on this date with me because I asked you?” she looked over at him. “Do you know a lot of constellations? I only know a few but I love looking at them and pointing them out.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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Matthew walked up to the other boy, attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes before kissing him on the cheek. “Good morning. I know we said no presents until Christmas but I was thinking... what about adopting a puppy today?”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“I don’t know. There’s a lot of foods I haven’t eaten and things I haven’t done.” Brayden looked down in an attempt to hide that he was blushing again, “You like me so much?” He chuckled kind of nervously, “I guess we will see. Also, we’re almost there. Sorry for kinda dragging you through the woods.” 
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“This sounds like an adventure we’ll have to go through together,” she shrugged and closed her eyes slightly. “Obviously, you big dummy. Or else I wouldnt be going on this date with you,” Venus teased him. “This better be worth it, B,” she giggled to let him know she was being sarcastic.
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Well, luckily for you there are a lot more where those came from.” He couldn’t help but smile more at her words, “you think I’m sweet? I guess I just want everyone to live up to their dream, and sometimes you don’t fit into people’s dreams. Even if you want to.” He shook his head, “thank you for the faith, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to do better than you. Even with practice.” 
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“Oh yeah? Like what?” she smiled back at him. “Of course I think you’re sweet! You’re one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met, that’s one of the many reasons I like you so much,” she tugs on his hand. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“I know, you’re the first person this has happened with.” He responded earnestly, squeezing her hand gently in response to her motion. “He had to go to college, and I decided to stay home. I wouldn’t want anyone giving up their dream for me, you know?” He continued to lead her, “I wouldn’t have that much faith. I think you’ll always be better at flirting than me. You have a great head start.” 
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“I love taking all of these virginities of yours,” Venus laughed at him. She nodded along with his words. “You’re a really sweet guy, you know that? Always thinking of others before you,” she smiled at him. “I have lots of faith in you, B.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“That’s because you hit on me and I had to warn you about what you were getting into.” He nodded, “My last one started in high school too. Then it went on for a year after that.” He laughed, continuing to lead her in the direction of the lake. “You are a great teacher. You said it was fine and that’s better than the terrible rating I usually get.”
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“And you still don’t see me backing down now,” she smiled at him as she rubs the back of his hand with her thumb. “Why did it end, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked as she tried to keep up with him, their hands still linked. “You’re getting much better, B, soon the student will become the teacher.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Our first real date and you’re already talking about forever.” He stated with a laugh, but he was secretly pleased. “I was kind of seeing someone right before we started talking, but I haven’t been in a relationship in like 3 years. What about you?” He felt heat rise to his face in a blush, “You think I’m doing fine?” 
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“Says the guy who said he was gonna fall in love with me the first time we spoke,” she teased him a bit. Venus was quiet, thinking for a while before she finally spoke up. “I think my last real relationship was in high school,” she shrugged. “Well yeah, you have a great teacher.”
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cherrywixe · 4 years
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“Forever, huh?” He stuck his hand out behind him awkwardly, trying to imply that they could hold hands if she wanted. “Please, the fact that I’m managing to keep even one person interested in me is a miracle.” His tone was light, but there was some truth in the words. “The view. My flirting is terrible at all times of the day.” 
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“Only if you’ll have me,” she shrugged as she squeezed his hand lightly. “When was the last time you were involved with someone?” she asked, looking over at him. “Oh B I think you’re doing just fine right now.”
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