cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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am i even still relevant here lmao
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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out of maple . i’ll be around tonight to finally work on drafts !!
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
Person: It's okay, Cheryl, calm down. Breathe.
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ᴛʀʏɪɴɢᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ / ᴀʟɪᴄᴇ ᴄᴏᴏᴘᴇʀ
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          any mention of her eldest daughter was a painful one. even betty knew how quick alice was to SNAP at just hearing the name POLLY. eyes flash with anger, but she has to remember to try and keep her composure. because this is just a child, and god forbid if she do what she felt like, she’d end up behind bars. “i’d watch your words, cheryl. i don’t think that jason would’ve appreciated such backlash against the girl he wanted to marry.”
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                                            there was little that daunted cheryl blossom , && harsh words spoken by a mother was simply nothing new to her - her own mother hissed words of scorn , waspish disapproval && insults coated in sugary syrup . chin angles upwards a the comment from the Cooper matriarch , yet rouged lips do twitch into the beginnings a smile ( smirk ; smug ; pride ) .                      ❛  what Jj wants , or would appreciate , doesn’t really MATTER now , does it Mrs Cooper ?  ❜
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ / ʀɪᴠᴇʀᴡɪʟᴛᴇᴅ
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     ❛ i don’t think she would just skip town. ❜ his tone is hushed, even though they are the only two within the walls of thornhill right now. it’s been a couple days since the disappearance of polly cooper and ‘near-drowning’ of jason blossom (a staged near-drowning, unbeknownst to everyone except jason and his twin). worry is etched in his features, and he’s been pacing in front of the soda. finally, he stops, looking up at his sister. he just can’t accept that polly would ABANDON him, that she wouldn’t go through with their plan to leave riverdale. they were going to start a family, settle down, but with her disappearance, he feared their plan had disappeared with her. running a hand through his hair, gaze settles upon his twin. ❛ — what if something happened to her? something… horrible? if something happened to her and i wasn’t there to protect her, i don’t think i could live with myself, cher. ❜
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             silence has lingered over her since he began speaking ; his pacing causing teeth to click , jaw to clench && she represses the urge to grab at him , to make him stop the pacing . lips purse && legs curl beneath her as she leans forward with fingers brushing against his arm in futile attempt to at least instill some sort of calm .           ❛  Jj , you’re reading too much into this , i’m SURE she’s fine .  ❜           while she had known of the plan , that didn’t mean she was wholly okay with it all , with her brother LEAVING her alone ... to suffer the scorn of their parents . it caused a twist in her stomach , a lump lodging tightly in her throat , && she swears she cannot breathe .         ❛  ... maybe she left you , JJ .  ❜                 it wasn’t meant to be cruel , she is only putting out ideas as they come to her - perhaps part of her WANTS for polly to have up && left , then things could go back to how they were before .        ❛  sit down , please .  ❜
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ᴘɪɪɴᴋᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ / ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ
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Betty’s green hues inspected the girl with disbelief. She might be a bad liar but she could recognize a lie from a mile away. Cheryl was hiding something and that something was eating her from the inside out. Taking courage, the blonde took a step forward, voice firm enough to elicit a reaction from the youngest Blossom.
    ❛ I don’t believe you.  ❜
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                                    guilt had tumbled beneath her ribs since his body had been found , UNEASE swirling her mind && she missed him ; needed him like flowers needed rain , it was unsettling to be without a part of you , without someone who made you feel W H O L E - she wasn’t sure if she was going to come back from this loss ; breath hitches , though she prays betty doesn’t notice .              ❛  lay off , nightmare smurfettee . i don’t need your pity .  ❜
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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out of maple . i’ll be around tonight to finally work on drafts !!
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ᴘɪɪɴᴋᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ / ʙᴇᴛᴛʏ
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There was something strange about her demeanor, something beyond the fact that she was unusually calm. She was eerily calm and it made Betty want to keep a close eye on her.
     ❛ Cheryl…you can stop pretending you’re okay. It’s okay to grief.  ❜
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         ❝  i have done my grieving , i am FINE , betty . ❞         she isn’t one for gifted pity ; it rolls over her shoulders , && she wants to r u n . it’s cloying && while she knows betty means no harm , it still lodges words in her throat .
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
&&. @cherylrising· liked this. 
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        ‘ your ATTITUDE doesn’t threaten me, you know. ‘
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            ❝  maybe i’m not trying hard enough then .  ❞
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ᴀᴍ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ / ᴊᴀsᴏɴ:
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he holds her, thoughts racing in his mind. there is no calming the anxiety which BLOSSOMS within him. cheryl is strength, a beacon in his life. to see her shaken, to hear her sob breaks something within him. he can fear tears stinging in his own blue hues and he blinks quickly as to not let them fall. how do you separate yourself from your soulmate? they were of the same soul, to tear them apart would take the strength of tectonic plates shattering land masses.  ❛ don’t let them. don’t let them be cruel, you don’t deserve their v i t r o l. you should – ❜ a pause, and he looks at her, heart aching. ❛ — i wish you could come with polly and i. ❜
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               arms refuse to release him , as if fearful he will disappear if she separates from him , lost to the wind && she will be without him - how do you live when one half of your soul has left you ? he pulls back to look at her , && she follows suit , though she does not part from him when melancholic smile settles upon tired features .                             ❝   i can’t -- Jj , I can’t COPE with them when you’re not there .  ❞          her own weakness stifles her ,chokes her && she feels the sobs well once more , fingers tight within his shirt .       ❝  it’s too difficult if i go too , they’ll be looking for you jason , even harder if i go with you .  ❞                     it would be a lie to say she hadn’t considered it ; packing what little she had that mattered && leaving Thornhill behind , but she couldn’t ... they couldn’t go TOGETHER .
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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                                                            it’s OVER ; it’s done , && now all that remains is the wreckage of who she once was . they say GRIEF changes a person , && surely she had suffered enough in such a short space of time ? brother , father ; had she ever truly had her mother ? breath catches in her throat && knees draw to her chest upon the threadbare duvet over hotel mattress - there was not a single ounce of regret in her bones , nothing but a dull ache that ebbed && waned in a constant harmony with breath as head tips against her knees , waterfall of russet curls covering her like a curtain . // @riverwilted
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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to do . drafts (18) , inbox (3), starters (TOO MANY SEND HELP), verses page, verses tags , icons (lmao okay)
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
"... i didn't miss your birthday. we went out eating to a restaurant of /your/ choice."
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l                              ips purse , the tiniest roll of her shoulders && she watches him stonily ; the necklace was the ultimate goal - perhaps she could play the grieving sister && daughter card ?                   ❝  but you didn’t get me a GIFT .  ❞                                       she’s being petulant ; the twist of her mouth alluding to such , yet still she tries . cheryl cannot quite pin WHY she cares so much , why this necklace mattered in the slightest , perhaps it was simply stubbornness ?                 ❝  i don’t ask for a lot .  ❞
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
                                       we’ve all
                                     {       LOST       }
                                   s o m e o n e—;
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
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out of maple . i passed 100 followers today && can i just tell y’all how much i love you ? gonna do a follow forever + giveaway yup .
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
ʜᴄɪʀᴇssᴠ / ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ ʟᴏᴅɢᴇ
@cherylrising finale starter call
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“Are you SURE you’re going to be okay?” Veronica pressed a hand on the redhead’s arm, looking over her features. Her attempted suicide and her family’s house BURNING DOWN made Veronica even more worried about her, wanting to do the best she could to help her. “I can talk to my mom– I’m SURE I can convince her to let you stay in the Pembrooke for a while,” her voice trailed off as she pursed her lips together. Her father wasn’t going to be home for a while, and Cheryl wasn’t involved in the whole mess of their families after all. Betty was right when she said they have to be a BETTER Riverdale after all those tragic events.
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                 she finds herself unable to draw back from thoughts that clouded her eyes ; trembling fingers && worry bitten lips . did she STILL want to be with jason ? thoughts turn to him so often , more so when she remembers the ashes of their family home ( anger of a mother , lashing against russet curls , && yet she had smiled ) , there is a piece of her that wishes she had perhaps taken something of HIS before flames had engulfed it all .shoulders roll back when veronica speaks ; hand pressing to her arm , && she almost pulls away - aversion to unwarranted touch causing a twitch to painted fingertips , yet she makes no gesture to pull away .                 ❝  that’s sweet , veronica , but i’ll be FINE .  ❞                     the word falls from her tongue ; practiced , fluid && she wills her bones to fill with it . finefinefinefine !!          ❝  i’ve taken up enough of your time , i’ll just -- i’ll go .  ❞
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cherylrising-blog · 7 years
you're literally my favorite cheryl!
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out of maple . !!!!!!! c’mere && lemme give you a hug because honestly this is so so so so sweet of you  wow .
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