chetanyacareers1 · 1 day
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chetanyacareers1 · 4 days
Explore your options: Study Abroad in New Zealand and Canada
Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that not only provides you with your desired education but also opens doors to a world of opportunities. A platform of opportunity for personal growth as well as personal immersion for your bright future.
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To encourage these opportunities, there are two popular countries, New Zealand and Canada, that provide countless offers and programs for international students. These destinations offer world-class education at renowned universities and have vibrant student communities to mingle with.
Study Abroad in New Zealand New Zealand is a name that reflects purity, scenic beauty, and countless opportunities. A country that is not overly populated and seems untouched when it comes to nature. Along with admiring the beauty, New Zealand has a renowned, high-quality education system. Education hubs like the University of Auckland and Victoria University of Wellington rank highly in global education standards.
Programs in science, engineering, and business are the major attention-getters among students across the globe. The country offers a unique cultural experience with its blend of Maori traditions and modern Western influences. The country’s safe, welcoming environment makes it an ideal place for students to explore and grow.
Study Abroad in CanadaCanada is again a top-notch choice for international students, popular for its diverse ecosystem of people from across the world and different cultures. The University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, and McGill University are ones with great offers and a huge range of programs supporting arts and humanities, as well as pioneering research in technology and medicine. Canada is a country that is highly driven and focused on a strong emphasis on departments like research and innovation, providing countless offers to students for the same. Additionally, Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are beautiful cities with extravagant scenic views and mixed cultures, adding a vibrant vibe to the students away from home.
Learn Speaking English CourseNow comes the deciding part, which is a difficult task that cannot be done if not dedicated to your career. For students willing to study abroad in New Zealand or Canada, proficiency in English is essential and mandatory.
Learn the Speaking English course to dodge your confusion, which will ultimately lead you to be proficient enough to continue your studies abroad. It will definitely help you so much by building your confidence and communication skills. Communication is the ultimate paving stone to expressing emotion, showing gratitude, actively interacting, and participating or exchanging knowledge when surrounded by people of mixed cultures. You have a lot to communicate, and once you master the skill of learning the language, your life will be in the right direction.
Also, many institutions offer tailored programs for international students, providing the support needed to succeed in an English-speaking country.
Wrapping-up No matter what country you choose between New Zealand and Canada, both have their own set of benefits that will kick-start your academic career. With a solid foundation in English through specialized courses, students can maximize their academic potential and enjoy a rewarding cultural journey. These marvelous opportunities do not knock on doors just like that; rather, you have to take that first step and just grab the opportunity to fly high and make a name for yourself to transform your life.
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chetanyacareers1 · 4 days
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chetanyacareers1 · 4 days
Charting Success: Expert Career Counselling and Guidance for Students
Join us as we delve into the transformative significance of career counselling for class 9, career guidance after 10th, and career guidance after 12th.
career counselling for class 9
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chetanyacareers1 · 14 days
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chetanyacareers1 · 15 days
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chetanyacareers1 · 15 days
Charting Success: Expert Career Counselling and Guidance for Students
Adulthood is a whole new world with you being the major decision maker for various things, starting from choosing your subjects, then streams, and then career. It's a roller coaster ride with you being the leader in it. Slowly we reach a stage in life where we have to make a decision that will change our lives as well as the lives of our loved ones. These decisions are at times made with utmost care and at times in influence. The first and most crucial decision might be when we were in 9th grade and extending through high school. These stepping stones for students require expertise for guidance and somebody who can direct them the right way.
At these critical junctures, career counselling and guidance act as a compass, pointing students toward the directions that align with their passions and strengths. These pivotal stages help students make informed decisions about their education and career trajectories, setting them on the course to success.
Join us as we delve into the transformative significance of career counselling for class 9, career guidance after 10th, and career guidance after 12th.
Career Counselling For Class 9 Getting a glimpse of various subjects of different fields helps students tick mark their interests and strengths. A school is an environment where we get to experience upcoming opportunities by trying and testing them. At times a few glimpses or textbooks are not enough to take out the actual interest from within us and we end up deciding something of our least interest, but we are in a learning stage where we get to decide, change, shift, or restart at different points of time. An aptitude test is another method to identify your area of excellence.
Career Counselling For Class 10
Now this is another stage that will be the opening door to your future success. Here it's not just about a few optional subjects, it's about choosing a complete stream that will make you an engineer, A doctor, A writer, or a cinematographer. It's a pool of options and you have to try and test every costume to have the right fit which will help you dive and thrive in life.
At this stage, you need expert navigation leading you to career counsellors, as they are experienced guides, explaining and understanding everything in depth and showcasing the numerous opportunities. Also, they constantly try to help students with their interests and provide tailored advice for example- if a child is willing to pursue a career in politics, choosing political science as a career option and mastering it will be advisable from an expert point of view.
Career Guidance After 12th Now comes the final stage, though it's not final but a crucial stage. Now you have to enter the professional world. You have to choose a profession, as now is the time you will be investing your years to walk closer to your goals. A transition period and moving towards higher education. Counsellors will guide and assist you with exploring countless undergraduate programs. There will be many entrance exams, scholarship opportunities, and many other exams to crack.
Some future-focused insights on your upcoming emerging fields with the assurance of a high probability of a job in the same is a task in itself.
Conclusion Exploring options in countries like the USA, Canada, or New Zealand will also be on a few student's to-do lists. Gearing up for the professional world will be different with every decision. There will be choices made by you, and for you, the right decision may be wrong, but every lesson learned during this time phase will make you a better and stronger version of who you are. A successful future is not just made, it has a lot of ups and downs, leaders, bosses, teachers, and society as supporting actors, but only you will lead the theatre and make it your world.
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chetanyacareers1 · 22 days
Career guidance after 10th becomes invaluable in shaping the trajectory of their studies and majors, demanding thorough research and careful consideration.
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chetanyacareers1 · 22 days
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chetanyacareers1 · 1 month
Career Counseling for 9th, 10th, 12th standard students
"The best way to predict the future is to create it!" - Abraham Lincoln
Many students when they clear their 10th board exam, start fostering aspirations and ambition for their future. Be it a fancy corporate job in high-corridors or becoming the artist of their dreams- they might have envisioned themselves in successful professional roles.
Choosing the right Stream after the 10th or 12th is the crucial first step towards a shining road ahead. But at such an age, you may not be aware of all the possible career paths that can help you transform your interest into a successful profession. Here, career counsellors can provide life-altering support.
Advantages of Career Counselling after Class 9th
Hidden Talents: As a classroom is bustling with many students, it can pose a considerable challenge for a teacher to identify student's potential. They may not be able to recognise every student's best talents. Often, students are introverted or shy and not very active in participation. Similarly, parents may not understand the potential of their children due to a lack of opportunities at home. Recognising a student's hidden potential in the 9th grade can help nurture those talents further through specific training or alternative selections. Career counselling can ask the right questions and communicate the discovered talents to parents.
Strengthening Weaknesses: Career counselling after 9th graders can also identify areas where a child might be lacking. For example, if a student excels in extracurricular activities but struggles with academics, career counselling can guide them toward a path to improve their academic performance. Counsellors can suggest eventual career choices that align with their strengths, helping children select the right alternatives and shape their future.
Discovering Options: At the formative age of 14-15, adolescents face numerous aspects of teenage life, from peer pressure to susceptibility to glamour. Career counselling after 9th graders can help them understand their strengths and familiarise them with many exciting career options, enabling them to flourish in the future.
Career Guidance after 10th Choosing a path after the 10th standard can be a pivotal decision. Whether students consider studying abroad, taking a break, pursuing diploma courses, or opting for vocational training, the impact of this choice is of paramount importance in your life. Career guidance after 10th becomes invaluable in shaping the trajectory of their studies and majors, demanding thorough research and careful consideration. The chosen stream doesn't just influence their academic journey; it shapes their entire career, defines their growth, and determines their future success.
Weakness and Potential In your career guidance session after completing your 10th standard, counsellors do a thorough assessment test with you. This would help students identify their strengths. Many students opt for a Stream after their parent's or friends' opinions or might be confused as to which field to choose. Career guidance can assist them in recognising where their interests lie, whether it's in Science stream, Commerce stream or Arts stream.
Personality Assessment Career guidance sessions can assist you in identifying a career choice as per your personality. For instance, an extrovert persona can thrive in roles such as a salesperson or the field of public relations. Understanding your detailed personality traits and inclinations can help you in deciding which field you might flourish in. Similarly, career guidance after completing your 10th standard can also help you understand which traits you should develop for your dream profession. You would gain self-awareness and confidence after such sessions.
Identifying cognitive intelligence Career counsellors also provide you with the DMIT test, which is the most essential test. It helps in determining the relative strength of brain lobes. This test can help you identify your innate abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Based on the results of these tests, career guidance providers, especially after your 10th standard, can assist you with career/ Stream/ course choices.
Career guidance after 12th Completing your 12th standard can be a significant achievement. The academic journey doesn't end here, but a transition towards your professional life starts from here. The most important step towards your career begins here; that is why career guidance after 12th standard is imperative.
Deciding on a field During your career guidance session after class 12th, counsellors will guide you toward your further pathway. They provide various options available as per your stream of Art, Science or Commerce, as you graduate 12th standard. It can be vocational training, skill development courses or any professional courses. They discuss the potential they would unravel if they pursued the course.
Aptitude test Career guidance after the 12th encourages students to undertake the Aptitude test that helps them identify their strengths, weaknesses, and their interests. This will help students with choosing a career that will align with their strengths and interests.
Higher education They also provide profound insights and information about courses after 12th standard. Counsellors also offer personalised career guidance for study in India or abroad after the 12th standard. They give guidance for application processes for universities, colleges or visa application processes as per your preference and your strengths. As per your financial strength and prospects, career counsellors help you decide your courses.
Career counselling can be like a light in the darkness. It can enlighten you about your own strengths, and potentials, and align them with the best career path to unleash your fullest potential.
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