Assessment-Final installation
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Assessment-Final installation
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Assessment-Final installation
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Final Assessment- Film i have created to go with my installation
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Assessment- Critical self-evaluation
Identity- Critical Self Evaluation
I have created an installation representing the beauty of women that considers age. I am subverting the theory of the ‘Male Gaze’ using imagery like extreme close-ups of eyes and skin to play on the idea of voyeurism. The viewer is exposed to the flaws of women rather than being pleasured by the themes of nudity, perfection and youth.  
I have shown aesthetic consideration throughout my project in how I wanted to show my piece to the audience. I have thought about how the fringe fabric, being projected onto, will really create a fragmentation of the images but also portray delicacy. Using a fan will distort the installation creating a frenetic movement to contrast with the simplistic imagery. The lines and shadows it creates on the wall portray a boundary between reality and perception.
I have considered conceptual coherence by looking up a lot of different styles of women filmmakers. Researching Laura Mulvey, I wanted to go against her theory of the ‘Male Gaze’ and by filming women’s eyes, they are staring towards the audience creating a control on how they feel. Looking at Cindy Sherman, she exploits this.Taking ideas from her style, I have tried to blur the boundaries of femininity, pinpointing a women’s flaws and exposing the audience to untouched natural close-ups of women.
I feel I have applied technical skills on the choice of what camera I have used because it gives a more realistic and unique look on the screen. I wanted all the images to be exaggerated from having that contrast of lighting within the shots to define the concept of age and the journey of lines. I have used my skills of simple editing by subtly changing some of my clips. I was able to research and apply it to create an untouched look, adding a dreamy effect, forming a glow to the skin. I cropped two images of eyes together to show the contrast but connection through age to depict beauty differently.  
If I was to recreate my piece again, I feel like I would have played around with using extreme colour, as it might have displayed a different mood and message to the audience  because of colour symbolism; however I feel like I had made the right decision as I was inspired by the black and white imagery from Marther Rosler (Semiotics of the kitchen). It creates a powerful message instead of being looked at for aesthetic reasons. Within the next project, I would like to learn more about the skill of creating the sound, as I have chosen not to use any digitally within my piece. I chose to make this decision from experimenting with my installation. I like how the ongoing natural sound of the fan connects well with the shot as it creates a subtle, ongoing noise but distorts the image. Furthermore, I didn’t really find enough research that I could stem from for sound, so I felt that the shots and message of my piece was the most important element.
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Last minute tweaks- from group crit
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From getting feedback from our group tutorials, I thought maybe trying these on the lense of the projector to create a different shape thats projected onto the wall rather than just a square. I have experimented with cutting out a circle and the shape of an eye. I did this to create a connection with the theory of the 'Male Gaze'. I feel like it resembles like a secret peep hole, linked with fetishism and voyerism. However, it subverts this as really they are not seeing what they want but the close ups of women showing themselves naturally. It also really enhances movement and shape within the shots and creates secrecy and fragility.
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Test edit
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test edits
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Editing these images on colour, the brightness contrasts with the dark really exagerates the creases, lines, and shapes of the women's body. I wanted to film every single detail through time. I really like how it makes age beautiful and that we wouldn't normally look at old skin and have this perception. I didn't want to over edit the images filmed as I wanted to show flaws and the natural, raw skin and eyes of a strong women.
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I changed some of the images to have dreamy effects on them especially with the eyes. Doing this really defined the white light reflecting from the eye. I thought this looked like the projecter's light when it comes through the fabric shining in the eyes of he audience but symbolising age that there will be still this beautiful glisten in someone's eyes but also showing there flaws and lines that come with age.
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I decided not to use sound as from looking at the imagery I was very undecided about what could enhance it. From experimenting with the fan, I thought that could be the the natural sound incorporated with my installation. Creating sound and moving the fabric aswell.
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From projecting onto the fabric, I really like how it then projected onto the wall seeing the moving shadows of the individual lines. I think it creates two different kinds of installations and perceptions of the imagery that the audience can see. The shadow lines break up the image contrasting with its beautiful close up imagery. It disconnects reality of flaws and what the audience wants to see and think they will see.
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I decided to place a fan in front of the fabric to create movement within my piece and installation. Having the fan turn, it quickly fragments the image and then forms whole again. This contrasts with the beautiful images of women. It portrays how's I'm subverting the male gaze theory in how we aren't seeing the stereotypical beautiful women on screen but it's pinpointing reality that women's flaws, innocence and naturalness is beautiful.
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Thinking about space within the studio, I had to move my installation around to see how I could make use of the space but think about hiding the projector and things in the background so my audience dont see it.
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From having a talk with my tutor, I decided to add more fabric to make my installation look bigger as the projection looked very small. I thought about using a fan behind the fringe fabric. I will have to experiment with this because I would like it to distort the image contrasting with the beautiful, simplistic imagery. Then I would want the fabric to make up the image again to symbolise different perceptions of beauty of what the audience can see.
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I really likes the idea of the image being split but also merging the old eyes with the young. I think it really explores beauty through time. It looks at the how line and shapes form. But also tells the audience that beauty isn't defined. I filmed both my mum's and my own eyes then places them together, which they fit really well. Doing this really represent my own identity and getting to create this connection with the audience.
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