chibiisukee · 17 days
Disclaimer these are just a small sampling of some possible writer traits I’ve noticed either in myself or in fics I read. Also consider a rb for sample size !
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chibiisukee · 21 days
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chibiisukee · 26 days
Happy Mother’s Day 💐
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chibiisukee · 1 month
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Aosta from Arknights! 5/9/24
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chibiisukee · 1 month
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sometimes I just draw things because I want to see more of it out there I guess.
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chibiisukee · 1 month
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birthday sketch gifts for my fellas
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chibiisukee · 1 month
This isnt a joke my favorite piece of writing advice that I’ve ever seen is someone that said if you were stuck with a fic and couldn’t figure out why or what was wrong, your problem is actually usually about ten sentences back. Maybe there was something wonky about the tone or the dialogue or you added something that didn’t fit but it’s usually ten sentences back. And every single time I get stuck in a fic I count back ten sentences and it’s always fucking there
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chibiisukee · 1 month
Out of curiosity
And put the fandom its from in tags if you like reblog for sample size yadda yadda
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chibiisukee · 1 month
my dream as a fanfic writer is to write a story which people want to talk to me about and send asks about afterwards and discuss things the characters did and the symbolism and meanings behind certain lines and I'll be all "hehe thanks" but irl I'll be in literal tears because I wrote something that means something to someone
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chibiisukee · 1 month
A shout out to all the writers out there who don’t make the rec lists or have all the buzz or get all the traffic and attention or kudos. Your work is still valuable and appreciated and loved, and without you and your fics, fandom would be so much poorer.
Keep on writing and creating and sharing your works. You have an audience who loves you.
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chibiisukee · 1 month
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Internet Safety
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chibiisukee · 2 months
what if baby lucian and playwright
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chibiisukee · 2 months
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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chibiisukee · 2 months
I kinda have one of those stories too!
I went to Japan to improve my japanese and stayed with host families. One of the families who hosted me couldn't understand English very well and my Japanese wasn't that great either. We ended up communicating in Spanish in the end (one of the kids had visited Argentina a few months before and was fluent in Spanish btw)
There was also that one time I was in the US and I was talking to a salesperson and I don't remember why or how that happened, but in the end we were having a conversation that was constantly switching between Portuguese, English and Spanish
One time this man approached me in a bar talking in Spanish. So I assumed he was Spanish and we started speaking, we had a whole ass conversation and at some point he was like. So what part of Spain are you from? And I said well I’m Italian actually. What part of Spain are you from? And he was like. I’m Greek.
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chibiisukee · 2 months
There’s that post that’s like ‘everyone should get into a tiny niche fandom at least once’ fully agree, that was really fun -- but I would like to add that everyone should get into a fandom where their opinions run counter to major fanon because it really teaches you about sticking to your guns and trusting your interpretation of the text without having to rely on peer validation
because WHAT are people talking about sometimes
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chibiisukee · 2 months
Some chapter 13 thoughts
First off: I really liked the way they used POVs this chapter. It was way more fluid to read it than some previous chapters
Okay, now to the real discussion
On fate, unbreakable loops and the despair of hopeless endeavors
So, for starters, the whole chapter is asking one question: "If fate is unavoidable, why struggle against it if you know it's a hopeless endeavor?"
The first POVs in the chapter give us lots of variations of this question and little by little we uncover the characters answers.
Siege's question is: You lost Norport, you have a useless piece of metal and everyone expects you to be their savior king. Why won't you answer their expectations?
Reunion's question is: You fight for the Infected, but is it for all the Infected? Should you fight for the Infected that are not different from those who opress the weaker?
The Sarkaz mercenaries question is: What do you fight for? For Kazdel? For yourself? For survival?
And lastly, Amiya's question is: Can you really do anything to change your fate as the Lord of Fiends? Can you even help the Sarkaz? Can you even stop this pointless war?
I won't spend long on Siege, but she's kinda defying fate by doing what needs to be done in her own way, fighting dirty just like Glasgow did in the streets of Norport, charging headfirst into danger with her hammer, ignoring the fancy metal stick and not siding with the Dukes.
Different mercenaries have different answers to their question. But it's a bit sad that Hoederer's answer is a tired one "I fight because I want to go home, to Kazdel." But really, at this point Kazdel might not even be a place anymore (I know it's in ruins, physical Kazdel is a no man land destoyed by catastrophe and war). At this point, Kazdel's simbolism might be the same as Tara, mostly a simbol and a reminder of a painful history.
Amiya... poor Amiya. The power of the Lord of Fiends is one of the worse fates someone can have, and yet, she's the only one who can actually defy the vicious circle of war and strife related to the civilight eterna. And that's because she's not tied by blood by it. When the Sanguinarch mocks her, and try to destroy her, Amiya proves once again why she's the only one who can stand up to that fate. Amiya knows it's naive to try to save everyone, but she doesn't see hope as pointless. And because of that she'll stand against that fate and try to change it. Maybe the event itself is set in stone, but if we can change the outcome, it's still a victory.
And I finally got to the part I actually wanted to talk about: Reunion. We got to see a bit of how Victoria's Reunion thinks (thanks Percival!) and also a bit of how they operate. But the main point here is: Reunion is repeating the circle and Nine is going through the same path Talulah did in chapter 8. And we know how that path ends, in ruin. Guard's POV actually parallels events from chapter 8 in some points. A fracture that starts with the death of a innocent infected. A great fire. Important decisions that need to be made because of what happened. Right now Reunion is between a rock and a hard place. Either they find a way out, or history is gonna repeat itself. Luckily, they seem to be aware of it, and I think that Talulah will stand up to protect them if needed, just like she did when facing Eblana.
Now, all the sides are converging in Londinium. I believe chapter 14 might be the last of this arc. But I'm certain of one thing: Victoria will probably end up fragmented after this whole mess, but it won't cease existing. Because I really doubt the mastermind (or the immortal, we don't know who this person is) behind Victoria will let it be totally destroyed.
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chibiisukee · 2 months
That moment when you actually manage to do the whole chapter with your niche team, but your auto is broken
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Unfortunately I'll have to redo the auto of 13-15 because it's also broken (I'm not looking forward to CM or whatever is it called in the new system)
The few pots I'm missing might make a difference on this case, sigh
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