chibiytora · 8 days
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Above image is a pride flag with every color band represented by a NASA image. White is Earth clouds, pink is aurora, blue is the Sun in a specific wavelength, brown is Jupiter clouds, black is the Hubble deep field, red is the top of sprites, orange is a Mars crater, yellow is the surface of Io, green is a lake with algae, blue is Neptune, and purple is the Crab Nebula in a specific wavelength.
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chibiytora · 16 days
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chibiytora · 16 days
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chibiytora · 21 days
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chibiytora · 26 days
Submitter comment: I'd like to submit this '[s]tudy of defensive behavior of a venomous snake as a new approach to understand snakebite' not for it's topic (worth studying!) but for it's insane methodology, which... well, I'll just let the researcher speak for himself:
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[Q: Why did you decide to do this experiment?
A: Snake behavior has been generally neglected as a field of research, especially in Brazil. And most studies don’t examine what factors make them want to bite. If you study malaria, you can research the parasite that causes the disease—but if you don’t study the mosquito that carries it, you will never solve the problem. Up until now, the popular wisdom was that the jararaca would only attack if you touched it or stepped on it. But that was not what we found.
Q: Why did you need to be the victim?
A: The best way to do this research is to put snakes and a human together. In this case, the human was me. We put the snakes inside a ring on the floor of our lab until they got used to it, then I stepped in wearing special protective boots. I stepped close to the snake and also lightly on top of it. I didn’t put my whole weight on my foot, so I did not hurt the snakes. I tested 116 animals and stepped 30 times on every animal, totaling 40,480 steps.]
From the recent (aptly named) interview: Researcher steps on deadly vipers 40,000 times to better predict snakebites
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chibiytora · 1 month
An old dragon just wants to be left alone, but the new village that just cropped up a few decades ago keep leaving gifts at his doorstep… and now they’ve just left a maiden!
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chibiytora · 1 month
Two lovers have reincarnated throughout history, destined to find each other and fall in love all over again. There’s also this third guy that reincarnates alongside them… we don’t really know what he does.
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chibiytora · 1 month
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RadioStatic Week 2024 on Twitter - Day 3 (Sharing a Meal)
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chibiytora · 1 month
I don't know why, but I like the idea of humans being to aliens, what cats are to humans...
Alien1: hey, when did you hire a human?
Alien 2: we didn't. They just wandered aboard one day, saying they wanted to "hitch a ride." Then they never left. I think they like it here.
Alien 1: the human distribution system has chosen.
Alien stares at the human, who has climbed up a very high shelving unit.
Alien: Human, get down before you hurt yourself.
The humans response is to climb higher.
Alien is secretly filming their human, who is spaced out and just staring at nothing.
Alien (whispering): I think the human is about to intercept the brain cell. (Laughter) don't worry human, if it tingles that means it's working.
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chibiytora · 2 months
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(photos by Bill Watterson and an octopus)
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chibiytora · 2 months
Fizzarolli is the most character ever. He’s a professional clown. He’s gay. He’s the main character’s best friend from childhood. He’s a sex icon. He’s an amputee. He’s in a monogamous relationship with the personification of the deadly sin of lust. He’s just a little guy. He’s a pampered princess. He’s covered in burn scars. He’s one of the most famous people in Hell. All 4 of his arms and legs are robotic. He can use sign language. Hell manufactures robots specifically made to behave like him when he can’t perform there in person.
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chibiytora · 2 months
Say what you want about the 2023 Shakespeare in The Park production of Hamlet, but the choices made in that play WORKED. Having Hamlet wear a black hoodie and camo pants and him dramatically putting his hood up when he was pissed off was inspired. Having Horatio video tape Claudius on an iPhone camera from the side of the stage during the play within the play was hilarious. Having the play within the play be a hip hop dance number that represented the murder!?! Fantastic. Having Ophelia be a singer before she went mad and having a beautiful voice that everyone loved to listen to and then seeing her singing get worse and worse as she got nearer to death?!?! Hamlet pulling out his iphone after killing Polonius to show his mom a picture of his dad compared to a picture of Claudius and angrily swiping back and forth between the two as he said “What judgement would step from this… to this?” The crowd fucking lost it every time. Horatio singing to Hamlet as he died made me fully sob every time. The way they did the ghost on stage was so chilling and I can’t even accurately describe it, you just had to be there. Hamlet being deeply exasperated the entire time was just perfect. Hamlet and Horatio had a secret handshake. Laertes inexplicably carried an acoustic guitar case for much of the play which was very funny but also hit you with the heartbreaking implication that he had used to play while Ophelia sang and he stopped carrying it after she died. It was peak teenage-angst-hamlet and it was so dear to me. PLEASE if anyone has a recording, send it to me.
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chibiytora · 2 months
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Léo Forest Leo Forest (b. 1985, based Paris, France) - Chat, 2023, Drawings: Pencil, Charcoal, Pastel on Paper
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chibiytora · 2 months
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chibiytora · 2 months
I’m so mad that a t4 bacteriophage actually looks like that and that it’s appearance isn’t made up
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chibiytora · 2 months
Zuko: And finally, allow me to introduce the Avatar, Aang.
Aang: Ambassador Aang.
Zuko: Ambassador of what? You’re the only member of your nation.
Aang: And whose great-grandpa’s fault is that?
Zuko: Touche, ambassador.
Aang: I changed my mind now I’m King Aang.
Zuko: What.
Aang: King of the Air Nomad.
Zuko: That doesn’t even make any- whatever. Let’s just proceed with the meeting.
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chibiytora · 2 months
That feeling when your body is requesting something but you're not sure what so you just start eating and drinking random stuff to try and figure it out
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