How Can You Carry Out Garage Door Repair Safely and Perfectly
If your garage door has begun to malfunction, or if it has stopped working altogether, you do not have to think about replacing the doors. You can get the situation under control by simply carrying out a bit of garage door repair. Though there are many things in the garage gate that you can repair yourself, you should take care not to carry out repairs if you are not too sure about what you are doing or if you are not very good with machines and power tools. You can easily call in a cost effective, but reputed garage door company to help you with the repairs. When you set out to perform the garage gate repair yourself, it is important that you keep all the safety measures in mind, so that you do not hurt yourself in any way. Before beginning the repairs, make sure you unplug the power supply to the garage door so that there is no danger of you being electrocuted. Firstly, you should check the metal tracks in the garage doors for any dents or any bumps. In case of damages, use a hammer to remove the dents from the tracks. Also, see if there are any loose screws or bolts in the tracks as this can result in the malfunctioning of the garage doors. The tracks should be kept clean at all times and must be aligned properly. Remember that if you find the problem of the garage gate opener lies with the tracks, you can call in the manufacturer of the doors and ask for a replacement of the garage door parts. In some cases, a thick gooey substance can be formed on the rollers and the rails of the garage doors. This might result in the doors being stuck. Look into this problem. You can remove the substance by simply using mild soap. When you are carrying out the garage gate repair, note the kind of spring that your garage gate uses. If it is a standard extension garage door, you can easily repair and replace any broken parts. However, if it uses a torsion spring you shall require professional help. Remember that the spring used in your garage door is under high tension and as such, it may result in major and serious accidents if you are not conversant with the system. Finally, if your garage gate stops working and you are worried that you might have to purchase a new one, keep your cool. You can easily carry out a few garage door repairs and save yourself the hassle and the expense of investing in a new one. Just take care to carry out the repairs safely and if required with the help of professionals.
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Find the Right Garage Door Parts You Need to Repair Your Door
No matter the quality or how much they cost eventually your garage door will have a problem and in many cases it will be the result of a garage doors parts failure. Most people take the operation of their garage door for granted until something like a dolly wheel fails causing it to jump the track. If you are wise you will take the time to examine your garage door for problems at least once a year. Taking the time solve minor problems early will go a long way in preventing a catastrophic failure. As doors age with use tracks tend to bend, track holders become loose and dolly wheels begin to stick. If you have a properly installed garage door opener it will help keep your garage door in good operating condition. One of the best ways to check all the garage doors parts operations is to watch the various parts in operation as the automatic garage door operates. Careful scrutiny of the dolly wheels and hinges. If a dolly wobbles as it moves up or down the track then is would be wise to take the time to replace it. One thing you do not want to do is have a roller jump the track when it is in the up position. Having the weight of two panels hanging without support can damage or break a door panel. In addition it makes replacing the garage doors parts much harder. Finding and purchasing the garage doors parts you need is really quite easy. Many companies sell parts direct to consumers on-line. Garage doors part specialty companies like Garage Door Parts LLC provides a great selection of generic door parts at reasonable prices. It will pay you to call and ask questions before you order. In most cases customer support will help you find the exact part you need for your door. In some cases if you visit your local big box home improvement store that sells garage doors you will be able to find the part you need. Even if they do not sell the garage doors parts you need they can provide needed information. It is very important that you understand the proper way to replace garage door parts. Powerful and dangerous springs are part of the garage door opening operation and if you are not careful you can be hurt or even killed. Replacing the bottom panel hinge and dolly entails with dealing with the loaded cables system that can also be a problems. In all cases it is always easiest to make garage door repairs when the door is down. If you are not comfortable making the repairs yourself then call a garage door installer to make them for you. If you already have ordered the correct garage doors parts they most likely will just charge for the labor necessary to install it. Finding the garage doors parts that you need is really quite easy if you have access to the Internet. You may also find the parts you need at the local home improvement store. In most case parts are relatively cheap and easy to install. Replacing major parts such as large door panels and lift springs may require the assistance of a professional garage door installer. In most cases you will be able to purchase any of the garage doors parts you need from these installers as well but usually at higher prices.
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How to Do a Garage Door Repair
If you have a vehicle, it is important that you have a secure garage with properly functioning garage doors and garage door openers. At the same time, it is equally important that you know how to make a garage door repair in case something goes wrong with your system. Overhead garage door openers operate on springs and it is fairly easy to perform such a garage door repair. Some of the steps that you might follow are: o If the metal tracks of the door openers are loose, tighten the bolts or screws at the brackets. However, while performing the repair, if you find that the tracks are badly damaged, replace them. o Make sure that the tracks of the door openers are properly aligned. Both the tracks must be at the same height on the garage walls. While you are performing the repair, if you find that the tracks are not aligned the right way, loosen the bolts and tap the track carefully into position. Make sure to tighten the bolts after you are done. o While you are performing a garage door repair, make sure to clean the tracks with concentrated household cleaner to remove dirt and hardened grease. Clean the rollers thoroughly and then wipe the tracks and rollers dry. o Lubricate the tracks and rollers with lubricant spray or with powdered graphite in the tracks and with silicone spray and household oil on the rollers. o During the repair, make sure to check for loose hardware, and tighten them as required. For garage gate openers that have swing-up system, check the plates where the spring is mounted to make sure that the screws are tight. In other cases, check the hinges and replace damaged ones. If the openers show signs of sagging on one side then correct it by servicing the hinges. Make sure that the wood on which the hinge is placed is not cracked or chipped. o Next, check the springs of the door openers and make sure that it is hooked into the holes or notches on each side of the door. If you face any difficulty while you are performing the garage door repair try adjusting the tension in the garage doors by removing the spring hook to the next hole or notch. In cases where the garage gate openers are controlled by spring cable on a pulley, you should try adjusting the tension by pulling the cable farther through the plate above the door, and reknot the end to maintain the tension. o It is extremely important for your safety that you take heed if your garage gate openers with roll-up facility have only one tension spring at the centre of the door. If such is the make, make sure never to try the repair yourself. The tension in such types of spring is great, and you might be severely injured if you try to repair the door yourself. Call a professional garage door repair service in such cases. The typical garage door openers shall consist of a reversible motor that drives a carriage along a rail above the door. The carriage is attached to a drawbar that operates to limit the travel-path of the door. Most garage door openers today also have a radio receiving system. Thus, when you attempt to perform the garage door repair yourself, make sure you have a through idea of the mechanism of the garage door type.
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Garage Door Installation: Manual and Automatic
You may be used to installing doors in your house, but garage doors, whether they are automatic or manual, are a far more difficult task. Installing a garage could be dangerous as well, so it is strongly suggested to get a professional repairman to do your installation. These professionals will tell you that manual door installation is simpler compared to automatic door installation. It all depends on your preference. If you want heavy garage doors, this would require automatic operations as they would necessitate enormous strength to lift. Manually operated garages are a lot lighter. Though automatic garage doors have existed for a long time now, a lot of homeowners still prefer manually operated garages. Aside from being easy to install, you can easily pull them up with a handle. However, this limits your choices as you should select a door made of light materials. If you prefer heavier doors such as one made of a solid block of wood, you will need automatic garage installation. A heavy door plus motor and cables are required for the installation of an automatic garage door. Of course, you can pick a lighter option if you want to but with heavier doors, automatic operation is a must. Automatic doors are hassle-free which is why lots of people prefer them, too. While this is so, automatic garage doors come with its own set of potential issues. More difficult and hazardous to install and repair on your own, they can easily switch from automatically operated to manual garages in the event of power outage. Do-it-yourself garage installation poses dangers that an inexperienced repairman will find very real, regardless of whether it's manual or automatic. This project is more suited for those who have a complete understanding of how the system works and a healthy respect for its hazards. Simply, it is a job for professionals. However, if you do decide to go at it on your own, the absolute maximum care should always be taken. Safety Precautions: Some garages are equipped with extension springs and a restraint cable. The springs weaken from the stress it endures from the opening and closing of the door. If an extension spring breaks, it can cause serious injuries to anyone in the garage at that time. If you are in need of an extension spring replacement, please call your local garage repair professionals. The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates there are around 20,000 garage door related injuries each year. It is best to take all safety precautions if you are trying to install your own garage. If you have no experience with garage door installation, please call your local garage repair professionals.
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Key Tips to Check When Replacing Your Garage Door
Your garage is that part of your house where you keep your car, but also the place where you may spend hours or weekend afternoons working on a home improvement project or engaging in a relaxing hobby. Many great things can happen in a garage - remember Apple was launched in a garage! So you want it to be as comfortable as possible. For that, one of the key elements is the garage door. Here are some key aspects to check before you decide to upgrade or replace. These include type, material, maintenance, and security. What's the Best Door Type for Your Garage? May consist of a single or several panels, depending on their type, size, and material. They can be roller doors, sectional, swing out or swing up doors. Roller doors are better for smaller garages, as they roll up above the door, and don't require additional space to open, as swing-out doors do. Sectional doors are made of several panels, which lift up vertically, sliding into upper part of the garage. Swing-out doors resemble carriage doors, which is why they are also called carriage garage doors. They can be made of two panels, which swing out automatically. Swing up or tilt up doors open upward, but their disadvantage is that they occupy more space than sectional or roller doors. What Door Material Is Right for You? Initially, most were made of wood, but modern automated are generally made of metal and fiberglass. If you prefer metal to increased protection, you can choose between steel or aluminum. They can also be insulated for increased energy efficiency. Is Your Door Easy to Maintain? Maintaining your door is critical if you want to operate it safely and prolong its life expectancy. Because the garage door is a complex piece of machinery, it is advisable to have it inspected regularly by professionals. This way you make sure it is in good condition, and can be used without risk of injury or damage. Of all the components of a garage door, springs are perhaps the most susceptible to breakdowns because they counterbalance the entire weight of the door. Garage door springs have an estimated life cycle. This tells how many times you can open and close your door in safe conditions before you need to replace the springs. Of course, you won't be able to count how many times you lift and lower your garage door, but you can get an estimate by marking down the installation date in your calendar, and multiplying the number of days and the daily usage. In normal conditions, springs should last for several years, but at some point you they'll break and you'll have to install new ones. How Safe Is Your Garage Door? The security of your is vital. It's best to purchase doors from established manufacturers because this way you can be sure their product complies with industry safety and security standards. Steel doors are regarded as the most secure garage doors. If they're insulated, it's even better because they are more energy efficient.
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How To Choose and Install a Replacement Garage Door
How to Choose and Install a New Garage Door The most familiar types of garage doors frequently used in residential garages are retractable, canopy, side hinged, and sectional retractable doors. As compared to old garage doors, new garage doors are much more intelligent, long-lasting, useable and safe. Residential garage doors are designed to look beautiful and offer new features like automatic door openers and more. Canopy garage doors, which roll up manually, are great alternatives to automatic doors. If driveway space is a problem in your home, then sectional garage doors are the way to go. Also called up and over doors, they open and close vertically and store along the ceiling. This allows cars to park within inches of the door without diminishing functionality. Custom made garage doors can be created based on your specifications. Planning is the First Step Take advantage of free garage door plans are available online from Stanley, Sears, Wayne Dalton, and more. Create a garage plan that encompasses everything you want in your garage from a heated garage to unique window choices. The best part about planning your own garage door system is the choice of installing it yourself. However, in the planning stage, we recommend designing the opening and door size to a standard size, which will result in a door that is more economical and easier to install. Also, free garage plans are an easy way to troubleshoot for problems before they appear. When designing a garage plan, you must choose what your family needs. When built according to garage building plans, a steel garage can cost you up to 40% less than conventional garages. Install It Yourself The installation of an original garage door, whether as a replacement for an existing door or as a renovation, is straightforward. Doors come on a factory fitted steel frame ready for quick and convenient on-site installation. All adjustable fixings are provided. Read through the installation instructions for carefully. Take into consideration that garage doors are large and bulky, and are therefore handled surest by two people. This makes positioning and fixing much easier and safer. However, the installation of a residential garage door can be technical, and possibly it is not appropriate as a do-it-yourself project for less experienced people. Proper Maintenance The leading causes of garage door breakdown and replacements include being hit by vehicles and a lack of maintenance. The ideal maintenance schedule for a garage door includes washing painted steel surfaces several times a year; painting or refinishing wood surfaces as necessary, lubrication of the rollers, bearings, pulleys, and springs once a year, and making correct adjustments to the counter balance system. Each of the three standard garage door materials has its own benefits. Wood doors are very insulated and they have an appealing look; however, wood expands and contracts and can warp or crack as it weathers. It will need re-painting or refinishing every couple of years. Steel doors are vigorous and give great value for your money. Today's steel doors have the look of wood without the headaches of the maintenance. Fiberglass garage doors are also extremely low maintenance, offering a timber effect without the maintenance of real wood. Use a ½ cup of mild laundry detergent mixed with water to wash both the exterior and interior of your steel or fiberglass door twice a year. Garage doors are a simple and low-cost technique to extend your home's curb appeal and set it apart from the rest. Garage doors are typically the largest visible building component other than the siding on your house.
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7 Signs It's Time to Repair Your Garage Door
Want to keep your garage door functioning smoothly for years to come? As a homeowner, there are a few maintenance tasks requiring efforts next to none that you can perform without seeking professional assistance. However, there will come a time in the life of your door that some issues will make you call in the pros to deal with the problem. Not being familiar with a garage door repair can be detrimental to your health. So, hiring a professional from a leading and highest repair company will work to your advantage keeping you away from any unwanted injuries while the repair is in the process. Unsure when you need a professional intervention? Here are seven signs your garage door needs a repair:    Excessive Noise Backing in your car after a long day at work? Working in the garage? All the while you were in the garage, did you ever listen to loud grinding, or banging when your door opened or closed? If so, there can be a sure shot sign of some severe problem lurking behind the scenes. Not only do you have to listen to the excessive noise every time you leave for work or come back home after a worn-out day at work, but it can be a sign that some problems are waiting for you. So, don't let time slip you by and call in garage door repair professionals right away. You don't wait for the situation to take a dreadful turn and explode into a disaster.    Lack of Balance With constant use and time, the springs that hold up your garage door are bound to experience wear and tear. Even fluctuating temperatures and daily use put stress on the metal. Any spring may start to break down before the other. If the door begins to shake as it opens and closes, try opening the manually and closing it halfway. A garage door that stays out on letting go has absolutely no problem, but if it starts to fall, there are spring problems coming your way. You never know when the problem might already take its toll on the door. This problem should be dealt with immediately to keep away safety risks that occur because of spring failure.    Behind the Times Your garage door would show some signs of age over the years, so you must look out for such signs. Still using a set of keys to open your door, your opener has a fixed code and not variable, your door opener doesn't have a proper battery backup system - all these indicate that your door is becoming worn out in age. These problems add up over the years, and you can soon find yourself in a big mess. It's time you get your act together and consider calling in garage door repair professionals before the tragedy strikes and makes everything go haywire.    Doesn't Stay Open All The Way Does your garage door open all the way, but then closes incompletely? If so, there's something wrong with its balance. While this may seem like a minor cause of worry to you, there can be a problem that your garage door bangs down all the way when the balance goes off. Well, this can certainly become a problematic and dangerous affair, especially if there are pets and small children in your home. When your door is off the balance, you should consider getting it repaired without any delay to avoid unfortunate accidents.    Slow Response Time Observe how long your garage door takes when it comes to responding to your commands. In most cases, it must begin to open or close a door within a second or two after pressing the opener. The door must then open or close easily without any problems. In case you see a delay in the opening or closing of the door, then something might be wrong with the door or the opener.    Dents Not few but many reasons make for the fact why the track on which the garage door rests can get twisted. Know that a dented track can cause destruction to your door. There could be a problem with the track if your door begins to close and stops midway, only to return completely open. Ensure that the small wheels on your door move smoothly. Don't see any problems with the wheels? Can't identify a dented track? It's time you hire a professional garage door repair company. It will send out its expert technicians to determine what possibly went wrong with your door.    Bent Out of Shape Do you seldom see a garage door that's been out of shape to some extent, which leads to almost an imperfect sealant over the garage? There are some homeowners who leave their door this way, thinking that it's not at all worth spending money on replacing the door if there's not much damage to the bottom of the door.
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Top 10 Garage Door Maintenance Tips For Homeowners
There is no other part of your home that experiences as much wear and tear as your garage door. You never realize how often you use your garage door until the day it breaks down on you. The majority of families in the United States use the garage as the main entrance into their home, being used multiple times throughout the day, thousands of times per year. When kept in good working order, it can provide security and storage at your convenience. Having a garage can really make life easier, but when it is not cared for can become a safety risk to you, your family, and especially children. With it's natural wear and tear, a garage door cable can come apart or a door opener can malfunction, resulting in a hazard to your belongings and anyone near your door. In order to keep it running properly, it is essential to perform routine maintenance to avoid expensive repairs. The following top 10 garage door maintenance tips for homeowners will help keep your door working properly for years to come. These maintenance tips require no special skills and usually take less than 10 minutes each to perform. Required Materials Needed Avoid last minute trips the hardware store by having all of your materials onsite and ready ahead of time. You may not use every single tool listed, but having it available will save you time and frustration.    Wrench set    Tape Measure    Hammer    Pliers    Screw gun    Weatherstrip    Lubricant/Cleaner (WD-40)    White Lithium Grease    Toothbrush    Flat blade screwdriver    Garage door rollers Safety First In order to ensure safety while working on your garage, remember to never remove the lift cable. The garage cables are under extreme tension and will cut like a knife if released. Never try to adjust or release the garage door springs. This is a job that should be left for the professionals only. 1.) Paying Attention When was the last time you visually inspected your garage door? You may not be a certified technician, but you can take the time to check out your garage. If you have a metal garage, check for rust spots. These areas should be sanded, primed and painted. If you have a wooden garage door, it should be checked for water damage. If not sealed properly, wood garage can warp and lose their shape over time. It will also be good to wash your door on a regular basis with an all-purpose cleaner. Your garage door makes up a large portion of the exterior of your home, so keeping it clean and presentable will have a positive effect on the appearance of your home. 2.) Watch & Listen To Your Door As It Operates Do you have a noisy garage door? Do the springs pulleys and cables on both sides look symmetrical? Does it move smoothly? Or does it jerk in certain places? Taking the time to observe and listen to your garage every time you use it is the best precaution every homeowner can perform. By doing this, you will be aware when something doesn't sound right, or when something looks out of place. 3.) Testing The Balance First, disconnect the opener. You do this by pulling the red handle at the end of the red cord. Once it is disconnected, open the door about half way. If the garage door starts to close on its own, then the garage door is not balanced properly. The springs on the door need to be re-adjusted. We recommend that you contact a certified professional to repair or replace your springs. Your garage opener will have to work harder if the door is not properly balanced. This will ultimately shorten the lifespan of the door. 4.) Test Safety Features (Auto-Reverse) There are two safety mechanisms on your garage: mechanical and photocell. A door that does not have these safety features is outdated and needs to be replaced immediately. In order to test the mechanical safety feature on your garage, place a solid object on the ground in the path of the garage door. When the garage touches the object while closing, it should automatically go back up. When testing the photocell feature on your garage, simply stick out your leg in the door's path when closing. Your leg will come in contact with the photoelectric beam (not visible) that runs across the bottom of the door. The garage should automatically reverse once your leg contacts the photoelectric beam. 5.) Visually Inspect Your Cables You should never touch the cables. These high tension cables are responsible for lifting the door. They have enough force to cause serious injuries, even death. You can visually inspect that garage cables too if there are any broken strands or anything that is out of order. If you see there is damage, we recommend that you hire a professional. 6.) Clear The Tracks Take a look at the tracks on both sides of the door. Clean the garage door tracks so there is no debris or trash. Also, look for any physical damage making sure it is straight and aligned. Tracks that are damaged can cause the door to not be smooth and it will be very noisy. Spray the garage tracks with a citrus-based solvent or WD-40, then wipe everything clean with a cloth. If needed, use an old toothbrush to loosen up dirt and grime, then wipe with a cloth. Any major repairs or adjustments to the tracks should be handled by a professional garage door technician. 7.) Apply Oil To The Moving Parts Ten minutes of work can add years to the life of your garage door. Keeping your door parts lubricated will keep your garage running smooth and quiet. Your should use white lithium grease on your garage opener chain and spray lubricants on the rollers, hinges, bearings and tracks. Also apply grease to the garage door opener chain or drive screw. Remember, never attempt to do any work on the springs or cables. Leave that to the professionals. 8.) Replace Weatherstripping (If Needed) The weatherstrip is the piece of rubber attached to the bottom of your door. It is called a U-shaped astragal. It keeps that rain water, debris and rodents from entering your garage. Check along the side of the door and adjust the stripping if necessary. You should replace the rubber weather strip on your door if it's starting to crack and fall apart. Use a flat blade screwdriver to remove the old weather strip before installing a new one. They are easily found at any hardware store like Home Depot or Lowe's and are usually sold by the foot. All you have to do is find the width that best fits your situation, cut it to fit your garage, then install. You can also contact your local garage company if you have further questions or concerns. 9.) Check All The Bolts & Screws On Your Door Examine and tighten the brackets on the rollers and the bolts with a (socket) wrench. The average garage opens and closes more than a thousand times a year. It is easy for hardware, screws and bolts to become loose with all the movement and vibration. 10.) Replace The Rollers Garage rollers that are cracked, worn or chipped should be replaced immediately. You should only attempt to replace the rollers if it is not attached to the door cable system.
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Garage Doors - A Brief Tutorial on Garage Door Safety and Installation
As a door expert witness, I am called upon many times a year to evaluate garage door injuries. Garage doors come in many shapes and sizes. Their functions range from basic security of an area to cosmetic concealment. Most doors can be broken down into a few basic styles or categories. Typical modern garage doors for residential applications tend to be predominantly of the overhead sectional variety. That style of door comes in many configurations, materials, levels of insulation, and a wide range of appearance possibilities. They are available as a prefabricated kit, or built as a custom design to complement the dacor of any building. Commercial warehouse type installations often dictate higher security requirements. A good choice for this security type of door is the "roll-up" style that resembles a roll top desk type of door. This door can be manufactured with a variety of materials that can be as strong as the adjacent walls, making forced entry through this opening very difficult. Other common commercial installations include light weight aluminum single or sectional panel doors. These doors function more for closing off an already secured area than for assuring point security. In the past, the biggest concern with operating an overhead garage door was the potential risks associated with the springs used for balancing the door weight. Pre mid 1960's garage door installations typically relied upon a pair of stretched (tensioned) springs to assist the operation of the garage door pivoting hinges. These springs became loaded (tensioned) as the door was moved into the closed position. Unloading (releasing) of the stored spring energy occurred as the door was opened to the horizontal overhead position. One of the most dangerous aspects of these spring systems was that after a period of time, often without any maintenance or inspection, the points of attachment of these springs would rust or become weak. This weakening of the springs or points of attachment would often lead to an inadvertent explosive failure flinging the broken spring components across the garage, embedding the spring or steel components into the garage walls, cars or other items in the path of travel. Unfortunately, sometimes people were in the path of travel of these explosive occurrences. As these springs failed, as an attempted safeguard, some manufacturers devised a "caging" system for the springs. These cages were retrofitted onto the stretched springs in an attempt to capture the parts that would release if a failure occurred. While these caging devices were helpful, they were not completely effective. Some of these spring devices are still in use today. Whenever this condition exists or the quality of garage components are questionable, a qualified professional service technician should be consulted. In response to the inherently dangerous old style garage spring issues as above, a newer and safer system for opening the overhead garage door was created. The idea was to transfer the load or weight of the door via a cable and pulley system to a vertical rod now equipped with a torsion (twisted) spring. This type of spring is installed with specialty hardware and bolts to a fixed plate at one end, while the entire spring is installed around a horizontal pipe. This load balancing device is normally installed directly over the header of the garage opening. Using appropriate cables, connectors and pulleys, the weight of the garage door is transferred into the torsion spring system. The difference between the old style stretched spring and the newer torsion spring is the way that the spring energy is stored. With the old style stretched spring, the energy is stored and released by pulling on the spring or returning the spring to its un-stretched condition. With a torsion type of spring, the energy is imparted or removed by rotating the spring clockwise or counter clockwise depending upon the direction of usage. With professional installation, the complete loading of the torsion spring is controlled by the garage installer, and is determined by the weight and size of the garage door that it is operating. When this type of torsion spring fails, it remains attached and intact to the location on the horizontal control rod where it was mounted. I have not heard of or seen any torsion spring fly across a garage, creating injury from failed components as with the stretched older style garage door springs. This is not to say that injuries have not occurred with the torsion style spring. The installation of this type of spring is generally safe when left to a trained garage door installation professional. Severe and serious injuries have occurred when untrained, unqualified individuals have attempted to install or service this type of spring. In most installations, a warning tag is left attached adjacent to the torsion spring when the garage door is installed. This tag warns of the danger associated with the stored energy of this spring, and alerts untrained individuals to not attempt any repair, adjustment or to even touch the spring and associated hardware. When the label that should be attached to this spring becomes damaged, is removed or tampered with, it is important that a new warning label be reattached immediately to show the dangers of this spring tension Garage doors can be operated manually (by hand), as well as automatically (by power assisted motor). In both cases, the proper operation of the garage door is determined by the proper balancing of the garage door weight, springs and related component hardware. An automatic power assisted motor cannot overcome an improperly balanced garage door. The weight of all garage doors is normally deceptive. Due to the fact that a properly functioning door appears easy to open and close, many users do not realize the combined overall weight until springs fail to assist the door in its operation. In all cases, regardless of the type of garage door, the entire system of hinges, track, hardware, and door opener work as a team. Problems with misalignment, shifting, or jamming can lead to problematic operation of a door. Counter forces imparted to a garage door, not engineered into the components, can lead to injury. Inappropriate maintenance or complete lack of maintenance has lead to severe bodily injuries. Forcing the operation of a garage door, when one or more components have become damaged or broken has lead to serious bodily injuries. In all cases, maintenance is a crucial and important aspect of proper operation of all door systems. In contrast to an overhead type of garage door, be it sectional or single panel, roll up doors have a totally different type of operating system. When these doors are used, they can be concealed in an overhead or under mounted trough. These doors operate similarly to a roll top desk door except for how they are stored when not in the closed position. They normally coil as they are retracted, and require significant gear trains to reduce the effort required to move these doors up and down into position. Often the forces needed to move these roll up doors require a reduction type of transmission that allows a very heavy door to be operated effortlessly. These doors can be chain driven either manually, or can be automated using electric motors. Roll up doors require more frequent evaluation and servicing than a standard overhead garage door. The tracks that are mounted vertically on both sides of the garage opening need maintenance and cleaning more frequently, and are often blocked by foreign obstructions or damaged by collision of some type. These roll up doors are often held open by some type of ratcheting action. Proper balancing of these doors is often more important than an overhead type of door, as the weight of these type of doors is normally much greater than an overhead door. I have been involved in numerous garage door lawsuits where many different reasons for an injury have occurred. Having been retained as expert witness for both plaintiff and defense, several common factors have been observed. In many cases, unqualified individuals have attempted to repair or install garage doors. They have lacked the knowledge, skills or even the basic required tools to perform the work safely and properly. I have been hired as an expert by garage door manufacturers and installers to defend claims that they are not responsible for alleged product defects. In most cases, the components that failed, failed as a result of abuse or improper installation on the part of the end user. As stated above, the installation of many garage doors is not appropriate for an untrained person. An exception to this relates to "do it yourself" garage door kits that are sold at local home centers. A homeowner could install the door because these kits do not come with a professional quality package of hardware that should or would require special knowledge for the installation. These kits do not typically employ torsion springs that would require special knowledge, proper tools, and working skills to install. The doors are typically for light duty use. Professional installation services are often available through a home center to assist a homeowner in need of a specialized installation. As with most trade specific tasks, years of experience working as a professional installer qualifies tradesmen for their contracting license. The average homeowner watching a few television shows that give rough explanations of how to install garage doors is not usually qualified to install his or her own door. These "how to" television shows are no substitute for the many skills acquired after working in the field. The above article is a very brief description of a few types of garage doors. I have not given any specific details regarding appropriate trade conduct or listed any information regarding the serious potential for bodily injuries.
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How To Pick The Best Garage Door
How to Find the Best Garage Door If you want to maximize the value of your home, you'll find garage doors are an easy and affordable method to increase your home's curb appeal. A good garage door will distinguish it from the rest of the neighborhood. For something extra special, custom made garage doors can be designed to your specifications. The most common types of garage doors are: Retractable, Canopy Side, and Hinged Sectional Retractable. Where limited space in your driveway is an issue, sectional garage doors are the right choice. They open and shut vertically, allowing cars to park very close to the door without keeping it from opening. Among the wide variety of designs, the most popular garage doors are sectional, upward acting, and self storing. The Types of Garage Doors Gone are the old manual doors. Today you'll find that remote controlled and motorized garage doors have produced a more usable garage. The most popular style is the overhead garage door. The primary concern in planning your garage door is the material used. Selecting the best garage door materials for your needs will depend on a few things like the style of your home, and how warm you want your garage to be. There are 3 main materials for garage door construction: Wood, Steel and Fiberglass (GRP). When you're planning to install a garage door, you must consider door type and materials. You can also incorporate into your plan such things as heated garages or unique window options. The Most Popular Style is the Overhead Garage Door Overhead garage doors are by far the most popular type of garage door available to homeowners. With automatic stop and begin features, people find overhead garage doors easy to use, with wonderful options and safety features. Overhead garage doors work with a rolling system. The door rolls up and stores along the roof of the garage. Overhead door features to look for are that they are smooth, quiet and compact. Installing an overhead garage door is simple; do it yourself, or get help from the manufacturer. Popular garage door manufacturers include Garaga, Liftmaster, Raynor or DBCI. The Appeal of Wood Wood garage doors are preferred more for their appearance and affordability than for their durability. You can select wood types like solid cedar for a durable garage door, which will last for years and look wonderful. Sections of roll-up wood doors may have either panel or flush construction. For panel doors, manufacturers fit several separate, rectangular panels into a wooden frame. Flush sections are made by fastening a plywood panel on top of a wooden frame. The main disadvantage to a wooden garage door is that wood expands and contracts and can warp or crack as it weathers. It demands re-painting or refinishing every couple of years to keep it looking good and in top condition. Steel Garage Doors Have Many Advantages The main advantage to steel garage doors is that they won't warp, crack, or fall apart because of weather. With no painting or refinishing requirements, steel doors are a low maintenance possibility that will keep your home looking stylish. Nowadays most steel garage doors are made of hot-dipped galvanized steel that is vinyl clad or given a baked on polyester finish. They will not rust or require repainting like wooden doors. Another important advantage of steel garage doors is that they achieve the look of wood without the maintenance. Some have grained steel skins that can be stained to look just like wood. A design mimicking carriage house doors has become quite popular for nearly a decade. Some manufacturers use composite or vinyl boards on the exterior of a steel door to make it look like an outward swinging door. The only disadvantage to steel doors is that they dent and can be difficult to repair. A premium door is often 2 inches thick, filled with insulation, and clad in 24-gauge steel. Less-expensive doors are usually thinner and made of 28 gauge steel. So steel offers real benefits over wood; it costs less and it needs much less maintenance and with can look just like wood. The Assets of Fiberglass Fiberglass, sometimes called GRP, garage doors are chosen for locations where light is important or in salty ocean climates. GRP garage doors need only mild exterior cleaning to retain their quality finish. They generally they do not need to be stained or finished. The most popular style for a GRP garage door is the retractable garage door. Fiberglass is a tough and durable material which will keep looking good for years. Conclusions Each of garage door material has its own benefits: Steel up and over doors are sturdy and give great value for money; wood doors are insulated and have an appealing look, and fiberglass up and over garage doors are extremely low maintenance offering a timber effect without the maintenance of real wood. Which ever you pick you'll be sure that it will elevate the curb appeal and the value of your home, and increase your feeling of security.
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Garage Door Repair - Insure That the Door
Long Island Garage Door Repair which are offered by companies send a technician who will insure that the door is secure to keep valuables located safely inside while the door is closed. Technicians will come to homes and check if the homeowners are having any problems with their remote controlled garage door. For example, if it isn't closing or if it has moved off its tracks, a technician will figure out what is wrong and make the appropriate changes. Repairs include fixing frames that are making it difficult to open or close. As doors are used frequently, they have to move up and down number of times in a single day. This would result in wear and tear of these heavy structures, so lack of regular repair may ultimately make these gates difficult in handling. Here are some tips to understand when these parts may need a repair: As your garage is frequently used, there are chances that the tracks of these structures may get damaged. If the gate does not move properly, it may mean there is something wrong with the tracks. In case of a minor damage then with the help of a hammer you can pound them back in shape. However, if it is a major damage then you need to get them replaced. If you are checking your garage gate, then make sure to check the springs part as well. This is important especially if you have a roll up garage. Most of the times these springs just need to be readjusted. If you decide to do the replacement job of your garage door yourself, then there are certain things to keep in mind, such as, These heavy structures come with some safety measures that prevent them from causing any harm to you. However, if you mess about with certain parts of these gates, like the torsion springs, then it may cause damage to you. It is always best to let a professional deal with these kind of things. If you decide to replace your garage door, then chances are that the whole thing may not happen properly. Although, you may follow the user's manual to the very best, you may still find that the gate is not functioning as you may have thought it to work. This is the best way for proper Long Island Garage Door Repair Customers who need a repair can speak with companies to determine how much it will cost to fix the problem. Repair companies can offer advice on how to extend the life of garage door by providing proper maintenance and guidelines. Most Long Island Garage Door Repair companies will have replacement parts with them so they can fix common problems without having to come out on a different day to finish the job. These companies can give an approximate estimate on how long the repairs will take.
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Problems That Indicate You Need A Garage Door Repair
You have done all the hard work in finding a good service provider for installing garage doors at your residential or commercial building. So, it is only natural that you would entrust the safety and maintenance of these doors to a professional unless the problem is so mild that you can fix it yourself. There are many articles available on the internet when you search for how to repair garage door faults. However, you should understand that not all repairs are the same. Every establishment has a unique setup and needs a different set of solutions to get the doors sorted, irrespective of the nature of the problem. Therefore, it becomes more important to know when you need to repair your overhead doors than how to repair them. Here are some common garage door problems that you cannot afford to be complacent about and that you need to attend to without delays to avoid huge disasters later on. Opener problems This is one of the problems that are good to have because it is easier to fix it yourself and doesn't involve huge costs. Garage door repair often tends to be a costly affair as it needs professional intervention; garage opener problems, on the other hand, require minimal manual intervention from your side. Mostly, openers work fine, once you have replaced the batteries. If this doesn't work, call your 24/7 service provider without delays to get it sorted. Metal track issues During the garage door installation process, your professional technician would have informed you about the importance of keeping the metal tracks clean. These tracks are the ones where your doors roll on or slide onto. Therefore, they need to be free from dirt, grease and other particles. If these tracks are clogged, your doors get jammed. Also, check for misalignment of these tracks when your doors won't work. While cleaning the tracks can be done easily at home, aligning them back to their original position requires professional intervention as you can end up damaging the whole path if you don't have experience in this task. Spring issues The correct functioning of garage doors depends on the efficiency of the torsion springs that bear their weight. If the springs break off, the opener becomes incapable of balancing the weight of the doors, and they eventually fail to open or close. Usually, breakage of springs causes a noise that is loud enough to alert you of the issue. The springs need to be fixed back in the motor in the same position as they were before, for the doors to function again. You should remember that these springs do break down quite often due to wear and tear issues. Get them checked and replaced by a professional at specified time intervals so that you don't have to deal with costly and more severe problems in the future.
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Quick and Easy Garage Door Repair and Maintenance
Once installed, a garage door is pretty simple and straightforward. Typically, it does a wonderful job of opening and closing with no problems at all. However, when it starts acting up that usually means it's time to do a bit of repair and maintenance. Fortunately, garage door repair is easier than it seems, so when you feel like it is going to bite the dust soon, don't panic. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to do some work. There are several tips that could be useful when fixing up the door to your garage. Here are quick solutions to common problems, so take a look at the following, and see if you can fix the problem by yourself. Noisy Door Noise can cause unwanted interruptions. As long as it is opening and closing, then it is safe to assume that there is no big problem. Typically, the noise is caused by a malfunction in the rollers or in the hinges. The most immediate remedy for this is to replace the rollers or the hinges. You will know that the rollers need to be replaced if they look worn down. If you have a five-section garage door, you will need about a dozen rollers. If you want something quieter than usual, consider getting nylon instead of metal rollers. Sometimes, hinges can also cause doors to be noisy. You will know that you need to replace hinges once they have a hole which looks more oblong than round. Frozen Door Those who live in cold countries are perhaps familiar with this problem. On the coldest of days, it is possible for the door to freeze to the garage floor. When this happens, it becomes very difficult to go in and out of the garage. In extreme cases, the door won't even budge at all. A frozen garage door sounds frustrating, but don't worry, it is quite easy to fix. You should take a few moments to break the ice between the door and the floor using heat. It should be easy to melt the ice using a hair dryer or a heat gun. Garage Door Repair Expensive repairs could be avoided if the door is maintained regularly. Maintaining it means cleaning it from time to time, and you can start by examining the rollers and tracks. Cleaning them should be a snap. By brushing and lubricating their rollers regularly, damages can be easily avoided. Prevention is better than any cure.
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Garage Door Repair Tips
Welcome to garage door repair help, your ultimate resource to learn about garage door repair, do it yourself repair, and garage door repair services. With our economy in a recession many people don't have the money to shell out for a door repair service and are too scared to tackle the daunting task themselves. We are dedicated to helping you with this process and make the door repairing simplistic and easy. The diagram above is a great trouble shoot map for anyone interested in repairing their garage door themselves. The first step we recommend for you to do is print out this diagram. Look at your garage and circle on the diagram what the problem areas are. This will help you to pinpoint certain areas of the entire door opening mechanism and be able to know if you have a bad motor, door tracks, door panels, or winding tube. Once you have circled some trouble areas on your diagram you can start pricing out parts. We recommend looking at places like Home Depot and Lowe's for specific parts, and many people get excellent deals off of eBay and Amazon. If you can't find the specific parts you need at these locations you may need to call a garage repair service and see how much they would wholesale you the parts for. Once you have prices on the parts you need you can begin to price out the garage door repair total. Once you have the total repair price the most important step is to take that total and compare it to what garage repair services offer. What we mean by this is that if your total repairs total $500 dollars to do it yourself and a local repair company will do a door repair for $450 and cover all those parts, why not just let someone else handle it? Often times you can get a better deal using a service company if you need to replace the motor and the door coils. If you need to just repair rollers and bracketing it is almost always cheaper to do it yourself. When doing the actual repairs you will only need instructions on installing a new motor and the door winding coils as they are more complex. Everything else is really just replacement, and very easy to understand as it usually involved unscrewing something, taking it off, and screwing the new part in.
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Recognizing the Need for a Professional Garage Door Repair
Garage doors are a part of your home structure. With constant usage they can become worn and risk harming not only the structure of the home but also your belongings and even family members. Many of today's garage doors come equipped with automatic openers. These are great when they work, but if they fail can be a potential hazard. Like everything else they too require maintenance to keep them functioning properly. Parts like springs and other components wear out over time. Without proper maintenance your garage door could be an accident waiting to happen. Since garage doors are very heavy, the average garage door weighing in at a hefty 400 pounds, you will want to leave this project to a professional. Unlike fixing a bike or a leg on a chair, if something goes wrong during the process you and whoever else is around could be seriously injured. Having a professional come and inspect the door will provide you with the proper answer to your problem. A person who is inexperienced will have to try many things before eventually finding the true problem. This not only takes time but it can become quite costly replacing parts that were not needed. Another thing to consider is that if you do not do the job right you risk having the door fall or not working properly. Either one of these can do damage. Repairing a garage door requires expertise. The professional can pin point the problem and then repair it usually in the same day. They have the equipment ready and available to get the job done quickly. Doing the job alone you may not have the proper tools there and then you will need to stop in the middle and purchase additional items to complete the job. This is not the way to go. A door left hanging can be a hazard for someone who is around at the wrong time. Knowing that the garage door has been repaired by someone qualified will give you peace of mind knowing that the next time it is used it will work properly. As always before hiring a professional garage repairman do your homework. With the internet anything is right at your fingertips. Use this technology to check their background. Remember by hiring a professional you remove the risk of a job gone wrong at your expense. If something goes wrong you can seek recourse for any damages through them.
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Three Reasons Why You Should Hire Garage Door Repair Services
Everyone feels proud whenever they are able to do something that professionals do. This is why DIY projects have become so popular with homeowners. Most people feel that by doing repairs by themselves, they learn more about how certain contraptions work, and at the same time save money. However, there may be instances wherein you have to go and seek professional help - with garage door repair being one of these things. Here are some reasons why:    Garage doors are big and heavy. Normal maintenance of your doors like oiling and dusting hard to reach corners are easy tasks you can do on your own, but if you are new when it comes to repairs, the degree of work needed for part replacements may be too much for you to handle on your own. These doors weigh a lot and can hurt you if you're not too careful. Many people have had fingers caught in the hinges or a foot stuck in their doors while doing repairs. While cuts and bruises might seem like small things, having a garage door suddenly falling on you isn't.     Professional services actually save you more money. The reason why most people love DIY work is because they can save money that they normally use to pay technicians and repairmen. However, ask any experienced repairman and they'll tell you most calls that they get are from people who attempted to fix things on their own but unwittingly made matters worse. A simple part replacement can turn into something graver when an inexperienced hand does the work. If you don't know what's wrong with them after you perform simple inspections, then let a professional eye give it a whirl. Also, most DIY repairs are temporary and only aims to fix the problem immediately. However, this also lessens the lifespan of the doors in your garage in general because it doesn't address the cause of the problem in the first place.    It's more secure. Having your doors suddenly jam at the most inconvenient of times might tempt you into doing the job yourself, but make sure it doesn't compromise your security. These are great entryways for intruders, especially if the doors are broken. Boarding up your doors in the meantime, or using temporary repair measures may make your home a great target for burglars.
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DIY Garage Door Repairs
The door to your garage works simply and has only two functions: to open and close. But one day, it might stop out of the blue. The problems people often encounter with their garage doors are also very simple in nature. Fortunately, most problems with these doors can be fixed without the help of a professional. Do-It-Yourself Tips for Garage Door Repair Quick Fix: If the door isn't opening or closing as usual, then it is time for some maintenance. Examine the rollers and tracks, looking for loose spots and signs of damage. If you haven't cleaned the door in a long time and they look dusty, take some grease and brush the tracks along with a lubricant. This should get your door back up and running. If this doesn't fix the problem, contact a door installer. Address the Noise: Old garage doors make a loud creaking noise, alerting your entire neighborhood that you've arrived home. Noisy doors can be easily fixed by simply lubricating them. You should lubricate the tracks and the sides of the door every 6 months. Do this especially before the winter months arrive. Take some time off to clean and lubricate the door. Jammed Doors: Do you feel like your garage door has turned into a block of ice and wouldn't move? Cold weather can do this to your door. The moisture during the winter season causes the wood on the door to swell and also freezes the tracks. The solution is to increase the heat in the garage for about 30 minutes to loosen the tracks and the door as well. The heat will take away the moisture. If there is no heating equipment in the garage, use a blow drier or vacuum blower to do the job. After opening the door, clear the ice and water that has collected beneath the door. Check the Safety Features: Every once in a while, ensure that the safety features of the door are working properly. Modern garage doors are built with cutting edge technology for safety, such as alarms and closing/opening features that cannot be breached. If the safety features are not functioning properly, the door itself will not work. Check the settings of the door using the manufacturer's manual. Routinely Check the Opener: You may be using a remote, voice recognition, or vision recognition technologies for opening the door. Sometimes when the door refuses to open, the problem may lie with the opener. Conduct routine checks to ensure that the opener is working properly, especially after returning from a holiday, or when you have not used the garage for a long time. If there is a problem, then you need to contact a garage door repair service.
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