chicxcenicero · 3 years
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Seiichi Hayashi, from JCA Annual 5 (1984)
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chicxcenicero · 3 years
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
En "¿Por qué Trump ahora? Es el imperio estúpido", un artículo de junio de 2016 publicado en el periódico The Nation, el historiador de la NYU Greg Grandin argumenta que la política de Donald Trump es eficaz en el contexto de la campaña de 2016 porque llega en un momento de declive para el imperio americano. Estamos testimoniando el ocaso de la era después del fin de la Guerra Fría, en la cual los Estados Unidos reinaron soberanos el mundo como única superpotencia remanente. En el artículo, él afirma que un imperio da origen, entre sus ciudadanos, a un reconfortante mito de superioridad, ocultando, así, los diversos problemas sociales y estructurales que, de otro modo, llevarían a dificultades políticas. Con su fin, los ciudadanos de un imperio otrora poderoso necesitan encarar el hecho de que su excepcionalidad es un mito.  Grandin escribe que a partir de 2008 -más o menos cuando Barack Obama vence en las elecciones presidenciales- "la válvula de seguridad del imperio se cerró, bloqueada por la guerra catastrófica en Irak, sumada a la crisis financiera de 2008... Como Obama llegó al poder en las en las ruinas del neoliberalismo y el neoconservadurismo, el imperio ya no era capaz de diluir las pasiones, satisfacer los intereses y unir las divisiones". Cuando la jerarquía imperial entra en colapso y la realidad social es expuesta, el sentimiento jerárquico en la metrópoli tiende a surgir como un mecanismo para preservar la familiar y reconfortante ilusión de superioridad".
Jason Stanley. Cómo funciona el fascismo.
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
Get to know Kamala Harris
Pushed a law that forces schools to turn undocumented students over to ICE, separating them from their parents and violating human rights
Laughed about putting parents in jail if their kids missed school, disproportionately harming single parent households, the poor, and families of color like this one, including homeless mothers
Her office refused to address what the Supreme Court calls “unconstitutionally overcrowded” prisons specifically to perpetuate the exploitation of the mass incarcerated for slave labor close to $1/hour(she later claimed she didn’t know her own lawyers argued this.
Declined to prosecute Steven Mnuchin after his bank’s predatory lending and foreclosure fraud broke the law “over a thousand” times and ruined the lives of thousands of homeowners, keeping him free to donate to her campaign and become Trump’s Treasury Secretary
Spent years jailing disproportionately black nonviolent cannabis users while opposing taking cannabis off DEA’s list of most dangerous substances and literally laughing at the idea of legalizing it multiple times, even as her Republican opponent ran to the left of her on the issue. She then tried to pander by admitting to smoking herself despite prosecuting others, but got her story all wrong, and even offended her own Jamaican family to the point they’ve disassociated with her
Used a technicality to stop the release of a man serving 27 years-to-life after being wrongfully convicted of possession of a knife under the three-strikes law she supported. When civil rights groups and nearly 100,000 petition signatures got him released after 14 years she took him back to court again for a crime he didn’t commit
Opposed reforming California’s three-strikes law, which is the only one in the country to impose life sentences for minor felonies and incarcerates black people at 12x the rate as white people, three different times, even while her Republican opponent supported reform
Appealed a judge ruling that the death penalty was unconstitutional and won on a technicality, resulting in continued executions
When evidence pointed towards a black defendant being framed by police, Harris avoided DNA testing to keep him on death row
Protected serial child rapists by refusing to prosecute in the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal
Lied about her state’s solitary confinement to block a suit by inmates, claiming there was none in California when there were about 6,400 victims of the practice, which is considered torture
Oversaw a state prosecutor falsifying a confession to get a life sentence and then destroyed the evidence, upheld a conviction secured by a prosecutor lying under oath, and oversaw the framing of another man
Opposed legislation that would require independent investigation of fatal police shootings despite criticism from many civil rights advocates including California’s Legislative Black Caucus
Opposed statewide implementation of police body cameras and ignored police brutality, multiple officers raping a teenager, and other officers sharing racist and homophobic messages, despite multiple requests from the public defender
Refused to hand over the names of police whose testimonies led to convictions despite the officers’ arrest records and past misconduct
Tried to deny a transgender inmate healthcare and endangered trans women by forcing them into mens prisons, leading to the rape and torture of at least one trans inmate
Stood by silently as $730 million was spent on moving inmates to for-profit private prisons
Delayed the confiscation of illegal firearms from dangerous people, then posed a “continued risk to public safety” by failing to implement changes state auditors recommended to fix this despite receiving $24 million specifically for this purpose
Voted two different times to block federal funding for abortions
Following the foreclosure fraud scandal she negotiated a deal great for banks but bad for the ruined homeowners, becoming one of Wall Street’s favorite candidates to fundraise for
Voted to give Trump increased military spending two different times.
Supports Trump escalating war in Syria
Co-sponsored the bill that let Trump impose sanctions on Iran which violated the nuclear deal and lead to the currently rising tensions
“Systematically violated defendants’ civil and constitutional rights” in crime lab scandal
Kept her Orange County DA office from being charged for running an unconstitutional jailhouse informant program they tried to cover up.
Oversaw San Francisco’s felony conviction rate rising from 52% to 67% in only 3 years
As part of her tough on crime approach she assigned senior prosecutors to misdemeanors like graffiti and vandalism, tripling the number of cases brought to trial
Mocks the activist call to “build more schools, less jails”
Supports collecting and keeping DNA from people even if they’ve not been charged with a crime
Defended the discriminatory practice of cash bail in court as recently as June 2016
Supports Israel’s right-wing government and cozies up to AIPAC, co-sponsored resolution against Obama in support of illegal settlements, does not support Palestinian rights, and calls BDS “anti-semitic”
Claimed to be unaware of sexual harassment and retaliation by her top aide over a 6 year span
Sponsored a bill allowing for prosecutors to seize profits before charges are even filed and opposed a bill that would reform civil asset forfeiture
Defended a prison’s religious discrimination in hiring policy
Opposed calls to tear down 700 miles of existing border wall/fence
Fought to limit amount of land indigenous tribes could place in trust and tried to take reservation land away from a tribe just to keep them from evicting a non-indigenous man who had lived there without paying rent for 24 years
Is a latecomer in endorsing Medicare for All and already appears to be backtracking on multiple aspects of it
Refused to review a case in which a pharmaceutical CEO killed his wife but made it look like a suicide after their son died under mysterious circumstances as well
Refused to prosecute PG&E for its massive gas pipeline explosion and now its consultants are running her campaign
Did not properly investigate the San Onofre scandal to protect her political allies.
Refused to investigate Herbalife’s exploitation and fraud, receiving donations from people connected to the corporation
Her associate operated a fake police force but somehow all charges were dismissed
Refuses to support AB5 to give gig workers like rideshare drivers basic employee rights (her brother-in-law & niece are high-up in Uber)
Opposed legalization of sex work, endangered sex workers, and oversaw people being charged for prostitution without even agreeing to sex
Endangered the public by supporting legislation that increased the homeless sex offender population 24x in 3 years, then appealed a court’s ruling that it was unconstitutional. Her Republican opponent ran to the left of her on this issue
Accepted thousands of dollars of campaign funds from Donald and Ivanka Trump multiple times
Accepts donations from prominent charter school pusher and billionaire Reed Hastings
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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One of our organizers at Birmingham Mutual Aid is also a graphic designer and made this adorable little guide for mutual aid without money
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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La Collectionneuse (1967) dir. Éric Rohmer
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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Reblog, share, and remember him. This story hits me differently for so many reasons, these murderers MUST be brought to justice. SAY HIS NAME TOO! ELIJAH MCCLAIN!
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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What Happened, Miss Simone? (2015)
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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Critics of the unrest argue in bad faith.
They don't want to listen or think of change. They don't even want to have the conversation.
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
Si el dominio de una serie de habilidades ha de interpretarse como la exoneración de unx mismx, quiere decir que el dominio del saber hacer lx defiende a unx de una acusación; se trata, literalmente, de la declaración de inocencia del acusado. Exonerarse "conscientemente" significa, por tanto, interpretar el trabajo como confesión de inocencia, como demostración o prueba de la ausencia de culpa ante la exigencia de confesión implícita en una acusación insistente.
Judith Butler. "La conciencia nos hace a todos sujetos". La sujeción en Althusser.
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
En su trabajo sobre mineros corporalmente dañados en Botswana, que no necesariamente articulan sus demandas en relación a la discapacidad, Julie Livingston usa el término “debilidad”, definido ampliamente para abarcar “experiencias de enfermedad crónica y senectud, así como discapacidad per se”. Ella demuestra que históricamente muchas dolencias corporales “no fueron consideradas discapacidades: en efecto, eran normales, y en algunos casos, daños esperados”. El debilitamiento como una consecuencia normal del trabajo… expone la violencia de lo que constituye “una consecuencia normal”… La debilidad problematiza el daño y la exclusión corporal que son endémicas en vez de epidémicas o excepcionales, y refleja la necesidad de repensar estructuras generales de trabajo, educación, y vivienda… El debilitamiento no es un producto secundario de la operación de la biopolítica, sino un resultado esperado, funcionando tanto como disrupción del binario no-discapacitado/capacitado –como un espacio intermedio- así como un suplemento a la discapacidad, que sombrea y a menudo se traslapa con la discapacidad. Por tanto no ofrezco la debilidad como una identidad; es en cambio una forma de masificación.
Jasbir Puar. El derecho a lisiar. Debilidad, Capacidad, Discapacidad.
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
“Me desperté y vi la luz del amanecer en las mirillas de la persiana. Salía de tan adentro de la noche que tuve como un vómito de mí mismo, el espanto de asomar a un nuevo día con su misma presentación, su indiferencia mecánica de cada vez: conciencia, sensación de luz, abrir los ojos, persiana, el alba. En ese segundo, con la omnisciencia del semisueño, medí el horror de lo que tanto maravilla y encanta a las religiones: la perfección eterna del cosmos, la revolución inacabable del globo sobre su eje. Náusea, sensación insoportable de coacción. Estoy obligado a tolerar que el sol salga todos los días. Es monstruoso. Es inhumano. Antes de volver a dormirme imaginé (vi) un universo plástico, cambiante, lleno de maravilloso azar, un cielo elástico, un sol que de pronto falta o se queda fijo o cambia de forma. Ansié la dispersión de las duras constelaciones, esa sucia propaganda luminosa del Trust Divino Relojero.”
— Julio Cortázar- Rayuela
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chicxcenicero · 4 years
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Repost to spread. (Not really humor)
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