chidoriblossoms · 9 days
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[さかな] - reposted w/ permission
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Hey there! :)
This post consolidates all the lists I’ve created so far. I’ll keep it pinned and updated whenever I share a new list.
P.S.: My apologies for delays in responding to asks. Due to various factors, I’m not as active as before. I hope to address each inquiry eventually. For more info, check my FAQ 💬 page or latest update. Thank you for your understanding!💕
SasuSaku Fanfics ~ Rec Lists
*Ordered as posted | 🌟 = updated recently
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Rhea I love your fan fictions :D if you don't mind, may I request either 3, 9, or 10, depending on which one you feel or haven't done already? SasuSaku please! You're amazing, xoxo
title: interdepartmental memossummary: Note passing isn’t limited to five year olds. Or maybe it is.
rating: Tword count: 1198notes: bah I don’t know if I like this, but at least it was good catharsis. for prompt nine, by the way, in case it wasn’t clear. and thank you! 
Miss Haruno, 
Please consider taking your exams down a notch. All the students in here that are supposed to be learning calculus are instead alternating between napping and poring over the agricultural revolution. 
S. Uchiha 
Mister Uchiha, 
Not to offend, but maybe you should be better at controlling your classroom. 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
"You're annoying"- What It Means to Sakura and Her Character
So I started re-reading Naruto (Yes judge me all you want).  But what I really notice was the importance of “You’re annoying” to Sakura’s character and what those words mean to her throughout the chapters.  Hear me out.  So the very first time we hear the phrase, “You’re annoying” was Sakura saying it to Naruto for kissing Sasuke:
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Sakura said “You’re annoying” to Naruto like they were nothing.  She never even realized how hurtful those words could be.  All she cared about was fangirling Sasuke and herself.
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She was a shallow girl and didn’t care much about other people’s feelings.
When Naruto pretended to be Sasuke, he asked her what she thought of him and yet again she replies, “He’s just annoying”:
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Again, she just uses this phrase because Naruto is just a hindrance to her crush for Sasuke- she never really thought what Naruto felt from her words until Sasuke uses the same phrase on her:
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Then she realized how hurtful that phrase could be when it comes from the person you like. In my opinion, I felt this was just one of the instances where the phrase, “you’re annoying” helped develop Sakura’s character.  This time it makes her more empathetic to Naruto:
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Now 181 was a very special moment- Sasuke uses that same phrase yet again to Sakura.  But he’s not saying this in the derogatory manner as he did the first time:
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Instead, Sasuke is complimenting her character in a roundabout way with these repeated words.  Sasuke was angered by her words in the beginning because Sakura was judging Naruto without even getting to know him- she knew nothing about Naruto yet she spews out rude things:
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Hence the first panel of Sasuke scowling and calling Sakura annoying- because she didn’t understand any of the loneliness he and Naruto felt.
But now during this 181 scene, Sakura is actually talking about loneliness and what she would feel if he left her:
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I think this is showing a huge development in Sakura’s character because in chapter 3, she spews out words about how great it is to live alone (in Naruto’s case).  But now in 181, she actually partially understand what loneliness means- it’s not fun or great to be alone- it is actually very painful and heartbreaking.  So for Sasuke to repeat those same words again to her at this same bench- I think it means a lot in both of SasuSaku and Sakura’s development.  For SS, this is Sasuke acknowledging how much Sakura has changed- she’s not really annoying in terms of ignorance like in chapter 3 anymore.  She’s annoying because of how much she means to him now and how her words have an effect on him.  Back in chapter 3, her words meant nothing to him because she didn’t understand anything.  Yet, Sakura’s character changed so drastically from that chapter to now- she’s not just some shallow, ignorant fangirl.  But she actually grew into a girl who really genuinely loves him (and has shown him many times!) and the fact that she poured her heart out to him and truly meant every word touched Sasuke’s heart- yet he had a goal to complete hence the only words he could leave her was the same phrase (yet more importantly spoken with a different undertone and facial expression) from the memory he said he “forgot” and his gratitude.
Now 300+ chapters later, Karui uses the phrase, “You’re annoying” and look how Sakura reacts to it:
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In my opinion, she breaks down into tears because of the memory of Sasuke saying that.  I don’t think she would break down like this if Karui left out the phrase, “You’re annoying.”   I think this is another instance where this speaks volumes about Sakura’s character now- her love for Sasuke is very pure and genuine compared to the beginning of the manga.  Sasuke has and always been in Sakura’s heart and on her mind- this is showing Sakura’s unwavering faith and love for Sasuke- it hurts to even hear one of the words Sasuke last spoke to her from a stranger.  I also believe that this was another subtle way of Kishi showing how much Sakura thinks about how she was powerless to stop Sasuke from leaving and hearing that he’s a part of Akatsuki is just painful.  Adding on the phrase “You’re annoying” is just salt in an open wound- which is why she burst into tears. I feel like this was also another prelude (in addition to the land of waves, FoD, 181 goodbye) of Sakura just “crying” for Sasuke like she said in 693.
Now let’s talk about 693’s “You’re annoying.”
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Again, this phrase is directed at Sakura.  This is so important because let’s look at Sakura’s words before Sasuke says this:
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She acknowledges what she felt which is was powerlessness (like what I said in the Karui part) and disgrace- she says, “I couldn’t be there for you when you needed help…or even stop you from going down that path.  All I could do is sit here and cry. It’s disgraceful really!” She recognizes what she feels like is her faults (her just “crying”/“sitting here” and “couldn’t help Sasuke”) and even says “It’s disgraceful really!”- I feel that’s another milestone in Sakura’s character.  The Part 1 Sakura in the beginning could never say these words and mean them.  However, this Sakura is not afraid to say what she feels and attempt to change Sasuke’s mind (I feel like early Part 1 Sakura would just go along with whatever Sasuke said and did).  She pours our her heart yet again to persuade Sasuke to come back. And to me, I felt like she did a pretty great job because of what Sasuke says and thinks in response (You’re annoying (hinting that Sakura’s words get under his skin); him thinking about his family when talking about Sakura’s love).
I also love how perceptive Sakura is.  She knew she had a place in Sasuke’s heart- the only doubt she had was whether she still had that grasp and to me, I feel like she did recognize that she still had a hold on his heart due to that fact Sasuke says, “You’re annoying” with that facial expression.
Overall, I think it’s ironic that “You’re annoying” was actually first used by Sakura in the beginning yet now those words mean so much to her and that phrase has influenced her character throughout the manga. 
Thanks for reading! :)
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
So Sasuke told Sakura "you're annoying." 3 different times.. how do you think the meaning behind it is different each time? PS I love your blog! You do such an amazing job at analyzing stuff!
The manner in which its meaning changed each time he said it is easy to tell due to the context of the conversation and his facial expressions (but many antis just pay attention to the words and nothing else; go figure). The first time he said it, he actually meant it:
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Sakura was being a little ignorant of the hardships faced by orphans, which was rather insensitive of her considering Sasuke’s own status as an orphan. Thus, he called her annoying, and rightfully so.
The second time he said it was more of a tease than anything else, which was again made clear by the context but especially his expression; that’s not the face of someone who’s annoyed. He said it to indicate to Sakura that what he said earlier, regarding how he didn’t remember that day by the bench, was actually a lie; he remembered it as vividly as she did:
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It still baffles me that some antis actually still think he meant it here, and even the next time he said it. The 2nd time Sasuke calls her annoying, it was very similar to the manner in which Shikamaru calls Temari a “troublesome woman”; in other words, it was almost more of a satirical gesture. This was his face leading up to him calling her annoying the first time:
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He’s looking at her with clear discontent as Sakura makes light of being an orphan. Contrast that with his face leading up to the 2nd time he called her annoying:
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He’s deep in thought, contemplating a multitude of things because her words make him falter and doubt his resolve. There’s no malice or scorn in his expression like there was the first time. This expression is soft, regretful, but determined to realise his ambition.
The 3rd time he said it was mainly due to her words causing him to falter again, and recall the love he felt from his family; she was causing him to remember the past love, a happy life, all things that he was now trying to sever his ties with because he believed those things were out of his reach:
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And even though he had accepted that, for the sake of his revolution, he wasn’t necessarily happy about it. He was aware this path wouldn’t bring him happiness; he agreed with Sakura when she told him that in 181, and his face here just proves it. It was literally the exact same, pained smile that Sakura had displayed earlier during the war:
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That should tell everyone something about the inner turmoil within Sasuke, and how much the curse of hatred was influencing him. You’d think antis would get the same message, but some just refuse to acknowledge the significance of the curse.
But yeah, that’s my take on the matter :)
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
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sasuke's bday is on july 23, and sarada on march 31, assuming sarada was conceived on sasuke's birthday, sarada isn't born term (36 weeks to be exact). she was born 3 days after sakura's bday (march 28). so we can also assume they probably had the ~same~ celebration that induced sakura's labor preterm (iykwim). probably also why they had to settle for one of orochimaru's hideouts. it still wasn't time. they weren't expecting her that early. they probably had planned on being close to a hospital by her due date (sakura would know how to accurately calculate when it would be, and sasuke would have planned for it like he's planning for battle—this is his family, after all. that's always been his priority.), but since it was a week earlier, they had to settle on karin.
actually if we go by this, it can also explain sarada's sight. babies born prematurely are more likely to have vision problems since they're born before their eyes are fully developed. i imagine it can be even more sensitive for uchihas.
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Sarada: Why are we doing this again?
Boruto: Aren't you curious about what's in your old man's laptop?
Sarada: It's probably just work-related stuff. I doubt there's anything remotely personal in there.
Boruto: Didn't you say your parents traveled the world before they had you? And that you've never seen any photos of them from that time? What if it's all in here??
Sarada: *now getting tempted*
Sarada: Fine. But we have to hurry, he'll be back soon.
Boruto: *laughs* Okay, let's turn this thing on.
Boruto: Shit, it's password protected. Do you have some guesses?
Sarada: Mama's birthday?
Boruto: *types*
Sarada: It's the year after our dad's.
Boruto: Right, I always forget since Mom and Dad were born the same year. *enters*
Boruto: It's not it, though. Let me try your birthday.
Sarada: It's not that either.
Boruto: Maybe my birthday?
Sarada: Why would it be your birthday?? You really—
Boruto: Aw.
Sarada: I told you it's not that. Try dad's birthday. He's not exactly tech-savvy. We should keep it simple.
Boruto: It's not that either. What could it be?
Sarada: *thinking* *then going green*
Boruto: What??
Sarada: Try his birthday again, but for the year, put the year before I was born.
Boruto: *types* *enters* Oh, that's it! How did you know that?? What does it mean??
Sarada: Nope. We are not looking through that laptop.
Boruto: Huh?? Why??
Sarada: With that password, we're not meant to look through that. Unless you wanna be traumatized. Turn it off and leave it there. Knowing the password is already traumatizing. Ugh.
Boruto: Huh????
(ps. it's Sarada's day of conception 🤣)
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
“Sakura Forced Herself onto Sasuke All The Time”
Sasuke was the one who stayed by her side until she woke up at a VERY intimate proxy to her during Kakashi’s test. He could’ve stood by a tree and waited for her to wake up but he didn’t. He stayed right by her side to the point where his knees were almost touching the side of her body. 
Sasuke was the one who put himself between the assassins and Sakura when they were about to attack her and Tazuna. He could’ve just took out the assassin without putting himself in harms way but he decided to use himself as a shield so Sakura wouldn’t get killed. She didn’t hide behind him and she wasn’t asking to be saved. 
Sasuke never told Sakura to get off of him when she hugged him out of relief after he had regained consciousness. He never thought someone would be crying for him if he died in the field on a mission. But here was Sakura crying like he was gone for good. That shook him to his core. 
Sasuke was the one who cheered up Sakura after he noticed something was wrong with her emotionally. Mister introvert himself went out of his way to praise her in front of all their classmates just so he can see her smile again. Hell he winked at her during his praise and smiled when his attempt to cheer her up worked. She didn’t come to him looking for comfort. He GAVE her comfort. 
In the Forest of Death he was the one who saved her from Orochimaru by stabbing his own leg and acted as her protector when Naruto was incapacitated. If Sasuke had truly been annoyed by Sakura’s feelings for him, Orochimaru’s attack was the perfect opportunity to get her out of his way. But that’s NOT who Sasuke is and Sakura means more to him than anyone else in the village. As stated several times by Shikamaru, the smartest man in Konoha, and Sasuke himself in the 2nd half of the Chunin Exams. Sasuke broke Zaku’s arms because he had beaten up Sakura to the point where she’s bleeding out. He thought about his dead family when he thought about not being strong enough to save them and seeing her beaten up triggered his sense of revenge. But her hug was enough to calm him down. If Naruto had attempted to calm Sasuke down, he wouldn’t have calmed down as quickly. Since, you know, he fucking attempted to kill Naruto not once but TWICE before abandoning the village. 
Throughout the entire series: Sasuke was always the one who initiated the majority of SasuSaku’s physical and emotional moments. 
Sasuke and Sakura’s intertwined fingers and embrace in The Forest of Death? Sasuke initiated it. 
Sasuke not telling Sakura to stop hugging him? He had never thought someone would miss him if he died. 
Sasuke cheering Sakura up? He noticed something was wrong with her before Naruto did. And keep in mind Naruto has a “crush” on her and he didn’t fucking notice her emotions were off. He was more in tune to her feelings than Naruto was. 
Sasuke catching Sakura in his arms? Sasuke CHOSE to catch her the way he did. He held her up in his arms like he wanted to protect her from everything else around them. He GAZED into her eyes for an insanely long time for someone like Sasuke. 
Sasuke poking Sakura’s forehead? That expression was Itachi’s way of telling Sasuke that he will always love him as his Older Brother. His forehead poke to Sasuke was all he could allow himself to share with him in regards to physical intimacy before the massacre began. After Itachi shared the true meaning behind all those forehead pokes he decides to share it with SAKURA before leaving the village. But this time it’s not a familial love: it’s ROMANTIC love. “Maybe next time. Thank you Sakura.” in addition to the forehead poke was Sasuke’s way of proposing to Sakura. And Sakura’s VA backs this up saying that she “definitely accepted and reciprocated Sasuke’s feelings.” in this scene. 
While Sakura was definitely more proactive in the development of this romance that doesn’t mean Sasuke didn’t have feelings for her at all. Since Kishimoto has gone on record saying that Sasuke had always harbored DEEP FEELINGS FOR SAKURA. He just couldn’t reciprocate them until the end of the series when he apologized for everything he had done to her and when he proposed to her before leaving on his redemption journey. 
So please shut the fuck up if you’re still complaining about SasuSaku’s love story being one sided and that “Sakura was the one forcing herself on him!”. 
Because that’s not the case in the slightest. Especially since Sasuke does take a proactive part of their love story. 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Sasuke is Not a Horrible Father
(This became a rant I’m sorry) 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Why are Ya’ll Sleeping on This?
We all remember that infamous intimate moment between Sasuke and Sakura after he got his curse mark. How he was the one who linked his fingers with hers and how he only started to calm down once she held him in her arms. 
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Now people will say that Sasuke was in pain so of course he wouldn’t have the strength to push her away. But HE was the one who linked his fingers with HER. 
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He was the one who sought her comfort out and he only calmed down once she held him in her arms after he had linked their fingers. This is Sasuke we’re talking about. Mr. Introvert. Mr. “Don’t fucking talk to me unless you’re a strong opponent.” He’s not a robot. He doesn’t like showing PDA with people he doesn’t have legitimate feelings for. So for him to not only start this physical connection with Sakura when it comes to COMFORT & SAFETY IS HUGE. 
Kishimoto and Sugiyama have stated that Sasuke is very consistent when it comes to his feelings and his actions. Which is why his feelings for Sakura have always been completely genuine and pure. He doesn’t flirt or fool around with girls. He doesn’t actively look for a Girlfriend. But Sakura is different for him and he views her as someone he needs to protect and someone who is important to him. So for him to display this amount of physical desire for comfort through his pain from her is one of the clearest signs of his growing feelings for her at this point in the series. There’s a reason why Kishimoto had dedicated a whole panel to their hands intertwined. He showed their fingers intertwined because this is the first time that Sasuke has sought out Sakura’s love and honestly accepted it from her. This is the first time he was honest about his feelings. 
So not only were their bodies practically molded together. Their hearts were also starting to mold together. 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
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Kakashi just protected Tazuna and Sakura from Zabuza’s attack and what does Sasuke think when he hears Sakura’s scream? 
That she’s in danger. 
That she’s injured. 
His first thought wasn’t focused on Kakashi’s safety or Tazuna’s safety, he was worried about SAKURA’S safety. 
“What the hell does Kakashi think he’s doing?!!” 
He’s actually thinking Kakashi didn’t protect Sakura from danger when Kakashi literally just protected her from being killed. But he doesn’t know that. 
Even when he’s on the brink of dying himself, he still worries about Sakura’s safety over his own. 
(PS: Please don’t remove anything from this post. Thank you.) 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Sasuke Attunement to Sakura’s Emotions (Analysis)
It’s about time that I go into great detail about one of my personal favorite SasuSaku moments in the entire series. Not only does it showcase Sasuke’s harbored feelings for Sakura beautifully, but in my opinion it’s one of the first moments that showcases them as an actual honest to god couple. 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Let’s Put a Nail in This Once and For ALL
Anti’s like to use Sasuke using Genjutsu on Sakura as evidence that he’s abusive or that he doesn’t love her. 
B O Y 
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chidoriblossoms · 2 months
Why Sasuke & Sakura Constantly Say “My Wife” & “My Husband”
I can’t fucking believe I have to explain this but here we are. This is a long ass post so I’ve done ya’ll a favor by putting the “Keep Reading” thing here. 
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chidoriblossoms · 3 months
Hello! I’m so glad I’ve found a blog like yours full of sasusaku fics! Can you please recommend some sasusaku highschool fanfictions please?
HI IM SO GLAD U FOUND THIS BLOG TOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) let’s see what I can find... I feel like I know more College AUs than Highschool, but here’s what I could find right now (some of these are smut based/or school-setting based)
The Story of Us • A Lesson in Romantics • Sakura’s Secret • Kingdom For Two • Instant Message • Signs of Love • Orgasms • Change in Direction (one of my all time FAVORITES) • Somebody • Thirteen Reasons Why • Higher, Faster, Stronger • His Locker Combination • The Endearment of Fake Dating • Captain! (Mine) •
A Lesson in Anatomy • Helter Skelter • Intoxicated • Never Tell Me the Odds • Perennial • Royal Flush • Ignition • Close Encounters • Once More, With Feeling • Catch You Later • Horizon (another all time fave)• Vista (Sequel to Horizon) •
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chidoriblossoms · 3 months
SasuSaku analysis: Part 2
I was requested why I ship SasuSaku by someone who doesn’t support the ship. So I’ll be explaining not only SasuSaku, but also Sasuke and Sakura throughout certain situations that antis try to use against SasuSaku or/and Sasuke and Sakura in general to hate on them. I will also be giving proof that Kishimoto did indeed have SasuSaku planned from the beginning with official books, references to other stories, covers of the manga, and within the manga itself as well, and didn’t just make them canon near the end of the manga.
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chidoriblossoms · 3 months
SasuSaku analysis: Part 1
I was requested why I ship SasuSaku by someone who doesn’t support the ship. So I’ll be explaining not only SasuSaku, but also Sasuke and Sakura throughout certain situations that antis try to use against SasuSaku or/and Sasuke and Sakura in general to hate on them. I will also be giving proof that Kishimoto did indeed have SasuSaku planned from the beginning with official books, references to other stories, covers of the manga, and within the manga itself as well, and didn’t just make them canon near the end of the manga.
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