chiefcharlieburns · 1 year
"Aye, Chief!" The bot seemed pretty happy to see him, carefully jumping off of the deck of his ship onto the dock
Charlie gave the newcomer a smile and a friendly salute.
“Hi there, no one told me a new bot was coming to visit. What’s your name?”
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chiefcharlieburns · 1 year
“Happy Father’s Day, Dad, Love you!”
Kade had found an oversized coffee mug in one of the local shops.
“Thanks, son. I love you too.”
The switchboard is already lighting up with incoming emergency calls. A hug and a full cup of coffee are definitely in order, it’s going to be a long day.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
Charlie nodded and hurried forward.
“Yes, he’s mine. Can you hold him lower please so I can check out his leg?”
"Cheif burns was it?"
“That’s right. Can I help you?”
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
"Cheif burns was it?"
“That’s right. Can I help you?”
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
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nakama 仲間 | (submitted by man-or-superman)
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
“Working with humans has never been a Decepticon strong suit. Still, Optimus does have contingency plans in place if there’s ever a Decepticon strike on the island.”
"chief do you I have news!" trauma looked happy she was bubbly
“Oh? What is it?”
Judging by her mood, it was something good.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
“That’s great, congratulations!”
Charlie’s brow furrowed at the second announcement.
“I’m not surprised, I’ve been hearing rumors about him trying to sham his way back onto the island. Chase and I have been working to reinstate his warrant, but the process is a lot more time consuming.”
"chief do you I have news!" trauma looked happy she was bubbly
“Oh? What is it?”
Judging by her mood, it was something good.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
"chief do you I have news!" trauma looked happy she was bubbly
“Oh? What is it?”
Judging by her mood, it was something good.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
Captain Shaw: Attention all passengers! Please take shelter in your cars immediately! [under his breath] And welcome to Griffin Rock.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
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[Sounds like a scam Doctor Morocco would pull out every so often when he needed some quick cash.
Got caught stealing tech?
Had a structured settlement? (JG Wentworth wasn’t founded until 1991 and he needed cash now!)
The fraudulent name John Young was a melding of the ubiquitous ‘John Smith’ and Morocco’s infamous Youth machine.]
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
*calls the number*
Uh, hi, Chief. This isn't necessarily an emergency, but, um.
Dr. Morocco is back. His warrant was wiped according to gossip but I'm not sure if this is true?
-a concerned anon
“Sounds like an emergency to me, I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for the information.”
0 notes
chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
- @jamie-onlygot1arm-burns
Charlie raised an eyebrow.
“I’m responsible for protecting an entire island full of people, social media is a must.”
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
“I did. The new program that was supposed to make copies of the file deleted it instead.”
“Do you have a copy of the notes from the city hall meeting by any chance? Mine just got… eaten.”
“Sure Chief, I’ve got everything here on my datapad.”
Busy with pulling up the requested information, it took Heatwave a moment to process the second half of what Chief Burns had told him.
“…. I’m sorry, did you just say your notes got eaten?”
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
Charlie watched the pair exit the room, then turned his attention to his own partner.
“Once everyone has left the school building we’ll head out to Mrs. Neederlander’s. I’m a little surprised she hasn’t called back and aske—“
His comm beeping cut him off, Dani was on the line and sounded exasperated. “Mrs. Neederlander want to know where you are, if you’re planning on just leaving her to trip over something and break a hip in the darkness, and other assorted things that I didn’t really listen to…”
Charlie sighed. “It’s not even dark outside yet. Tell her we’ll be there in about ten minutes, we only have a handful of people left at the school.”
🕯 for our muses to be in a blackout
“Why is it, every time lights go out, the humans’ first instinct is to scream?”
Heatwave and Chase were in the high school gym, assisting Chief Burns and Kade with Career Day. Suddenly there was a loud pop and the whole place was plunged into darkness.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
Charlie nodded.
“You two can go, Chase and I will finish up here. Be careful.”
🕯 for our muses to be in a blackout
“Why is it, every time lights go out, the humans’ first instinct is to scream?”
Heatwave and Chase were in the high school gym, assisting Chief Burns and Kade with Career Day. Suddenly there was a loud pop and the whole place was plunged into darkness.
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
“That would still be better than one of Mayor Luskey’s speeches, but yes, I’ll review it with him.”
“Chase wants to add internet safety classes to our Safety Week schedule.”
“Considering the way the tech in this town goes on a rampage at the slightest glitch, we might need something a little more advanced than that.”
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chiefcharlieburns · 2 years
“The council isn’t affiliated with either side though.”
Charlie sighed and patted the femme’s leg.
“I’m sorry, that was a despicable thing for them to do.”
"chief what do you know about the decepticons?" trauma asked
"Only what Optimus sees fit to tell me. Are you wanting information on anything specific?"
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