Entry 10: Web-Based Storytelling 
To help a viewer envision themselves as a future media professional, I’d utilize videos that show users what you can do as a videographer, photographer, web designer, user experience professional or other media expert. I’d also use animations of materials that media professionals can be expected to use. Voice Over animations or videos will be helpful for viewers to have an immersive experience. There could also be buttons, links, and slideshows of successful media professionals, media schools and media organizations. Many of the tasks above would require them to scroll and click through, but some would play automatically. In my experience viewing web-based storytelling sites, it’s best to section tasks and lessons.
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Entry 9: Social Media Storytelling via BeReal
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Entry 7
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Entry 6
Humorous "How To" Step-by-Step
First, raise your head up from the pillow and the horizontal position you’ve been sleeping in all night.
Second, sit up all the way to a full, upright position.
Then, grab the sheets and comforter with your hands and throw them off your body.
Throw yourself into a handstand, followed by a somersault that vaults you off the bed.
Land into your roller-skates. Glide down the hallway and into the self-serving cappuccino bar.
Balance the cappuccino on your nose and meditate for 30 minutes. This is your you-time.
Chug the cappuccino. Head to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Pick up a toothbrush. Practice your baton-twirling skills.
Brush your teeth with passion and vigor.
Aim to blow bubbles with the leftover toothpaste in your mouth. Have a fabulous day.
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Entry 5 
Physical event:
In the beginning, I sat in the classroom with my awesome cohort members. Together we worked on our capstone projects. We had many deliverables to complete and steps ahead of us to have a final product that would ultimately get us our master’s degrees. I knew my next mission was to interview an athletic professional at the university about Title IX. So I emailed Elon University’s Title IX coordinator Jenn Harbaugh. It was Friday and I knew I wouldn’t get a response until the next week. 
That same Friday night I went to the university basketball game. Guess who I ran into? Jenn Harbaugh. She remembered me from past experiences. She said she had read my email and agreed to a sit-down the following week at 10am. Perfect! A part of me was even surprised at how fast she had agreed to the interview because my email had requested her answers be recorded and included in my final project. She said she would be out all week with the track and field team but would meet with me nonetheless.
The following week it’s time for the agreed-upon interview. A friend of mine works in the same office as Jenn and suggests I confirm my meeting with her because Jenn isn’t in the office.
I get to her office 10 minutes before she does. When we finally sit down, I pull out the release form for her to sign that gives me permission to include her responses in my capstone project. She hesitates. 
I hesitate.
She doesn’t sign.
We do the interview anyway and I leave wondering where things could have possibly gone wrong. How will I present and summarize my research in an engaging and reliable way if not from a credible source itself?
I talked to my cohort and my professor.
I write up my research summary with findings from an “anonymous source” and corroborate the findings with databases and other sites all the while thinking : “Motley… you didn’t have to be so right when you said things in the real world don’t go as smoothly as they do in the classroom.”
Story outline for the film version of this event:
Hana sits in the classroom. There are medium shots of her classmates discussing the capstone and close-up shots of her contemplating the email she needs to send to Jenn. The audience doesn’t need to know that the email is about Title IX specifically. The beginning scene can close with an audio effect of an email being sent and Hana’s laptop being closed.
The next scene will be Jenn and Hana running into each other at the basketball game. Hana will ask if Jenn got her email. Jenn will confirm and suggest an interview time for the following week. Hana’s general demeanor will show that she is surprised and excited that Jenn has agreed to an interview.
The following scene will show Hana arriving at an empty office. Jenn will rush in, and the both of them will sit down after some time. Close ups of Hana’s face, Jenn’s action, and shared looks between Hana and her friend will reveal the uneasiness that Hana is feeling. Hana will quickly thank Jenn for agreeing to the interview, review her reason for being there, and pull out the release form. Jenn will hesitate and ultimately not agree to sign it. Hana will put away the form and the interview will fade into the background.
In the outcome scene, there will be different shots of Hana pacing around and typing at her computer, clearly exasperated and stuck because she can’t use the research she collected from her interview.
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Journal Entry 4 - Non-Linear Storytelling
Tangled, from the perspective of Rapunzel's sidekick Pascal the chameleon!
Ever since Rapunzel saved Pascal the chameleon with her healing hair, he’s wanted to save her from Mother Gothel. He has been her biggest supporter since a young age. Now it’s Rapunzel’s 18th birthday and she’s finally requested to leave the tower and see the annual lantern festival. 
Pascal totally had the situation under control until Flynn Rider swooped in. After a dizzying circumstance consisting of crowns, frying pans, menacing pub-goers at the Snuggly Duckling Pub, and nearly drowning, they’ve made it to the festival. Pascal’s mission? Get rid of Flynn and return Rapunzel to her loving parents back in the village, himself. 
There were a couple of bumps in the road. The trio navigated the forest for a while, and Pascal had the brilliant idea to grab some food- fruits and vegetables were always best. Pascal knew that running into strangers would only hold them up and knew all about the safest wild fruits. Pascal always looked out for Rapunzel. Much to his displeasure, Flynn strongarmed the three of them into the Snuggly Duckling Pub. Pascal turned red with rage. If only he had a human speaking voice. The situation almost turned very ugly.
Pascal eyed the pub-goers. He stayed close by Rapunzel’s side and understood that it would be up to the two of them to get themselves out of there. Together, they did. Rapunzel reminded the men of their soft sides, and Pascal backed Rapunzel up every step of the way with his calm blue and green colors and big eyes. 
What a memory. Finally they were at the lantern viewing. Pascal’s one goal was to return Rapunzel safely to her parents. She should always have been there instead of locked away in a tower. While Rapunzel was getting more deeply invested in the story of “Eugene,” Pascal was plotting. He would make sure that the Stabbington brothers, Flynn's nemeses, knew where Flynn was located the night of the festival so that they could attack him. Then, Pascal would sweep Rapunzel away to her parent’s castle. 
It was a beautiful night. Rapunzel’s wish came true: she got to see the lanterns being released, and she was even a part of the event. Even better, after the ceremony, the Stabbington brothers exacted their revenge and took Flynn Rider hostage.
What didn’t go according to Pascal’s plan? Rapunzel getting taken once again by Mother Gothel.
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Journal 3- Stream of Consciousness Writing
Yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far awayyyy. Now it seems as though they’re here to stay. Oh I believe in yesterday.
I don’t actually think that statement is very true, I just needed something to write because writing for 15 minutes is a little bit intimidating. My stress was actually a bit high yesterday in regards to the many assignments I must do and the accelerated timeline I have to do it in. Nevertheless, the things I am going to do are quite enjoyable. Yesterday I was reminded of my folks who moved from Illinois to Minnesota when Motley was poking fun at people who live in the freezing North and describing Wisconsin-ers and Maine natives. Yesterday I discussed movies, how to tell stories, and the way that they’re better told from multiple perspectives. I sat with JaRiah and Molly to pitch our own narrative. And then in between classes I sat outside with Sequoia, Courtney and John and it was beautiful outside. The dramatic fluctuation in weather these days is getting everyone sick. At least it’s better than negative temperatures in the Midwest. Yesterday I learned about keyword searches, crawling and indexing in Dr. Xu’s class. I decided what key words may be best for the entertainment page related to the interactive media program. “Is Elon University a party school?” is a top hit. Yesterday I reached out to Jeffrey Scheible who works in athletic compliance at Elon because I want to further my Title IX expertise and the impact it has on dance teams. I was almost the compliance assistant at Elon many yesterdays ago. Sometimes I dwell on the concept of yesterdays. How if we had to pick one thing we should probably avoid yesterdays and pick todays. I’m not actually very good at being ultimately present and living for the moment. I also think that a creative field like interactive media allows us to relive the yesterdays when maybe we need it the most. If you could choose to forget yesterday and start over everyday, would you?
Today I slept in until noon! And then I made myself toast and coffee. I am running out of the spices I put in my coffee so I need to buy some more. The spice blend is called “mello yello,” it’s ashwagandha, turmeric, lucuma, black pepper and maybe some others I’m forgetting at the moment. After that I washed the dishes, went on a walk, and the sun was shining. I sat by Lake Mary Nell and the ducks got very cozy which always makes me nervous. I could hear the music playing from the softball and baseball fields, and the sound of names being announced in the stadiums. I loved imagining people being caught up in the excitement of being a fan. It’s like your own world of big love. There was a couple who let their dog swim in the lake which I was curious about because I don’t believe the lake is very clean. Everyone say a prayer for Mr. Dog. After my walk today I went to Target which was SUPER busy. The returns line took forever. But that’s okay, I really didn’t have much to do today. I got some bone broth from Target because it’s supposed to be kick ass for your gut in the morning. Sign me up. After I navigated out of the semi-treacherous Target parking lot, a bunch of us cars got stuck behind another threat… a biker. We drove a nice 15 miles per hour with no way around the biker on a two lane road. Finally the brave man decided to turn left… and we hit a red light. But again, it was really okay: I didn’t have much to do today. I finally made it home, unpacked my groceries and started on some homework. I finished up personas for my capstone project. One is representative of a dance team member and another of a dance team parental figure. I edited the interview questions for my capstone project as well. And now here I am writing in my journal about today. 
Tomorrow. Everyone knows about the “Sunday Scaries” phenomenon. That may be the biggest shared anxiety about tomorrows that there ever was. I am not so much feeling the Sunday Scaries right now as I am a bit stressed about the things that I have to get done today. I think right now I am going to decide to completely flip my thinking. I am going to decide that time is a construct, and I am going to decide not to be stressed but instead to focus on being excited about creating my storyboard for my film concept. In the end it’s going to look super cool and it’s better than taking an exam or sitting in traffic. All I really have to do before tomorrow is finish this journal and my storyboard. I am looking forward to this week. It should be a successful week full of opportunity, and tomorrow is the springboard because it’s Monday. Infamous Mondays. Poor, victimized, Mondays. Everybody hates them. This week I’ll enjoy my Monday and accomplish good things. For me, Mondays are reserved for one class and a work meeting but can be filled with other projects, meetings, movies, television shows, workout classes, or phone calls. Tomorrow will be a great day.
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Journal Prompt 2
In the television series “The Blacklist,” there are many enemies and therefore villains of anti-hero Raymond Reddington (FBI informant and notorious ‘Concierge of Crime’). One of the story’s villains/Director of the CIA, Peter Kotsiopolus, nearly ends Reddington's story. He attacks Reddington after calling his bluff about the Fulcrum (a document regarding political assassinations and terrorism) and manhunts Reddington and his daughter/FBI agent/protagonist/hero Liz after she shot Attorney General Tom Conolly. Kotsiopolus was also responsible for the near-fatal shot to the heart that nearly killed Reddington. He was the greatest threat to Reddington's life while working for the Cabal (a shadow government) until Reddington kidnapped him and forced the Cabal to disown him.
Kotsiopolus could be another anti-hero in this story by working for the Cabal, but informing the FBI. Ultimately he could give up his own life on a dangerous mission that saves millions (Vogler mentions that sacrifice is the true mark of a hero). Vogler also discusses character flaws. Another way Kotsiopolus could be a hero instead of a villain is that he could go through a character arc where he develops a close father-son relationship that he was missing with an FBI agent.
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I’ve summited mountain tops, zip-lined through Croatian and Dominican foliage; I was the star 4-year benchwarmer at football and basketball games, I suntanned under the blazing heat of the Elon track and field; I’ve watched thousands of dancers come to life inside studios and convention centers, and listened to song after song. I’ve chugged alongside BNSF railway passengers into and out of the city of Chicago, and watched the young children of Riverside, Illinois play during summer camp. I’ve seen the insides of dishwashers and got grabbed by the family dog. I've sat by roaring fires, cruised along Lake Wisconsin, I’ve lounged by the Tampa pool, I've seen India's tea estates, over night trains, temples and mosques. I've basked in the glow of the Eiffel Tower, Italy’s Duomo, Switzerland’s rolling hills, Romeo and Juliet’s balcony in Verona, Turin’s palazzo and gardens, and Spain’s beaches. I keep my human hydrated, alive, and together we see the world.
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