chikengrass · 7 years
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drizzly rain; a fine rain; drizzle.
Etymology: origin uncertain – Scots, compare Dutch smoor, “mist”.
[Lenka Šimečková - Rain]
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chikengrass · 7 years
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Antonius Block + Death
Det Sjunde Inseglet / The Seventh Seal (1957, dir. Ingmar Bergman)
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chikengrass · 7 years
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“For her, all seven deadly sins!” Metropolis (1927)
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chikengrass · 7 years
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Anton Marrast, illustrateur et peintre espagnol
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chikengrass · 7 years
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Satan semant l'ivraie / Satan Sowing the Tares (1867) - Félicien Rops
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chikengrass · 7 years
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Gustave De Smet,  l'artiste et sa femme [the artist and his wife], 1927
gouache sur carton, Musée des beaux arts de Gand, BELGIQUE
Gustave De Smet (1877–1943) was a Belgian expressionist painter.  Having first adopted the “luminist” style of Emile Claus, he came under the influence of expressionism and cubism during World War I.
His brother Léon de Smet (1881–1961) was also a notable painter.
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chikengrass · 11 years
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Mark Kostabi, from the portfolio There is Only One Clique and You Are the Only One.
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chikengrass · 11 years
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Queen of Spades
by Chris Ovdiyenko
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chikengrass · 11 years
Peace amongst men living alongside another is not a natural state. On the contrary, the natural state of man is that of war. War manifested not only by open hostilities, but also by the constant threat of hostility. Peace therefore, is a state that must be established by law.
Immanuel Kant, "Perpetual Peace" Chapter 2
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chikengrass · 11 years
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3 headed lady by tobiee
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chikengrass · 11 years
Blowing out someone else’s candle won’t make yours shine brighter
Anonymous (via)
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chikengrass · 11 years
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chikengrass · 11 years
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'To truly know the world, look deeply within your own being; to truly know yourself, take real interest in the world.'
                                               -Rudolf Steiner-
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chikengrass · 11 years
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chikengrass · 11 years
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chikengrass · 11 years
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La Luna 23 ☾ | via Tumblr on We Heart It http://weheartit.com/entry/80583267/via/camilaroballo
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chikengrass · 11 years
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“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”
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