childlifeessentials · 3 years
The Signs Your Kids Lack Essential Vitamins
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You probably have seen many times doctors advising their patients to have well-balanced meals. Have you ever thought about why they do so? One of the most prominent reasons why doctors encourage people to have a balanced diet is to ensure that they can receive all the necessary nutrients and vitamins in order to be in a good health. However, we need to be even more careful when it comes to taking care of children. If a kid’s meals do not contain all-natural vitamins in sufficient amounts, his growth will be altered. Therefore, he may have issues in bone, skin, muscles, and other parts of his body. However, how can a parent know whether his child is vitamin-deficient or not? Don’t worry! This piece of writing will provide you with some vital information about indications or signs that will help you if your child has a deficiency of any kind of vitamins. So, let’s waste no more time here and get started.
Vitamin B Deficiency
A wide variety of B vitamins exist and each one offers unique benefits. Therefore, lacking Vitamin B may cause various side effects. If your child lacks any type of Vitamin B, he may have lesions and ulcers, also called canker sores. If your kid has brittle hair or nails, he may lack Vitamin B7, also known as Biotin. Brittle hair may also lead to muscle pain, cramps, and fatigue. You should provide your child with Gluten-free Vitamins or vitamin B-rich food, such as fish, dairy, spinach, meat, broccoli, nuts, egg yolks, and bananas.
Vitamin C Deficiency
Scurvy and gum inflammation are the side effects of lacking Vitamin C. Your child may also experience frequent bruising, weakened muscles, and immune system.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Lack of Vitamin D can directly lead to bone disease, inflammatory bowel conditions, and liver disease. Therefore, you should prepare a healthy diet for your child that must include a sufficient amount of Vitamin D. egg yolk, fortified milk, and fish are rich in Vitamin D. You can also get gluten-free vitamins if you want.
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Vitamin A Deficiency
If your child lacks Vitamin A, he may have difficulty with vision. So, if your child complains to have problems seeing things clearly in low light, don’t neglect it. Additionally, your child may also face other symptoms, such as dry eyes & frequent illness. Vitamin A also plays a crucial role in strengthening the immune system, so its deficiency may worsen the immune system of your child too. You can provide your child with dairy products, eggs, leafy greens, peppers, carrots, and other orange veggies.
Vitamin E
Deficiency of Vitamin E may lead to various health problems, including muscle weakness, vision problems, shaking, and problems while walking. Almonds, avocado, and spinach can help you cope with a lack of Vitamin A. Nonetheless, a variety of multivitamins for kids are available in the market, you can get one of them.
Final Words
These are some symptoms associated with a lack of different types of vitamins in your child. However, you don’t need to worry; you just need to take care of a few things, such as giving your child nutrient-rich meals, and multivitamins.
Nonetheless, if you are not sure from where you can get the best quality natural multivitamin for your kids, you can get in touch with ChildLife Essentials. They are very reliable supplement suppliers.
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childlifeessentials · 3 years
Top Reasons Why Children Must Get Vitamin D In Appropriate Amounts
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When it comes to children's vitamins, vitamin D is always present in the list. It is essential in making the bones strong and developing a strong immune system. As a parent, it must be very difficult to provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals to the children. Children can get vitamin D while getting some exposure to the sun but keeping skin protection as the top priority, parents hesitate in doing this also. If you've been wondering about why vitamin D is so essential for children, take a look at the points mentioned below:  
It strengthens the immune system
Children are very much exposed to infections and viral diseases. To protect them from this problem, parents have to focus on making their immune systems better. What they can do is fulfill the requirement of vitamin D as it makes the immune system strong. Parents can opt for the best multivitamin for kids to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin D to their children.
It helps in developing stronger bones
Whenever a parent is concerned about their kid's bone health, the first thing that comes to mind is Calcium. Human bodies are only capable of absorbing any bone-strengthening mineral when there is vitamin D present. Vitamin D absorbs calcium well so that the body can use it for developing stronger bones. According to research, all of the bones in our body are built and developed when we are adolescents. So, we must get vitamin D and calcium in sufficient amounts to make our bones stronger at the right time.
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It lowers the risk of premature Birth
Even when your child is not even born, vitamin D can still play a huge part in keeping the baby healthy. Pregnant women must consume Vitamin D well so that they avoid the risk of premature birth. We all know about the consequences of premature birth and how it can affect the health of the newborn. Hence, pregnant women must take a diet that includes enough vitamin D for their babies.
It keeps the children away from diseases
Vitamin D is effective in fighting diseases especially when it comes to young children. It can fight and prevent serious problems like sclerosis and can also decrease the chance of developing heart disease. Even though there's not much evidence to prove that vitamin D is that effective in preventing heart diseases, researchers are working on this fact and some experts or dieticians still believe it.  
So, keeping these reasons in mind, a parent must fulfill the needs of vitamin D for their child. Salmon, eggs, mushrooms, milk, yogurt, orange juice, are some of the most common sources of vitamin D. The other option would be the multivitamins for kids and the ones provided by “Childlife Essentials”. contain no artificial content and just natural vitamins to keep your child healthy and fit. All products are made with top-quality ingredients and some of them are even gluten-free. Visit https://childlifenutrition.com/ to know more.
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childlifeessentials · 3 years
Benefits of Giving Multivitamins to Children
Vitamins are an essential part of our diet and help us in maintaining good health. Similarly, for kids, vitamins play a vital role when they're growing up. To cover up the need for various vitamins and minerals, multivitamin tablets or syrups are given to children and adults. The multivitamins for kids ensure that the children are getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals they need in their diet to lead a healthy lifestyle as they grow up. Some benefits of giving multivitamins to your children are:
They fill nutritional gaps
As a parent, you make sure that your child gets a proper diet that includes all of the nutrients. Sometimes, the food that we are giving to our children lacks the essential vitamins and minerals altogether. To fill this gap, multivitamins are very necessary as they fulfill all of the vitamins or minerals that a diet is lacking.
They help in building strong bones and teeth
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Children's multivitamins contain calcium and vitamin D, both of them have their roles to play in the diet. Calcium is necessary for strong bones and healthy teeth, whereas Vitamin D is essential to keep the bones healthy. As the bone mass is formed at a very young age and getting enough of this vitamin-mineral combination is very important during early childhood and adolescence.
They strengthen the immune system
Multivitamins contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E that are important for supporting the immune health of the children. Vitamin C and Vitamin E work as antioxidants and keep your children free from any allergies. Children that can strengthen the immune system at a young age have fewer chances to fall ill as they grow up.
They are the source of energy
Children that don't get enough nutrition in their diet may feel weak and lethargic. The multivitamin tablets and syrups for kids help them regain their energy and keep them healthy and fit. The family of Vitamin B that is present in the multivitamins boosts the energy levels in children and keeps their metabolism cranking.
They keep the heart healthy
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The multivitamins contain essential vitamins like B1, B2, B6, and K1 that have the tendency to reduce the chances of getting any heart disease. Giving multivitamins to children keeps the heart healthy and helps your children away from cardiovascular diseases.
They avoid the risk of cancer This benefit is for children as well as for adults, the antioxidants present in the multivitamins help in reducing the chances of cancer. This has been proven via a study and the experts also suggest that you should give the appropriate doses of multivitamins to your child daily to avoid cancer or any other chronic disease.
“ChildLife Nutrition” provides the best multivitamin for kids that consists of required vitamins like A, C, D3, E, B6, B12 and minerals like Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, and Chromium. Besides multivitamins, they also provide essential supplements for kids that are 100% safe and contain no added flavors or additives. Visit the website  for a detailed piece of information about their products.
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childlifeessentials · 4 years
Importance of Vitamins for Kids
Every parent knows healthy food is the perfect source of nutrients for their kids. It is very important for your children to eat in a healthy manner and ensure that they get the nutrients and energy they need to grow and develop properly. Deficiency of vitamins can exacerbate or create chronic health conditions. There are a few essential minerals and vitamins which are critical for growing children.
Do kids require vitamins to supplement their diets?
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Ideally, speaking children must get their kids vitamins from having a healthy and balanced diet which includes milk as well as all dairy products like yogurt, milk, cheese, plenty of fresh green and leafy vegetables, fruits, and protein like fish, chicken, and eggs.
However, pediatricians might recommend a mineral supplement or multivitamin daily for some kids who do not eat or refrain from consuming well-balanced meals. And also the picky eaters who simply have poor eating habits. Doctors might even recommend good supplements for kids who are suffering from chronic conditions like digestive or asthma illness or on restrictive diets.
Know your kid’s vitamin alphabet
Vitamin A is very important for your kid’s normal growth and healthy skin, and also helps tissue repair and vision. This vitamin is mainly found in orange and yellow vegetables, liver and dairy products as well.
Vitamin B assists in all metabolic activities and helps in producing red blood cells. It is readily found in fish, soy, eggs, grains, milk and cereals.
Vitamin C for kids is very important as it the body’s tool for fighting off infection and in healing. It even strengthens muscles, skin and tissues. For wholesome doses of vitamin C, make your kids have strawberries, citrus fruits,broccoli, spinach, potatoes and tomatoes.
Vitamin D helps kids body form as well as maintain strong bones and teeth and also assists with the proper absorption of several minerals like calcium, it is also found in fish oils, fortified dairy products and sunlight as the latter stimulates the vitamin.
Calcium is important for the maintenance and development of teeth and healthy bones. During childhood, consuming inadequate calcium can affect development and growth. Calcium is readily found in sardines, cheese, and yogurt and in vegetables like broccoli.
Iron is vital, especially for kids during periods of faster growth. It also contributes to the building of muscles and production of blood. Excellent sources of iron are beef, fish, turkey, fortified bread, cereals, beans, and iron-rich vegetables.
Need of a vitamin in different forms
For children with highly selective diets and kids with erratic eating habits, a health care provider might recommend some baby vitamins rich tonics or supplements daily. Over-the-counter supplements of vitamin are quite safe and come in several chewable forms, if your child has difficulty swallowing. Supplements and children’s vitamins are available in fun shapes and colors, but they are not candies. Better to consult your health provider if you have questions about vitamin and mineral supplements.
Childlife Essentials offers all important minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants to give every kid the extra protection and support their developing minds, as well as immune systems, need.
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childlifeessentials · 4 years
Multivitamins Create a Win- Win Situation for Both Parents and Their Kids
Multivitamins are Important for Fun-Filled Days
Getting your child to eat a healthy well-balanced diet in this modern world of junk food is a battle that most parents tend to lose. The healthier the food, the more is the struggle. However, everyone knows the importance of the right nutrition to stay healthy and strong, and in the case of kids, correct nutrition is a must for their growth along with their immunity. Even the quality of food is not like before and the use of chemicals and additives for growing food has impacted food quality drastically. Growing pollution has also caused a significant increase in environmental toxins that cause recurrent infections, allergies, etc.
To meet the daily vitamin requirement of your child, it is a good idea to introduce a good quality multivitamin in your child’s daily routine. Regardless of your child’s eating habits, a multivitamin is the best and easiest way to make sure your child is benefitted from essential vitamins and minerals.
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A Multivitamin is a Great Addition to the Diet.
Deficiency of even one vitamin or mineral can impact your child’s growth and health. And, picky eaters are sure to have some deficiencies. Ignoring that can cause long term health issues. Getting the best multivitamin for kids will ensure that your child will stay healthy, happy, and bright.
Vitamins A, C, D, etc. are staples in high-quality multivitamins in the right dosage. These help to support your child’s immune system all year long, especially during changing weather. Kids today are very active and need energy from the right sources to fuel them. B vitamins in children’s multivitamins help to convert food into energy. Minerals like calcium and magnesium are a must in the right quantity, for the development of strong bones and teeth of a growing child.
Replenishing important vitamins and minerals daily is essential for good health and vitality, especially for growing children. Kids who grow up having multivitamins on a regular basis are less likely to fall sick with allergies, flu, seasonal changes, etc.
Look for Multivitamins That Support Growth and Health
Finicky eaters, poor eaters, kids with chronic medical conditions, kids who eat a lot of processed food all require high-quality multivitamins for optimum health and to promote growth. But choosing the best vitamins for kids is necessary.
You may get tempted to pick up colorful, cartoon shaped multivitamins from your local store for your child. However, when you look for the right multivitamin, it is crucial to check that the multivitamins do not contain any artificial sweeteners or flavors, binding agents, etc. otherwise they will cause more harm than good over time.
Read the label on the multivitamin to know how much of each vitamin will the supplements provide. Is it pointless to give very low doses and very high doses can cause toxicity in the long term? High-quality multivitamins for kids taste good and are available in bio-available forms to ensure maximum absorption of nutrients. Also, the multivitamins should be third-party lab tested, should be Non-GMO, allergy-free, and gluten-free.
ChildLife Essentials is a company working to improve the health of children by making high-quality multivitamins for kids. They have a huge product range from liquids to SoftMelts, designed for infants and children.
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childlifeessentials · 4 years
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                                             Vitamin C For Kids
For immunity and environmental protection takes ChildLife Vitamin C as an important antioxidant daily. Use it for child life first defense & child life echinacea.  ChildLife multi vitamin and mineral liquid formula provides essential vitamins for children of all ages with minerals & trace elements. Call us (800) 993-0332. For more details checkout here https://childlifenutrition.com/
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childlifeessentials · 4 years
Why Choose Multivitamins for Children?
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The human body undergoes lot of wear and tear daily and needs lots of essential vitamins and minerals that help in maintaining proper vision, develop bones, strengthen muscles, protect skin and help growth.
Vitamin being ‘vital for life’ also help normal functioning of organs and various body systems while improving immunity that saves and help us battle infections.
The growth of the body is hampered, especially among children, due to lack of vitamins and minerals in their body. Moreover, free radicals resulting from the various metabolism processes going on in the body as well as generated by ultraviolet rays, tobacco smoke and air pollution also cause cellular damage.
In order to allow children grow in a normal manner, acquire desired immunity to ward off threat by oxygen free radicals, children need adequate quantity of vitamins and minerals.
Multivitamins and minerals together are also referred as micronutrients because human body needs only tiny amounts of them. Supplementation of best vitamins for kids ensures all round development of body as well as physical and mental abilities.
Important Vitamins and minerals
Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients as they act in concert i.e. synchronized manner and potentiate or compliment each other’s effects.
Together they perform innumerable number of roles in the body and help bolster bones, heal wounds and strengthen your immune system. In addition Multivitamins or micronutrients also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage.
Vitamin preparations, generally referred as multivitamins, combine many essential vitamins like Vitamin A, C, D, E, and K in addition to B vitamins i.e.  Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Cyano or Methyl cobalamin (B12), Biotin and Folate/Folic acid.
Most of the children’s multivitamin preparations also contain a number of minerals that are necessary for good health.
These important minerals like:
Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium are important for healthy bones.
Sulfur helps stabilize protein structures that make up hair, skin, and nails
Sodium, Chloride and Potassium – are the major minerals required for the body help maintain the proper balance of water in the body.
Certain other minerals children need for optimal growth that are required in very little amounts are known as Trace Minerals. These trace minerals are:
Best Multivitamin/Mineral Supplementation
When providing a dietary supplement for your child, choose best multivitamin for kids which offer the recommended daily amounts (RDA) of the necessary nutrients.
Most of the preparations of multivitamin for kids, besides nutrients like vitamins and mineral, may also contain other ingredients like herbs, amino acids and fatty acids in balanced amounts.
Multivitamins for Kids are available in many forms i.e. tablets, capsules, chewable gummies, powders and liquids. For infants multivitamin drops are also available in the market place.
When it comes to growth of children, one should never rely upon food alone. Children during their growing times must be supplemented adequate quantity of all of the important vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant which will lend extra support and protection from unwanted diseases.
If you wish to ensure proper development of your child’s body and mind and shore up his/her immune system, trust the Best Multivitamin for Kids from ChildLife Essentials
The company provides the most authentic combinations of Multivitamins and minerals prepared with finest quality of pure, allergy-free and gluten- free ingredients without using artificial colors, sweetening and flavoring agents to provide a safe vitamin and mineral supplementation for your kids.
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childlifeessentials · 4 years
Choose the right Vitamins for Kids
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Vitamins are the organic compounds that are essential components required in our diet in small quantities for maintenance of normal health and ensure optimum growth of children.
It is believed that during the course of evolution, the higher organisms i.e. humans lost ability to synthesize vitamins. Hence, vitamins are obtained from the diet or supplemented from some synthetic source from outside.
Vitamins are the essential co-factors that aid in all catabolic process of the body, such as protein synthesis, necessary for the development and growth of every child.
Vitamins play a crucial role in the:
Metabolic i.e. catabolic and anabolic processes of body
Maintenance and repair of cells, tissues and organs
Production of skin, bone and muscle
Maintain and strengthen nerve function
Strengthening of the immune system
Converting food into energy
Types of Vitamins
Vitamins are of two types:
Fat-soluble - Vitamins A, D, E and K are the fat soluble vitamins. These fat-soluble vitamins enter the blood stream via lymph channels in the intestinal wall and travel through the body along with proteins that act as carriers.
Water-soluble – are the vitamins found in the watery portions of the foods and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion or when supplement dissolves.
Vitamin C and B-Complex are the water soluble vitamins.
Role of Vitamins in growth of a child
All vitamins play their specific role in the development and growth of children and are often given to the children right from their infancy stage.
The essential children’s vitamins include:
Vitamin-A i.e. Retinol- strengthens immune system; helps fighting infections. It is essential for protection against night blindness and maintaining night vision, maintain integrity of skin and help normal growth of bone.
Being anti-oxidant, it scavenges oxygen free-radicals, protects body and reduces cancer risk.
Vitamin-B – usually termed as B-Complex as these are 8 B-complex vitamins.
B-complex vitamins are essential factors for Carbohydrate and Amino acid metabolisms, oxidative reactions and blood formation besides maintaining a healthy nervous system. Some of B-Complex vitamins are Energy Releasing while others are known as Hemopoitic (Blood forming).
Energy releasing B-Complex vitamins are:
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – prevents disease Beri-Beri
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)- prevents Cheilosis, Glossitis and Dermatitis
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)- protects Skin from Sunlight Sensitivity
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) –prevents Neurological symptoms and Nerve damage
Pantothenic acid –protects against Burning Feet Syndrome
Biotin- prevents Loss of Appetite, Dermatitis, Anemia and Glossitis
While Haemopoitic B-Complex vitamins include:
Vitamin B12 – help maturation of RBCs and prevent anemia
Folic acid – help manufacture erythrocytes
Vitamin C - is important in fighting against infection and protecting against scurvy. Being an antioxidant, Vitamin C fights free-radicals and prevents DNA damage. Free -radicals are associated with development of cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
Vitamin D- controls and helps absorption of calcium in the body and maintains good health of teeth, bone density and cartilage.
Among small and growing children, Rickets and Osteomalacia occur due to the deficiency of Vitamin-D.
Accordingly most children with rickets are given preparations of kids vitamins that are fortified with Vitamin –D
Vitamin E- helps to protect cell membranes, strengthens muscles and nerves
Vitamin K – is associated with blood clotting and is important for wound healing
Keeping in view, the role played by vitamins in carrying out and maintaining various metabolic, physiological and regulatory functions for human body, invariably, pediatricians prescribe preparations containing specific baby vitamins.
If you wish to give the best Children’s Vitamins to your child, you may rely on the product quality of ChildLife Essentials.
ChildLife Essentials are the makers of all types of kids Vitamins preparations for daily maintenance, specialty formulations and strengthening Immune system.
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