childofmorningstar ¡ 4 years
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Vampire Stimboard for Anon
x x x / x x x / x x x
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childofmorningstar ¡ 4 years
I’m an angel with a shotgun, fighting til’ the wars won, I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back.
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
🎶why can’t I remember my name?🎶
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
I miss my wings the most. There are substitutes for my claws and my horns, and although they aren’t as strong and sturdy, they’re something. But my wings? There’s no good substitute for that. I can wrap myself in blankets and it almost feels right, but they aren’t my wings and I still. can’t. fly.
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
Reblog if you’re angelkin/demonkin without being Christian/Catholic/Jewish
i need validation pls
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
My wings are not as lustrous as they once were. My blade not as sharp. My hands not as strong. But I willl protect humanity with everything I have until the day I am struck down
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
"Do you worship the Devil?"
Well, what is worship?
Do I call him my master? Carry out his whims? Write off all misfortunes as his mysterious will? I do not.
I am the lone agent of my soul.
But do I walk alongside him? Do I share my prosperity and poverty with him? Do I feel love towards him?
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
He, the Morningstar, Eater of Tyrants, Destroyer of Empires, Ruler of the Earth, Leader of the Lost, Redeemer of the Forsaken.“
(via haku-kirin)
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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Many people are under the false impression that Theistic Satanism is “evil”. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Is it evil to want to live your life the way you want to when it only effects you? Of course not. But Christians think so. I think it’s more evil to threaten others with eternal pain and suffering if they don’t live their life according to how you want them to. Don’t you?
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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Demonic god of darkness, sex, war, love, death, outcasts, illness, revenge, and the Morning Star. Husband and creator of the goddess Lilith.
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
“Darkness does not always equate to evil, Just as light does not always bring good.”
— Nyx
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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Lilith - Diana Van Damme ( my edits )
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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Demonic god of darkness, war, love, death, sex, illness, famine, revenge, outcasts, and witchcraft
This will be in no way me attempting to force beliefs, but rather a sharing of the information I’ve been told by Lucifer (with confirmation by other spirit channelers) I wish to share it to help others who are willing to listen so more people may understand this deeply misunderstood deity. Lucifer, although that is not his true name, is what he prefers to be called, though he is known by many other names such as Iblis, Samael, Satan, The Man In Black, The Morning Star, and is even one of the Witch Fathers (and the main one). Each of these names holds a different aspect of his personality, they are all pieces of a whole. 
Lucifer came into existence along with most of the other elder gods from an infinite source of energy that has existed before all other things. Though the area of energy that Lucifer came from was dark-aligned (though not evil) and so his energy is made up of ever-shifting shadows. He did not wish to be worshiped as he hates the thought of it and so never allowed himself to become a Pagan god. However, he did become colleagues with the Abrahamic god who is known by names such as El, Yahweh, and Allah.
Due to some major disagreements with El, Lucifer eventually waged a war against him and during which, is the only time so far I’ve ever heard of him appearing as light. Some angels I spoke with said that he was a bright golden light above everyone, and he was terrifying. After the battle, Lucifer took the fallen angels to an empty section of Hell where they could create their own kingdom. Lucifer had also helped to set free the humans that El had created in the Garden of Eden. Despite common belief, Adam and Eve were not the first humans overall, but rather the first humans created by the Abrahamic god, meant to worship only him.
Lucifer’s kingdom in Hell is set in a sahara-like desert of eternal twilight, and it is here where he decided to create his twin flame so he could fall in love. Upon splitting his energy, the other half of himself formed into the being that many call Lilith or Babalon. She is the goddess of most of the things Lucifer is and the two of them are extraordinarily similar in many ways (which is natural for twin flames). However, while Lucifer’s energy is darkness, Lilith’s is ever-shifting liquid fire, like magma. The two of them quickly fell deeply in love and had thousands of children together, most of them being demons and others being regular spirits. The two of them are so much in love that they refuse to leave one another or even feel attraction to anyone else. Lilith, unlike Lucifer, did become several pagan goddesses, though she prefers not to be worshiped but rather seen as a dark mother. 
Personality-wise, Lucifer is very sophisticated, eloquent, confident, and determined. He is introverted but also very charming, his personality alone can light up rooms. He is also deeply empathetic and generous, very wise as well. Though he is also wrathful, sadistic, and demanding when need be (when dealing with corrupt beings) and he is a skilled warrior as well with some degree of bloodlust. Overall, Lucifer is filled with passion and portrays the deepest form of love, as well as the deepest hate.
He adores books and learning, especially about history. Artwork and music are beloved to him as well and is very much fond of all things beautiful. His true appearance is that of a gentleman in his late 30′s with near shoulder-length wavy black hair, red eyes, pale skin, elegant features, pronounced cheekbones, black horns, and black draconic wings (which are multi-coloured like stained glass windows within). He has a classy sense of style so he typically wears black suits or black slacks with button-down white shirts and dress shoes.
| Symbolism of Lucifer - historical & personal |
Solar Eclipses
Red roses
| Offerings |
wine, ale, champagne, mead, pomegranate juice, chocolate, fruits, pastries, desserts, daggers, swords, silver, dark or clear crystals, black feathers, antlers, goat horns, bones, black hair, strong tobacco, coffee, rabbit’s feet, goat milk, blood, roses, lilies, hyacinth, ashes, sulphur, dragon’s blood incense, cat eyes/whiskers, cream and sugar, graveyard dirt (properly obtained), crow skulls, coffin nails, honey, coffee grounds, poetry, prose, artwork, black tea, rose tea, snakeskin, rich tasting foods, shark teeth, red/black/silver/dark blue colours, and imagery of his sacred animals.
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childofmorningstar ¡ 5 years
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Lucifer and Lilith - King and Queen of Hell
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