childofsvmmer · 5 years
For the first time, Jacinta wondering whether she’d been wrong to judge someone based on their ancestry. After all, she understood the hardships of having “not a great” father. 
“Hey,” she began gently, “You’re nothing like him, and that’s what matters, right? And if and when I open a flower shop, you’ll be my first hire!”
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𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐵𝑜𝓊𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓉 ll Open Starter
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Despite this mask of happiness,                                                     I drown in dark despair.
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
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M O O D 
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta was a little ashamed that her blatant hesitation, especially because this woman was so kind to her. Still, she couldn’t quite bring herself to believe what she was saying. But she did trust her, “You’re very welcome. And yes, let’s go,” she had crossed the breach before, in a special alteration made so she was able to see her father, but the trip held unpleasant memories, and she couldn’t keep the anxiety out of her manner. 
“If not all dark things are evil, how do you know what’s evil and what isn’t?” 
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After a calculating pause and with obvious hesitation, Jacinta nodded, “Okay, I suppose if it’s for the best,” she put her arm down, resisting the urge to rub off this ominous looking symbol. After all, she didn’t want people getting the wrong idea. But if it would protect her it was worth keeping, “I’m not. I want to help, and I’d feel much better if I were actively doing something,” she offered a half-hearted smile to show her decision was made, and followed the older woman inside. 
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Sally smiled a little at the young woman. Despite the situation it was heartwarming to see someone so willing to help. “Don’t believe the stigma, darling. Not all things from the dark are evil.” She made a mental note to give the girl one of her books later. “Well I thank you for your help, shall we go into the breach?” 
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta smiled, “I don’t know how much good that’ll do now, but thanks all the same,” At the mention of the girl’s last name, she stiffened a bit, “Hook? As in, the notorious Captain Hook?” 
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𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐵𝑜𝓊𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓉 ll Open Starter
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
After a calculating pause and with obvious hesitation, Jacinta nodded, “Okay, I suppose if it’s for the best,” she put her arm down, resisting the urge to rub off this ominous looking symbol. After all, she didn’t want people getting the wrong idea. But if it would protect her it was worth keeping, “I’m not. I want to help, and I’d feel much better if I were actively doing something,” she offered a half-hearted smile to show her decision was made, and followed the older woman inside. 
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Although this woman seemed trustworthy, Jacinta couldn’t help glancing warily at her arm before extending her own, “What is that?” she inquired before shaking her head, “No no, I said I’d help you look for them, and that’s what I intend to do!” Really, Jacinta would have loved nothing better than to take off running to the nearest shelter, but she couldn’t in good conscience leave this woman to search for her family alone. 
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“Oh, sorry.” Sally realized she hadn’t explained herself, “It’s a protection charm, old and common meaning its strong. If you wear it lower level magic shouldn’t affect you, but if we encounter someone really dangerous, it won’t do us much good.” It was hard to protect against real magic with symbols and chants. “Please don’t act on obligations, I don’t want you to get hurt.” Still she was grateful for the girl’s resolve. “Let’s go in.” 
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta smiled at the idea, but shook her head, “No, I’m not, but I certainly would love to be! I put in my resume at the flower shop but they weren’t hiring,” she gave light shrug, “Who knows, maybe I’ll open my own some day! Just make sure they get some water within the next hour or so, they’ll wither quickly otherwise,” suddenly remembering her manners, she held out a hand, “My name’s Jacinta, by the way!” 
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𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐵𝑜𝓊𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓉 ll Open Starter
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta smiled, glad this girl appreciated the gesture, “ I know! I picked them to create a perfect scent combination; sweet honeysuckle with the more fragrant primrose. And notice how the bluebells accentuate the colours of the lilies?” Her tone was almost like that of a proud parent. 
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𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐵𝑜𝓊𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓉 ll Open Starter
𝒥𝒶𝒸𝒾𝓃𝓉𝒶 had just arrived at Auradon Prep, but she couldn’t care less about the castle that was soon to be her school. Her interest was on the wide variety of gorgeous flowers that lined the walks. Unaware that it was p r o h i b i t e d to pick the plants, she hummed softly as she went about doing exactly that. 
When she was finally s a t i s f i e d with the bunch she’d plucked, she found the nearest person and held them out cheerfully, “ For you! ”
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Although this woman seemed trustworthy, Jacinta couldn’t help glancing warily at her arm before extending her own, “What is that?” she inquired before shaking her head, “No no, I said I’d help you look for them, and that’s what I intend to do!” Really, Jacinta would have loved nothing better than to take off running to the nearest shelter, but she couldn’t in good conscience leave this woman to search for her family alone. 
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“Been, well, overthrown, kind of. He was forced to step down, pretty sure anyway. He wouldn’t betray us and give it up without a fight,” somehow she couldn’t let the words sound as confident as she wanted them to be. But hearing the older woman’s words, she nodded and took another breath, “Yes, yes we can. I-I’m sorry, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look for them. I-I’d like that very much, thank you.” The gods only knew where Persephone was, and the chances of her being on Auradon at this time of year were slim, “What do Jack Jasper and Salem look like? I don’t think I know them by name. ” 
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“This is…I knew things were bad but…god this?”  Who could have expected such a turn of events. She looked out at the castle, then grabbed a pen from her glove compartment. “Give me your arm.” While she waited she drew a pentagram on her own hand, being careful to get the lines right. It was an old and cliche symbol, but those were often the most powerful. “At least this will give us some protection. I won’t ask you to come with me, but I can’t go back with you. Do you know our home? It’s the black decrepit one a few blocks away from Olympus. You can take my car back if you need somewhere to stay safe.” 
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
“Been, well, overthrown, kind of. He was forced to step down, pretty sure anyway. He wouldn’t betray us and give it up without a fight,” somehow she couldn’t let the words sound as confident as she wanted them to be. But hearing the older woman’s words, she nodded and took another breath, “Yes, yes we can. I-I’m sorry, I haven’t, but I’ll help you look for them. I-I’d like that very much, thank you.” The gods only knew where Persephone was, and the chances of her being on Auradon at this time of year were slim, “What do Jack Jasper and Salem look like? I don’t think I know them by name. ” 
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Jacinta had seen Harry Hook kill the telecaster onscreen and it had terrified her. Unlike many Auradon kids, she had been to the Isle on the annual visits to her father she was forced to partake in. And she knew how terrible villains and their children could be. The Isle was a chaotic, dangerous place where people only cared about their own wants and satisfying their thirst for blood. It was a nightmare, and now that nightmare had descended upon her beloved Auradon, once a safe haven against wickedness. Now, with no restrictions, and a villainous sea witch as a monarch, there was no telling what sort of destruction would occur. 
As Harry Hook snarled from the screen, Jacinta’s weak stomach churned. She was one of the first ones out the door, searching simultaneously for the quickest way out and somewhere to hurl. She could taste the bile in her mouth, and it took all her might not to let it loose on the lady who grabbed her arm. 
“The king’s been-been toppled by,” she gagged, taking a deep, shuddering breath, “By a villain child…Uma, or something. Someone was killed onscreen.” 
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Sally blinked at the words which didn’t seem to compute. “The king’s been…what?” She demanded. It was everyone’s worst nightmare. The villains they had banished to the isle had come back and the auradonian’s distrust had only enraged them further. 
Sally looked at the young woman in front of her. “I know it’s scary, but we can get through this. I have to find my family, have you seen Jack Skellington, Jasper, or Salem around?” She knew their home in Auradon was fully protected, not because she’d been preparing, but because she’d been doing research for her next book. If all was done well she’d have the house protected against all ill will. “Do you need a place to stay?”
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Before Jacinta could fully grasp the concept of what was happening, she was ordered roughly to pack up her belongings and leave her dorm in Auradon Prep as soon as possible. The second part of the command she’d had no trouble with; she would much rather be outside than cooped up indoors anyway; but the first part had slipped her mind, as instructions were apt to do. It wasn’t until everyone had been standing outside rather helplessly for half an hour when Jacinta finally noticed she had forgotten her stuff. She approached the first person she saw, inquiring with an adventurous glint in her eyes, “Do you think they’ll let me back inside for my suitcase?” 
closed starter for Jackson (or someone else if you’d prefer) // @instinctiisms
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta had seen Harry Hook kill the telecaster onscreen and it had terrified her. Unlike many Auradon kids, she had been to the Isle on the annual visits to her father she was forced to partake in. And she knew how terrible villains and their children could be. The Isle was a chaotic, dangerous place where people only cared about their own wants and satisfying their thirst for blood. It was a nightmare, and now that nightmare had descended upon her beloved Auradon, once a safe haven against wickedness. Now, with no restrictions, and a villainous sea witch as a monarch, there was no telling what sort of destruction would occur. 
As Harry Hook snarled from the screen, Jacinta’s weak stomach churned. She was one of the first ones out the door, searching simultaneously for the quickest way out and somewhere to hurl. She could taste the bile in her mouth, and it took all her might not to let it loose on the lady who grabbed her arm. 
“The king’s been-been toppled by,” she gagged, taking a deep, shuddering breath, “By a villain child...Uma, or something. Someone was killed onscreen.” 
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Sally had chosen not to go to the masquerade. Somehow she’d woken up in the morning with a bad feeling, and after all Halloweentown was rarely welcome at those things. Jack was better at the pageantry anyway she had no desire to get all dressed up only to garner judgmental looks from all the pastel clad princesses. So why not stay home and do a tarot spread? But no matter what she did she continued to pull a single card: The tower. Arguably the only card that was completely terrible, the tower represented disaster. She pulled it once, and pulled another card…somehow a tower from another deck came out of this one. If that wasn’t an omen she didn’t know what was. One more pull, The emperor. The king. 
Sally immediately got in her car and headed towards the castle. It looked like people were running out of it, fully panicking. She had to stop as she drove against the stream of people. Wishing she wasn’t in her fragile mortal body and that she’d brought something to at least defend herself she grabbed someone running by. “What happened?” She demanded. 
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
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received these lil lovelies from a very sunflowery human 🌻💕 12.2.17
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta was restless, wandering through the sea of ballgowns and masks with no real destination. She was still fairly new to Auradon Prep, and didn’t know many people there, as most seemed to. But the mask provided the perfect icebreaker, or perhaps ice builder, shielding her identity and giving her the freedom to approach and talk to anyone without seeming overly zealous. And so, when a beautiful woman dressed in blue bumped into her, she seized her opportunity. 
“ That’s okay!”  she assured her, smiling warmly, “They may have a mind of their own, but I admire the mind that came up with such a work of art! These are beautiful, and so creative! I love that you used real feathers. Though they didn’t harm the actual bird, I hope!” 
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Evie shifted slightly in her dress, her mask still pinned to her face. When she was constructing her bluebird wings, they seemed like a good idea, but now she had trouble moving through the crowd without damaging them. Plus her back was starting to hurt from carrying them everywhere. She turned slightly and ended up hitting someone, “Oh no! I’m so sorry! These things have a mind of their own!”
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
They had a task force for the protection of fauna? Now that was something Jacinta could get behind, maybe even consider joining. But not now. That could wait. 
“Listen, I’m very sorry, but you have to believe me, I didn’t know! And I’m not stupid! I mean, there weren’t any signs or anything! You’re part of the task force, maybe you could make it happen?” She took a breath and refocused, “ Okay look, how about a warning? Unintentional breakage of the law is far different from intentional! Hey, hold on!” Her face grew somber at the assumption that she was a villain, and a glint of fear flashed in her eyes, “ I am not a villain, okay? My mom’s Persephone. She’s a hero, a good guy! Okay?” 
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𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝐵𝑜𝓊𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓉 ll Open Starter
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childofsvmmer · 5 years
Jacinta had never been one to stand still. She wandered the room restlessly, watching the masked people and hoping someone would ask her to dance. While looking about for someone to converse with, her eyes fell on a graceful woman leaning against a column. Intrigued by the fact that this person preferred to stand, rather than sit at tables like the others, she made her way over, just in time to hear her complain. 
Rather than object outright, Jacinta laughed brightly, not recognizing the older woman as her mother, “I know how you feel - it does seem like they schedule them too close together. But just think of all the opportunities they provide, especially something like a masquerade. Though I must say, masks should probably have stayed in the medieval times, especially ones like that!” She pointed to someone’s mask, heavily adorned with jewels and decorated with long feathers,”Though if you wanted to leave, and you were worried about being judged, you needn’t be! Nobody would know it was you! So leave if you want to, but I remember the phrase as being ‘ fashionably late’ not ‘fashioably leaving early.’ “
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“ this can’t be happening .    please tell me they aren’t   throwing yet another event   when i’m still in recovery   from the last wretched one . ”
                      she sighs , leaning against the column and doing                       her best to gather the strength needed for yet one                       more event . how did these mortals do it without                       a century or two of rest and recovery ? ugh .
“ would it be impolite to   leave before the night   ends or fashionable ? ”
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