chillingbruh-blog · 7 years
My rock..
My rock, my other half, my confidant, oh where has time gone...where have we gone...the days of old where we’d go out of our ways to say hi in the halls....to now having to drive 3 hours for a glimmer of that special glow of feel when you’d smile in my direction. Three hour is long, three hours is tough. Three hours I hate, three hours that I wish didn’t exist. It is harder then it once was, when 15 minutes seemed the longest drive possible. I too wish we could go back, or even that I could go back and have picked a school even an hour closer to you. But we each dug a grave and have to stick with it...I know this sucks, and I know a lot is on me...I get easily distracted and seem disinterested, but I’m not. I try to be funny but instead act the ass. I have caused many problems whether being completely on accident but being in a grouchy mood and snapping at the wrong person, the person I should never snap at, my rock. There are a plenty of things I regret from this two years, but you will never be one of them. And I promise you, I will try harder. But that’s all I can promise, I can only try. I can’t see the future, all I know of it is that it’s tough and scary. The future frightens me beyond belief. But if you’ll have me, I’ll stay by your side and brace it with you. I want to be your rock, the permanent fixture by your side, but I can’t make you let me stay. That’s your choice. I know next semester is going to be tough as you’ve said. Trust me, I’ve know that since the day you mentioned going abroad next semester. Not only that, but I was hurt then too. I’m not blind, I could see that the distance (and life) was having a toll on the relationship and it hurt me that you were leaving amongst the middle of it, but it’s a great opportunity so I want you to take it. I don’t want to ever hold you back. That’s why if you’ll have me and let me be your rock stay by your side and I’ll try my best, but if you feel like I’m weighing you down, I don’t want that. I don’t want to be the rock that pulls someone under and drowns them, I want be the rock that supports you. I want to be there for you, but only if you’ll have me...
-Your Would-Be-Rock
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