chillipowder · 6 years
*: ・゚✧   red dead redemption 2 ( part 2 )
feel free to change pronouns, etc!
“ how’d you get on?”
“ that’s the last thing we need right now.”
“ well, it is what it is.”
“ i need some rest.”
“ i haven’t slept in three days.”
“ how you doing?”
“ i need you to… i’m sorry, i’m sorry to ask, but…”
“ at least go take a look.”
“ i know if the situation were reversed and… he’d look for me.”
“ he wouldn’t leave. not like that.”
“ hey, i see some smoke… come on, let’s take a look.”
“ we need to stay together.”
“ what are you doing?”
“ you were there… what really happened?”
“ it was crazy. raining bullets.”
“ that ain’t like him though.”
“ i’m surprised we escaped at all.”
“ damn snow’s coming in hard again.”
“ the horses are struggling.”
“ i don’t know about this, w-we can’t follow nothing.”
“ let’s push on a little bit.”
“ hey, look. over there, you see that?”
“ i don’t think we can go much further on the horses.”
“ we’ll have to walk from here.”
“ i’d grab that shotgun of yours. who knows what’s up ahead.”
“ you sure about this?”
“ over here! help!”
“ watch your step, this is real slippery.”
“ damn, it’s cold.”
“ i’m miserable. been a tough few days.”
“ here, take a drink of this.”
“ i’m not designed for this snow.”
“ __, where are you? __, can you hear me?”
“ that’s quite a scratch you got there.”
“ never thought i’d say this, but… it’s good to see you.”
“ you don’t look so good.”
“ i don’t feel too good, neither.”
“ don’t die just yet, cowboy.”
“ well, we can’t go back the way we came. let’s try this way.”
“ ain’t you a sorry sight?”
“ i’ll distract them while you get to the horses.”
“ go, i’ll draw ‘em off you.”
“ i don’t feel too good.”
“ you’ll be fine. it’s just like a… a dog bite.”
“ i knew a feller, got bit by a dog. died an hour later.”
“ you ain’t gonna die. not yet.”
“ thanks for coming for me.”
“ you know, we’re gonna need to come up with a better story for that scar.”
“ so, freezing, bleeding, starving, damn near getting eaten to death ain’t good enough for you?”
“ you’re alive! oh, you’re alive!”
“ this is a new low, even by your standards.”
“ you sound doubtful.”
“ i trust your judgment. always have.”
“ what about you. you doubting me, too?”
“ thank you, for your strength. it means a lot to me.”
“ when you fall, there’ll be a party.”
“ you fools punching each other, when __ needing punching, hard.”
“ folks been through a lot recently, we hardly back on our feet yet.”
“ i know you hate him.”
“ no, you’re just doubting me.”
“ i would never doubt you, __, you… you always said revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.”
“ this is about more than revenge for business long ago.”
“ and you think now is the right time to hit a train?”
“ now you might fancy living on deer piss and rabbit shit, i’m getting too __for that life.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
hey i updated my rules a bit (mostly the selectivity and formatting and i also added a lil note re: my portrayal) so give em a look over please ! 
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chillipowder · 6 years
hmmmm...im abt to go to bed but i want verses on this blog..i want post apocalypse zombie type verses.....i want hs jesse verses......i want VERSES babey....give them to Me
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chillipowder · 6 years
crowcut‌ / @wristful​
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           “  i don’t sell drugs, man. that’s not my thing. i don’t know what you heard from javi or eddy or any of those guys –  but that ain’t me.  “    or, at least, it hasn’t been for a long, long time and if he partakes every now and then doesn’t mean he’s down with CIRCULATING it.
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     “Alright. Jesus, dude, just a question.” It’s like his whole body just gives up: in one fluid move he’s tipping back on two of his chair’s four legs, feet dangling up off the floor, shoulders slumping, arms hanging limply. “I wasn’t even looking to buy, yo.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
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chillipowder · 6 years
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Walter and Jesse + Season 1
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chillipowder · 6 years
“I have to tell you something and it’s not good.”
“I like you, I really like you. I like spending time with you. I like hugging you, I like kissing you. I just don’t want to have sex with you.”
“I really think it’s important to be honest about this type of stuff.”
“I’m just trying to take some sad people to the zoo.”
“Every time people look at monkeys, they get excited because the monkeys look like people.”
“I really think that if I got to sing Hakuna Matata to a real meerkat, that would cheer me up.”
“I’ve never seen meerkats and a sad person at the same time. It’s like a weird art installation.”
“It’s normal to feel guilt or a sense of guilt or a sense of responsibility when someone passes, but I think it’s important that nobody blames themselves.”
“We should celebrate his life rather than dwell on his death.”
“I thought this was what you wanted.”
“Conversation doesn’t really flow between us, does it?”
“They used to pelt 5-cent pieces at me, and then I used to pick up the 5-cent pieces to buy candy, which I thought was me owning the situation, but no. I was not.”
“Just try not to be the Donkey to my Shrek, yeah?”
“I don’t really want to reflect on any of the decisions I made as a teenager, to be honest.”
“I try and understand when you do things like this that you’re doing them because you’re ill, and then I don’t get angry, the same way you wouldn’t get angry at someone with a cold for having a runny nose.”
“That’s sort of unfeeling.”
“It’s hardly closure, is it?”
“Maybe you can use this time to think about what you’ve done, you know? Reflect.”
“I can’t jog. My outer shell is not snug to my skeletal system. Independent flesh is the enemy of speed.”
“I really hope we don’t become Communists because everyone’s a team and I’d feel like I was letting the team down.”
“I can’t afford to print the document to get me a job so I can afford to do things like print documents.”
“I’m gonna move inside and look at a plant.”
“Every choice I’ve made since we broke up has just been me treading water until she gets home so we can be together.”
“Everything just tastes like sad.”
“I don’t know what’s going on most of the time. Sometimes when I get home, I feel quite lost.”
“There’s just so many rules. ”
“I’ve got a preternatural ability with felt craft.”
“How do you feel about hot air balloons? Because I don’t really understand how they control them.”
“That’s one of the benefits of being divorced. I don’t have to pretend to be interested.”
“I don’t treasure every minor item you left behind and keep them in special velvet boxes, just waiting for when you wanna come and pick them up.”
“Must be nice having an excuse not to talk.”
“Why am I the bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?”
“Do you want to borrow my camel chinos?”
“When I feel bad about where I am in life, I like to compare myself to people who are doing worse.”
“I just don’t think I remember how to look after myself.”
“I thought you didn’t want to leave ’cause you might miss me too much.”
“There’s no menus. They just bring you meat. Meat, meat, meat, meat, beef, chicken, pork, beef, chicken, seafood maybe. And then you say, ‘Please stop bringing me meat.’ And they stop bringing you meat. That sounds incredible.”
“I know you told me not to, but I can’t help but worry.”
“That’s bleak, even for you.”
“Do you ever talk about me in therapy?”
“Nobody’s taking any notice of you.”
“I guess I feel like I’m not good enough.”
“Just don’t touch me. Please, please don’t touch me.”
“Do you need me to call an ambulance?”
“You just need to shut the fuck up and leave me alone, okay, please?”
“I’ll be over here when you’re ready.”
“Why are you listening to sad music? Why do you always listen to sad music? You should listen to something fun, you know, like Beyoncé.”
“I’ve decided relationships aren’t for me. I’m not doing them. I’m done with love.”
“I’m trying really hard not to take it personally.”
“You know I’m, like, here for you, right?”
“We’re just two buddies having a nap.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
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i’m forever bitter i never got this hug so i just gotta do it myself
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chillipowder · 6 years
‘Oh, if it was on the Discovery Channel, it must be true,’ he points across Jesse’s face, ‘how about you look there at that entryway, and I’ll continue watching those guys over there loading and unloading and changing roles until the right guys take the correct packages from that van to their car. If it’s not interesting enough for you, fine,’ he hands Jesse a high powered pair of binoculars that will probably be quite useless at such a short range.
Jesse has his mouth open to protest that thing about the Discovery Channel – he’s not stupid, he knows sarcasm when he hears it – when Mike slaps the binoculars into his hand. “I’m serious, man.” The wind’s been taken out of his sails a little by that torrent of instruction. He squints through the binoculars out of curiosity, lost for a few seconds while he tries to locate the entryway he’s supposed to be looking at.
     “I’m just saying,” he continues, the edge of the binoculars tap against the window and he recoils a little, “like, it – behooves you,” Mr White said it once, he thinks he’s using it right, “to not sit in silence. It’s like, stimulating and shit.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
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— everything i ever cared about is gone. ruined, turned to shit, dead.
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chillipowder · 6 years
hey..HEY like and ill maybe go into ur meme tag and send u something 👀
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chillipowder · 6 years
THE MIST (2007) SENTENCE STARTERS modify as necessary! trigger warnings for violence, death, threatening language
“All the food’s gonna go bad.”
“I’ve gotta start over from scratch.”
“Well, sweetie, you couldn’t exactly know that a tree was gonna come flying through the window.”
“It’s just stuff.”
“We’re safe. That’s all that counts.”
“I really don’t want you running all over the place.”
“You have incredibly low standards.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna punch him in the nose.”
“I’m sorry. I mean it. Sincerely.”
“You’re not heading into town today by any chance, are you?”
“‘Friends’ might be stretching it a little.”
“There’s something in the mist.”
“It’s death out there. It’s the end of days.”
“Stop it, okay? Stop it.”
“Let’s just stay cool. Let’s just try to figure out what happened.”
“I hope you all rot in hell.”
“If you need anything, just holler.”
“First thing we need to do is keep our wits about us and find out what’s happened.”
“It’s Judgment Day and it’s come round at last.”
“You’ve done that to yourself by a life of sin and dissolution.”
“You don’t seem to understand, or you’re trying real hard not to.”
“Would you just shut the fuck up already?”
“The next time you’ve got something to say, you count your teeth, because I’m sick to death of your bullshit.”
“You should’ve said what you meant better.”
“What we saw was impossible. You know that, don’t you?”
“It’s not my blood. I’m fine.”
“We’re in the deep shit here. People need to know.”
“I’m just not that stupid. I mean, what do you take me for?”
“We’ve got real problems to deal with here, and this pathetic attempt at a joke has gone far enough.”
“Well, don’t I feel foolish?”
“I actually thought you were being kind to me today, so thanks for setting me straight.”
“It appears we may have a problem of some magnitude here.”
“They’re not all bad. They can’t all be bad.”
“The day I need a friend like you, I’ll just have myself a little squat and shit one out.”
“You can’t convince some people there’s a fire even when their hair is burning. Denial is a powerful thing.”
“There’s none so blind as those who will not see.”
“Open your eyes. Let the scales fall away.”
“Your tongue must be hung in the middle so that it can waggle at both ends.”
“You’ll have to stop now. You’re scaring the children.”
“The bill is due. It must be paid.”
“Kid, you got brass balls.”
“You sure there’s no way I can talk you out of this?”
“Hey, how come you never asked me out?”
“Can we just stay in here a while? Just you and me?”
“My life for you.”
“Just sleep. Everything’ll be better in the morning.”
“You can’t fuck with me on this. Not like this.”
“We have to get out of here. I mean permanently.”
“You don’t have much faith in humanity, do you?”
“People are basically good as long as the machines are working and you can dial 9-1-1, but you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them, you’ll see how primitive they get.”
“If you scare people badly enough, you can get them to do anything.”
“As a species, we’re fundamentally insane. If you put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?”
“Oh, Jesus, that’s just wrong.”
“Why can’t you just leave well enough alone?”
“Welcome to Sesame Street, today’s word is ‘expiation’.”
“I’m not spending the rest of my life here.”
“I’d rather die out there trying than in here waiting.”
“You stop your chickenshit whining or I will cut your puling tongue out.”
“I heard stuff. We all heard stuff.”
“Don’t you know by now? Don’t you know the truth?”
“Let’s see how far this fuel takes us.”
“Well, we gave it a good shot. Nobody can say we didn’t.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
‘Not gonna happen.’ Mike sighs through his nostrils and blinks for a long moment, there’s a point to the silence that he’s trying his best to preserve. He doesn’t take his gaze from the view outside the windscreen. 
Jesse tips his head back, just shy of groaning in exasperation. “Come on. I’m like, dying here. I’m wasting away, yo.” Pause. “Did you know that like, every second you spend not doing anything, one hundred of your brain cells decay? It was on the Discovery Channel.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
“It’s probably the Illuminati anyways.” for SAUL
late night memeing
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He can tell the kid just wants a moment to be anything other than realistic, wants to forget about the very real danger they’re all in. ‘Sure, we’re beholden to the Almighty Dollar, I absolutely agree with you on that one. You’re thinking like a real businessman, ‘cause you know that’s gonna cross the minds of those Wall Street types whenever they duck down for a couple lines and see their reflections in the mirrors they’re snortin’ from.’ The five bucks in his hand, he rolls it into a tube and lets it unfold. It’s Jesse’s money.
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chillipowder · 6 years
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     “—um,” he takes it and holds it lightly like he’s afraid it’ll dissolve once it touches his fingertips. It’s way soft, feels expensive, deep red and he can’t help running his thumb along with the grain of the fabric. “Uh, thanks.” He wasn’t crying, so he’s not sure what to do with it. Holding it like an injured baby bird feels like the right thing.
     “I’m not.” Beat. “Sad. ’S just my like, resting face, y’know?”
@chillipowder – LIKED.
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     “You look so sad. Why are you so sad?” Romeo digs in his pockets to reveal a handkerchief, a red, silk one, delicately embroidered with golden Kanji lettering. “Here.”
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chillipowder · 6 years
They’ve been sitting in this car for like five hours at this point and at the ten minute mark it stopped being a fun trip out with Cool Mike and started being the worst mid-afternoon ever with Scary Mike. Jesse brought his iPod but no headphones, so all he can do is stare at it, scroll through his library with the wheel. He glances at Mike sidelong, looks away again, nods contemplatively as he squints out the window. Sighs through his nose. Blows a gentle raspberry. Shifts in his seat, which creaks. Winces. Swallows. Summons the guts.
     “So, like – I Spy?”
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chillipowder · 6 years
“Oh, no, you’ve got to be shitting me. Do I look like I have that kind of money?”
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     “Yo, what? Badger said you were cool. He like, vouched for you and shit. He was like, yo, Jesse, this chick is legit.” Jesse folds his arms and tries to look annoyed, but in a suave sort of way. “Do you even wanna buy this thing or are you just fucking me around?”
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