"You're a pretty jolly guy, huh?"
In the first chapter of Pupupu Hero, Chilly says this:
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Chilly: "You're the type with no worries/troubles, aren't you?" Kirby: "How rude, poyo!"
This is, in all likelihood, a reference to the Japanese version of the infamous "He's a jolly fellow" line in Super Star. Have a look:
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Narrator: "...He's a guy with no worries/troubles."
The wording is different, but still similar "Omae nayami ga nai taipu daro" vs "...nayami no nai yatsu desu."
And Kirby is similarly put off by it, haha.
So, uh, here's this short typeset as a treat:
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All PPPH Magolor and Chilly Moments Part 3
Magolor betrays everyone and gets rejected horribly. This is all of volume 5's RTDL chapters.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (you are here)
V5, Ch1 (Dangerous Dinner Part 1, Landia Battle Part 1)
While the gang are fighting Landia, Magolor is showing Chilly footage of Kirby battling.
Chilly realizes that this footage is from a previous battle. In fact, it’s from the battle with Whispy Woods on Popstar.
When Chilly calls Magolor out on this and demands he show what Kirby and co. are doing currently, Magolor, in response, leaves the room saying that he’s tired and is going to take a little nap, which annoys Chilly.
While fighting Landia, the gang do a combination laser attack that misses Landia, however Lanida flies into the attack anyway because it was about to hit Dubior, who they defeated the previous chapter.
Meta Knight realizes that this lines up with Dubior’s words that Landia is this planet’s protective deity.
Meanwhile on the Lor, Chilly is trying to get the video footage to display what’s currently going on. A picture of Magolor and Chilly sharing Magolor’s bed comes up on the computer, which shocks Chilly.
When the display finally works, it shows the outside of the Lor. Chilly sees Magolor outside the ship, floating off to somewhere and wonders where he’s going.
When Kirby is about to land the finishing blow against Landia, Meta Knight interrupts it, even more convinced that Magolor has been deceiving them, and asks Kirby not to strike down Landia until they can be certain of what’s going on.
V5, Ch2 (Dangerous Dinner Part 1, Landia Battle Part 1)
Landia splits into four. At one point the Landias attack Kirby, causing him to spit out Dubior. The Landias catch Dubior. Bandana Dee notices this and stops Dedede’s attack.
Meanwhile on the Lor, Chilly realizes that he’s been locked in. As he tries to look for an exit, he stumbles upon a room titled “Chilly’s merch room”  including a clock, pillows, giant plushies, etc.)
Chilly then walks into a room that contains Magolor’s research on Kirby’s copy abilities and wonders what Magolor is using it for.
Back to the fight with Landia. A shadowy figure that is obviously Magolor has placed food out for Kirby as well as an enemy that gives the Leaf ability.
Meta Knight comments on how broken leaf is due to it’s long range attack and invincibility and comments that the person who prepared this must know both Kirby and Landia very well, causing BWD to catch on.
Kirby then defeats Landia and is excited to tell Magolor the news.
Meta Knight says that doesn’t seem necessary and beacons Magolor to come out from his hiding place, calling him the “true invader”.
Magolor comes out holding the crown and praises Meta Knight. He then says that so long as he has the crown hiding his “true intentions” is also no longer “necessary” (using MK’s words lol)
Magolor then puts on the crown, becomes Traitor Magolor and then says that with this he can finally become the overlord of the entire universe!!
V5, Ch 3 (Traitor Magolor, Part 1)
Magolor continues his betrayal speech with “what’s with the weird looks? Fine, let me explain everything”
He says how he lost his fight with Landia and fled to Popstar
He comments on how Kirby listens to rumors, and so he got him to defeat Landia for him.
DDD charges at Magolor in rage, and is quickly blasted with magic.
He then ends the speech by thanking the gang for their help and saying that their reward is…that Magolor will take over Popstar first for them <3
Magolor then calls up Chilly and explains that he will be returning to Popstar so that he can control it.
He then says that since Chilly served him so well, he will specially make him his companion.
Chilly is taken aback by all this (the betrayal and Magolor’s new form) and just asks about Kirby and the others.
After the Halcandrans and Landia help Kirby get back on his feet, they go after Magolor, who sends some Doomers he controls after them, and then brings up his ship (WITH CHILLY STILL LOCKED INSIDE) to fight with.
Kirby recklessly charges forward, desperate to save Chilly. Chilly tries to shout at him to stop him, but to no avail.
V5, Ch4 (Traitor Magolor, Part 2)
As Kirby is desperate to save Chilly, Magolor shoots at him with all the ship parts he found to lure Kirby into the range of the canon on the emblem
As Kirby is about to be blasted, the canon freezes over. It’s, of course, Chilly.
Magolor tells Chilly not to take their (the gang’s) side.
Magolor then proposes that he and Chilly rule the universe together (just the two of them) and says that he’ll give Chilly Popstar.
Chilly naturally refuses, saying that Popstar doesn’t need something like an overlord.
Magolor, in response, shakes, says that he thought Chilly alone could become his friend, cries…
And then blasts at the ship (WITH CHILLY STILL LOCKED INSIDE) in anger and resignation, trying to stop DDD, MK, and BWD from climbing on it. (Chilly is fine)
With some support from Landia lifting the ship and raiding the ship’s kitchen, Kirby and co. do a combination laser attack to finish Magolor off…
But not for long as now Magolor transforms into his soul--err..croissant form--saying that the gang seriously pissed him off.
V5, Ch5 (Magolor’s Second Form)
As the gang are struggling against Magolor’s second form, Chilly goes into Magolor’s copy ability lab to look for enemies.
He finds that Magolor has stored a bunch of enemies Kirby can copy in tubes, so basically he has at least 8 hostages on this ship (aside from Chilly). We see ninja, leaf, whip, wing, mike, ultra sword, flare beam, and snow bowl enemies.
Chilly presses a button on the whippy cage, which beams the enemy to Kirby (and seemingly wakes the whippy up from some sort of sleep).
When whip doesn’t work, Chilly beams Kirby ultra sword, but that still doesn’t work.
Then one of the Landias gives Kirby the Monster Flame enemy and some food.
Kirby then gives an epic speech and uses Monster Flame to defeat Magolor in one shot.
Magolor returns to his normal form as the crown breaks off him and starts falling and crying, saying something to the effect of “...Chilly, Even I…truly…with everyone”, but doesn’t finish his sentence.
Chilly is seen watching Magolor from the Lor as he falls and then eventually disappears and says his name. It’s unknown if he heard Magolor’s last words.
Chilly wonders out loud if Magolor will truly become a friend if/when they meet again, to which Kirby responds that he surely will. Then everyone goes home to Popstar.
Fun fact: No character ever says "Starcutter" (the Japanese equivalent, that is) once in this entire adaptation. The Lor is always referred to as "Lor", "ship", or "spaceship".
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Finished PPPH's Return to Dream Land adaptation and good GOD it was amazing! Look at how great that fire looks!
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A volume of ULTRA SUPER PUPUPU HERO (the sequel manga to Pupupu Hero) is scheduled to release this December! I know it's volume 5's release date (or technically tomorrow is, but y'know timezones), but you have no idea how happy I was to see this back-ad!
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All PPPH Magolor and Chilly Moments Part 2
This is the rest of volume 4. The gang goes to Halcandra and things start to heat up. The romantic implications start at this part.
Part 1
Part 2 (you are here)
Part 3
V4, Ch10 (Landing on Halcandra)
With the Lor restored, Magolor takes everyone to Halcandra as promised. Kirby and DDD are getting excited about the “delicious food”, which causes Chilly to sweat remembering the lie he told.
Chilly then asks if Magolor’s planet is an enjoyable place, causing Magolor to sweat bullets, which worries Chilly.
After they get near enough to see that Halcandra is a volcanic wasteland, Chilly tries telling Kirby and co. not to get their hopes too high, but DDD and Kirby have already jumped out of the ship.
The ship lands near a bunch of abandoned factories, causing Chilly to basically go “What the hell, Magolor”.
The Lor is then attacked by Landia, causing Magolor to say “ That guy again!!”.
When Chilly prompts him, Magolor calls Landia a horrible monster and says that they attacked the Lor and destroyed Halcandra.
Magolor then bursts into crocodile tears once more and asks the gang to help him defeat Landia.
While he is begging, Magolor’s eyedrops fall out of his robe. DDD, BWD, and Kirby think Magolor just had bad eyes, but Chilly knows what they’re really for, though he doesn’t say anything.
Chilly then gets jumped and injured by random enemies (he’s usually not this useless I swear), causing Meta Knight to tell Magolor to take him in the ship (which he does off-screen).
BWD then tells Magolor to leave everything to them, causing Magolor to visibly use his eyedrops to fake cry and say that everyone is a good person, while inwardly thinking about how gullible they all are.
After Kirby sings the enemies to death with Mike Kirby, he tells Magolor to housesit with Chilly, which Magolor happily agrees to while telling Kirby to beat Landia to a pulp.
When Magolor gets back to the Lor he is moving his futon closer to Chilly’s, very happy about being together with Chilly again. Chilly is not pleased with this.
V4, Ch11 (Egg Engines, Metal General Battle)
When the gang runs into Metal General, Chilly asks Magolor about him. Magolor tells Chilly that MG is Landia’s heinous robot henchman and that it’s really smart.
Magolor trembles and cries as he tells Chilly that MG is so smart that…it memorized the entire multiplication times table, which Chilly points out is on the level of an elementary schooler.
After the gang defeat MG, it asks Meta Knight why people like them are taking the side of the invader, which causes alarm bells to go off in MK’s head.
V4, Ch12 (Before the Fight with Landia)
When trudging through the heat of Halcandra, the gang finds a water and food stand owned by a Water Galboros. When Kirby says that they’re here to defeat Landia, the WG says that they won’t permit invaders and attacks them, causing MK to remember Metal General’s words and get even more suspicious.
Meanwhile, in the Lor, Magolor is excitedly showing Chilly footage of Kirby’s fight, but watching videos of volcanoes causes Chilly to melt.
Meta Knight then calls Magolor to ask him about his true intentions. The implied accusation startles Chilly, causing him to accidentally break the communication device with his melting before Magolor can answer. Magolor was sweating profusely with his heart racing, freaking out.
The gang later encounters Dubior, initially very friendly, who was also enraged at the gang’s intent to defeat Landia, and says that Landia is Halcandra’s protective deity.
After the battle with Dubior, Meta Knight is extremely suspicious and asks the gang if they can confirm something, fearing they might be making a huge mistake, but he is interrupted by Landia’s appearance before he can convince them.
Yeah, Meta Knight starts to become important as well. Volume 5 is where things, get really spicy, though.
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All PPPH Magolor and Chilly Moments Part 1
So, It’s pretty well known by this point that in the RTDL adaptation in the Pupupu Hero Manga, Magolor and Chilly stay in the Lor together and Magolor develops a massive crush on Chilly. So I’ve summarized all Magolor and Chilly moments, split into parts because this was long (and volume 5 wasn’t out yet at the time of this post). This will also not cover anything in the sequel manga, Utlra Super, as most of that is lost media and I've only found bits and pieces.
The RTDL adaptation makes up all of volume 4 and the first 5 chapters of volume 5. This part will cover the first 9 chapters of volume 4. Also when I say “the gang”, “Kirby and co.”, etc., I do not include Chilly or Magolor as they are in the Lor the entire time.
Part 1 (you are here)
Part 2
Part 3
V4, Ch1 (Introduction to Magolor)
Magolor crashlands the Lor in the middle of a gourmet race. Kirby and Dedede run inside thinking the ship is part of the race.
Chilly is the first to notice Magolor as Kirby and DDD are absorbed in the race.
Magolor then explains that his ship broke and he needs to gather the ship parts in order to return to his “homeland”  and makes a show of getting up, saying he needs to look for them, wobbling, and falling over.
Kirby and Chilly exchange a look and offer to search for the ship parts for him, causing Magolor to cry.
After a battle with Super Blade knight where Kirby discovers the Ultra Sword for the first time, Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Dedede, and Meta Knight depart on the warpstar to look for the parts…only for them to fall off because Kirby gets hungry. 
Kirby whines about being hungry to Chilly. In response, Chilly says that he knew he should have gone with them (though he continues to stay in the ship with Magolor throughout the entire manga.)
V4, Ch2 (Cookie Country, Whispy Battle)
The gang spots the Lor’s oars in Whispy Wood’s leaves.
Magolor reiterates to Chilly that he needs the ship parts in order to return to his “homeland”, causing Chilly to prompt Kirby to load the oars on the warpstar…although the warpstar is full of apples lol
Kirby and co. fumble around for a bit on account of Kirby and DDD getting distracted by eating apples, causing Magolor to turn his back and call them useless.
Chilly overhears this and calls Magolor out on it, causing Magolor to make a show of bursting into crocodile tears and saying that the gang shouldn’t push themselves too much on his behalf and that they’ve already done enough for him.
Magolor then makes a show of being depressed about not being able to return to his “homeland” and calls out to his “mother”. Chilly and Kirby watch this with sweatdrops dripping down the back of their heads. However, this still causes the gang to get up with newfound determination.
Magolor then, touched by this (or pretending to be), cries more.
After Kirby and co. defeat Whispy, Magolor is shown facing the camera and saying that he can use these four people. Chilly is in the background with a sweatdrop going down his face.
V4, Ch3 (Raisin Ruins, Mr. Dooter Battle)
Magolor pranks Kirby by telling him that there is a ton of buried food in the desert and gave him a note with more information. The note says “Just kidding! That was a joke! Tee Hee!”.
As the gang is struggling in the hot sun, Mr. Dooter invites them into his castle where they see the right wing. 
Magolor tells the gang to beat up Dooter (who so far has been hospitable) and steal the wing. This earns a glare from Chilly, causing Magolor to append his request to asking Dooter to return it.
Dooter then charges Kirby and co. for food and a magic show for all their money and then chases the gang down, causing Kirby to call Magolor for help.
The first thing Magolor does upon receiving the call is ask if Kirby managed to steal the wing, earning a glare from Chilly.
As Kirby is getting beat on by whippies, Chilly tells him to put on a show of his own, which gives Kirby the idea to inhale them, become Whip Kirby, and combat Dooter’s magic tricks with whip tricks.
When Dooter does the spinning jumping move, Chilly tells Kirby to spin in his rotation, which sends Dooter flying and gives Kirby the win. The gang obtains the wing.
Magolor is shown in the Lor lying on his side looking ungrateful saying that it’s about time they got the parts and asking when they’re coming back.
V4, Ch4 (Onion Ocean, Fatty Puffer Battle)
The gang spots the left wing on a pirate ship owned by Fatty Puffer. Chilly goes to tell Magolor about this, but finds him asleep (he floats in his sleep) with a sign telling him to wake him up when the gang obtains the part. This greatly annoys Chilly.
After the gang defeats Fatty Puffer, Magolor is still asleep and Chilly has thrown a stone on him. Magolor is still floating in his sleep despite the weight of the stone and is having a dream about being crushed by a monster.
V4, Ch5-6 (White Wafers, Goriath Battle)
Magolor is legit just asleep the entire time. At the end of Ch6, we see Chilly in a futon next to him asking if they’re forgetting something. Magolor (still floating) is asking about the parts in his sleep. The gang, meanwhile, obtains the emblem.
V4, Ch7 (Nutty Noon Part 1)
Magolor tells the gang that the mast is above the clouds in Nutty Noon.
While they’re climbing a beanstalk, the gang gets attacked, which worries Chilly, causing him to ask Magolor if there’s anything that they can do to help.
Magolor then attempts to incentivize Kirby by telling him that once they assemble all the parts, he will take them to his “home planet”. 
This doesn’t work, which causes Magolor to get angry and take out a Kirby punching bag and call Kirby a useless glutton, which gives Chilly an idea.
Chilly then proceeds to lie on Magolor’s behalf and say that Magolor’s planet is full of delicious food, which motivates Kirby and DDD.
After Kirby defeats the enemies with Miracle Beam, Chilly asks Magolor if there is delicious food on his planet. Which Magolor says there isn’t.
V4, Ch8 (Nutty Noon Part 2, Grand Doomer Battle Part 1)
Grand Doomer takes the mast before the gang can obtain it and Magolor explains to Chilly that the Doomer is Bad News and that it came because it was attracted by the spaceship’s trans-dimensional energy.
At one point, Bandana Waddle Dee seemingly runs away from the fight which causes Magolor to get out a BWD punching bag and call him lazy. Chilly, meanwhile is confused by BWD’s actions. (Turns out BWD was just getting food for Kirby).
V4, Ch9 (Nutty Noon Part 3, Grand Doomer Battle Part 2)
The Grand Doomer transforms into its final form (a giant ball). Magolor trembles and explains to Chilly that their chances of winning are slim like this.
Magolor then hides in his futon and tells Chilly to tell him once he knows the result of the battle, which angers Chilly.
After the gang defeats GD and gets the mast, we see that Chilly has nailed Magolor’s futon shut. Magolor asks Chilly to tell him what happened, and Chilly says he won’t.
That's it for now. Trust me, you've seen nothing yet. Magolor's feelings for Chilly become apparent once they go to Halcandra. This post was just getting kinda long already.
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