chimericalpoeticlout · 11 months
Sydämeni on rikki.
Mun ei piti tehdä sen. Mun ei piti tehdä sen. Miks mä aloitin näkemään sinun tapaa? Miks mä edes tykkään siitä? Miks mä edes tykkään sinusta? Miks? Miks sä oot aina mielessäni? Miks sä et mene pois?
Sä oot salaisuukseni, että en voi kertoa mailmaan... ehkä miks mä rakastutaan sinuun? Voitko ottaa mun sydäni ja sekoita sen ja heittää sen pois? Sä teit, sä teit, tietysti...
Mun surullisuus, ei voi verrata kuin sun surullisuusta. Avoimesti, että mieluummin minua satuttaa fyysistä kuin mitä mun tuntemukseni ovat nyt. Minusta tuntuu turhaa, minusta tuntuu kuin kannan mailmaan olkapääni...
Mutta ketkä voi auttaa minua? Kuka voi auttaa kun en mä tiedä jokainen? En voi kertoa jokaiselle? Edes mun äitini en voi ymmärtää minua.
Ehkä vain sut voi auttaa minua. Mutta miten? Kuinka? Kun sulla on sun ongelmaa sun omasi elämääsi? Kun emme viettää aikaa yhdessä. Kun sä edes et halua olla minun kanssa...
Pitiko minun mennä pois? Pitiko minun tehdä jotakin? Mitä mun pitää tehdä? Kerro mulle? Kerro vaan? Miten? Kuinka? Kun mä aina teen tätä yksin? Kun sä et halua tehdä sen yhdessä?
Miten me korjaamme mun sydämeni? Kun sä otit sen ja heittää sen jossa mä en voi löydää? Voitko kertoa mulle missä se on? Voitko korjata mun rikkomisen sydäni?
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"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour, for He has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on, generations will call me blessed; for He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our Fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever."
- Mary
Luke 1:46-56
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Perhaps we all wish to be the birds. Free and can be anywhere. Wild and thoughtless of any problem...
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To see the world beyond and above,
To tilt one's view for the one you love.
To savour the moment of regress,
Despite these moments of no progress.
A step away like dreamin' and chillin'
To put them away to fulfill the feelin'.
As a day goes weeks and turns a month,
Even the year feels like a century's gloth.
A missing toe with like a lover's foe,
A cake to bake with a simple dough.
No words, no sound, a beating heart of desire,
A lust that struggles that is of a dire.
A chosen path to stay and abide,
The feels of love that cannot hide.
As this may end like winter's cold embrace,
I am looking forward to spend each spring with you in solace.
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(Never dull, all fun)
How could you leave without goodbye,
I know you never wanted to pry.
These circles you have left are startled,
Much so sudden we never knew you were brittle.
I wish we knew what was going on with you,
There is much to do in our lives with you.
But we know that there was no wasted time,
This world you made tequilla out of lime.
Thank you for hearing my untimely words as we talked over coffee then come the beer. Thank you for the tequilla shots that made us wild. Thank you for the classes you cut just to drink with me as i struggled to live by during those days. Thank you for the flowers you sent to my ex. That we both know i tanked it and got what i deserved. Thanks for the alluring nights we talked a lot how it was with life. Thank you for giving life and sparkling up my dull being. Your sharp being will stay jaded as it pierced through everyone's hearts. You certainly did surprise us this time my friend. Never dull you are, thanks for all the fun.
Hade bra, vi sees og tusen takk!
- Chimerical poetic lout
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Oslo Treet
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The best thing about fall is that it teaches you about letting go.
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That it is fine to let go if you are up for a fresh start.
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Du er savnet av disse vakre utsikten.
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Fall, kald, ensom, alene og savner deg. Men glade for å se deg snart
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Jeg savner deg. I en verden uten deg. I en verden hvor bølger mangler deg.
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Hvor er jeg?
I en verden hvore fugler er gratis. I en verden hvor folka er gratis.
I en verden hvor jeg tenk om deg.
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Much has been said, and much has been done. This world where true believers are truly undone. Made to believe in their eyes deceived. True sight of terror will never unfold, blinded by greed for the goods received. A life set for longing will never be their belonging. We let our dailies be bought by some daisies. Wouldn't we be a hypocrite to wanting to change but us keep putting those people in chairs, makes us idiots traded with thoughts that our lives will soon be arranged.
- Chimerical Poetic Lout
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