Sleep tight
why sleep is nice and where abouts.
So, you are busy living life right now. 90 percent of it will be spent on the street, making money, 
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Good BYE!
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DIY Lip Scrub.
Lemon Juice
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How to Clean up your desktop
1. Create a folder depending on the File type/usage
2.Minimize it - meaning that you should never have 10 folders on your desktop
3. Have at least a clear desktop background image, optimized for desktop usage only.
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What is Master’s In Business Admin All about?
I am in fact an undergrad of Bachelor of Science in Information Techonology, and as a matter of truth, I have no idea what Business is all about. The only thing that I could relate on, on the curriculum that I read is, to be honest, Accounting, which is a prerequisite in MBA.Aside from that, i really have no idea what business is all about. Kidding myself, my only passion is to drink coffee, and because of that, I wanted to own a coffee shop since I was a college student. Even though coffee shop was one of my passion, it is kind of hard to imagine, knowing I have no idea on how to run a business.
You need a capital in having a business, aside from having that, you will need connection, in order to maintain your business.
You will also need a daily supply of the products that you will use for the shop.
Upon entering my first subject on my Graduate School, i was so nervous, i might not be able to relate my self to the people around me. I have not read of any of the enough things nor the readings that are needed for the subject.
I also need to imply and manage my time well, since I am working for a company without internet connection, which means, i need to suffer finishing my day without knowing what happened to the world, 8 hours ago.
Without being BA as my undergrad, for me it is inevitable to be easily adaptable to the people around me since it is unnoticeable that it is really its their passion, and mine is just a past time. I really don’t want it at all. I just want to finish something, and not work hard for it after all. I have to interest in BA at all. in running business since I know, i have no enough resources at all.
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TV Series Update July 2015
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Movies update July 2015
English Only Please
That Thing Called Tadhana
Jurassic World
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what are the things in thesis?
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How to make your 5.5k enough for half  a month.
so here’s a deal. 
do a list on what to buy for your 5.5k pesos/15 days
mine is listed below
2,000.00 - savings so technically, 3,500 will be for spending.
make it 200/day X 15 =  3000.00
so still, you have a 500 extra
200/day = 50 for lunch, 40 for bus * 2,  = 80; 24 for jeepney ride = 160 
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What girls cannot stand on a guy’s characteristic
1.. Being arrogant, mr. know it all.
2. Being selfish.
3. Being brag pants
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Things we should consider when buying things
Earning money right now is a hard thing to do, and yes a hard task. So I included a list below on how we should think of spending our money wisely on the things we wanted to buy.
1. Do we really need it? that’s a question that we should first consider. Will we use it after three months? If not, then not put your wallet and get the cash.
2. Do you have the same stuff in your room with the same purpose? If yes, then think again about buying that thing.
3. Does the price right for the item? Ditch it if it sounds so pricey.
4. Does the item useful forever? Will you be ever going to use it for years? if not, then do not buy it.
5. Is the item just for fun? never buy an item for just a short period of usage. Make sure that you will use it for long period of time.
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One won’t know one won’t hurt
I believe in this saying simply because it is better to hide someone something, rather that being all honest then be judged. It is better that a person’s problem not known by the person who surrounds you so that they won’t be hurt and soon, they won’t judge you.
Being that kind of person is always better than being all honest. All honest to the point that the person around you will just think that you always think about your self, hence stop doing it. 
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Being humble
.. is the best thing that a person could ever be. 
Never exalt your achievements.
NEVER be proud of thyself.
Be humble because it is the only thing that will lead someone to success.
What will a person be, with all the air in the midst.
all things will just lead to a dead end, if a person knows nothing but being boastful aboard.
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What happened today? 7/8/15
You watched - HIMYM S4 E17-20
Created a Goal List
Updated Android Kitkat to Lollipop
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Things that Every Girl should have in their bags
1. alcohol
2. face powder  
3. tissue
4. napkin
5. lipstick
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ChapStick MixStix Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Yup you read it all right! Strawberry Banana Smoothie in a ChapStick. forget those old days when ChapStick got that freaking old boring singularity of flavor wherein you cannot mix and match the flavors. Now, with this lip balm (that any girl will probably want) you can mix the flavor and use it alone. 
The best thing is that you don’t need to bring another stick just to have another flavor in hand. 
With its 8 hour moisturizing capacity for the lips, it will never hurt you to give it a try. Having it any time is like having a savior especially on Summer where your lips have the tendency of having the cracked characteristics and unwanted dead cells. 
What’s best about this lip balm is it is pocket sized so every girl can easily bring it. :)
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The 2015 July Challenge
Read 2 Books.
Save at least 2k 
loose 2 pounds
sleep earlier
learn a course
learn to cook a viand
closet update for the rainy season
be a daredevil
drink less soda
be mature enough for every decision you make.
read the Bible
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