chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
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@chintyleruf @bribinion
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
Great choice of character and piece of information that directly ties in to his line of work. Michael Oher was their star player, so it would only make sense that the coach would want to make sure he was receiving quality care. The memo was a great medium to use because it quickly gets to the point so his staff knows what to do.
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Coach Cotton, “The Blind Side”
Date: November 20, 2002
To: Athletic Training Team
From: Coach Cotton, Head Football Coach
Subject: Michael Oher’s injury
I am writing the team regarding the injury of our offensive lineman Michael Oher and his playability for the upcoming game next Friday that could determine how we end the season. I will need him to receive proper care as well as his prognosis for the upcoming game.
Here is what happened. Michael and his little brother S.J. were leaving the store in Michael’s new car he had just received. While going home, him and this brother were joking around and singing along to the radio very carelessly. Not paying attention Michael was rapidly approaching a loading truck in front of him and ended up hitting it. The crash is not what caused the injury. Saved by airbag, he also knew that his brother was too small to be in the front seat and would have been seriously hurt. Michael extended his arm to block the airbag from hitting his brother and taking some of the impact. Michael received second degree burns as well as an abrasion on his right arm.
I need the team to make sure he receives the proper care during training and after to make sure he can continue playing. I would like the team to assess the damage while he is active during exercise. Just let me know the prognosis by Wednesday of next week so I can make the necessary alignment and strategical changes if needed.
Thank you for the work you do and being so available for the team. When you need to contact me, give me call at (727) 698-3826.
 I have chosen Coach Cotton from The Blind Side writing a memo to one of his athletic trainers because that is the field I wish to be in. I have chosen to do a memo because it has been a highlighted topic in class.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I really enjoyed how you used a haiku to describe your character’s belief. I think all doctors should try to follow his thought process as well, making the patients happy as well as healthy. I also really liked how you related his alternative way of healing to alternative ways of writing.
Patch Adams- Doctor
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I do not believe
That drugs are a medicine.
Laughter is a cure.
Patch Adams is portrayed by Robin Williams in the movie “Patch Adams.” In this film, Robin Williams takes an unorthodox approach to medicine. Rather than using typical treatment such as drugs and surgery, he instead relies upon laugher and making patients happier, all the while attempting to graduate medical school. Studies show that if you believe you are sick, you will start to develop symptoms. Conversely, if you do not believe that you are sick, you may begin to feel better. By doing so, he helps a variety of patients overcome their ailments slowly. By doing so, he gains a sense of fulfillment throughout the movie by healing their minds as well as their bodies. This relates to our class because of the alternative routes that we must take when writing technically. Sometimes we believe that the way we have done things in the past will continue to work. For example, when creating an outline for a group project, I have usually tried to divide up work between my peers and told them a targeted date for completion. However, when being introduced to the Gantt chart, I found a better way to organize and plan out larger assignments that also allowed me to view my progress on a daily basis. I also believed that. The theme of new perspectives paving the way to progress is evident in both the movie “Patch Adams” as well as in our class. It relates to my profession as well because when doctors fail in terms of their treatment of their patient, they must sometimes resort to different albeit stranger ways of treatment. Both the movie and our technical writing class illustrate the necessity of alternative thinking in order to complete a goal which carries its way into all aspects of life. Whether it is a doctor’s job or even an athlete’s alternative thought is a creative necessity for meaningful progress.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
1055 Molar Street Albany, New York 12238
June 20, 2018
Willy Wonka, CEO The Willy Wonka Candy Company 8374 Candyland Drive Hartford, Connecticut 06161
Dear Mr. Wonka,
Last week, I caught word of your contest and I knew I had to get in touch with you. Your company has grown so much over the past few years, and I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. I recently moved the location of my practice to Albany (the people here have even worse teeth than in Hartford), and would like to invite you to come visit me so we can catch up.
I know that our relationship has never been as strong as I had hoped, but that is my fault. I would like to apologize for how strict I was on you. I never meant to push you to the point of running away, I just wanted what I thought was best for you, and your oral health. You are a remarkable businessman and role model. You never gave up on your dream and you created the best chocolate factory in the whole world. I am also sorry for not getting in touch with you sooner. You know that I have never been good at expressing my feelings, and it was very difficult for me after you left. I have finally hit a point in my life where I can put my pride aside so that I can attempt to rekindle our relationship.
I know you are extremely busy running your candy company and dealing with your new contest, so I understand if you are unable to visit or just do not want to see me. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be ecstatic to have you come visit soon.
Dr. Wilbur Wonka, D.D.S
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Dr. Wilbur Wonka is a dentist, who also happens to be the father of the most famous candy maker in the world. I chose him because I hope to become a dentist in the future. I wrote a letter because this is one of the writing topics that we covered in class.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree with you that the issue of security in the technology industry has been over reported on lately. I also agree that most companies are responsible and protect their users private information, and that when a company is found betraying the trust of their customers it puts a strain on the whole population’s relationship with the technology industry. Not that people should immediately lose their trust with all technology, but it is worthwhile to worry about your private information getting used for the wrong things. 
Security in the technology industry
The modern reporting of the technology industry has been heavily saturated with publications and news about security due to the recent controversies with Facebook and what customer information is used for.
While there is a just concern over the security of information, the amount of attention that this has received has not only painted a negative image of the industry as a whole but has also created a message that can cause an overall lack of faith in the technology industry. The responsibility of companies to use data properly is well-known and through legislation like the GDPR, the security of the users is ensured and maintained. With this point, the continual reminding in the media that any company is using your data creates a false sense of urgency in people when user data is required. An application like Uber needs to pull location data to find you a driver, or Google might pull some of your search histories to recommend new searches or enhance their search engine. However, these practices have been occurring long before the Facebook security issue occurred and it is documented in their terms of service. Companies should be held accountable for the information that they keep and the purpose of collection and, due to the Facebook debacle, companies are allowing users more information through updates to privacy policies. However, this is not revealed in the media that reiterates the message that companies continue to take information with no recourse and there is nothing that a user could do. This inaccurate belief is something that can mar the image of the technology industry for years to come.
The technology industry is heavily dependent on the trust that consumers have in it. This trust is built up over years through the containment and personalization of different products or utilities that customers use in their daily lives. However, due to the repeated negative portrayal in the news, this trust is strained more every day and progress is halted for issues that are known and are actively being resolved by companies to maintain a good relationship.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree with you that this issue is underreported on. I had never thought how much damage cats can do on an ecosystem. It is pretty scary that even the cats that have access to food and water from their owners will still go out of their way to hunt other animals. 
Keep your Cats inside!!!
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Discussion post 4: News Report
Keep your cats inside!
Of all the invasive species that affect wildlife, few do more harm than free ranging domestic cats. In the wildlife field, the effect that free ranging domestic cats on bird and small mammal populations is well known but drastically unreported. These cats are generalist predators, meaning they hunt for a variety of prey, and can thrive in various environmental conditions.
The ability to be highly adaptive to a variety of environments is the main reason that domestic cats can be found just about any place in the world today. This makes them extremely dangerous for most small mammals and birds, especially those with isolated and small populations. Cats have a greater effect on local wildlife in these populations because they have not evolved together and thus do not have any defense mechanisms for this new predator. It’s well known that cats kill household rodents like rats and mice, but many people don’t realize just how proficient they really can be at killing. Most outdoor cats will go out of their way to kill anything they can, even when they have access to food and water. This type of killing for sport decimates local wildlife, as cats have been shown to be responsible for numerous animal extinctions.
Cats are an especially difficult pest species for wildlife managers to deal with. Unfortunately, most domestic free ranging outdoor cats are people’s pets and wildlife managers are unable to use traditional methods to control their effect on wildlife. Instead, managers have been turning to education to try and teach cat owners the effects that their pet is having on the local environment. This is done in hopes that owners will choose to keep their cats indoors instead of keeping them outside and allowing them to destroy the local wildlife.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
Don’t be afraid of the dentist
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Ever since I was a child, the dental industry has always had a scary reputation of being painful and uncomfortable. I believe this misconception about the dental field has been misreported on. I personally know a few of my family members that are deathly afraid of the dentist’s office, even though they have never had a bad experience.
I think that this misconception may stem from the past or from movies and TV shows, when dental practices were much different than they are today. In movies, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy’s dad, who is a dentist, seems very serious and scary which portrays dentists in a negative way. Most dental practices in today’s society are extremely professional and provide excellent care. This irrational fear of the dentist can also cause actual problems for the people that are too nervous to go. It has been proven that one’s oral health has a direct correlation to their overall health. A person’s oral health can be used to indicate signs of a much bigger problem, such as AIDS.
One way that would allow people, who are afraid of the dentist, to see that there is nothing to fear would be to take a tour of a new dental office. The tour would allow the public to see how nice the office is and how friendly the staff is. Many dental offices in today’s society also have many extra benefits that people can use to make their experience better. For example, my cousin, who hates going to the dentist, is able to be receive laughing gas during his cleaning appointments. By allowing him to do this, his dentist is able to incentivize him to keep coming back.
By showing people that there is nothing to be afraid of when going to the dentist, the misrepresentation that going to the dentist will always be a painful experience will not be an issue anymore. A dentist's main goal is to keep his or her patients happy and comfortable, while giving them a quality cleaning.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree with you here, all of the commercials about each different company having the best toothpaste is confusing and annoying. The meme does an excellent job at simply and concisely explaining the subject, while adding some humor to the situation. It would be great if the companies only explained the benefits of their product instead of claiming to have the best product, unless it is actually proven that they are the best.
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During each commercial break when I watch TV, there always seems to be an advertisement about toothpaste. Each brand claims that that they are the best brand of toothpaste for a variety of reasons. Some claim that they whiten teeth within a matter of days while others cure gingivitis or prevent gum disease almost instantaneously. I chose this meme because it clearly states my point about every brand of toothpaste claiming they are the best while also mocking it. The meme directly calls out companies for all stating the same as their competitors, when there can only be one type of toothpaste that is the best. This meme is typically used to blatantly state something irking the creator while the addition of “that would be great” at the end of the meme adds humor to the graphic. It is easy to follow, and the content is concise, allowing the reader to easily relate to the content. The graphic of the meme calls the reader’s attention to the topic. After gaining the reader’s attention, the meme makes the reader focus on the issue, which is presented by the text of the meme. This makes the reader wonder about why each toothpaste company claims to be the best of the rest. By making the reader think of this through the mockery of the meme, the meme itself effectively highlights a common perception in healthcare: Everyone believing they are the best service or product. The meme not only mocks this topic brings attention to it through this mockery so that the reader is informed of this common trend of competitors claiming to be the best in their industry. This fallacy is not only seen in healthcare advertisements, but other fields as well, such as certain fast food chains claiming to be healthier than the rest.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree with you that the detox tea is basically a trick that fools customers into buying it so they can get the “results they want” without having to put in any of the work necessary. Many customers in today’s society are becoming more lazy and are looking for the easy way out of their problems, and this detox tea gives them exactly what they want. The uneducated customers also probably keep buying it because they are losing weight, through water and waste loss, but they are not actually losing the fat they need to be losing to properly drop weight. I enjoyed this meme because he represents the uneducated consumer who wants the easy fix but finds out that the magic solution actually doesn’t solve their problem.
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The Myth of Detox Tea
Detoxification, or detox, has been wildly advertised as the new option for losing weight easily without any effort. Presented in the form of tea, the “detox” is performed by flushing out any harmful substances in the body as well as losing fat without having to work for it. Many consumers who have not been educated in the field of exercise and nutrition fall prey to the myth of being able to lose weight without any effort. They just simply have to drink a tea and they will get the body they want.
This is not the case however. What actually happens is that the weight-loss teas that are being advertised usually contain ingredients that have diuretic or laxative effects. This results in a loss of weight, but not from fat burning, but from water loss and rapid waste loss. The drinks are unnecessary in the first place because the human body already has numerous natural process that cleanses, or “detoxes”, the body.  Many of the teas and drinks have been proven to be ineffective as there is no natural way to lose body fat, other than consistent exercise and the right nutrition, essentially burning more calories than consumed.
The weight-loss beverages business has gained much popularity due to the average consumer’s mindset of wanting the best with the least amount of effort. Consumers see the attractiveness in the teas because the only “work” they have to do is lose weight. Many consumers are unaware of the safe and truest way to burn fat and lose weight, but the tea companies thrive on naivety.
I have chosen this meme because it exemplifies the truth behind detox teas. Consumers believe they will easily lose weight from a simple drink, and might see quick results. However, consumers are usually left unsatisfied in the long run due to already existing poor habits and quickly regain their lost weight back before they even know it.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
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In the dental industry, there are not really many things to advertise about other than oral hygiene products. Oral hygiene product commercials are always on TV, but I am never really bothered by any of them except for mouthwash commercials.
Mouthwash commercials are very good about placing a high importance on the use of mouthwash. Most of the mouthwash commercials do a great job describing the benefits of using their product, such as enhanced teeth cleaning, removal of bad breath, enamel preservation, protecting against gum disease, and more. All of these benefits of using mouthwash are excellent and should make you want to go out and buy it, but the way in which they describe the enhanced cleaning ability of mouthwash leaves a bad taste in my mouth ;). Many of these commercials say their product is able to remove upwards of 99% of bacteria from your mouth that you missed while brushing. The commercials always make it seem like brushing your teeth is never enough to have good oral hygiene. In some commercials, the companies even go on to say that brushing your teeth only reaches  25% of your mouth and that by using their mouthwash you will be able to clean almost 100% of your mouth. Some commercials do mention the benefits of using mouthwash as a pairing with brushing your teeth rather than brushing alone, but a lot of the commercials just talk about how much better their mouthwash is at cleaning your mouth than brushing.
I chose to use this meme because it is typically used to describe the way in which something should be done and it is easy to understand. I thought this meme was funny because it puts the mouthwash commercials into perspective because the commercials are painting the image that it is impossible to have good oral hygiene without the use of mouthwash.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
Improving Your Bench Press
The bench press is one of the most renowned and practiced exercises around the world. I will discuss various exercises to strengthen your bench press. Three muscle groups that have a large involvement in benching are the chest, tricep, and back muscle groups. Each of these muscle groups has a large role in having a strong bench press, so it is advantageous to strengthen each group on their own. Training other muscles, such as legs or biceps, will help your physique but they are not very beneficial to increasing your bench press.
The bench press movement has been around for a long time. The bench press has been called “floor press” and “belly toss” in the past, but in 1946 there was a weightlifting competition referring to the movement as the “bench press”. The necessary equipment is a bench, for the user to lie on top of, and either a barbell or two dumbbells. There are also variations in the bench angle, as you can have a flat, incline, or decline bench that will target different areas of the pectoral muscles. The pressing movement comes down to three main parts: preparation, the descent, and the ascent. For the preparation, center yourself on the bench in a supine position with your eyes under the bar rack. Use a closed overhand position to grip the bar with an appropriate grip width. On the descent, inhale to expand your chest and the bar should descend to right below your nipple-line. For the ascent, once the bar touches your chest, thrust the bar back up to a locked elbow position.  
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Courtesy of Crossfit
Three fundamental chest exercises are bench press, dumbbell flys, and pushups. Building your chest muscles are important due to your chest being the main muscle group activated when benching. The bench press is a compound movement, which means it works two joints or muscles groups at one time. The bench movement mainly works the pectoralis major muscle, which originates at the sternum, clavicle, ribs, and it inserts at the humerus bone. To perform a dumbbell fly, lay in a supine position on a bench with two dumbbells, held in a neutral position above your chest and with a small bend at your elbow, lower the dumbbells to your side parallel to the floor, and then squeeze your chest and arms back together. When squeezing the dumbbells back together, the movement is like hugging a big tree. This movement primarily hits the inner portion of the pectoralis major muscle. Pushups are a great beginner’s exercise due to its simplicity, versatility, and great activation of the pectoralis major.
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Courtesy of CoreWalking
“Tricep brachii” means three heads, which is representative of the medial, lateral, and long heads of the tricep. The medial and lateral heads originate at the humerus and the long head at the scapula. All three heads insert at on the ulna. Three critical exercises for triceps are lying barbell press, cable pushdowns, and overhead tricep extensions. Lay in a supine position on a bench with a barbell extended up toward the ceiling when performing lying barbell tricep extensions. Then lower the bar towards your head, bending only at your elbows, and once the bar is about an inch from your head extend the bar back up to the starting position. This exercise targets the lateral and long heads of the tricep. For cable pushdowns, stand in front of a cable machine with the cable above your head. Stand in an athletic stance holding the cable, and then push down, keeping the elbow stable. This exercise emphasizes the use of the lateral and medial heads of the tricep. In the overhead tricep extension, sit on a chair or stand with a dumbbell raised above your head with your elbows locked, then lower the weight by bending your elbows until the weight is behind your head, and finally extend your arms back up. This movement focuses on the long head of the tricep. The triceps are important to the bench press because they are in charge of the straightening of your arms at the upper portion of the bench movement.
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Courtesy of Get Body Smart
Three central back exercises are lat pull downs, seated cable rows, and deadlifts. The lat pull down exercise stimulates the activation of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The latissimus dorsi spans most of the back, originating at the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, ilium, and ribs. It then inserts onto the humerus. To perform this exercise, sit at the machine using your legs to anchor your body, grab the bar over head using a pronated grip, and then pull the bar down to your chest. The seated row utilizes many muscles in your body but mainly activates the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles. The trapezius muscles originate from the occipital bone, lumbar, and thoracic vertebrae and it inserts at the clavicle, scapula, and acromion. When performing a seated row, sit at the machine with your back straight and legs planted for stabilization, then with your arms extended forward with the weight, pull it back to your bellybutton. The deadlift is a vital exercise for increasing the strength of your gluteus maximus and erectae spinor, which are your butt and lower back muscles respectively. The erector spinae originates at the ilium, sacrum, ribs, and thoracic vertebrae and it inserts on the ribs, most vertebrae, and the skull. It is crucial to have strong back muscles for benching because they aid in stability during the movement and your latissimus dorsi muscles aid in pressing the barbell off of your chest at the bottom of the movement.
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Courtesy of shikaku-j.info
The bench press is an integral exercise for weight lifting that provides many benefits. It incorporates many muscle groups such as your chest, tricep, and back muscles in the movement. By developing each of these muscle groups individually, you will be able to boost the strength of your bench press.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
The UF College of Pharmacy’s Facebook page is really interesting and well put together. I enjoy their commitment to posting things that are relevant to their wide audience of current students, graduates, and other members of in the pharmacy community. I also appreciate their postings about members of the Pharmacy School, such as Emilie Bergsma and others. All of the UF College of Pharmacy’s information is extremely easy to access on their Facebook, which makes finding anything specific very simple.
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Platform: Facebook , Handle: UFPharmacy
The UF College of Pharmacy’s facebook page is designed to celebrate students, graduates, and the community while keeping followers up to date with news of pharmaceutical discoveries, promotional videos, campaigns for health, upcoming events, and graduation ceremony photos from students. The page stays active every week, with new posts from faculty and graduate students. 
In the left corner of the page, there are sidebars that help to navigate followers looking for events, related pages, videos, photos, and community posts. Some of the events include the Annual Healthcare Summit and social events in cafes or restaurants. The 4th Annual Healthcare Summit was hosted by the University of Central Florida, and many researchers and pharmacists from UF attended, posting promotional videos with research on cyanobacteria, red algae and its impacts on sunscreen, and pharmacogenomics.
Among all of the page’s video postings, there are mostly videos highlighting students’ experiences and commemorating their journeys. These videos seek to show followers or any incoming students the beauty of the College of Pharmacy and their motto of “Putting families first”. One of the impact videos showed a third-year student, Emilie Bergsma, who was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was in high school. Her story credits her medical diagnosis as the first time she became interested in a career in pharmacy. Her struggles motivated her to study in the UF Gainesville campus College of Pharmacy (there is another campus in Jacksonville) to support herself to work in a children’s research hospital and specialize in oncology pharmacy. 
Overall, this colorful facebook page shares the experiences of the College of Pharmacy’s community in a way that informs followers of what they are investing themselves in and its potential global impacts.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree that the UF Exotic Animal Club did a great job setting up their Facebook page. They did an exceptional job making all of their information so effortless to find and access. I also really enjoy how active they allow their members to be on the Facebook page. By allowing them to vote on when meetings are best for them and allowing them to post their own interesting exotic animal articles helps to keep the members active in the club. 
UF Exotic Animal Club
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Platform: Facebook
Handle: UFExoticAnimalClub
The UF Exotic Animal Club is a great way for students who love animals and wildlife to get involved on campus.  The UF Exotic Animal Club’s Facebook page makes meeting dates/times and other opportunities readily available for students.  The page also uses visuals to grab a reader’s attention and encourages people to get involved in the club.
On the left side of the Facebook page, there are links that direct students to information about the club, its members, photos, events and more.  When you click on the event tab, you can see all the meetings, social events, and service events.  The calendar makes finding event dates incredibly simple.  The club officers will also post reminders about meeting dates in case people forget.  The individual event pages give students information about event times, locations, and a synopsis about what the event is about.  The event summary is short and only gives the information the students need to know about the event so they don’t get bored.  The event pages also include a funny picture to get students interested in going to the event.
The Facebook page has many other ways that students can get involved with the club apart from the events themselves.  There are frequent polls which allow members to choose what event dates and times work best for their schedule.  This increases member participation and helps students feel like they have an impact on the club itself.  There are posts that link students to outside information that might interest them.  For example, one of the club officers made a post about Ellen Degeneres’ Wildlife Fund T-shirts and included a link to the webpage, which would help raise money for the conservation of endangered gorillas.  In addition, the club also allows some students to post their own information if they find something exciting related to exotic animals or even if they have a question about college in general.
The UF Exotic Animal Club’s Facebook page is a great platform to find out more about the club and to get involved.  
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
UF College of Dentistry
Platform: Facebook
Handle: UFDentistry
The UF College of Dentistry Facebook page is a great resource that allows people to stay up to date on what is going on in the world of the UF College of Dentistry as well as have their questions answered about the actual clinic. Their Facebook page has over six thousand followers and posts almost everyday.
Immediately when you click on to the UF College of Dentistry Facebook page, you are greeted by a large cover photo of the students in the DMD, Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry, Class of 2018. On the left side of the page you are provided access to general information about the page and clinic, reviews, photos, videos, and more. The middle of the page gives a little peek of what a few of the main sections, from the left side of the Facebook page like reviews and photos. Following the previews of those sections, it flows into the actual posts of the College of Dentistry. On the right side of the Facebook page, it showcases information about the actual dental clinic, the community of people that interact and follow the UF College of Dentistry Facebook page, and some other Facebook pages related to the College of Dentistry.
The Facebook page does a really good job of combining information about the actual dental clinic side of the UF College of Dentistry and events stemming from the educational side. The page is very neatly organized which allows for easy access to any information that someone could be looking for. Within two clicks from the UF College of Dentistry Facebook home page, you are able to find upcoming events that the Dental School is affiliated with, photos taken from any previous event with the Dental School, or even make an appointment with dental clinic to have your oral needs taken care of.
The Facebook page provides a straightforward and simple way to find just about any information you could need about the UF College of Dentistry.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I agree that the wardens made the right choice in this episode. I believe that each case involving ethics in general should be looked at on it’s own with special consideration of the circumstances at hand. Instead of the wardens giving the man the punishment he technically deserved for what he did, they looked at the circumstances of the situation and decided that the punishment he should have gotten would have done more harm than good. The man still knew he was at fault for his actions but he was not over punished, which is why this episode did a great job of reinforcing professional ethics.
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Lone Star Law: S03E10 Poachers and Liars 
In this episode, Game Wardens from multiple county’s in Texas are shown reinforcing the professional ethics of their position through their handling of a variety of different situations. In one of the situations, the wardens drive by a vehicle with several crab traps in the bed of the truck. Since it is illegal to own these kinds of traps without the proper licenses which must be displayed on the back of the vehicle as required by Texas law, the officers decided to pull over the truck. When the driver steps out of the car, the officers smell marijuana and upon a further search they find a small amount of the illegal drug. The wardens tell the man what they have found, and the man responds saying he is a hard-working family man with five children who made a mistake. He asks the wardens to cut him some slack. After taking this into account the wardens decide to charge the man with possession of drug paraphernalia which is a lesser charge than possession of marijuana. 
The officers face an ethical dilemma when deciding how severely they should charge the crabber. On one hand, it is their responsibility as officers of the law to convict wrong doers for the crimes that they commit. However, while laws exist for a reason, not every person who violates the law deserves to be punished equally. In this case, there are several considerations that needed to be made. One of which being, how a drug possession charge would affect the man’s family in the long term. 
In my opinion, the wardens made the right choice. By deciding to charge the man with a lesser charge they ensured that he was accountable for his actions, while lessoning the devastation to his family. 
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
I do agree with you that it is ethically wrong to advertise a product that is known to cause harm to people’s, but the people do have the right to still go out on their own and buy the cigarettes. It would be unethical to ban the use of cigarettes because of how many people enjoy smoking them, especially during the setting of the TV show.
Mad Men, Season 1, Episode 1 “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”
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Although the first season of Madmen contains many office dilemmas overall, they happened most frequently in this episode. It all begins in 1960, at the prominent advertising firm, Sterling Cooper in Manhattan, New York. The term “mad men” itself was inspired by the advertising executives on Madison Avenue, due to their money-hungry, corrupt, and unethical advances.
Don Draper, the chief advertising executive of Sterling Cooper is faced with the task of advertising a cigarette brand, Lucky Strike, despite new medical research showing tobacco’s correlation with lung cancer. He goes to a bar and observes the lives of everyone around him - everyone is seen to be smoking with their companions. He attempted to convince the bartender to switch to his smoking his brand and asking him what he thinks of the new medical research. The bartender maintains that it is a silly article posted in a magazine that only women read (as women were unethically treated as inferior), and that everyone loves smoking too much to care. 
There is a central ethical dilemma between utility and the right to live. Although all executives wish to ignore it, there are medical risks that endanger the lives of the consumers they target, while utilitarianism would argue that the majority of Americans would prefer to keep smoking and enjoy the tobacco company’s cigarettes. Rights of life and health take precedence over utility, but since the executives are corrupt, they are more inclined to look for a new slogan that will distract consumers and motivate them to buy Lucky Strike. The implication that Americans secretly have a death wish, was changed to make a new tagline “It’s toasted!” which was very successful for the brand at the end, the breach in ethics continued.
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chintyleruf-blog · 6 years
Shameless S6 E12
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Episode: “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!”
In this episode, Ian Gallagher is put into an ethical dilemma. In the previous episode, Ian’s EMT captain, Rita, found out that he lied on his job application, and promptly fired him from the job because lying on the application was against the company’s policy. But in this episode, Ian decides to make a stand and fight to get his job back.
Ian suffers from bipolar disorder, which is a mental illness that causes huge swings in the personality of the person. Ian lied about not having a history of mental illness on his application because he knew that it would be hopeless for him if he told the truth, even though he received perfect scores on both the verbal and written EMT tests. He knew that although he was technically fired for lying on the application, he was really let go because of his disorder.
It is when Ian goes back to fight for his job that professional ethics are brought into play. Ian provided a very strong case to Rita that he should be able to work there because people with other handicaps, such as HIV or a physical handicap, are able to. Ultimately, Rita does allow Ian to return to work with the promise that if any of the other EMT’s think he is acting strange, that he will go home immediately. In the case of this episode, I think professional ethics are challenged. They are challenged because while professional ethics does call for the termination of Ian’s job due to the dishonesty on his application, he had all other necessary requirements and qualifications to work as an EMT as well as being properly medicated for his disorder.
Personally, I believe that Ian should still not have been allowed to come back to work. There are laws in place to prevent people with mental illness from working certain jobs because of their unpredictability. Professional ethics are put in place to maintain professionalism, equality, and safety workplace.
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