still. after all of it. mostly, i want to be kind
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“The bottom line is this: You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change it…If there is no moral question, there is no reason to write. I’m an old-fashioned writer and, despite the odds, I want to change the world”
— James Baldwin
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breathe. you dont have to overcome the world, just yourself
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things are really bad. the earth is dying under our feet. people are being massacred and tortured all over the world. people in “rich” countries are homeless and starving. loneliness is at an all time high. a pandemic continues to ravage the world. our sources of information are being snuffed out. our art is corrupted by capitalism..when will we take action?
when will you stop engaging with meaningless art that was only created to sell you something?
when will you choose your community over capital with no benefit of your own?
when will you stop buying things you don’t need from companies who don’t care about their workers or you?
just wondering when enough is enough
how much longer can we ignore it
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never give in. dont believe the stories tailored to adults about practicality and prioritisation of survival. keep dreaming, keep playing. its not a waste. you are not a waste. nothing has been wasted
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Christmas was 2 days ago. My nose is stuffy rn. I feel a lot of things. I feel loved. I feel tired. I feel restless. I feel worried. I feel like too much and not enough. Bc what am I if not confused/confusing. And it’s not a cool confusing, it’s a I feel alone in how I feel a lot of the time bc it feels like no one understands what I’m saying. I feel alone but I know I have like the best ppl in my life rn. So yea I feel alone yet loved. Confusing
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playing it cool is soooo incredibly stupid
tell people you love them. tell them you miss them or think about them all the time. respond right away. text them first.
people are so cold but being warm feels so good. close interpersonal relationships that hold meaning are one of the best things that this world has to offer. don’t deny yourself from that experience out of pride or fear of rejection.
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Roller rink grill, iykyk. I never had one or bought one. I love colors tho, like so much!
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alek malek for xi scorpii spring 2024
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One day I will have a great conversation with Ethel Cain, I just know it.
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