chiquitosilver · 2 years
guesss whoooooo <3
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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hi! I'm Polly (pinoy mixed, enby, nd, bi), and I kinda need some money!
I will draw: people, furries, anthros, detailed backgrounds, multiple characters, mild gore, mild nudity (only if over 18)
I will NOT draw: full nudity, mecha, heavy gore, extremely detailed armor, irredeemable media (m//geko, bnha, etc)
Bust: $5
Waist-up: $8
Full body: $12
Extra characters: +$4
Feel free to dm me with inquiries! Thank you!
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
Hello guys! Emergency Commission Info!! Pls share!
i hope you all are doing well and that the holidays were good to all of you! I hate to do this, especially since its the beginning of the new year lmao, but i’m opening emergency commissions. My gf and I have a ticket to pay that we thought wouldnt be much, but its $208 by next week :( I’m willing to do sketches for $10, and $15 for colored sketches! You can look at examples on #myart tag on my blog! Again, Thank you so much for reading and anything is appreciated! 💖
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
Hello guys! Emergency Commission Info!! Pls share!
i hope you all are doing well and that the holidays were good to all of you! I hate to do this, especially since its the beginning of the new year lmao, but i’m opening emergency commissions. My gf and I have a ticket to pay that we thought wouldnt be much, but its $208 by next week :( I’m willing to do sketches for $10, and $15 for colored sketches! You can look at examples on #myart tag on my blog! Again, Thank you so much for reading and anything is appreciated! 💖
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
TLDR: My mom is recently disabled and unable to work, because of this we couldn’t afford our rent and had to move in with my abusive, alcoholic grandfather. I also had to start working overtime while juggling my college classes to keep up with our finances, including my mom’s medical bills. But I managed to keep up with all of this until I was in a bad car wreck recently and no longer had a reliable way to get to work or school. On top of all this, last week my grandfather was drunk and when I was leaving for work he randomly blew up on me and started choking me and punched me in the face several times when I tried to fight back. I was able to get a good hit in and get away, but he told me not to come back or he’d kill me and frankly I believe him. So me and my mom, my grandma and our dog all moved out immediately, but we don’t have anywhere to go now. Some family friends let us stay with them through the weekend and we’ve been staying in a little hotel since then but we don’t have enough money for another night after tonight so if you could donate any amount at all it would be a huge help to me and my family and we would be so grateful! Thanks for your time though guys, I hope you all have a great rest of your day!! :)
Hey guys so I want to apologize in advance for this, and I also want to apologize for my slow activity here recently. I know this isn’t really akin to my normal edgy content on here and I promise once my situation improves we will return to the regularly scheduled edginess. Plus I’ve also been working on a couple songs I want to drop and share on here with you guys, but I don’t have access to any of my recording or editing equipment right now, given my current situation. They’ve got that horrorcore vibe though so I think you guys would dig it!
But really this all started last fall when my mom became unable to work because she kept falling over and/or passing out at work, she couldn’t maintain a good grip on things because her hands began to hurt and shake, her short-term memory was functioning horribly, etc. Obviously at this point she was a liability to her company and she soon left work on short-term disability because her neurologist suspected she had Parkinson’s disease, somewhere between stages 3 and 4. However this was not a clear diagnosis because the nature of my mom’s sickness is bizarre, and so the doc wanted to run some more tests before he came to a final decision with his diagnosis.
At the same time, while all of this was going on, my mom had started the process of applying for a long-term disability claim while the neurologist ran more tests, but it’s a lengthy process that could take up to a year. In the mean time, I’ve been managing to shoulder all our expenses by juggling working overtime while still going to college. I was and still am the only one working in our household, but I managed to make it work up until about a month ago when I was in a bad car accident, leaving me without reliable transportation to work or school until I can afford to fix my car.
Luckily I have some amazing friends and a lovely girlfriend that have been helping me get to where I need to go, but obviously this is just a temporary solution, I can’t expect them to keep going out of their way for me forever. But right now virtually my entire paycheck is going towards my ADHD medication, my mom’s medical bills and medications, and bare necessities like groceries and gas.
On top of all this, the situation escalated and became dire last Wednesday when my grandfather blew up on me out of nowhere and attacked me as I was leaving for work, and he choked me and punched me in the face several times when I tried to resist him. Fortunately I was able to get away after I hit him in the face and his head went back and hit the wall, but he threatened to kill me if I ever came back to the house. I’m still not quite sure what sparked the whole thing, but I can only assume that it has to do with my sexuality and my relationship with my girlfriend.
So we’re now homeless, we all moved out together and a family friend let us stay at their house through the weekend and we’ve been staying in a little motel since then, but we’re all out of money now and we aren’t sure where we are going to stay after tonight. This is serious guys, I promise I wouldn’t be asking for help like this if it wasn’t. We’re desperate and I’m at my wit’s end, so I’m gonna swallow my pride right now and ask for help. I just need some help getting back up on my feet and I’ll take it from there. Seriously guys anything helps, I just need enough to pay for first’s month rent someplace so I can focus on getting my car fixed and going back to work full time. I set up a Venmo and PayPal that you can make donations to if you’d like to help out, literally any amount at all helps, cause we don’t even have much to eat right now. Also my girlfriend is doing art commissions and selling jewelry on her instagram to raise money if you would rather help out that way, I’m gonna put all the info at the bottom. But honestly it would be a huge help even if you just reblogged this post so the word would get out to more people! I’m grateful for any help you guys can offer, you don’t know how much it means to me and my family, thank you guys so much, seriously! Of course you aren’t obligated to donate anything though, and I don’t think it makes you a bad person if you don’t, I’m just putting this out there so people know I need a little help getting back on my feet right now. And again, once my situation is more stable, I’ll be able to go back to a more consistent schedule on here and finish the couple songs I’ve been working on so I can share them on here with you guys.
Again, I’m really sorry about all of this. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this though and thank you for your time in general, I hope all of you have a great rest of your weekend, and again I want to thank you all for all your help, me and my family appreciate it so much, seriously! So thanks guys, sorry for being a bother!!
Venmo - @generationhex
PayPal - PayPal.Me/generationhex
Instagram - https://instagram.com/tiendita.angelito?igshid=1fpafnafw7flr
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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hog time
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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god theyre great
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
Help a trans girl get away from her abusive parents
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My name is Max, I’m a trans girl and I am currently in an abusive situation. (I really have no idea what else to put here) Personal info: - My full name is Maxine E Strider, and this is my chosen and legal name - I am currently in a relationship with a lovely woman named Violet - I have been on HRT for a little over a year now, started on January 7, 2018 - I am diagnosed with Bi-Polar, ADHD and Depression and Anxiety, I have undiagnosed autism and memory issues - My current goal in life is to move in with my girlfriend and start college during the spring 2019 quarter if possible - My contact info is through Tumblr @MaxineMutini or on Discord @Maxine#0413 Current situation: I currently live with my parents who emotionally abuse me in various ways including emotional manipulation, yelling/arguing , and knowingly acting in a way that causes panic attacks. My girlfriend of 4 months cannot support me as she is saving up for a car and the trip down from Canada, where she currently lives, to the US. My extended family is either unaware of my situation, supports my parents, does not approve of me being trans, or a combination of those three. As such, I cannot get support from them. I cannot get a job due to my situation and massive anxiety issues combined, and even if I did manage to get work, I would not be able to keep it for long due to the very same reasons. I have already attempted seeking disability benefits from Social Security, and failed. My brain is screwed up in all the wrong ways: I have Bi-Polar Mood Disorder, General Depression, General Anxiety, PTSD, Autism (specifically Asperger’s Syndrome), and memory issues. As such, my mood is unstable, and my depression and anxiety make every day difficult to bear. Social situations, and therefore any type of customer service, are very difficult and anxiety inducing, and I always come off as weird and unsociable. My parents have caused multiple problems in my life, including my previously mentioned PTSD and Anxiety. They have given me bad self esteem and massive trust issues towards myself and others. They have caused me to feel worthless and stupid, as well as causing me to beat myself down to the very same effect. I am currently in therapy for my Bi-Polar, depression and anxiety, but my therapist does not know about my situation, and I am afraid to tell her. Current intent and goals: My parents and my genetics have tag teamed to beat me down into the dust and cause me to loose hope in my future, and I’m sick of it. As such it is my intention to get out of this situation and live on my own until my girlfriend is able to join me. I also would like to attend college this spring, and I’m currently working towards that. My dog can be left behind, and honestly, that is preferred. My intention is to leave silently and, if possible, no warning at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated gofundme page: https://www.gofundme.com/help-a-trans-girl-get-away-from-abusive-parents A little Tumblr exclusive note: I know yall will eventually see this as a scam, so if you suspect that, please just message me. I’m perfectly willing to chat with anyone that has questions or concerns. It may take a while to get back to you, but I will.
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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yea they gay! keep scrolling
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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i forget that charmy is 6 and vector is 20 very often
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
I saw a post about Espio being trans and I was wondering... if it wasnt too much to ask, maybe Espio but his skin changed to the colour of the trans flag?
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there he is…
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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howdy everyone, i made a picrew! if you’re interested, feel free to check it out. :)
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
forgot i drew this.. this is the truth
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chiquitosilver · 5 years
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goth rights!!!!!!!!!! 🕷🕷🕷🕷
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