chisomamadi · 8 months
How To Be Successful in Pro Sports
What are sports? You use physical skill or exhaustion from playing in team competitions to win the ultimate prize or for fun. Most people, but even more, play it, and they want to make it into the professional leagues and live out their dreams. Everyone wants to be successful in the sport they play. But what will they do to have success? To succeed, they need to take some of these steps first.
Finding a Sport to Play
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Everyone knows you can’t succeed in sports without picking a sport to play. There are a lot of sports to play in the world, but we will focus on these three sports: basketball, American football, and soccer (football). Basketball is played by 465 million people worldwide, 250 million people play soccer, and 70 million people play American football. American football occurs in the U.S., while basketball and soccer occur worldwide.
The Work Ethic
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Each sport has its own different workouts and work ethics. For basketball, you have to be consistently in the gym, gain muscle but less power, and work on your arms and jump shots every day. For soccer, they have to make sure their legs are ready to kick and run with, and they need to work on their skills and have good body conditioning. And, for American football, you have to get in the gym, warm and cool your legs down, make sure your arms are ready to block and catch, and make sure your wrist is ready when you throw the ball. Those are the most common work ethics in each sport said to pro athletes from each sport.
Media Coverage
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You can make it in sports without getting any recognition. But, usually, the ones that make the most money and have the most fans had fame before college, during college, or in pro sports. For example, Victor Wembanyama, the #1 overall draft pick in this year’s NBA draft, is hyped up to be the most fantastic NBA prospect in any class and any sport ever. Bryce Young was the most famous football college quarterback and won the Heisman trophy this year, and he went #1. Kylian Mbappe (already a pro) is only 24 years old and paid around 700 million to 1 billion dollars to play for a Saudi Arabian team. So, the more media coverage you get at a young age, the more offers and opportunities you will have to be successful in the sport you’re playing.
Good School, Good Club
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Every good athlete would be ranked, and if they are the #1 in their country for the sport they are playing, they will get offers to go to whatever school or soccer club they want to. For example, Isaiah Collier (ranked #1 in the country for basketball) went to USC with other options like Duke, UCLA, Syracuse, Memphis, and many others great choices. Another prime example would be Reggie Bush, who also went to USC over a decade and a half ago. He was the most dominant player in college but was even more prevalent in high school, so he went to USC. Lamine Yamal is 16 years old and has already joined FC Barcelona, making him the youngest player to ever play for a professional club. It would help if you had a good school or club to propel yourself into pro sports.
The Transition To Pro Sports
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After you find a sport, a fantastic exemplary routine, an incredible work ethic, some media press or coverage on you, and a D1 school or a soccer club, you should be officially ready to transition to pro sports. Once you join your club, you have already started your soccer career. But basketball and American football are entirely different. For basketball, after college, you could either go overseas, coach, or join a league unknown), enter the G-League or the ultimate goal, declare for the NBA draft, and hope you get drafted into the NBA. For American football, after college, you should either join the XFL or declare and hope you get into the NFL. Those are the transitions you need to make to succeed in pro sports. 
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