chitasemua · 4 days
mouthy mouth
mouth never wants to stop bluffing
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chitasemua · 7 days
funny how I begin to dislike this certain person – even to hear a syllable from their mouth will automatically make me dizzy. plus, the scent! their perfume meets body odor, it’s just getting worse.
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chitasemua · 7 days
#initialD (Thoughts on the D and how it shows my dark side)
I was initially trying to figure out what is “D” by my own assumptions. Turns out I am wrong. I watched the series until season 4 where I concluded that the D is short for Domination. Project D=Project Domination. I know that I have different and mistaken approach on guessing what the D is. I was sure 80% that D stands for domination, or anything about dominating, just because the series…
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chitasemua · 9 days
tatapannya tidak selalu ceria tubuhnya tidak selalu tegap mimpinya juga tidak tinggi ia hanya ingin hidup menemani orangtuanya di masa senja lalu menghidupi dirinya sendiri sampai waktunya habis lalu dia berubah katanya mau hidup denganku tapi dia tidak mau memaksaku menunggu karena dia belum bisa memberikan banyak hal padaku aku mencintainya aku juga ingin bersamanya selama kita belum…
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chitasemua · 22 days
ternyata aku yg sombong ternyata aku yg pengecut ternyata aku yg sakit ternyata aku yg menyebalkan
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chitasemua · 24 days
dia perempuan
hatinya selalu terbuka untuk mulut yang manis dan pandangan yang teduh tanpa dipersilakan masuk, seorang lelaki datang. si perempuan membuka pintu baginya tanpa mengatakan apapun si perempuan tersenyum simpul karena tidak mengendus bahaya dari si laki-laki mereka berdua duduk di sofa satu hari dua hari sampai satu tahun akhirnya mereka memutuskan menutup pintu mereka melanjutkan untuk…
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chitasemua · 29 days
Rasulullah SAW adalah manusia yang paling berat ujiannya. Belia dihina dan difitnah selama berdakwah-memberi kabar gembira untuk umat manusia. Sebagai seorang manusia, wajar apabila Rasulullah pasti bersedih atas hinaan dan cercaan tersebut, namun Rasulullah memiliki mental yang sangat kuat. Apa rahasianya? وَاصۡبِرۡ عَلٰى مَا يَقُوۡلُوۡنَ وَاهۡجُرۡهُمۡ هَجۡرًا جَمِيۡلًا (Dan bersabarlah…
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chitasemua · 1 month
or mind shifter. I rather be called amphibi albeit nothing to be understood
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chitasemua · 1 month
I have three
Been waiting for a while, when will I get the chance to prove myself, now I have one and I have more
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chitasemua · 1 month
Surrender, selflessness
Taken from Copilot by Microsoft Edge The concept of surrender is central to both the Bhagavad Gita and Islamic teachings, though it is expressed in different ways. Surrender in the Bhagavad Gita In the Bhagavad Gita, surrender is about dedicating oneself fully to God and performing one’s duties without attachment to the results. Here are some key points: Wholehearted Surrender: Krishna…
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chitasemua · 1 month
Bhagavad Gita and Islam
Taken from Copilot by Microsoft Edge While the Bhagavad Gita and Islamic teachings come from different religious traditions, they share some common themes and values. Here are a few areas where they intersect: Common Themes: Duty and Righteousness: Bhagavad Gita: Emphasizes performing one’s duty (dharma) without attachment to the results (Nishkama Karma). Islam: Stresses the importance of…
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chitasemua · 1 month
manusia punya ego yang buat kita cenderung gelisah jika disalahkan. maka jika ingin mengkritik atau menunjukkan kesalahan orang lain, lakukan dengan menasehati dalam situasi yang tidak membuat dia malu (jangan di depan orang lain lagi). atas ego tersebut maka kita cenderung keluarkan defense mechanism dan mencari pembenaran, alih-alih kebenaran. nafsu itu manusiawi, dari taqwa bisa jadi munkar.…
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chitasemua · 1 month
Transcendental life is apart from the calculation of material life.
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chitasemua · 1 month
Saintliness is not for Kshatriya.
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chitasemua · 1 month
One who takes shelter of the Supreme Lord has nothing to fear, even in the midst of the greatest calamity.
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chitasemua · 1 month
it’s so easy to find other’s flaws. I can easily hate but I don’t easily ignore. they will pile up and make me weep like a broken violin. I have some people I find annoying that I don’t wanna hear them talk or even walk past me. what a darkening heart I have.
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chitasemua · 1 month
the sound of hatred
annoying. playing innocent. know-it-all. you are the victim of your speech.
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