chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin: I actually do love some people, just decide to not say it to anyone.
Hufflepuff: *smiling excited* do you love me?!
Slytherin: ...
Slytherin: Fuck.
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chizumochi · 7 years
*houses all making pizza*
Gryffindor: *looks at Ravenclaw's pizza* That's a lot of sauce.
Slytherin: I'll just make the joke for him.
Slytherin: He likes his pizza like he likes him women.
Ravenclaw: *wraps an arm around Slytherin*
Ravenclaw: Saucy.
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chizumochi · 7 years
A Slytherin is..
A Slytherin is the type of friend to do something incredibly sweet and thoughtful for their friend but refuse to be thanked or hugged, the type of friend that calls over bearing parents assholes, the type of friend that’s always there, the type of friend that holds grudges way to easily, the type of friend that never shares their problems, the type of friend that it’s a privilege to be their friend, the type of friend that drives and picks up their sad friends, the type of friend that everyone is scared of, the type of friend that says cruel words too fast. The type of friend that slithers into your chest but never opens their walls.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Ravenclaw: *to Slytherin* Why are you dressed in red and white stripes?
Slytherin: I'm a candy cane! Sweet but twisted.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Reblog if you're a Slytherclaw
(and you basically are both so it’s impossible to choose)
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chizumochi · 7 years
Ravenclaw: *gestures between Slytherin and Gryffindor* Soooo how long have you two been dating? Gryffindor: We’re not dating. I’ve never even been on a date. Accusing me of dating Slytherin is absolutely preposterous. How do I know that you aren’t asking me to cover up the fact that you are secretly dating Slytherin? What kind of a person even secretly dates someone? Certainly not me! Ravenclaw: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin: I’m sad
Ravenclaw: I don’t care, but go on, I know you want to talk
Slytherin: If you don’t care then die of curiosity because I won’t say a word
Slytherin: I’ll talk, but just because you insisted!
Ravenclaw: What the fuck
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chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin (to Ravenclaw): So I heard you like bad boys.
Slytherin: Well I'm bad
Slytherin: at everything
Slytherin: *winks with both eyes*
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chizumochi · 7 years
3:45 in the morning...
Ravenclaw: What if we all actually perceive things differently? Like the only way, we describe something is using our senses such as sight and smell, but if we saw a flower and described it as "pink", the only reference to the word "pink" would be from previous associations with the word. Therefore the word "pink" is only a comparative term, not descriptive, and although we are comparing 2 of the same things in the same regard, we are nevertheless perceiving them differently.
Slytherin: *groans* Go put a sickle in the bucket *points to man-sized bucket on the other side of the room that is 3/4 full and says FOR WHEN RAVENCLAW NEEDS TO CHILL in an obnoxiously large script*
Ravenclaw: *rolls eyes* *throws a sickle into the bucket* *continues to speak*
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chizumochi · 7 years
10 Things Book Addicts Understand
1: the absolute shame in not finishing a book in the time you thought you'd be able to complete it.
2: you literally have five thousand unread books at home but you still pick up a novel or two from Barnes and Noble
3: you love Harry Potter.
4: again, you have hundreds of unread books at home but you still reread (insert favorite book here)
5: The book cover matters. So does the size ok
6: not enough shelf space
7: have multiple copies of (insert favorite book here) in different covers
8: spend literally all your money on books
9: never want to pay full price for a book
10: you have that one book that you'll always go back to because it makes you all warm and cozy inside.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin: *walks into a room, does a twirl and points at Ravenclaw*
Slytherin: With the exception of you I hate everyone in this room.
Ravenclaw: I love you too.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Friend: so what house are you
Me: i actually turned out to be half slytherin half ravenclaw
Friend: so...an asshole
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chizumochi · 7 years
Friendship between a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw would include
 • the perfect duo.  • helping the slytherin with homework.  • the slytherin standing up to bullies.  • the slytherin never expresses feelings.  • the ravenclaw not really caring.  • knows how much they mean.  • the slytherin not caring about status.  • defending the ravenclaw from snape.  • sarcastic remarks here and there.  • witty comebacks.  • annoying the shit out of each other.  • trash talking each other face to face.  • if fighting don’t bother trying to solve it.  • you’ll only get hurt.  • verbally and physically.  • jinxing each other.  • if serious, blood might be spilled.  • hexes flying everywhere.  • teachers trying to break them apart.  • only for them to getting hexed as well.  • making up after a week or two.  • late night studying.  • the ravenclaw doing all the work.  • the slytherin eating while watching.  • “don’t you want to help?”  • “i am, i’m observing.”  • “with your mouth stuffed?”  • “that’s how i observe the best!”  • sneaking into each others dorms.  • close with the other’s family.  • all in all the perfect friendship that no one really understands but admires.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Inter-House Couples
Gryffindor/Hufflepuff: Lots of cuddling by the fire. Playful competitions. Singing theatre duets together in the shower. Chilling with messy hair and old pajamas and not caring. Netflix binges. Very fluffy. Share clothes. Lots of little butterfly kisses.
Gryffindor/Ravenclaw: Does lots of things For Science! Movie nights, especially old films. Can talk about any topic for hours on end. Hiking together. Do crosswords together. End up in the hospital wing a lot for trying to invent new spells. Very sassy.
Gryffindor/Slytherin: DAMN. Acts like the perfect couple in public to make everyone jealous, but argue about chicken nuggets when alone. Still perfect though. Matching tattoos. Concert dates. Sneak out of class to hang out in the forest. 
Slytherin/Hufflepuff: Playful FIGHT ME’s. Sending each other memes randomly throughout the day. Cry together. A lot. Fall asleep on each other on the train. Teasing. Sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night. Deep, 2am sleepover conversations. Lots of PDA.
Slytherin/Ravenclaw: Holy Power Couple. Matching outfits. Fancy ass dinners at fancy ass places, or Taco Bell. No middle ground. Random fact competitions. Won’t tell each other their Tumblr URLs. Dye their hair crazy colours without telling anyone. Piggy back rides!!
Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff: Reading together. Baking cookies at 2am. Super supportive 24/7. Probably vlog together. Artsy Instagram selfies. Puns. Oh god, the puns. Write poetry/songs for each other. One does the other’s hair while studying. Hand holding is a must.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin aesthetic #1
black winged eyeliner; dark bitter coffee; pretty sunsets; the sound of the trampled snow; dried flowers; early morning walks in the woods; oversized sweaters; old vinyls; autumn; burned paper; overused dr martens; ripped jeans that weren’t bought ripped; lace lingerie; shakespeare quotes; vintage metal glasses; messy hair; the smell of books; sad song lyrics; 3am talks with that one special person; feminism; perfect eyebrows without even trying; untranslatable words; oscar wilde books; respect existence or expect resistance; black old skool vans; loving the underrated characters, the villains and the misunderstood ones; flawless skin; dark red lipstick; kanken bags; supporting lgbt+ community; space aesthetic; consumed yankee candles; fallen leaves; poetry; rock bands; lavender.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Ravenclaw: I’m a mess. Slytherin: We both already knew that but what did you do this time? Ravenclaw: I tried to set my alarm by typing the time into my phone’s calculator.
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chizumochi · 7 years
Slytherin: Hey, what time is it?
Ravenclaw: Time is an illusion, purely relative. There is no true past or future, there is only now. The earth doesn’t even have a structure of time. Months, days, hours, seconds, they don’t exist at all, they’re a human construct. Humans have created time in order to help organize this vast infinite universe into easy compactible bits of information that we’re capable of processing.
Slytherin: ...Hey, what time is it?
Ravenclaw: 3:45 a.m.
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